23.02.2013 Aufrufe

Aktuelles Gutmann nimmt neues Automatiklager in Betrieb Die Hermann Gutmann Werke AG hat Ende Oktober ihr neues Automatiklager in Betrieb genommen. Die positive Entwicklung im Geschäftsbereich Bausysteme und die anspruchsvolle Planung für die Zukunft waren 2008 Auslöser für die Entscheidung des Unternehmens, ein bislang auf dem Gelände der Tochter Gartner Extrusion in Gundelfingen betriebenes Lager mit den am Stammsitz in Weißenburg ansässigen Lagerfunktionen zusammenzuführen und mit einer zeitgemäßen Lagertechnik auszustatten. Nach Planung und einigen Vorarbeiten Ende 2008 wurden nach dem Jahreswechsel die Bauarbeiten für ein Automatik-Wabenlager mit 1.800 Kassettenplätzen für Bausystemprofile aufgenommen. Das Automatiklager hat eine Grundfläche von 637 Quadratmeter und eine Bauhöhe von gut 27 Metern. Mit der Inbetriebnahme wird die Zusammenführung aus Kapazitätsgründen bislang mehrfach vorgehaltener Lagerbereiche erreicht. Im Vergleich zum vorhandenen Hochregallager aus den 1970er Jahren wird die Anzahl der möglichen Lagerfahrten durch die neue Technik mehr als das 5-fache betragen. Darüber hinaus wird Lagerplatz für die Materialien aus Gundelfingen verfügbar. Das Automatiklager wird durch eine Entnahmehalle mit 1.450 Quadratmeter Grundfläche für die Ein- und Ausla- gerung der Materialien sowie deren Verpackung zum Versand ergänzt. Eine erste Anlage zum Stanzen, Folieren und Bündeln von Metallfensterbänken ist bereits in den neuen Bereich verlegt. Die Modernisierung und Verlegung einer zweiten größeren Anlage ist fertig projektiert und steht unmittelbar vor dem Abschluss. Mit ihrer vorbereiteten Anbindung an das Automatiklager können die fertigen Fensterbänke direkt in die Lagerkassetten abgelegt und eingelagert werden. Insgesamt werden in dem neuen Bereich 28 Mitarbeiter beschäftigt sein. Leistungsfähige Lagertechnik schafft Kundennutzen und ist erweiterungsfähig Gesellschafterwechsel beim Giesel Verlag Zum 1. Januar 2010 zieht sich die Ernst Klett AG als Gesellschafterin der in Isernhagen ansässigen Giesel Verlag GmbH zurück. Zum gleichen Zeitpunkt gehen alle Anteile an die Schlütersche Verlagsgesellschaft in Hannover über. Im Giesel Verlag erscheint mit der K-Zeitung Deutschlands größte Kunststoff-Fachzeitschrift. Darüber hinaus hat das Unternehmen 15 weitere Fachtitel für die Themenfelder Kunststoff, Aluminium und Baustoffgewinnung im Programm. Auch die Zeitschrift ALUMINIUM gehört neben der AluminiumPraxis und METALL zum Giesel Verlag. „Wir haben mit der Schlüterschen Verlagsgesellschaft einen qualitäts- und zukunftsorientierten Käufer gefunden, der das Portfolio des Giesel Verlags weiter profilieren und entwickeln wird“, erklärt Philipp Haußmann, Sprecher des Vorstandes der Ernst Klett AG. Klett, der größte deutsche Bildungsverlag, hatte sich 1988 an Giesel beteiligt und trennt sich mit dem technisch orientierten Giesel Verlag nun von einem Randbereich. „Mit dem Verlagsprogramm von Giesel können wir unser Kerngeschäftsfeld Fachinformationen nochmals erweitern und abrunden“, sagt Frank-Peter Oppen- Die Investition für das Projekt belaufen sich auf vier Millionen Euro. Durch die neue Lagertechnik werden nun auch sprunghaft hohe Zahlen von Auftragspositionen, die bislang die Kapazität der Lagerfahrten überschritten, beherrschbar. Die Kunden aus dem Fassadenbereich profitieren insbesondere von der kürzeren Durchlaufzeit ihrer Aufträge, einer höheren Verfügbarkeit und einer schnelleren direkten Distribution. born, Geschäftsführender Gesellschafter der Schlüterschen Verlagsgesellschaft, zum Kauf. In der von Klaus Krause geführten Fachinformationssparte der Schlüterschen Verlagsgesellschaft erscheinen derzeit mehr als 30 Fachzeitschriften, zudem gibt es eine Reihe von Fachveranstaltungen sowie ein umfassendes Fach- und Sachbuchprogramm und Online-Angebote. Zu den Unternehmensaktivitäten der 1747 gegründeten Schlüterschen Verlagsgesellschaft gehören neben Fachinformationen vor allem Telekommunikations- Verzeichnisse. ALUMINIUM · 12/2009 Gutmann

