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Kommentare zu Kodierungen der AGE - ethnomaps.ch

Kommentare zu Kodierungen der AGE - ethnomaps.ch

Kommentare zu Kodierungen der AGE - ethnomaps.ch


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<strong>AGE</strong><br />

KABRE<br />

Weitere Namen<br />

Bekaburum, Kabure<br />

Stellvertreter für<br />

k.A.<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />

BENIN<br />

Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

18000 Kabre / Benin<br />

325000 Kabre / Togo<br />

Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

Froeli<strong>ch</strong>, J. C. 1949. Généralités sur les Kabrè. Bull. Inst. Franç. Afr. Noire 11: 77-105.<br />

Froeli<strong>ch</strong>, J. C., P. Alexandre, and R. Cornevin. 1963. Les populations du Nord-Togo. Paris.<br />

Puig, F. 1934. Etude sur les coutumes des Cabrais. Toulouse.<br />

Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

Frobenius, L. 1913. Und Afrika spra<strong>ch</strong> ... , Bd. 3, Unter <strong>der</strong> unsträfli<strong>ch</strong>en Aethiopen. Berlin.<br />

Vermot-Mangold, R. 1977. die Rolle <strong>der</strong> Frau bei den Kabre in Nord-Togo. Basel.<br />

Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

L: 10N, 2E. T: 1930. P: 157000 in 1950. B: V, 336.<br />

Varia<br />

Religion: Ahnengeister, Seelenwan<strong>der</strong>ungsglaube: Frobenius (1913:409f)<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

k.A.<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

V 31, V56, V60, V62, V74, V Handel / Seiler S<strong>ch</strong>iedt<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />

KABRE<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

V 31 / R: Vermot-Mangold (1977:11f)<br />

V 56 / R<br />

V 60 / R Frobenius (1913:405f): Frobenius bes<strong>ch</strong>reibt das "Frauenleben" ohne einen Hinweis auf Teilnahme <strong>der</strong> Frauen an <strong>der</strong><br />

Fis<strong>ch</strong>erei. Vermot-Mangold (1977:96) s<strong>ch</strong>reibt, dass getrockneter Fis<strong>ch</strong> aus dem Süden des Landes eingeführt werde.<br />

V 62 / R Frobenius (1913:383)<br />

V 74 / L Frobenius (1913:396<br />

V Handel / 2 Frobenius (1913:406)<br />

FA22<br />

994<br />

994<br />

Seite 1

<strong>AGE</strong><br />

KABYLE<br />

Weitere Namen<br />

k.A.<br />

Stellvertreter für<br />

k.A.<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />


Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

1050000 Kabyle/Algeria<br />

Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

Hanoteau, A., and A. Letourneaux. 1893. La Kabylie et les coutumes kabyles. 2d edit. 2v. Paris.<br />

Maunier, R. 1930. Mélanges de sociologie nord-africaine. Paris.<br />

Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

Lindig, W. (Hrsg.). 1986. Lexikon <strong>der</strong> Völker. Mün<strong>ch</strong>en<br />

Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

L: 36N, 4E. T: 1890. P: 1000000 in 1930. B: I,395.<br />

Varia<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />

Murdock 1959: including nearly a million sedentary cultivators in a compact section of coastal Algeria.<br />

KABYLE<br />

Lindig (1986:157f): Die Kabylen sind ein Stammesverband <strong>der</strong> Berber an <strong>der</strong> Mittelmeerküste Nordalgeriens; ca. 1 Mio.<br />

Grimes: Kabyle=arabis<strong>ch</strong>e Bezei<strong>ch</strong>nung für "tribesmen"<br />

k.A.<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

k.A.<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

46, 48, 50, 67 /Kock<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

V 46/R: z.B. Berberteppi<strong>ch</strong>e aus <strong>der</strong> Kabylie<br />

V 48/R<br />

V 50/R<br />

V 67/L: Lindig (1986:158): "Trotz grosser Besit<strong>zu</strong>nters<strong>ch</strong>iede sind Klassen und Standesunters<strong>ch</strong>iede kaum ausgeprägt. Nur<br />

