Nicola Arndt und Matthias Pohl - Neobiota

Nicola Arndt und Matthias Pohl - Neobiota Nicola Arndt und Matthias Pohl - Neobiota

22.02.2013 Aufrufe

100 Map 7: European Landscape Typology and Map, Draft Version (LANMAP 1)

DTM Definition Name 1 0-100 m Lowland (L) 2 100-500 m Hills (C) 3 500-1500 m Mountains (M) 4 1500-2500 m High mountains (H) 5 2500 + m Alpine (A) LC Definition Name 2arable land a 3 permanent crops p 4pastures g 5 heterogeneous agric. h 6forest f 7shrubs s 8 open spaces b 9wetlands w Extra codes 6000 = Non-Classified 6001 = Urban 6002 = Inland water 6003 = Estuaries and Lagoons PM Definition Name 1 River and Marine Alluvium A 3 Glacio-fluvial deposits I 4 Calcareous rocks C 5 Soft clayey materials L 6 Hard clayey materials and siltstone H 7Sands S 8 Sandstone R 9 Soft loam T 11 Detrital formations D 12 Crystalline rocks and Magmatites G 13 Volcanic rocks V 14 Other rocks X 15 Organic materials O Example type: LOg Figure 3: Construction and symbology of the typology based on topography (DTM), parent material (PM) and land cover (LC) for LANMAP 1. The main rational for the selection of vegetation classes has been the consideration that different types and locations of forest communities provide the opportunity to get a first impression on how their boundaries related to landscape units as identified in LANMAP 1. The selection of specific types was done at random. The overall impression from the comparison presented in Maps 8/9 is a rather good resemblance between major mapping units throughout most of the areas. Obviously, the aggregated colour-scheme of the Natural Vegetation Map only appears to have less detail – since only a portion of Europe has been selected (370 mapping units out of 700 are represented), there are almost twice as many as the 202 landscape types depicted in LANMAP 1. A visual analysis of the boundaries between mapping units point at a large degree of resemblance between vegetation and landscape units. Given the fact that for assessments, soil data and topography was playing a key role for the identification of area units, this resemblance does not come as surprise. With regard to reliability and accuracy of soil unit boundaries, it must be assumed that the Natural Vegetation Map is possibly based on more detailed and better researched national and regional sources, while LANMAP 1 is exclusively relying on a subset of the European Soil Database. The selected vegetation units demonstrate that both maps must be considered as largely complimentary. The CORINE land cover information introduces more variety and entirely different characteristics to what once have been largely homogenous vegetation covers – especially with regard to Europe’s original dense forest cover. In most cases, the former forest vegetation such as the Atlantic and Aquitaine oak forests, but also the Central European sessile oak-hornbeam forests have been replaced in most lowlands by agricultural land use. A conspicuous exception is the extensive forest in Southwest France (Landes, south of valley of the Garonne and its affluents). However, the original Aquitaine pedunculate oak forests have been replaced by large plantations of Pinus pinaster, established for resin extraction. The heath landscape of Aquitane was afforested in order to fix the 101

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Map 7: European Landscape Typology and Map, Draft Version (LANMAP 1)

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