Nicola Arndt und Matthias Pohl - Neobiota

Nicola Arndt und Matthias Pohl - Neobiota Nicola Arndt und Matthias Pohl - Neobiota

22.02.2013 Aufrufe

LUC (1999): Glasgow and the Clyde Valley Landscape Assessment.[by Land Use Consultance] No 119. Scottish Natural Heritage, Edinburgh. – In: COUNTRYSIDE AGENCY AND SCOTTISH NATURAL HERITAGE (Eds.): Landscape Character Assessment – Guidance for England and Scotland. – Countryside Agency Publications, 84 p. MEEUS, J.H.A. (1993) : The transformation of agricultural landscapes in Western Europe. – Amsterdam (Elsevier Science publishers B.V.) – The Science of the Total Environment 129: 171-190. MEEUS, J.H.A (1995): Pan-European landscapes. – Landscape and Urban Planning 31: 57-79. MEYNEN, E. & SCHMITHÜSEN, J. [Hrsg.] (1953-1962): Handbuch der naturräumlichen Gliederung Deutschlands. 2 Bände. – Bonn-Bad Godesberg (Bundesanstalt für Landeskunde und Raumforschung) 1339 S. MILANOVA, E.V. & KUSHLIN, A.V. [Eds.] (1993): World Map of Present-day Landscapes. An explanatory guide. – Department of World Physical Geography and Geoecology, Moscow State University, in collaboration with UNEP, 25 p. + annexes. MÜCHER, C.A.; BUNCE, R.G.H.; JONGMAN, R.H.G.; KLIJN, J.A.; KOOMEN, A.; METZGER, M. & WASCHER, D.M. (2003): Identification and Characterisation of Environments and Landscapes in Europe. – Wageningen (Alterra, Green World Research, Alterra-Report 832) 113 p.; 33 figures, 19 tables, 102 refs. NOIRFALISE, A. (1989): Paysages. L'Europe de la diversité. – Luxembourg (Commission of the European Communities). OECD (1999): OECD Conference Proceedings: Environmental Indicators for Agriculture Volume 2: Issues and Design – The York Workshop. – Paris (OECD) 216 p. PAINHO, M. & AUGUSTO, G. (2005, in diesem Band): A Digital Map of European Ecological Regions. – In: BOHN, U.; HETTWER, C. & GOLLUB, G. [Bearb./Ed.]: Anwendung und Auswertung der Karte der natürlichen Vegetation Europas / Application and Analysis of the Map of the Natural Vegetation of Europe. – Bonn (Bundesamt für Naturschutz). PARRIS, K. (2002): Measuring the Multifunctionality of Agricultural Landscapes – Policy Tools and Requirements in OECD Countries, paper presented on the IALE European Conference, 17th - 20th October 2000 in Roskilde, Denmark. – Conference Proceedings (in print). PEDROLI, G.B.M.; JONGMAN, R.H.G.; KLIJN, J. & WASCHER, D.M. (2001): Position Paper on Landscape Europe – International Centre of Landscape Expertise. – Wageningen (Internal Report, Alterra - Green World Research). PISARENKO, A. (1993): Russian boreal forets and global biosphere stability. Report of meeting held in Geneva, 15-18 March 1993. – Geneva (UNEP). PRENTICE, C.; CRAMER, W.; HARRISON, S.P. & LEEMANS, R. (1992): A global biome model based on plant physiology and dominance, soil properties and climate. – Journal of Biogeography 19: 117-134. PUSCHMANN, O. (1998): The Norwegian landscape reference system - use of different sources as a base to describe landscape regions. – Report 12/98, Ås: Norsk institutt for jord- og skogkartlegging / Norwegian Institute of Land Inventory (NIJOS). SCHAMINÉE, J. (1999): Nieuwe wegen voor de plantensozilogie: toepassingen op het niveau van het landschap. De vegetatie van Nederland. Verleden – heden – toekomst. – Wageningen (Alterra). SCHLÜTER, H. (1991): Mosaiktypen des Natürlichkeitsgrades der heutigen aktuellen Vegetation als Gegenstand der Vegetationskartierung. – Phytocoenosis 3(2): 273-278. SCHUBERT, R. (1985): Bioindikatoren in Terrestrischen Ökosystemen. – Jena (Fischer Verlag). STANNERS, D. & BOURDEAU, P. (Eds.) (1995): Europe’s Environment – The Dobríš Assessment. – Copenhagen (A Report of the European Environment Agency) 680 p. 110