S<strong>ch</strong>miede und S<strong>ch</strong>lä<strong>ch</strong>ter gelten als vera<strong>ch</strong>tete Kasten."<br />

MV6<br />

224<br />

224<br />

Seite 1

<strong>AGE</strong><br />


Weitere Namen<br />

Bodo, Boro-Boro-Ka<strong>ch</strong>ari<br />

Stellvertreter für<br />

k.A.<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />

INDIA<br />

Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

697000 Ka<strong>ch</strong>ari / India , Assam<br />

3000 Ka<strong>ch</strong>ari / India , Nagaland<br />

100000 Ka<strong>ch</strong>ari / Bhutan<br />

Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

Hodgson, B. H. 1847. Essay the First on the Koc<strong>ch</strong>, Bodo, and Dhimal Tribes. Calcutta.<br />

Endle, S. 1911. The Ka<strong>ch</strong>aris. London.<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />

Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

Das, S. T. 1986.Tribal Life of North-Eastern India. Delhi.<br />

A<strong>ch</strong>aryya, N. N. 1987. The Bodo-Ka<strong>ch</strong>aris of Assam. Tribes of North East India, ed. S. B. Saha, pp. 49-59. Agartala.<br />

Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

L: 27N, 90E. T: 1840. Cluster 171.<br />

Varia<br />

Religion: Animismus, Endle (1911: 23)<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

k.A.<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 39, 40, 43, 44, 46, 48, 50, 56, 58, 60, 62, 64, 65, 67, 69, 71, 72, 73, 75, Handel / Seiler S<strong>ch</strong>iedt<br />


<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

V 28/L: Endle (1911:13)<br />

V 29/L: Endle (1911:12), Reis<br />

V 30/L: Endle (1911:11)<br />

V 31/R-L: Endle (1911:11)<br />

V 32/L: Endle (1911:31)<br />

V 33/L: Das (1986:249)<br />

V 39/L: Das (1986:256)<br />

V 40/L: Endle (1911:15), Codes 1 und 3 gelten ebenfalls (Endle 1911:12)<br />

V 43/L: Endle (1911:30)<br />

V 44/L: Das (1986:257)<br />

V 46/L: Endle (1911:20)<br />

V 48/R: Endle (1911:19ff)<br />

V 50/R: Endle (1911:12)<br />

V 56/R: abgeleitet aus Codierung von V1<br />

V 58/L: Endle (1911:15f)<br />

V 60/L: Endle (1911:16)<br />

V 62/R-L: Endle (1911:12)<br />

V 64/L: Endle (1911:13,23)<br />

V 65/R-L Kommentar: Endle (1911:13) bes<strong>ch</strong>reibt gegenseitige Hilfeleistungen und Gemeins<strong>ch</strong>aftsarbeit <strong>zu</strong>r Bewältigung<br />

grösserer Arbeiten (z. B. Dammbau bei Ho<strong>ch</strong>wasser, Ernte). Rei<strong>ch</strong>tumsunters<strong>ch</strong>iede werden nirgends erwähnt. Für die<br />

Boro-Boro-Ka<strong>ch</strong>ari, die grösste Ka<strong>ch</strong>ari-Gruppe, s<strong>ch</strong>reibt A<strong>ch</strong>aryya (1987) "Inspite of different clans, they have no class<br />

distinctions in the social status…" (ibid.:53).<br />

V 67/L: Endle (1911:24ff) An<br />

V 69/R-L Kommentar: Endles Angabe (1911:11ff), die 20 von ihm bes<strong>ch</strong>riebenen "subdivisions" <strong>der</strong> Ka<strong>ch</strong>ari-Gesells<strong>ch</strong>aft seien<br />

endogam, wird vom Herausgeber <strong>der</strong> Bu<strong>ch</strong>es (Gurdon) in einer Fussnote stark angezweifelt. Diese totemistis<strong>ch</strong>en<br />

