Nicola Arndt und Matthias Pohl - Neobiota

Nicola Arndt und Matthias Pohl - Neobiota Nicola Arndt und Matthias Pohl - Neobiota

22.02.2013 Aufrufe

Subzone Formation Ecotype Association, complex of communities West Pontic ps Stipa anomala, Agropyron spp., Festuca beckeri - herbs with Artemisia marschalliana Grass steppes Wormwood− grass steppes Stipa lessingiana Stipa lessingiana Stipa ucrainica Stipa sareptana Stipa capillata Artemisia pauciflora hps Stipa lessingiana, S. capillata - herbs with Stipa zalesskii Geographical variant Central Pontic pl Stipa lessingiana + + + Trans- Volga pl hal Stipa lessingiana in complex with Festuca valesiaca - Kochia prostrata, Artemisia santonicum on solonetz, partly with A. pauciflora + pl hal Stipa lessingiana, Festuca valesiaca, Agropyron desertorum in complex with Artemisia pauciflora on solonetz + hps Stipa lessingiana, S. capillata + + hps hal Stipa lessingiana, S. capillata in + + complex with Artemisia pauciflora, Kochia prostrata, Tanacetum hps achilleifolium on solonetz Stipa ucrainica, S. lessingiana + hps hal Stipa ucrainica, S. lessingiana in complex with Festuca valesiaca − Kochia prostrata, Artemisia pl santonicum on solonetz Stipa sareptana, S. lessingiana − Artemisia lerchiana in complex with Artemisia pauciflora, Kochia prostrata on solonetz hps Stipa sareptana, S. lessingiana, S. capillata A. lerchiana − Artemisia taurica, hps hal Stipa sareptana, S. lessingiana, S. capillata - Artemisia taurica, A. lerchiana in complex with Artemisia pauciflora, Camphorosma monspeliaca on solonetz hps Stipa capillata, S. lessingiana, hps hal Festuca valesiaca - Artemisia taurica, A. santonicum Stipa capillata, S. anomala - Leymus racemosus with Stipa caspia pl hal Artemisia pauciflora, A. lerchiana, Kochia prostrata, Tanacetum achilleifolium in complex with Agropyron desertorum, Stipa sareptana, S. lessingiana, Festuca pl hal valesiaca Artemisia pauciflora, A. lerchiana - Leymus ramosus, Agropyron desertorum, Stipa sareptana, Festuca valesiaca in complex with Artemisia cana pauciflora and Atriplex + + + North Caspian 1 pl − pelitophytic, pl hal − pelitophytic halophytic, hps − hemipsammophytic, hps hal − hemipsammophytic halophytic, ps − psammophytic, hal − halophytic 158 + + + + + +

In the southern subzone and to a lesser extent in the middle subzone of bunchgrass steppes, large areas are occupied by wormwood communities where Artemisia pauciflora prevails on crust solonetz and A. lerchiana on deeper solonetz. The break-down of the desert and steppe vegetation into subzones, formations, habitat types, communities and geographic variants is displayed in synoptic tables with the respective diagnostic species (Table 4). The formations of three feather grass species, Stipa tirsa, S. zalesskii and S. anomala are distributed only in the northern subzone of the steppe zone, namely in the subzone with herb-bunchgrass steppes. The phytocoenotic optimum of the S. sareptana formation is in the southern subzone with wormwood-bunchgrass steppes, and that of S. ucrainica and S. lessingiana in the middle subzone with bunchgrass steppes. The communities of the last formation play a noticeable role also northwards, but not everywhere, only under definite conditions, namely on loose, fine-grained soils. The S. capillata formation is characteristic of all subzones, but everywhere connected with loose, finegrained soils. Unfortunately, the steppe zone has been practically completely ploughed under. However at the present time, owing to the change in the intensity of economic activity (agricultural use), the process of restoration of steppe vegetation has begun here and there. References GRIBOVA, S.A. & ISACHENKO, T.I. (1972): Vegetation mapping of survey scale (Kartirovanie rastitel'nosti v s’’emočnyh maštabah). Field geobotany (Polevaja geobotanika). – Leningrad T. IV, p. 137-326. (in Russian) GRIBOVA, S.A.; KARAMYSHEVA, Z.V.; NEUHÄUSL R. & YURKOVSKAYA, T.K. (1988): Vegetation map of Europe and the problems of classification (Karta rastitel'nosti Evropy i voprosy klassifikacii). – Geobotanical mapping 1988 (Geobotaničeskoe kartografirovanie 1988), p. 3-13. (in Russian) ISACHENKO, T.I. (1969): Structure of vegetation cover and mapping (Složenie rastitel'nogo pokrova i kartografirovanie). – Geobotanical mapping 1969 (Geobotaničeskoe kartografirovanie 1969), p. 20-33. (in Russian) ISACHENKO, T.I. & RACHKOVSKAYA, E.I. (1961): Main zonal types of the Northern Kazakhstan steppe (Osnovnye zonal'nye tipy stepej Severnogo Kazačstana). Proceedings of BIN AS USSR. Seria 3: Geobotany (Trudy BIN AN SSSR. Serija 3: Geobotanika). – Leningrad, Vol. 13: 133-397. (in Russian) KARAMYSHEVA, Z.V. & RACHKOVSKAYA, E.I. (1973): Botanical geography of the Central Kazakhstan Steppe Region (Botaničeskaja geografija stepnoj časti Zentral'nogo Kazahstana). – Leningrad, 278 p. (in Russian) KOROVIN, E.P. (1961): Vegetation of Middle Asia and Southern Kazakhstan (Rastitel'nost' Srednej Asii i Ǔznogo Kazahstana). – Tashkent, Book 1, 452 p. (in Russian) LADYGINA, G.M., RACHKOVSKAYA, E.I. & SAFRONOVA, I.N. (EDITORS) (1995): Vegetation of Kazakhstan and Middle Asia (in limits of deserts) (Rastitel'nost' Kazahstana i Srednej Azii) (v predelah pustynnoj oblasti) Scale 1 : 2500000. Explanatory text and legend of map (Pojasnitel'nyj tekst i legenda k karte). – St.-Petersburg, 130 p. (in Russian and English) LAVRENKO, E.M. (1940): Steppes of USSR (Stepi SSSR). Vegetation of USSR. (Rastitel'nost' SSSR). – Moscow; Leningrad, Vol. 2: 1-265. (in Russian) LAVRENKO, E.M. (1941): About typoligy of vegetation of Desert Regions of USSR (K voprosu o tipologii rastitel'nosti pustynnyh chastej SSSR). – Soviet botany (Sovetskaja botanika) Vol. 3: 157-161. (in Russian) 159