SUKOPP, H. (1969): Der Einfluß des Menschen auf die Vegetation. – Vegetatio 17: 360-371. SUKOPP, H. (1972): Wandel von Flora and Vegetation in Mitteleuropea unter dem Einfluß des Menschen. – Berichte über Landwirtschaft 50: 112-139. TÜXEN, R. (1956): Die heutige potentielle natürliche Vegetation als Gegenstand der Vegetationskartierung. – Angewandte Pflanzensoziologie (Stolzenau/Weser) 13: 5-42. VAN GILS, H.A.M.J. (1993): Vegetation Classification. A review for harmonisation of maps. Discussion paper prepared by Dr. H.A.M.J. van Gils for the UNEP-HEM/WCMC/GCTE Preperatory Workshop on Vegetation Classification, to be held in Charlottesville, Virginia, USA 24-26 January 1993. VERVLOET, J. & SPEK, T. (1998): Mapping the European cultural landscape (1:10 million): possibilities and challenges. Paper presented at the Workshop on Sustainable Landscape and Vegetation Changes, Stockholm, 10-12 December 1998. – Wageningen (Alterra, unpublished). VERVLOET, J. (2000): Pan-European Landscape Map – The Physical Geographic Map of Europe, Theoretical backgronds nad regional description. First phase of a project implemenation in the framework of Action Theme 4 of PEBLDS. – Wageningen (Alterra – Green World Research). VOS, W. (2000): A history of European Landscape painting. – In: KLIJN, J. & VOS, W.: From Landscape Ecology to Landscape Science. Proceedings of the European congress "Landscape Ecology: things to do - Proactive thoughts for the 21st century", organised in 1997 by the Dutch Association for Landscape Ecology (WLO) on the occasion of its 25th anniversary. – Wageningen (WLO) 163 p. WASCHER, D.M.; PIORR, H.-P. & KREISEL-FONCK, A. (1998): Agri-environmental Indicators for Landscapes. Paper developed in contribution to the OECD Workshop on Agri-environmental Indicators on September 21-24, York, UK, 1998. – Tilburg (European Centre for Nature Conservation). WASCHER, D.M. [Ed.] (2000): Agri-environmental Indicators for Sustainable Agriculture. Report from the EU Concerted Action Project FAIR5-PL97-3448. – Tilburg (European Centre for Nature Conservation) 200 p. WASCHER, D.M. & JONGMAN, R.H.G. [Eds.] (2002): European landscapes - classification, evaluation and conservation. – Copenhagen (EEA, Environment Technical Reports) (in press). WASCHER, D.M. (2003): European Landscape Character Assessment Initiative. EU Accompanying Measure Project. 5th EU Framework Programme. – Wageningen (Interim Report. Alterra), (not published). WASCHER, D.M. (2004): Landscape Indicator Development: Steps towards a European approach. – In: JONGMAN, R. (Ed.): The New Dimensions of the European Landscape. Proceedings of the Frontis workshop on the future of the European cultural landscape Wageningen, The Netherlands 9-12 June 2002. – Wageningen UR Frontis Series Nr. 4 (Dordrecht, Kluver Academic Publishers), p. 237-252. Author’s address: Dirk M. Wascher Senior Researcher Alterra P.O.Box 247 6700 AA Wageningen THE NETHERLANDS E-mail: 111

LUC (1999): Glasgow and the Clyde Valley Landscape Assessment.[by Land Use Consultance] No<br />

119. Scottish Natural Heritage, Edinburgh. – In: COUNTRYSIDE AGENCY AND SCOTTISH<br />

NATURAL HERITAGE (Eds.): Landscape Character Assessment – Guidance for England and<br />

Scotland. – Countryside Agency Publications, 84 p.<br />

MEEUS, J.H.A. (1993) : The transformation of agricultural landscapes in Western Europe. –<br />

