Nicola Arndt und Matthias Pohl - Neobiota

Nicola Arndt und Matthias Pohl - Neobiota Nicola Arndt und Matthias Pohl - Neobiota

22.02.2013 Aufrufe

For example for Mediterranean sclerophyllous forests & scrub (formation ‘J’) 8 of the 10 rarest types with the smallest area and only one or few polygons in the map according to the database associated with the EPNV map can be considered as covered by Annex I (see Table 2). The recent publication of the data sheets for each maping unit will improve the ability to identify mapping units with the relevant Annnex I habitats (BOHN et al. 2003; BOHN et al. 2004). 6 Combining EPNV with other datasets The EPNV map shows 'natural' or 'potential' vegetation rather than actual vegetation and other types of land cover and the ETC/NPB is unaware of any European scale map of actual vegetation in sufficient detail for our needs. It is likely that EPNV combined with other data (e.g., from CORINE Land Cover) will at least partially help overcome this problem (see HETTWER 2004, VESTERGAARD 2004, both this volume). It may also be possible to predict the distribution of some anthropogenic habitat types where they can be identified as replacement vegetation for EPNV mapping units. Publication of the digital EPNV map as an interactive CD-ROM will also make such analysis easier (BOHN et al. 2004). The WCMC & WWF work on forests (WCMC 2000) combining EPNV and CORINE land cover datasets appears promising but the rationale used poses problems as the CORINE land cover mapping units are very broad and do not differentiate between 'natural/seminatural forests' and plantations. An area mapped as 'F1 West Irish-West British hyperoceanic moss and lichen-rich sessile oak forest' and shown as 'Coniferous forest' by CORINE LC can be assumed to be a plantation and that the original deciduous vegetation has been lost. However an area mapped as 'D50 Scottish dwarf shrubrich pine forests' and as 'Coniferous forest' by CORINE LC could be a natural pine forest ('Caledonian forest', a priority Annex I habitat of international importance) or a plantation of Picea sitchensis of very limited conservation interest. Conclusion The EPNV map is a valuable source of data at a Pan-European scale but its full value for NATURA 2000 and probably other applications will be realised by combining it with other spatial datasets. Acknowledgments Marc Roekaerts helped with the section on the biogeographical regions and Gabriela Augusto produced Figures 3 & 4. This paper has benefited from discussions with other participants during the meeting on Vilm. The views expressed are those of the author and should not be taken as the views of the EEA or the ETC/NPB. References BOHN, U. (1993): Natural Vegetation of Europe and Turkey – General Map 1:15.000.000. – Bonn- Bad Godesberg (Bundesamt für Naturschutz). BOHN, U.; GOLLUB, G. & HETTWER, C. [Bearb.] (2000): Karte der natürlichen Vegetation Europas/Map of the Natural Vegetation of Europe. Maßstab/Scale 1:2.500.000. Teil 2/Part 2: Legende/Legend, 153 S.; Teil 3/Part 3: Karten/Maps (9 Blätter/Sheets, Legendenblatt/Legend Sheet, Übersichtskarte 1:10 Mio./General Map 1:10 million). – Münster (Landwirtschaftsverlag). 202

BOHN, U.; NEUHÄUSL, R., unter Mitarbeit von GOLLUB, G.; HETTWER, C.; NEUHÄUSLOVÁ, Z.; SCHLÜTER, H. & WEBER, H. (2000/2003): Karte der natürlichen Vegetation Europas/Map of the Natural Vegetation of Europe. Maßstab/Scale 1:2.500.000. Teil 1/Part 1: Erläuterungsband/ Explanatory Text, 655 S.; Teil 2/Part 2: Legende/Legend, 153 S.; Teil 3/Part 3: Karten/Maps (9 Blätter/Sheets, Legendenblatt/Legend Sheet, Übersichtskarte 1:10 Mio./General Map 1:10 million). – Münster (Landwirtschaftsverlag). BOHN, U.; GOLLUB, G.; HETTWER, C.; NEUHÄUSLOVÁ, Z.; RAUS, TH.; SCHLÜTER, H. & WEBER, H. [BEARB.] (2004): Interaktive/Interactive CD-ROM zur Karte der natürlichen Vegetation Europas/ to the Map of the Natural Vegetation of Europe. Maßstab/ S cale 1:2.500.000. - Erläuterungstext, Legende, Karten/Explanatory Text, Legend, Maps. – Münster (Landwirtschaftsverlag). CEC (Commission of the European Communities) (2003) : Interpretation manual of European Union habitats - EUR 25. DG ENVIRONMENT - Nature and Biodiversity; ( available from ) COE(COUNCIL OF EUROPE) (1998): The EMERALD Network - a network of Areas of Special Conservation Interest for Europe. – Strasbourg (T-PVS 98: 13). DAVIES, C. & MOSS, D. (1997): EUNIS Habitat Classification. – Final Report to the ETC/NC, December 1997. DEVILLERS, P & DEVILLERS-TERSCHUREN, J. (1996): A classification of Palaearctic habitats. [= Nature & Environnment No. 78]. – Strasbourg (Council of Europe) 194 p. EUROPEAN COMMISSION (1992/95/2003): Council directive 92/43/EEC of 21 May 1992 on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora. As amended by the Accession Act of Austria, Finland & Sweden(1995) and the Accession Act of the Czech Republic,the Republic of Estonia,the Republic of Cyprus,the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania,the Republic of Hungary,the Republic of Malta,the Republic of Poland,the Republic of Slovenia and the Slovak Republic (2003). – Brussels (Official Journal L 236 33 23.9.2003). EUROPEAN COMMISSION (1994): CORINE Land Cover project – Technical Guide. – Luxembourg (Office for Official Publications of the European Communities). HETTWER, C. (2005): Karte der natürlichen Vegetation Europas als Grundlage für den Aufbau eines repräsentativen Schutzgebietssystems, Beispiel NATURA 2000 für Deutschland. – This volume. MOSS, D & WYATT, B.K. (1994): The CORINE Biotopes Project: a database for conservation of nature and wildlife in the European community. – Applied Geography 14 (4): 327-349. NOIRFALISE, A. [Ed.] (1987): Carte de la végétation naturelle des Etats membres des Communautés européennes et du Conseil de l'Europe. 1 : 3.000.000, deuxième édition. – Luxembourg (Office public. off. Comm. europ.), feuilles 1-4. ROMÃO, C. [Ed.] (1996): Interpretation Manual of European Union Habitats. Version EUR 15. – Brussels RODWELL, J.S. [ED.] (1991, 1992, 1995, 2000): British Plant Communities. Vol. 1-5. – Cambridge (Cambridge University Press). RODWELL, J.S.; PIGNATTI, S.; MUCINA, L. & SCHAMINEE, J.H.J (1995): European Vegetation Survey: update on progress. – J. Vegetation Science 6 (5): 759-763. RODWELL, J.S.; SCHAMINÉE, J.H.J.; MUCINA, L.; PIGNATTI, S.; DRING, J. & MOSS, D. (2002): The Diversity of European Vegetation. An overview of phytosociological alliances and their relationships to EUNIS habitats. – Wageningen (EC-LNV. Report EC-LNV nr 2002/054) 168 p. ROEKAERTS, M. (2002): Basic principles of the Biogeographical Regions Map: creation and overview of its development. (available from metadetails.asp?id=308). 203

