Nicola Arndt und Matthias Pohl - Neobiota

Nicola Arndt und Matthias Pohl - Neobiota Nicola Arndt und Matthias Pohl - Neobiota

22.02.2013 Aufrufe

jede Einheit aufgeführt sind. Aufgrund dieser Informationen können die Kartierungseinheiten der Vegetationskarte Europas in Verbindung mit anderen Systemen wie dem der Nordischen Länder, EUNIS oder Natura 2000 als Rahmen für die Bewertung des Naturzustandes verwendet werden. Die Karte der natürlichen Vegetation Europas bietet ferner einen Überblick über die Verbreitung ähnlicher Standort- und Vegetationstypen in Europa. Auf dieser Grundlage können auch zweckmäßige Verknüpfungen und Kooperationen beispielsweise in der Forschung, Landschaftsplanung oder im Tourismus ermittelt werden. 1 The Nordic countries and Natura 2000 An image of the pan-Scandinavian landscape, in the artistic sense, could be created by combining three pictures: one from southern regions, a second from central Scandinavia, and a third from the mountainous, northern parts. The resulting product would correspond to the original notion of a landscape, a place that exists in the piece of art, and nowhere else (Figure 1). Likewise, the concept “landscape” was traditionally a picture or a painting made from the combined impressions in the mind of an artist. The compilation made it possible to depict the characteristic features of a certain place together with the artist’s own experiences. Figure 1: A Scandinavian landscape as a combination of natural features from different parts of the whole area. Seen from the point of view of the natural sciences, a landscape consists of the sum of its different natural components. A landscape can be defined on the basis of characteristic features of geology, 206

landforms, vegetation and plant species, together with human constructions such as buildings, fences and highways. Based on the concept that landscape types delimited using special natural components could serve as a framework for the evaluation of the natural environment, a project designed to characterise and identify representative biotopes was initiated by the Nordic Council of Ministers and carried out during the 1970s (PÅHLSSON 1983). The Nordic countries were divided into 76 regions or landscape types based on a large number of physiographical parameters connected to geology (landforms and soils), climate and vegetation (Figure 2). The initial subdivision was based on the vegetation zones of the Nordic countries. Figure 2: Physiographical regions of the Nordic countries. 207

landforms, vegetation and plant species, together with human constructions such as buildings, fences<br />

and highways. Based on the concept that landscape types delimited using special natural components<br />

could serve as a framework for the evaluation of the natural environment, a project designed to<br />

characterise and identify representative biotopes was initiated by the Nordic Council of Ministers and<br />

carried out during the 1970s (PÅHLSSON 1983). The Nordic countries were divided into 76 regions or<br />

landscape types based on a large number of physiographical parameters connected to geology<br />

(landforms and soils), climate and vegetation (Figure 2). The initial subdivision was based on the<br />

vegetation zones of the Nordic countries.<br />

Figure 2: Physiographical regions of the Nordic countries.<br />


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