Amsterdam (Elsevier Science publishers B.V.) – The Science of the Total Environment 129:<br />

171-190.<br />

MEEUS, J.H.A (1995): Pan-European landscapes. – Landscape and Urban Planning 31: 57-79.<br />

MEYNEN, E. & SCHMITHÜSEN, J. [Hrsg.] (1953-1962): Handbuch der naturräumlichen Gliederung<br />

Deutschlands. 2 Bände. – Bonn-Bad Godesberg (B<strong>und</strong>esanstalt für Landesk<strong>und</strong>e <strong>und</strong><br />

Raumforschung) 1339 S.<br />

MILANOVA, E.V. & KUSHLIN, A.V. [Eds.] (1993): World Map of Present-day Landscapes. An<br />

explanatory guide. – Department of World Physical Geography and Geoecology, Moscow State<br />

University, in collaboration with UNEP, 25 p. + annexes.<br />


WASCHER, D.M. (2003): Identification and Characterisation of Environments and Landscapes in<br />

Europe. – Wageningen (Alterra, Green World Research, Alterra-Report 832) 113 p.; 33 figures,<br />

19 tables, 102 refs.<br />

NOIRFALISE, A. (1989): Paysages. L'Europe de la diversité. – Luxembourg (Commission of the<br />

European Communities).<br />

OECD (1999): OECD Conference Proceedings: Environmental Indicators for Agriculture Volume 2:<br />

Issues and Design – The York Workshop. – Paris (OECD) 216 p.<br />

PAINHO, M. & AUGUSTO, G. (2005, in diesem Band): A Digital Map of European Ecological Regions.<br />

– In: BOHN, U.; HETTWER, C. & GOLLUB, G. [Bearb./Ed.]: Anwendung <strong>und</strong> Auswertung der<br />

Karte der natürlichen Vegetation Europas / Application and Analysis of the Map of the Natural<br />

Vegetation of Europe. – Bonn (B<strong>und</strong>esamt für Naturschutz).<br />

PARRIS, K. (2002): Measuring the Multifunctionality of Agricultural Landscapes – Policy Tools and<br />

Requirements in OECD Countries, paper presented on the IALE European Conference, 17th -<br />

20th October 2000 in Roskilde, Denmark. – Conference Proceedings (in print).<br />

PEDROLI, G.B.M.; JONGMAN, R.H.G.; KLIJN, J. & WASCHER, D.M. (2001): Position Paper on<br />

Landscape Europe – International Centre of Landscape Expertise. – Wageningen (Internal Report,<br />

Alterra - Green World Research).<br />

PISARENKO, A. (1993): Russian boreal forets and global biosphere stability. Report of meeting held in<br />

Geneva, 15-18 March 1993. – Geneva (UNEP).<br />

PRENTICE, C.; CRAMER, W.; HARRISON, S.P. & LEEMANS, R. (1992): A global biome model based on<br />

plant physiology and dominance, soil properties and climate. – Journal of Biogeography 19:<br />

117-134.<br />

PUSCHMANN, O. (1998): The Norwegian landscape reference system - use of different sources as a<br />

base to describe landscape regions. – Report 12/98, Ås: Norsk institutt for jord- og<br />

skogkartlegging / Norwegian Institute of Land Inventory (NIJOS).<br />

SCHAMINÉE, J. (1999): Nieuwe wegen voor de plantensozilogie: toepassingen op het niveau van het<br />

landschap. De vegetatie van Nederland. Verleden – heden – toekomst. – Wageningen (Alterra).<br />

SCHLÜTER, H. (1991): Mosaiktypen des Natürlichkeitsgrades der heutigen aktuellen Vegetation als<br />

Gegenstand der Vegetationskartierung. – Phytocoenosis 3(2): 273-278.<br />

SCHUBERT, R. (1985): Bioindikatoren in Terrestrischen Ökosystemen. – Jena (Fischer Verlag).<br />

STANNERS, D. & BOURDEAU, P. (Eds.) (1995): Europe’s Environment – The Dobríš Assessment. –<br />

Copenhagen (A Report of the European Environment Agency) 680 p.<br />


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