For example for Mediterranean sclerophyllous forests & scrub (formation ‘J’) 8 of the 10 rarest types<br />

with the smallest area and only one or few polygons in the map according to the database associated<br />

with the EPNV map can be considered as covered by Annex I (see Table 2). The recent publication of<br />

the data sheets for each maping unit will improve the ability to identify mapping units with the<br />

relevant Annnex I habitats (BOHN et al. 2003; BOHN et al. 2004).<br />

6 Combining EPNV with other datasets<br />

The EPNV map shows 'natural' or 'potential' vegetation rather than actual vegetation and other types of<br />

land cover and the ETC/NPB is unaware of any European scale map of actual vegetation in sufficient<br />

detail for our needs. It is likely that EPNV combined with other data (e.g., from CORINE Land Cover)<br />

will at least partially help overcome this problem (see HETTWER 2004, VESTERGAARD 2004, both this<br />

volume). It may also be possible to predict the distribution of some anthropogenic habitat types where<br />

they can be identified as replacement vegetation for EPNV mapping units. Publication of the digital<br />

EPNV map as an interactive CD-ROM will also make such analysis easier (BOHN et al. 2004).<br />

The WCMC & WWF work on forests (WCMC 2000) combining EPNV and CORINE land cover<br />

datasets appears promising but the rationale used poses problems as the CORINE land cover mapping<br />

units are very broad and do not differentiate between 'natural/seminatural forests' and plantations.<br />

An area mapped as 'F1 West Irish-West British hyperoceanic moss and lichen-rich sessile oak forest'<br />

and shown as 'Coniferous forest' by CORINE LC can be assumed to be a plantation and that the<br />

original deciduous vegetation has been lost. However an area mapped as 'D50 Scottish dwarf shrubrich<br />

pine forests' and as 'Coniferous forest' by CORINE LC could be a natural pine forest ('Caledonian<br />

forest', a priority Annex I habitat of international importance) or a plantation of Picea sitchensis of<br />

very limited conservation interest.<br />

Conclusion<br />

The EPNV map is a valuable source of data at a Pan-European scale but its full value for NATURA<br />

2000 and probably other applications will be realised by combining it with other spatial datasets.<br />

Acknowledgments<br />

Marc Roekaerts helped with the section on the biogeographical regions and Gabriela Augusto<br />

produced Figures 3 & 4. This paper has benefited from discussions with other participants during the<br />

meeting on Vilm. The views expressed are those of the author and should not be taken as the views of<br />

the EEA or the ETC/NPB.<br />

References<br />

BOHN, U. (1993): Natural Vegetation of Europe and Turkey – General Map 1:15.000.000. – Bonn-<br />

Bad Godesberg (B<strong>und</strong>esamt für Naturschutz).<br />

BOHN, U.; GOLLUB, G. & HETTWER, C. [Bearb.] (2000): Karte der natürlichen Vegetation<br />

Europas/Map of the Natural Vegetation of Europe. Maßstab/Scale 1:2.500.000. Teil 2/Part 2:<br />

Legende/Legend, 153 S.; Teil 3/Part 3: Karten/Maps (9 Blätter/Sheets, Legendenblatt/Legend<br />

Sheet, Übersichtskarte 1:10 Mio./General Map 1:10 million). – Münster (Landwirtschaftsverlag).<br />


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