25.02.2013 Aufrufe

THE RAINBOW SWASTIKA - Scattered Seed Ministries

THE RAINBOW SWASTIKA - Scattered Seed Ministries

THE RAINBOW SWASTIKA - Scattered Seed Ministries


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Those who do not will end up as irreconcilable outcasts." (_Things to Come_, p.39) Those<br />

who cannot surrender (having no souls), or who will not (not sufficiently developed in their<br />

spiritual journey), will simply be "sent on to their next life" in a global "cleansing action"<br />

(Alice Bailey, _The Rays and the Initiations_ p.754-755). Barbara Marx Hubbard puts it even<br />

more bluntly: "People will either change or die. That is the choice." (_Happy Birth Day Planet<br />

Earth!_ p.32) Hubbard makes it clear, however, that the human agents of the Plan of Love<br />

and Light will never be guilty of murder, or even of mercy-killing: "New Choices enter<br />

history. Death by choice. Life by choice.... The dignity of humans requires death and life, by<br />

choice not coercion", giving rise to a "new science [called] thanatology, the art of dying with<br />

grace." ("The Future - Previews of Coming Attractions" _First Foundation News_ Aug.1995,<br />

p.4)<br />

"Death by choice" hints at the fact that the "misfits" who reject NA will not be the only ones<br />

required to face death. "Dying with grace" is the message of the "death education" curriculum<br />

taught as part of New Age Education; the underlying concept being "the beneficient nature of<br />

death" to remove that which has outlived its time. (_Externalisation_ II, p.75) [For more on<br />

this, see the "Humanity" section and also below.] This being taught to NA disciples as<br />

preparation for the predicted "cleansing cycle of Nature", which will remove the majority of<br />

humanity which suffers from "lower vibratory rates", as told to John Randolph Price by his<br />

spirit guide "Asher". When Price, founder of "World Healing Day", balked a bit at the mass<br />

involuntary death of billions of people, his guide replied, "Who are we to say that these<br />

people did not volunteer to be a part of the destruction and regeneration." (see _Practical<br />

Spirituality_ by Price) [Part of the social transformation process concentrates on educating<br />

humanity that the "global purge" is necessary and beneficial; any opposition to the idea will<br />

be silenced in the clean-up operation itself, and then presented as people who subconsciously<br />

wanted to be purged.]<br />

Hubbard's spirit guides gave her a similar picture of things to come: "Out of the full spectrum<br />

of human personality, one fourth is electing to transcend... one fourth is destructive [and] they<br />

are defective seeds. In the past they were permitted to die a 'natural death'.... Now as we<br />

approach the quantum shift from the creature-human to the co-creative human - the human<br />

who is the inheritor of god-like power - the destructive one fourth must be eliminated from<br />

the social body.... Fortunately, you are not responsible for this act. We are. We are in charge<br />

of God's selection process [note the recycled Nazi term] for planet Earth. He selects, we<br />

destroy. We are the riders of the pale horse, Death." (_The Revelation: Our Crisis is a Birth_,<br />

p.235) The "selection process" is necessary, we are told, because of the danger that the<br />

"defective seeds" might "reproduce their defective disconnection [and] destroy forever the<br />

opportunity of Homo sapiens to become Homo universialis." From the clear delineation here,<br />

only 25% of humanity qualifies to "transcend", and at least 25% of humanity is too dangerous<br />

to leave alive - particularly those afflicted with genetic "disconnection" like the "wandering<br />

Jew". [Hubbard, who informs interviewers at every opportunity that she was born to a Jewish<br />

family, apparently thinks her own racial karma will be overlooked by the Hierarchy because<br />

of her devotion, or else she is resigned to leaving with the "defective seeds".] But what of the<br />

remaining 50% passed over in this "selection process"? Their destiny is "death by choice."<br />

Neither destructive nor transcendent, they will accept the initiation and then be expected to<br />

vacate the planet for the good of humanity. [Not that the 25% chosen to remain will be so<br />

lucky either; at initiation they will be expected to surrender their bodies and minds in psychic<br />

union with an "ascended" master. As powerful as they are, these spirits will have to work<br />

through the relatively weak and primitive physical plane; hence the need for initiating humans<br />

for the purpose of inhabiting their bodies. See the description of "walk-ins", in the "gods"<br />


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