Nicola Arndt und Matthias Pohl - Neobiota

Nicola Arndt und Matthias Pohl - Neobiota Nicola Arndt und Matthias Pohl - Neobiota

22.02.2013 Aufrufe

According to SCHLÜTER (1991), heterogeneous landscape types can only be defined on the basis of a mosaic system and singled out and mapped as spatial units.The same accounts equally for the mapping the naturalness of vegetation at medium and small scales. In the same way as today’s potential natural vegetation can identify the biotic potential of sites and landscapes or their primary productivity (TÜXEN 1956), the naturalness level of today’s actual vegetation is being considered as the key indicator for the ecological state, especially regarding the still effective components of biological self-regulating capacities as an essential criteria for ecological stability. The concept of 'hemerobie' is based upon an approach to analyse the degree of human impact on a given ecosystem. The concept had been mentioned first by JALAS (1955) and had subsequently further developed to be applied in the context of the urban and agro-cultural environment (SUKOPP 1972; SCHUBERT 1985; KOWARIK 1988). Through further application for the evaluation of riverine ecosystems and of the cultural landscape in general, 'hemerobie' became more established as an accepted methodology for assessing the naturalness. According to KOWARIK (1988), 'hemerobie' is the "scale for the human-cultural influence” on ecosystems. Accordingly, the assessment of the degree of hemerobie follows those anthropogenic influences, which constitute obstacles for an evolutionary process (climax) of the (eco-)system in question. Hemerobie assessments have already been successfully implemented. For example, as part of UNESCO’s ‘Man and the Biosphere’ project, the Austrian Academy of Sciences launched a hemerobie study for assessing the degree of naturalness of Austrian forests. The evaluation of naturalness of the forest vegetation was based on a comparison of the actual with the potential natural vegetation, examining the presence of exotic/non-native species among the trees as well understory vegetation (GRABHERR et al. 1993). 2.3 The biogeographic context Cultural landscapes are a product of natural processes under the influences of human activities. In order to determine the type and degree of natural influence of a given landscape it appears as sensible to first examine Europe’s ‘biogeographic’ context. Because of the strong influence of the biogeographic context on human land use activities and hence on the character of landscapes, biogeographic classes could serve as an evaluation criterion for a European-wide approach to landscape classification and mapping. Each climate type and their major subdivisions has a number of characteristic plant and animal species and communities that have evolved so that they are well adapted to the range of environmental factors in them; such characteristic biotic communities occupying an extensive area are called biomes. The distinctions between biomes are not necessarily related to the taxonomic classification of the organisms they contain, but rather to the life-form (the form, structure, habits, and the type of life history of the organisms in response to its environment) of their plants and animals (COX & MOORE 1973). This concept of life-form was first put forward by the Danish botanist Christen Raunkiaer in 1903. Since animal life-forms are much less easy to recognise than are those of plants and, consequently, most biomes are distinguished by plants they contain and are named after their dominant plant life-forms (e.g. tundra: mosses, lichens, dwarf-shrubs, sedges; taiga: boreal coniferous forests; temperate deciduous broadleave forests; tropical rain forests; temperate grasslands: steppes, prairies; etc.). 88

Table 1: Biogeographic classifications and concepts based on ecosystem approaches (Wascher after GRABHERR & KOIJMA 1993) Year Initiative 1898 V.V. Dokuchaev: proposed a concept of soil as a functional product of climate, parent material, relief, organism, and time. 1903 C. Raunkiaer: suggests the distinction of life-forms 1941 H. Jenny: Factors of Soil Formation 1951 J. Major: vegetation and soil to constitute an inseparable complex which may be termed a ‘phytogeocoenosis’, emphasising a causal relation between vegetation and environment. 1916 F.E. Clements: climax vegetation (plant succession) 1929 G.E. Nichols: Plant associations and their formations 1937 W.E.D. Halliday: Forest Classification for Canada 1950 E.L. Braun: vegetation at the formation rank mainly considered as a product of climate and represented as a climatic climax. 1935 A. Tanseley: coins the notion of ‘ecosystem’ for a complex of natural systems 1945 V.N. Sukachev: coins the term ‘bio-geocoenosis’ (comparable, but only at community level) 1973 H. Ellenberg: ecosystem classification of the world, addressing primary productivity, trophic characteristics, macroclimate, soil character – mainly based on vegetation formation 1975 Udvardy: Biogeographic provinces 1976 H. Walter: criticises Ellenberg as being central European, suggesting the biome system as fundamental unit (e.g. orobiomes = mountain systems) to which zonal vegetation can be assigned. 1960 V.J. Krajina: biogeoclimatic ecosystem classification integrated climate, vegetation and soil characteristics at two levels (region + site specific), highest biogeoclimatic formation comparable to Clements. 1947 L.R. Holdrige: World Plant Formations on basis of climatic data 1956 H. Lieth: Correlation between average climate levels and vegetation formations 1970 R.H. Whittaker: correlating broad regional vegetation at the formation level directly with environment, particular climate 1985 R.B.H. Bunce: Development of a European land classification 1989 Bailey: Eco-regions of the world 1991 E.O. Box: plant functional types were assigned climatic tolerances 1992 European Commission: Biogeographic map for the Habitats Directive (EEC/43/92) 1996 Rivas-Martinez & Penas: Biogeographic Map of Europe 1999 Marco Painho: Digital Map of European Ecological Regions (commissioned by the European Environment Agency) Traditionally, plant geographers were concerned with explaining the distribution of different types of plants in physiological terms, and some of the basic mechanisms involved in cold tolerance and drought resistance, for example, have been known for decades (PRENTICE et al. 1992). For example, Köppen’s scheme was intended as a classification of climates, although its boundaries were chosen to coincide approximately with vegetation boundaries and are expressed in terms of aspects of climate (particular seasonality) that are relevant to plants. On the other hand, Holdrige’s approach related potential natural vegetation to climate, although its boundaries reflect areas of consistent climate that is defined by annual precipitation and growing season temperatures. While earlier schemes such as the ones by Köppen and Holdridge took biomes as statically defined entities, BOX (1981) described a model in which almost 100 plant functional types were assigned climatic tolerances (upper and/or lower bounds) for six climate variables expressing levels and seasonality of temperature and precipitation and a moisture index expressing potential evapotranspiration. An ‘environmental sieve’ based on these climatic limits determines which plant types could occur in a given climate. In recognition of the potential value of a detailed and internationally agreed-upon biogeographic map for environmental reporting on issues such as biodiversity and landscapes, the European Environment Agency initiated the development of a Digital Map of European Ecological Regions. The map is based on two recent digitised maps, namely the Map of Natural Vegetation of Europe (BOHN et al. 2000), 89