olled products manufacturers increase prices Several manufacturers of semi-finished products have announced price increases for their aluminium rolled product range in recent months. Already in mid-October Hydro raised its base conversion price for all uncoated standard products supplied to the general engineering industry by 25 euros per tonne, valid for all deliveries in the first quarter of 2010. In early November both Novelis and Alcoa European Mill Products (EMP) announced price increases for their rolled products. Novelis said it was increasing the price of its aluminium coil and sheet standard products sold to European distribution and industrial customers by 30 euros per tonne for 1000, 3000 and 5000 series alloys and 6000 series in ‘O’ temper. The price change is effec- It is meanwhile thirty years ago that Dubai Aluminium Co. Ltd (Dubal) tapped its first metal. On 12 November 1979 the company’s core smelter operations started. Established to support the diversification of the UAE economy by adding value to the country’s oil-rich mineral resources, the entirely stateowned enterprise is widely regarded as the industrial flagship of the UAE and is one of the largest non-oil contributors to Dubai’s economy. Commercial production of aluminium at Dubal began in January 1980. The plant comprised 360 reduction cells in three potlines, a 504 MW power station and ancillary carbon, casthouse, port and other facilities. Through a series of successive expansion projects in the intervening years, Dubal has evolved into one of the world’s largest aluminium smelters with a captive power station. Currently, its major facilities comprise a 960,000 tpy primary aluminium smelter, a 2,350 megawatt power station, a large carbon plant, three casthouses, a water desalination plant, labora- ALUMINIUM · 12/2009 tive for all shipment as from January 2010, except for orders under a fixed contract. Alcoa European Mill Products too announced a price increase on its conversion prices for all mill finish commercial rolled products produced at its European operations in Köfém (Hungary), Fusina (Italy) and Amorebieta (Spain). For all orders placed on or after 3 November 2009 a 15 euros per tonne increase on the base conversion revenue of December 2009 will apply for January 2010 deliveries. Already in October, the company had raised prices by 20 euros per tonne for all new November orders, with an additional 20 euros per tonne increase for December deliveries. Latest price adjustment is from Aleris Europe which announced a Dubal celebrates 30 years of excellence tories, port and storage facilities.” There are now 1,565 fully operational cells in Dubal’s eight potlines. Exceptionally high purity of metal is maintained, with the standard purity cells delivering 99.913% and the high Aerial view of Dubal in 2009 Photo: Dubal purity cells achieving up to 99.96% metal purity levels. The company can produce more than 1m tonnes of finished aluminium products a year, as foundry alloy for automotive applications as well as extrusion billet for construction, industrial and transportation purposes and high purity aluminium for the electronics and aerospace industries. Dubal’s entire News iN Brief rise of 50 euros per tonne for deliveries in Europe and 60 pounds for deliveries to the UK on the total conversion price of aluminium coil and sheet products delivered to European distributors and industrial end users. The price increase is effective for all new monthly and quarterly orders and contracts booked on or after 9 November 2009, that are not covered by existing contractual agreements. The aluminium rolling industry in Europe has been complaining of low prices and weak profit for some time. The sector is hit by overcapacities and low demand due to the continuing recession. Only recently, Oliver Bell, Executive Vice President Hydro, said in an interview given to ALUMINIUM (11/2009) that the sector will have to contract to a profitable core. production is pre-sold to more than 300 customers in about 45 countries predominantly in the Far East, Europe, the Asean region, the Middle East and Mediterranean region, and North America. “Ranked in 2008 as the largest single-site smelter in the western world and seventh-largest producer of primary aluminium in the world e, Dubal has set its sights on becoming the world’s fifth-largest producer of primary aluminium by 2015”, Dubal President and CEO Abdulla J. M. Kalban says. “The combination of a strong, internationally renowned brand; a forward-focused growth strategy; a heritage of producing premium quality, highest purity aluminium products; reliable adherence to delivery promises; ongoing investments in people; and a commitment to excellence-based partnerships have enabled Dubal’s sustainable growth and longevity to date. Building on these essentials, the course of our company’s continued journey is certain to be paved with even greater successes”, Mr Kalban says.