Subzone Formation Ecotype Association, complex of<br />

communities<br />

West<br />

Pontic<br />

ps Stipa anomala, Agropyron spp.,<br />

Festuca beckeri - herbs with<br />

Artemisia marschalliana<br />

Grass<br />

steppes<br />

Wormwood−<br />

grass<br />

steppes<br />

Stipa<br />

lessingiana<br />

Stipa<br />

lessingiana<br />

Stipa<br />

ucrainica<br />

Stipa<br />

sareptana<br />

Stipa<br />

capillata<br />

Artemisia<br />

pauciflora<br />

hps Stipa lessingiana, S. capillata - herbs<br />

with Stipa zalesskii<br />

Geographical variant<br />

Central<br />

Pontic<br />

pl Stipa lessingiana +<br />

+<br />

+<br />

Trans-<br />

Volga<br />

pl hal Stipa lessingiana in complex with<br />

Festuca valesiaca - Kochia prostrata,<br />

Artemisia santonicum on solonetz,<br />

partly with A. pauciflora<br />

+<br />

pl hal Stipa lessingiana, Festuca valesiaca,<br />

Agropyron desertorum in complex<br />

with Artemisia pauciflora on solonetz<br />

+<br />

hps Stipa lessingiana, S. capillata + +<br />

hps hal Stipa lessingiana, S. capillata in<br />

+ +<br />

complex with Artemisia pauciflora,<br />

Kochia prostrata, Tanacetum<br />

hps<br />

achilleifolium on solonetz<br />

Stipa ucrainica, S. lessingiana +<br />

hps hal Stipa ucrainica, S. lessingiana in<br />

complex with Festuca valesiaca −<br />

Kochia prostrata, Artemisia<br />

pl<br />

santonicum on solonetz<br />

Stipa sareptana, S. lessingiana −<br />

Artemisia lerchiana in complex with<br />

Artemisia pauciflora, Kochia prostrata<br />

on solonetz<br />

hps Stipa sareptana, S. lessingiana,<br />

S. capillata<br />

A. lerchiana<br />

− Artemisia taurica,<br />

hps hal Stipa sareptana, S. lessingiana,<br />

S. capillata - Artemisia taurica,<br />

A. lerchiana in complex with<br />

Artemisia pauciflora, Camphorosma<br />

monspeliaca on solonetz<br />

hps Stipa capillata, S. lessingiana,<br />

hps hal<br />

Festuca valesiaca - Artemisia taurica,<br />

A. santonicum<br />

Stipa capillata, S. anomala - Leymus<br />

racemosus with Stipa caspia<br />

pl hal Artemisia pauciflora, A. lerchiana,<br />

Kochia prostrata, Tanacetum<br />

achilleifolium in complex with<br />

Agropyron desertorum, Stipa sareptana,<br />

S. lessingiana, Festuca<br />

pl hal<br />

valesiaca<br />

Artemisia pauciflora, A. lerchiana -<br />

Leymus ramosus, Agropyron<br />

desertorum, Stipa sareptana,<br />

Festuca valesiaca in complex with<br />

Artemisia<br />

cana<br />

pauciflora and Atriplex<br />

+<br />

+ +<br />

North<br />

Caspian<br />

1<br />

pl − pelitophytic, pl hal − pelitophytic halophytic, hps − hemipsammophytic, hps hal − hemipsammophytic<br />

halophytic, ps − psammophytic, hal − halophytic<br />

158<br />

+<br />

+<br />

+<br />

+<br />

+<br />


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