Nicola Arndt und Matthias Pohl - Neobiota

Nicola Arndt und Matthias Pohl - Neobiota Nicola Arndt und Matthias Pohl - Neobiota

22.02.2013 Aufrufe

To identify specific alternatives and constraints in the development of a global EZ map appropriate for FRA 2000 purposes, FAO conducted two preliminary studies (ZHU 1997, PRETO 1998). Findings from these studies, experience in the development of the tropical EZ map for FRA 1990, and recommendations from other parties consulted in the process indicated that the development of an entirely new global ecological zoning map by FAO could not be completed by the year 2000, due to time constraints and the large amount of scientific, organisational and financial resources required. With this in mind, follow-up investigation focused on identifying an existing scheme that might be used or adapted to FAO’s needs. Due to the enormity of conducting the work on a global scale, the most appropriate classification scheme had to meet FAO’s thematic requirements, be practical to construct with available resource and meet the scrutiny of a diverse group of users from all parts of the world. A survey of existing schemes revealed several possibilities. Each of the existing schemes were developed for specific purposes according to various environmental criteria, with macroclimate as an element being used by most (PRETO 1998, WCMC 1992). This is logical, as the macroclimate, that is temperature and precipitation, correlates well with the potential natural vegetation associated with a particular locale. In this respect, macroclimate was considered a logical basis for the FRA ecological zoning as well. For the choice of climatic parameters to be used in the FRA 2000 map a number of global systems were surveyed including KÖPPEN (1936) modified by TREWARTHA (1968), THORNTHWAITE (1933), and HOLDRIDGE (1947). Out of these possibilities, initial work indicated by Köppen-Trewartha was a good candidate for the FRA 2000 work due to the number of classes that corresponded well to FRA 2000 needs. Moreover, further study showed that while Köppen-Trewartha is based on climate there is a demonstrated good correspondence between its subzones or climatic types and the natural climax vegetation types and soils within them (BAILEY 1996) 3 . These factors were seen as major advantages in favour of using the Köppen-Trewartha system for the backbone of the FRA 2000 zoning. One good precedent for using Köppen in global ecological zoning was carried out by Robert Bailey, who used the Köppen-Trewartha system in toto for development of his ecoregion scheme for North America and the rest of the world (BAILEY 1989, 1996, 1998). He noted that although ecological zones can be mapped by reference to a single feature (such as climate), they must always be checked to ensure that the boundaries have ecological significance. At the same time, a climatic map showing such key features as temperature and precipitation is not necessarily an ecological map until the boundaries are shown to correspond to significant biological boundaries. Likewise maps of landform types (derived from digital elevation data) are not necessary ecological maps until it has been shown that the types co-vary with other components of the ecosystem, such as vegetation (BAILEY, personal communication 1998). To further the development of the work, FAO in cooperation with EDC and WCMC developed a prototype zoning scheme for FRA 2000 based on Köppen-Trewartha. The zoning was made hierarchical using Köppen-Trewartha’s climatic groups and types as FAO Ecological Zone levels 1 and 2. A third level was also tested during the pilot project and represents the differentiation within the first two levels according to landform. Mountains with altitudinal zonation were distinguished from lowland plains (see Table 1). 3 This is largely because Köppen derived his climate classes from observations on the distribution of natural vegetation types on various continents (KÖPPEN 1931). 58

In practical terms, delineation of EZ level 2 adapting Köppen-Trewartha’s climatic types was proposed as the working level for definition and mapping of global classes. This will be accomplished by using both macroclimatic data 4 and existing climax or potential vegetation maps. Use of vegetation maps will assure a more precise delineation of the Ecological Zones 5 . Using generalized climate maps alone might result in a final product where the zones actually mapped could probably correspond poorly to boundaries of homogenous vegetation transitions. 3.2 Cambridge expert consultation The proposed approach and classification scheme briefly outlined above was presented and discussed at an expert consultation in Cambridge from 28−30 July 1999, organized by WCMC (FAO 2000). The participants were mostly regional experts in ecological zoning and forest/vegetation mapping. Case studies on North America and South America were presented as well, illustrating the overall concept, methods, and utility of the map in an operational context. The workshop adopted, with some modifications, the proposed classification system based on Köppen-Trewartha climatic types in combination with potential natural vegetation as a sound basis for global ecological zoning. The workshop results indicated that the proposed system could be implemented in all regions, both in scientific and practical terms. Source input maps were identified for all regions, most of them available in digital format. It was noted that the Köppen-Trewartha system might not match well with potential natural vegetation in specific regions, for instance Australia. Some modifications to the proposed classification were made to better reflect the vegetation zonation (see Table 1), and they include: a) the separation of a mountain systems zone at level 2 in four broad climatic domains: tropical, subtropical, temperate, boreal (not applied in polar domain) b) the subdivision of the boreal zone into a more northerly (poleward) tundra woodland and a southerly coniferous forest zone (approximately corresponding with the Taiga in former USSR) c) the division of the tropical seasonally dry climate type (Aw) into two: one with a short dry season, roughly corresponding with moist deciduous forest, and one with a long dry season, corresponding with dry deciduous forests and woodlands. 4 Among the existing climate classification systems, the one by Köppen-Trewartha is found to be the least demanding on data, which is primarily based on precipitation and temperature − an important consideration from the production standpoint and may account for its wide use. As meteorological stations around the world routinely collect values for these attributes and the information is generally available in existing maps, this was seen as an additional advantage from the perspective of producing the map and database, which would require a relatively consistent global distribution of input data. Other global climate classification systems, for example THORNWAITE (1931) and HOLDRIDGE (1966), call for evapo-transpiration data, which is not uniformly available at the global level. 5 The FAO Ecological Zone maps developed during Forest Resources Assessment 1990 for the tropics used a similar approach. A hierarchic system was adopted, using climatic and physiographic factors for identifying the regional classes or Ecological Zones. These zones were defined by aggregation of more detailed ecofloristic zones (EFZ). The classification criteria for EFZ included physiognomy, phenology, floristics and vegetation dynamics (FAO 1989). The dominant or characteristic species of the natural flora were used as indicators. Boundaries of ecofloristic zones were delineated with the help of existing potential, mostly national, vegetation maps, and brought to a common classification and scale. Class boundaries were delineated using standardized vegetation maps of the tropical regions. 59

