24.02.2013 Aufrufe

the Faeulty of Grad.uate Studles and. llesearch University of ir ...

the Faeulty of Grad.uate Studles and. llesearch University of ir ...

the Faeulty of Grad.uate Studles and. llesearch University of ir ...


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clinate' The¡, reve al that Henna,nn llesse had. come to terrns<br />

in a ne,,r i,.¡Ð-y with xeste r"n tredition <strong>and</strong> thought; but at <strong>the</strong><br />

same time <strong>the</strong>y inoicate rvhich easter.n influ.ences have be en<br />

absorbed so es to for'i:r an inteErar part <strong>of</strong> his world..<br />

Hesse I s poetry is le ss ex-r,e nsive than his prose but<br />

none<strong>the</strong>l-ess 6f rri f nl i m'nnnf,¿¡1g6. l]eCau.Se Of its nature ,<br />

poetr'¡r provlces <strong>the</strong> id.ea} nedium for an appr.e hension <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />

orient. For'insta"nce, <strong>the</strong> intuitive essence <strong>of</strong> Zen Bud.d_Lri_sm,<br />

viii<br />

which is trea.ted only in l-ate1.,orose, is convey€d_ l.¡1th gre¿ter<br />

effect in a nu.mber <strong>of</strong> poeüs ì:elon¿ing to h1s l-ater. period."<br />

I Illl'¿*]nêþ1\^^îè L{.1 rJrrc r'1j-1rJI.c, his ìllost pe ::sorta.1 e xperience <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> :last, his<br />

visit to rndia, ha,s found- its crysta.tization in his poetry.<br />

rt is evioeni that for l-lerrnann l{esse names have <strong>the</strong><strong>ir</strong>. owrr<br />

qrrml^rnl i a imr'n¡l¿ngg. Theref or"e, a section is inclucied- exar-nining<br />

t.his ¡sr-¡cot, <strong>of</strong> hicr r.,¡r-'ilin,r'<br />

,rr¿ u¡rfÞô<br />

ïn conclusion an evaruation <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> creatlve r,.¡ork <strong>of</strong><br />

Ìier"ma.nn Frre sse has been a'r,ternpte d.. It i,,/as in i'iontagnole. tl:at<br />

<strong>the</strong> poet br'ought toge<strong>the</strong>r <strong>and</strong> syn<strong>the</strong>sized in r"eflective essays<br />

<strong>the</strong> different strains oÍ' thought, in wtrich he had <strong>ir</strong>n¡nersed- him-<br />

self "<br />

Fr.orn <strong>the</strong> ¿ast Ìre had- Ie arnecl a calm acceptence which<br />

e nabled hi<strong>ir</strong>l to e nd-ure <strong>and</strong>- cve rcorre <strong>the</strong> stor,ms <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> th<strong>ir</strong>ties<br />

<strong>and</strong>- f ortie s, ye -u remaininJ acute ry nind.f u.l- <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>m " <strong>the</strong><br />

troui:Ied doubts <strong>of</strong> an earrier -Ðeriod. hrer.c not to be repeated.,<br />

Ïn thus comiug to terrns with i¡le ste r.n life throu,p:h an avrareness<br />

<strong>of</strong> ihe :iast, Ltcsse ila,y '¡cil Lrave su:Ee steC a prornising <strong>and</strong>. fr.uii-<br />

ful line for <strong>the</strong> r,lest <strong>and</strong> its troubled. concerns <strong>and</strong>..oreoccupations"

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