Nicola Arndt und Matthias Pohl - Neobiota

Nicola Arndt und Matthias Pohl - Neobiota Nicola Arndt und Matthias Pohl - Neobiota

22.02.2013 Aufrufe

In the natural vegetation, species density varies between 10-15 species in oligotrophic beech forest, dune heath and raised bog, and 40-60 species in coastal units. The total number of species occurring within a unit may, however, be much higher due to high local habitat diversity. Thus, natural forests may not only include the typical forest floor species, but also species occurring in wet and grazed spots etc. in the forest. Figure 6: Pollen diagram showing Holocene vegetation development in eastern Denmark. Locality: Even near Præstø, southern Sealand. The per cent values have been corrected for varying pollen production. The horizontal line at the year 4000 BC indicates the transition from Mesolithic to Neolithic (introduction of agriculture). To the right the development in the relative distribution of forest (hatched) and open land. (redrawn from ANDERSEN 1977, after MIKKELSEN 1949) 294

Furthermore, in the current vegetation some low species density types have been added due to influence of humans. Thus, coniferous plantation, arable land (weed communities) and heathland are relatively low in species density. On the other hand, cultural types of very high species density, like grasslands and fresh meadows, also occur in the current landscape. To get a tentative impression of the difference in overall species density between the natural vegetation as shown by the European map, and the current vegetation, the figures of species density in Tables 1 and 2 have been weighted by the relative area of the respective units and types. When the values of Σ (species density x area in %) for natural and current vegetation are compared (1952 and 1094, respectively), it appears that the overall species density may be lower in the current landscape than in the natural landscape. This is mostly due to the fact that the current landscape is dominated by arable land. The presence in the cultural landscape of small areas of high density types, like speciesrich grasslands, is far from being able to counterbalance the dominance of the arable fields. The biodiversity of the Danish landscape generally has declined during the last century. This is due to the intensification of agriculture with fertilization, use of pesticides, drainage and removal of small biotopes as well as to declining use of meadows and salt marshes for grazing. The result is fragmentation of the landscape and decline in population size of indigenous species (PRIP et al. 1995). In return, the total number of species of vascular plants has never before been as high as it is today (2675 species), caused by introduction of many species. The introduced species may damage biotopes which are naturally species-poor, or they may become invasive and thereby outcompete indigenous species (WIND 2000). Possibly, maximum biodiversity of the Danish landscape since the beginning of the Neolithic occurred during the centuries before the middle of the 19 th century. At that time the forests were partly replaced by open, grazed species-rich biotopes, agriculture was not yet very intensified, and the landscape as a whole was more wet and very varied. Probably the biodiversity at that time was higher than would be found in the potential natural landscape. In this way the new Map of Natural Vegetation of Europe may contribute to putting past and present European biodiversity into perspective. Acknowledgements I wish to thank Professor Kjeld Hansen and Dr. Lars Påhlsson for cooperation and discussion on the Danish contribution to the European Vegetation Map. References ANDERSEN, S.T. (1977): Vegetationens historie efter sidste istid. – In: PETERSEN, P.M. & VESTERGAARD, P. (Eds.): Noter til Vegetationsøkologi og plantegeografi. – København (Københavns Universitet), p. 85-91. BOHN, U.; GOLLUB, G. & HETTWER, C. [Bearb.] (2000): Karte der natürlichen Vegetation Europas/Map of the Natural Vegetation of Europe. Maßstab/Scale 1:2.500.000. Teil 2/Part 2: Legende/Legend, 153 S./p.; Teil 3/Part 3: Karten/Maps (9 Blätter/Sheets, Legendenblatt/Legend Sheet, Übersichtskarte 1:10 Mio./General Map 1:10 million). – Münster (Landwirtschaftsverlag). BUCHWALD, E. & SØGAARD, S. (2000): Danske Naturtyper i det europæiske NATURA 2000 netværk. – Miljø- og Energiministeriet. Skov-og Naturstyrelsen, 88 p. 295

Furthermore, in the current vegetation some low species density types have been added due to<br />

influence of humans. Thus, coniferous plantation, arable land (weed communities) and heathland are<br />

relatively low in species density. On the other hand, cultural types of very high species density, like<br />

grasslands and fresh meadows, also occur in the current landscape.<br />

To get a tentative impression of the difference in overall species density between the natural<br />

vegetation as shown by the European map, and the current vegetation, the figures of species density in<br />

Tables 1 and 2 have been weighted by the relative area of the respective units and types. When the<br />

values of Σ (species density x area in %) for natural and current vegetation are compared (1952 and<br />

1094, respectively), it appears that the overall species density may be lower in the current landscape<br />

than in the natural landscape. This is mostly due to the fact that the current landscape is dominated by<br />

arable land. The presence in the cultural landscape of small areas of high density types, like speciesrich<br />

grasslands, is far from being able to counterbalance the dominance of the arable fields.<br />

The biodiversity of the Danish landscape generally has declined during the last century. This is due to<br />

the intensification of agriculture with fertilization, use of pesticides, drainage and removal of small<br />

biotopes as well as to declining use of meadows and salt marshes for grazing. The result is<br />

fragmentation of the landscape and decline in population size of indigenous species (PRIP et al. 1995).<br />

In return, the total number of species of vascular plants has never before been as high as it is today<br />

(2675 species), caused by introduction of many species. The introduced species may damage biotopes<br />

which are naturally species-poor, or they may become invasive and thereby outcompete indigenous<br />

species (WIND 2000).<br />

Possibly, maximum biodiversity of the Danish landscape since the beginning of the Neolithic occurred<br />

during the centuries before the middle of the 19 th century. At that time the forests were partly replaced<br />

by open, grazed species-rich biotopes, agriculture was not yet very intensified, and the landscape as a<br />

whole was more wet and very varied. Probably the biodiversity at that time was higher than would be<br />

fo<strong>und</strong> in the potential natural landscape. In this way the new Map of Natural Vegetation of Europe<br />

may contribute to putting past and present European biodiversity into perspective.<br />

Acknowledgements<br />

I wish to thank Professor Kjeld Hansen and Dr. Lars Påhlsson for cooperation and discussion on the<br />

Danish contribution to the European Vegetation Map.<br />

References<br />

ANDERSEN, S.T. (1977): Vegetationens historie efter sidste istid. – In: PETERSEN, P.M. &<br />

VESTERGAARD, P. (Eds.): Noter til Vegetationsøkologi og plantegeografi. – København<br />

(Københavns Universitet), p. 85-91.<br />

BOHN, U.; GOLLUB, G. & HETTWER, C. [Bearb.] (2000): Karte der natürlichen Vegetation<br />

Europas/Map of the Natural Vegetation of Europe. Maßstab/Scale 1:2.500.000. Teil 2/Part 2:<br />

Legende/Legend, 153 S./p.; Teil 3/Part 3: Karten/Maps (9 Blätter/Sheets, Legendenblatt/Legend<br />

Sheet, Übersichtskarte 1:10 Mio./General Map 1:10 million). – Münster (Landwirtschaftsverlag).<br />

BUCHWALD, E. & SØGAARD, S. (2000): Danske Naturtyper i det europæiske NATURA 2000 netværk.<br />

– Miljø- og Energiministeriet. Skov-og Naturstyrelsen, 88 p.<br />


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