To identify specific alternatives and constraints in the development of a global EZ map appropriate for<br />

FRA 2000 purposes, FAO conducted two preliminary studies (ZHU 1997, PRETO 1998). Findings from<br />

these studies, experience in the development of the tropical EZ map for FRA 1990, and<br />

recommendations from other parties consulted in the process indicated that the development of an<br />

entirely new global ecological zoning map by FAO could not be completed by the year 2000, due to<br />

time constraints and the large amount of scientific, organisational and financial resources required.<br />

With this in mind, follow-up investigation focused on identifying an existing scheme that might be<br />

used or adapted to FAO’s needs.<br />

Due to the enormity of conducting the work on a global scale, the most appropriate classification<br />

scheme had to meet FAO’s thematic requirements, be practical to construct with available resource<br />

and meet the scrutiny of a diverse group of users from all parts of the world. A survey of existing<br />

schemes revealed several possibilities. Each of the existing schemes were developed for specific<br />

purposes according to various environmental criteria, with macroclimate as an element being used by<br />

most (PRETO 1998, WCMC 1992). This is logical, as the macroclimate, that is temperature and<br />

precipitation, correlates well with the potential natural vegetation associated with a particular locale. In<br />

this respect, macroclimate was considered a logical basis for the FRA ecological zoning as well.<br />

For the choice of climatic parameters to be used in the FRA 2000 map a number of global systems<br />

were surveyed including KÖPPEN (1936) modified by TREWARTHA (1968), THORNTHWAITE (1933),<br />

and HOLDRIDGE (1947). Out of these possibilities, initial work indicated by Köppen-Trewartha was a<br />

good candidate for the FRA 2000 work due to the number of classes that corresponded well to FRA<br />

2000 needs. Moreover, further study showed that while Köppen-Trewartha is based on climate there is<br />

a demonstrated good correspondence between its subzones or climatic types and the natural climax<br />

vegetation types and soils within them (BAILEY 1996) 3 . These factors were seen as major advantages<br />

in favour of using the Köppen-Trewartha system for the backbone of the FRA 2000 zoning.<br />

One good precedent for using Köppen in global ecological zoning was carried out by Robert Bailey,<br />

who used the Köppen-Trewartha system in toto for development of his ecoregion scheme for North<br />

America and the rest of the world (BAILEY 1989, 1996, 1998). He noted that although ecological<br />

zones can be mapped by reference to a single feature (such as climate), they must always be checked<br />

to ensure that the bo<strong>und</strong>aries have ecological significance. At the same time, a climatic map showing<br />

such key features as temperature and precipitation is not necessarily an ecological map until the<br />

bo<strong>und</strong>aries are shown to correspond to significant biological bo<strong>und</strong>aries. Likewise maps of landform<br />

types (derived from digital elevation data) are not necessary ecological maps until it has been shown<br />

that the types co-vary with other components of the ecosystem, such as vegetation (BAILEY, personal<br />

communication 1998).<br />

To further the development of the work, FAO in cooperation with EDC and WCMC developed a<br />

prototype zoning scheme for FRA 2000 based on Köppen-Trewartha. The zoning was made<br />

hierarchical using Köppen-Trewartha’s climatic groups and types as FAO Ecological Zone levels 1<br />

and 2. A third level was also tested during the pilot project and represents the differentiation within the<br />

first two levels according to landform. Mountains with altitudinal zonation were distinguished from<br />

lowland plains (see Table 1).<br />

3 This is largely because Köppen derived his climate classes from observations on the distribution of natural<br />

vegetation types on various continents (KÖPPEN 1931).<br />


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