24.02.2013 Aufrufe

Dreiphasen-Dreischalter-Dreipunkt- Pulsgleichrichtersystem

Dreiphasen-Dreischalter-Dreipunkt- Pulsgleichrichtersystem

Dreiphasen-Dreischalter-Dreipunkt- Pulsgleichrichtersystem


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eason a 10kW prototype was realized by a series connection of two partial systems and<br />

a novel control method for voltage balancing has been developed. The system is<br />

analyzed very much in detail and efficiency measures are presented. The last issue is to<br />

discuss and present aspects of the practical realization of the system: the design of the<br />

input chokes, the drive of the power transistors, the auxiliary power supply and the<br />

putting into operation as well as the shut-down of the system.

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