20.02.2013 Aufrufe

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Spe cia l - Pneusnews


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tyres every three months. Imagine how much it<br />

costs the companies to change tyres,” adding that<br />

retreaded tyres are 30 per cent to 50 per cent<br />

cheaper than new tyres.<br />

The timing of his comments was interesting,<br />

given that they were pitched to a world in massive<br />

finan<strong>cia</strong>l turmoil; a state of affairs that some<br />

would argue exists just as much in the second half<br />

of 2009. When tyre costs comprise 15 per cent of a<br />

truck company’s total operating expenditure in<br />

addition to the period of extended ecological<br />

awareness, no doubt from the company’s point of<br />

view, it makes sense to be promoting a cheaper<br />

retread’s benefits right now, and doing it vocally.<br />

“Through retreading, the life of original tyres can<br />

be prolonged up to four times longer. The quantity<br />

of disposed tyres may be reduced by as much as<br />

75 per cent if retreading is employed,” he claimed.<br />

Opportunities and business strategies<br />

Goodway’s view of the current worldwide economic<br />

predicament could be described as more optimistic<br />

than many, since it is viewing the worldwide<br />

problems as a significant opportunity to push retreading<br />

forward against the option of new tyres. Goodway<br />

bel-ieves that as demand for new tyres contracts, there will be an<br />

inverse reaction in the market for retreads. According to the<br />

company, retreads will attract additional business as a cost-cutting<br />

measure for customers who would previously have bought new tyres.<br />

Thus, Supercool’s tagline comes into play again, with company<br />

sources insisting, “we will continue to focus on enhancing our<br />

market positioning by focusing on branding, supported by in-depth<br />

knowledge of customers to provide products and services to fulfil<br />

their needs. Furthermore, we will intensify our value-added services<br />

through activities such as technical support, end-user visits,<br />

tyre management programmes and community campaigns.”<br />

Of course, Goodway is not claiming that it is entirely resistant<br />

to the forces of the general worldwide finan<strong>cia</strong>l predicament: “With<br />

the worldwide economic slowdown, Goodway has implemented<br />

strategies to cope with the finan<strong>cia</strong>l turmoil.” It has worked to<br />

“streamline the group’s operations through revenue and expenditure<br />

management, cashflow management as well as improving<br />

sales and marketing efficiency and competency.” These measures<br />

are symbolic of the importance to an ambitious company of withstanding<br />

the tough times, though Goodway also emphasises its<br />

“commitment to our customers” as a driving force.<br />

Whereas the expansion of production capacity has taken precedence<br />

in the past, Goodway says it will refocus on offering customers’<br />

“competitive pricing, advertising and promotion support”<br />

alongside increasing its distribution network. In this way, the company<br />

believes it is well positioned to tap into the opportunity for<br />

growth in countries where retreading is relatively untapped; Goodway<br />

cited specifically Indonesia and China: “We predict the market<br />

to develop as they become more receptive to the cost-savings re-<br />

24<br />

Bigwheel OTR (BWOTR) is laying claim<br />

to being the world’s first retreader to<br />

successfully pre-cure retread 40.00 R57sized<br />

OTR tyres<br />

Bigwheel OTR hat erst kürzlich die<br />

erste Kaltrunderneuerung eines 57 Zoll<br />

großen EM-Reifens (40.00 R57) voller<br />

Stolz gemeldet<br />

Authorised Retailer“. Dabei müssen die Goodway-Runderneuerungspartner<br />

bestimmte Voraussetzungen erfüllen, etwa in Bezug auf die<br />

Ausbildung der Mitarbeiter, die Produktionsprozesse und -abläufe, die<br />

genutzten Anlagen, Maschinen und Technologien und zu guter Letzt<br />

die sogenannten SAR-Reports selbst („Safety Analysis Report“). Auf<br />

diese Weise verbreitet Goodway die sicherheitsbezogene Definition<br />

der Marke Supercool im Markt.<br />

Zusätzlich zu den Bemühungen, der Marke Supercool ein verändertes<br />

Image zu geben und an den Produkteigenschaften zu arbeiten,<br />

geht Goodway auch ganz allgemein in die Offensive und versucht das<br />

Ansehen von runderneuerten Reifen auf seinen Märkten zu verbessern.<br />

Gegenüber der Zeitung The Star erklärte Tai Boon Wee Anfang<br />

2009, dass die Produkte des Unternehmens – mit moderner Technologie<br />

und modernen Prozessen – „mit jedem Neureifen“ verglichen<br />

werden können. Hinzu komme die Kostenersparnis durch die Verwendung<br />

von runderneuerten Reifen, die im Schnitt nur 30 bis 50 Prozent<br />

von vergleichbaren Neureifen kosteten.<br />

Der Zeitpunkt seiner Wortmeldung scheint dabei interessant, befand<br />

sich die Weltwirtschaft doch Anfang des Jahres auf dem Weg in<br />

ihre größte Finanz- und Wirtschaftskrise seit dem Zweiten Weltkrieg;<br />

eine Krise, von der beinahe alle behaupten, dass sie auch in der zweiten<br />

Jahreshälfte fortdauern werde. Wenn die Reifenkosten rund 15<br />

Prozent der Betriebskosten eines Fuhrparks ausmachen und auch das<br />

ökologische Bewusstsein der Menschen zunimmt, müsse man die<br />

Vorteile einer guten Runderneuerung nur immer weiter anpreisen, so<br />

Tai Boon Wee weiter. „Durch die Runderneuerung kann die Lebensdauer<br />

eines Reifens um den Faktor vier verlängert werden. Außerdem

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