Nicola Arndt und Matthias Pohl - Neobiota

Nicola Arndt und Matthias Pohl - Neobiota Nicola Arndt und Matthias Pohl - Neobiota

22.02.2013 Aufrufe

types, the computerized links between the Species Checklist, the National Floras and the Vegetation Tables offer a great opportunity for bringing together such information. A possible database structure was presented in a recent publication on ‘endemic and characteristic plant species in Europe’ by VAN OPSTAL et al. (2000). • The information on the distribution of species and vegetation relevés will be stored as ‘longitudelatitude’ coordinates with an indication of the scale. On this basis, it would be possible to present every type of distribution map, including maps based on grid systems (e.g. 50x50 km). A rough presentation form of distribution is on the level of individual countries. For plant species, at least for those included in Flora Europaea, this option is already available within the demonstration version of SynBioSys Europe. Figure 3: The landscape part of the European version of SYNBIOSYS will be based on the Map of the Natural Vegetation of Europe. • For the categorisation of landscape types in SynBioSys Europe, the recently published Map of the Natural Vegetation of Europe will serve as a basis. As elucidated in other contributions to these proceedings, more than 100 geobotanists from 31 European countries worked on this map, its legend and the explanatory text. The legend of the vegetation map, which was printed on 9 sheets at the scale of 1:2.5 million, is composed of different hierarchical levels. The legend comprised 19 major formations and 700 mapping units. The bibliography contains over 2000 records, and more then 5000 plant species are mentioned in the text paragraphs and listed on CD-ROM. Within the last two years an English version of the entire text was prepared and made available on an interactive CD-ROM (BOHN et al. 2004). One of the main tasks within SynBioSys is to link 354

the landscape units with the vegetation types. This can be done on the basis of vegetation complexes. The major application of an European information system like SYNBIOSYS comprises the fields of phytosociological investigation as well as nature conservation and landscape management. An extended European database with thousands of relevés makes it possible for instance to conduct a very accurate survey of vegetation types across regional boundaries. The European SYNBIOSYS could be used as an unequivocal language to classify vegetation types and their place in the landscape, associated with the natural vegetation of Europe. In this way, it could supply scientific knowledge about the existence of centres of biodiversity in Europe and helps researchers in defining a pan- European ecological network (VAN OPSTAL 2000). It could support the systematic designation and completion of a network of protected areas in Europe, for instance within the framework of ‘Natura 2000’. Of course, it is not that far yet, but for that matter neither was Rome built in one day. References BAL, D.; BEIJE, H.M.; HOOGEVEEN, Y.R. et al. (1995): Handboek natuurdoeltypen in Nederland. – Wageningen (Rapport 11, Informatieen Kenniscentrum Natuurbeheer Wageningen) 408 p. BOHN, U.; NEUHÄUSL, R., unter Mitarbeit von GOLLUB, G.; HETTWER, C.; NEUHÄUSLOVÁ, Z.; SCHLÜTER, H. & WEBER, H. (2000/2003): Karte der natürlichen Vegetation Europas/Map of the Natural Vegetation of Europe. Maßstab/Scale 1:2.500.000. Teil 1/Part 1: Erläuterungstext/Explanatory Text, 655 S.; Teil 2/Part 2: Legende/Legend, 153 S.; Teil 3/Part 3: Karten/Maps (9 Blätter/Sheets, Legendenblatt/Legend Sheet, Übersichtskarte 1:10 Mio./General Map 1:10 million). – Münster (Landwirtschaftsverlag). BOHN, U.; GOLLUB, G.; HETTWER, C.; NEUHÄUSLOVÁ, Z.; RAUS, TH.; SCHLÜTER, H. & WEBER, H. [Bearb.] (2004): Karte der natürlichen Vegetation Europas/ Map of the Natural Vegetation of Europe. Maßstab/ S cale 1:2.500.000. – Interaktive/Interactive CD-ROM. – Erläuterungstext, Legende, Karten/Explanatory Text, Legend, Maps. – Münster (Landwirtschaftsverlag). DIERSCHKE, H. (1992): European Vegetation Survey – ein neuer Anlauf für eine Übersicht der Pflanzengesellschaften Europas. – Tuexenia 12: 381-383. ELLENBERG, H.; WEBER, H.E.; DÜLL, R.; WIRTH, V.; WERNER, W. & PAULISSEN, D. (1992): Zeigerwerte von Pflanzen in Mitteleuropa. 2. verb. und erweiterte Aufl.. – Scripta Geobotanica 18: 5-258. HAVEMAN, R. & SCHAMINÉE, J.H.J. (2002): The evolution of data handling for the management of vegetation and landscapes in the Netherlands. – In: CHUMNY, V.K.; KOLCHANOV, N.A, & FEDOTOV, A.M. [Ed.]: The First Workshop on Information Technologies Application to Problems of Biodiversity and Dynamics of Ecosystems in North Eurasia (WITA’2001), Selected papers. – Novosibirsk (Russian Academy of Sciences Siberian Branch), p.63-68. HENNEKENS, S.M. (1995): TURBO(VEG). Programmatuur voor invoer, verwerking en presentatie van vegetatiekundige gegevens. Gebruikershandleiding. – Wageningen (Instituut voor Bos- en Natuuronderzoek) 67 p. HENNEKENS, S.M. & SCHAMINÉE, J.H.J. (2001): TURBOVEG, a comprehensive data base management system for vegetation data. – Journal of Vegetation Science 12: 589-591. HENNEKENS, S.M.; SCHAMINÉE, J.H.J. & STORTELDER, A.H.F. (2001): SynBioSys. Een biologisch kennissysteem ten behoeve van natuurbeheer, natuurbeleid en natuurontwikkeling. – Wageningen (Versie 1.0. Alterra, cd-rom). MUCINA, L. (1997): Conspectus of classes of European vegetation. – Folia Geobot. Phytotax. 32: 117-172. 355

types, the computerized links between the Species Checklist, the National Floras and the<br />

Vegetation Tables offer a great opportunity for bringing together such information. A possible<br />

database structure was presented in a recent publication on ‘endemic and characteristic plant<br />

species in Europe’ by VAN OPSTAL et al. (2000).<br />

• The information on the distribution of species and vegetation relevés will be stored as ‘longitudelatitude’<br />

coordinates with an indication of the scale. On this basis, it would be possible to present<br />

every type of distribution map, including maps based on grid systems (e.g. 50x50 km). A rough<br />

presentation form of distribution is on the level of individual countries. For plant species, at least<br />

for those included in Flora Europaea, this option is already available within the demonstration<br />

version of SynBioSys Europe.<br />

Figure 3: The landscape part of the European version of SYNBIOSYS will be based on the Map of the Natural<br />

Vegetation of Europe.<br />

• For the categorisation of landscape types in SynBioSys Europe, the recently published Map of the<br />

Natural Vegetation of Europe will serve as a basis. As elucidated in other contributions to these<br />

proceedings, more than 100 geobotanists from 31 European countries worked on this map, its<br />

legend and the explanatory text. The legend of the vegetation map, which was printed on 9 sheets<br />

at the scale of 1:2.5 million, is composed of different hierarchical levels. The legend comprised<br />

19 major formations and 700 mapping units. The bibliography contains over 2000 records, and<br />

more then 5000 plant species are mentioned in the text paragraphs and listed on CD-ROM.<br />

Within the last two years an English version of the entire text was prepared and made available on<br />

an interactive CD-ROM (BOHN et al. 2004). One of the main tasks within SynBioSys is to link<br />


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