olled products manufacturers increase prices<br />

Several manufacturers of semi-finished<br />

products have announced price<br />

increases for their aluminium rolled<br />

product range in recent months. Already<br />

in mid-October Hydro raised its<br />

base conversion price for all uncoated<br />

standard products supplied to the<br />

general engineering industry by 25<br />

euros per tonne, valid for all deliveries<br />

in the first quarter of 2010.<br />

In early November both Novelis<br />

and Alcoa European Mill Products<br />

(EMP) announced price increases<br />

for their rolled products. Novelis<br />

said it was increasing the price of its<br />

aluminium coil and sheet standard<br />

products sold to European distribution<br />

and industrial customers by 30<br />

euros per tonne for 1000, 3000 and<br />

5000 series alloys and 6000 series in<br />

‘O’ temper. The price change is effec-<br />

It is meanwhile thirty years ago that<br />

Dubai Aluminium Co. Ltd (Dubal)<br />

tapped its first metal. On 12 November<br />

1979 the company’s core smelter<br />

operations started. Established to<br />

support the diversification of the<br />

UAE economy by adding value<br />

to the country’s oil-rich mineral<br />

resources, the entirely stateowned<br />

enterprise is widely regarded<br />

as the industrial flagship<br />

of the UAE and is one of the<br />

largest non-oil contributors to<br />

Dubai’s economy.<br />

Commercial production of<br />

aluminium at Dubal began in<br />

January 1980. The plant comprised<br />

360 reduction cells in<br />

three potlines, a 504 MW power<br />

station and ancillary carbon,<br />

casthouse, port and other facilities.<br />

Through a series of successive<br />

expansion projects in the intervening<br />

years, Dubal has evolved into one of<br />

the world’s largest aluminium smelters<br />

with a captive power station. Currently,<br />

its major facilities comprise a<br />

960,000 tpy primary aluminium smelter,<br />

a 2,350 megawatt power station, a<br />

large carbon plant, three casthouses,<br />

a water desalination plant, labora-<br />

<strong>ALU</strong>MINIUM · 12/2009<br />

tive for all shipment as from January<br />

2010, except for orders under a fixed<br />

contract.<br />

Alcoa European Mill Products too<br />

announced a price increase on its<br />

conversion prices for all mill finish<br />

commercial rolled products produced<br />

at its European operations in Köfém<br />

(Hungary), Fusina (Italy) and Amorebieta<br />

(Spain). For all orders placed on<br />

or after 3 November 2009 a 15 euros<br />

per tonne increase on the base conversion<br />

revenue of December 2009<br />

will apply for January 2010 deliveries.<br />

Already in October, the company had<br />

raised prices by 20 euros per tonne for<br />

all new November orders, with an additional<br />

20 euros per tonne increase<br />

for December deliveries.<br />

Latest price adjustment is from<br />

Aleris Europe which announced a<br />

Dubal celebrates 30 years of excellence<br />

tories, port and storage facilities.”<br />

There are now 1,565 fully operational<br />

cells in Dubal’s eight potlines.<br />

Exceptionally high purity of metal is<br />

maintained, with the standard purity<br />

cells delivering 99.913% and the high<br />

Aerial view of Dubal in 2009 Photo: Dubal<br />

purity cells achieving up to 99.96%<br />

metal purity levels. The company<br />

can produce more than 1m tonnes of<br />

finished aluminium products a year,<br />

as foundry alloy for automotive applications<br />

as well as extrusion billet<br />

for construction, industrial and transportation<br />

purposes and high purity<br />

aluminium for the electronics and<br />

aerospace industries. Dubal’s entire<br />

News iN Brief<br />

rise of 50 euros per tonne for deliveries<br />

in Europe and 60 pounds for<br />

deliveries to the UK on the total conversion<br />

price of aluminium coil and<br />

sheet products delivered to European<br />

distributors and industrial end users.<br />

The price increase is effective for all<br />

new monthly and quarterly orders<br />

and contracts booked on or after 9<br />

November 2009, that are not covered<br />

by existing contractual agreements.<br />

The aluminium rolling industry in<br />

Europe has been complaining of low<br />

prices and weak profit for some time.<br />

The sector is hit by overcapacities and<br />

low demand due to the continuing<br />

recession. Only recently, Oliver Bell,<br />

Executive Vice President Hydro, said<br />

in an interview given to <strong>ALU</strong>MINIUM<br />

(11/2009) that the sector will have to<br />

contract to a profitable core.<br />

production is pre-sold to more than<br />

300 customers in about 45 countries<br />

predominantly in the Far East, Europe,<br />

the Asean region, the Middle<br />

East and Mediterranean region, and<br />

North America.<br />

“Ranked in 2008 as the largest<br />

single-site smelter in the western<br />

world and seventh-largest<br />

producer of primary aluminium<br />

in the world e, Dubal has set its<br />

sights on becoming the world’s<br />

fifth-largest producer of primary<br />

aluminium by 2015”, Dubal<br />

President and CEO Abdulla J. M.<br />

Kalban says.<br />

“The combination of a strong,<br />

internationally renowned brand;<br />

a forward-focused growth strategy;<br />

a heritage of producing premium<br />

quality, highest purity aluminium<br />

products; reliable adherence<br />

to delivery promises; ongoing investments<br />

in people; and a commitment<br />

to excellence-based partnerships<br />

have enabled Dubal’s sustainable<br />

growth and longevity to date. Building<br />

on these essentials, the course of<br />

our company’s continued journey is<br />

certain to be paved with even greater<br />

successes”, Mr Kalban says.

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