Table 1: Biogeographic classifications and concepts based on ecosystem approaches (Wascher after GRABHERR<br />

& KOIJMA 1993)<br />

Year Initiative<br />

1898 V.V. Dokuchaev: proposed a concept of soil as a functional product of climate, parent material, relief,<br />

organism, and time.<br />

1903 C. Raunkiaer: suggests the distinction of life-forms<br />

1941 H. Jenny: Factors of Soil Formation<br />

1951 J. Major: vegetation and soil to constitute an inseparable complex which may be termed a<br />

‘phytogeocoenosis’, emphasising a causal relation between vegetation and environment.<br />

1916 F.E. Clements: climax vegetation (plant succession)<br />

1929 G.E. Nichols: Plant associations and their formations<br />

1937 W.E.D. Halliday: Forest Classification for Canada<br />

1950 E.L. Braun: vegetation at the formation rank mainly considered as a product of climate and<br />

represented as a climatic climax.<br />

1935 A. Tanseley: coins the notion of ‘ecosystem’ for a complex of natural systems<br />

1945 V.N. Sukachev: coins the term ‘bio-geocoenosis’ (comparable, but only at community level)<br />

1973 H. Ellenberg: ecosystem classification of the world, addressing primary productivity, trophic<br />

characteristics, macroclimate, soil character – mainly based on vegetation formation<br />

1975 Udvardy: Biogeographic provinces<br />

1976 H. Walter: criticises Ellenberg as being central European, suggesting the biome system as<br />

f<strong>und</strong>amental unit (e.g. orobiomes = mountain systems) to which zonal vegetation can be assigned.<br />

1960 V.J. Krajina: biogeoclimatic ecosystem classification integrated climate, vegetation and soil<br />

characteristics at two levels (region + site specific), highest biogeoclimatic formation comparable to<br />

Clements.<br />

1947 L.R. Holdrige: World Plant Formations on basis of climatic data<br />

1956 H. Lieth: Correlation between average climate levels and vegetation formations<br />

1970 R.H. Whittaker: correlating broad regional vegetation at the formation level directly with environment,<br />

particular climate<br />

1985 R.B.H. Bunce: Development of a European land classification<br />

1989 Bailey: Eco-regions of the world<br />

1991 E.O. Box: plant functional types were assigned climatic tolerances<br />

1992 European Commission: Biogeographic map for the Habitats Directive (EEC/43/92)<br />

1996 Rivas-Martinez & Penas: Biogeographic Map of Europe<br />

1999 Marco Painho: Digital Map of European Ecological Regions (commissioned by the European<br />

Environment Agency)<br />

Traditionally, plant geographers were concerned with explaining the distribution of different types of<br />

plants in physiological terms, and some of the basic mechanisms involved in cold tolerance and<br />

drought resistance, for example, have been known for decades (PRENTICE et al. 1992). For example,<br />

Köppen’s scheme was intended as a classification of climates, although its bo<strong>und</strong>aries were chosen to<br />

coincide approximately with vegetation bo<strong>und</strong>aries and are expressed in terms of aspects of climate<br />

(particular seasonality) that are relevant to plants. On the other hand, Holdrige’s approach related<br />

potential natural vegetation to climate, although its bo<strong>und</strong>aries reflect areas of consistent climate that<br />

is defined by annual precipitation and growing season temperatures.<br />

While earlier schemes such as the ones by Köppen and Holdridge took biomes as statically defined<br />

entities, BOX (1981) described a model in which almost 100 plant functional types were assigned<br />

climatic tolerances (upper and/or lower bo<strong>und</strong>s) for six climate variables expressing levels and<br />

seasonality of temperature and precipitation and a moisture index expressing potential evapotranspiration.<br />

An ‘environmental sieve’ based on these climatic limits determines which plant types<br />

could occur in a given climate.<br />

In recognition of the potential value of a detailed and internationally agreed-upon biogeographic map<br />

for environmental reporting on issues such as biodiversity and landscapes, the European Environment<br />

Agency initiated the development of a Digital Map of European Ecological Regions. The map is based<br />

on two recent digitised maps, namely the Map of Natural Vegetation of Europe (BOHN et al. 2000),<br />


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