"subdivisions" weisen aber wie e<strong>ch</strong>te Berufskasten eine Arbeitsteilung untereinan<strong>der</strong> auf (z.B. Fis<strong>ch</strong>er, Priester, Bettler). Ni<strong>ch</strong>t<br />

alle "subdivisions" haben einen Namen, <strong>der</strong> si<strong>ch</strong> auf den Beruf ihrer Mitglie<strong>der</strong> bezieht, aber: "Most of the designations applied<br />

to the other sub-tribes merely indicate the occupation, probably hereditary, by whi<strong>ch</strong> the members of these sub-tribes obtained<br />

their livelihood" (ibid.:28). Die Boro-Boro-Ka<strong>ch</strong>ari sind eindeutig als in edogame clans unterteilt bes<strong>ch</strong>reiben: "…they have<br />

…no bar in inter-marriage and inter-dining" (Ar<strong>ch</strong>aryya 1987:53).<br />

V 71/L: Das (1986:263)<br />

V 72/L: Das (1986: 263)<br />

V 73/L: Endle (1911:32)<br />

V 75/L: Endle (1911:32)<br />

V Handel/L: Endle (1911:14f)<br />

AR6<br />

1197<br />

1197<br />

Seite 1

<strong>AGE</strong><br />

KACHIN<br />

Weitere Namen<br />

k.A.<br />

Stellvertreter für<br />

k.A.<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />

BURMA<br />

Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

320000 Ka<strong>ch</strong>in/Burma<br />

125000 Jingpo/China, Yunnan<br />

3000 Ka<strong>ch</strong>in/India, Nagaland<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />

Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

Lea<strong>ch</strong>, E. R. 1954. Political Systems of Highland Burma. London.<br />

____ 1945. Jinghpaw Kinship Terminology. Journ. Roy. Anth. Inst. 75: 59-72.<br />

____ 1967. The Language of Ka<strong>ch</strong>in Kinship. Social Organization, ed. M. Freedman, pp. 125-152. London.<br />

Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

LeBar, F.M. et al. 1964. Ethnic Groups of Mainland Southeast Asia. New Haven.<br />

Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

With special reference to the Jinghpaw.<br />

L: 26N, 97E. T: 1940. P: 300000. B: I,397.<br />

Varia<br />

Die "Ka<strong>ch</strong>in" heissen "Jingpo" in Yunnan, China. Die Jingpo sind politis<strong>ch</strong> egalitärer als die Ka<strong>ch</strong>in.<br />

k.A.<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

k.A.<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

29, 46, 65, V Handel / Kenny<br />

KACHIN<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

V 29: Es sind drei vers<strong>ch</strong>iedene Klimazonen in den Ka<strong>ch</strong>in-Bergen <strong>zu</strong> unters<strong>ch</strong>eiden: 1. Regenwäl<strong>der</strong> (v.a im NW): S<strong>ch</strong>wendbau<br />

mit 1jähriger Anbauzeit und 15jähriger Bra<strong>ch</strong>tzeit pro gerodete Flä<strong>ch</strong>e ("dry hill rice"). 2. Grassland (v.a. im SO): fast kein<br />

Reisanbau, son<strong>der</strong>n hauptsä<strong>ch</strong>li<strong>ch</strong> Mais (aber au<strong>ch</strong> cash-crops wie Tee und S<strong>ch</strong>lafmohn). 3. Dazwis<strong>ch</strong>en liegt eine Zone, in<br />

wel<strong>ch</strong>er dasselbe wie in den an<strong>der</strong>en beiden Gebieten angebaut wird, <strong>zu</strong>sätzli<strong>ch</strong> findet man hier aber bewässerte Reiskulturen.<br />

(Lea<strong>ch</strong> 1954:24/26).<br />

V 46/L: Lebar (1964:14). "Textil weaving seems to be the most elaborate craft, done by women during the cold season on a belt<br />

loom with locally grown and processed cotton thread."<br />

V 65: In den Ka<strong>ch</strong>in Bergen sind vers<strong>ch</strong>iedene Organisationsformen aus<strong>zu</strong>ma<strong>ch</strong>en, die je ihre spezifis<strong>ch</strong>e Klassenstruktur<br />

aufweisen. Drei davon können als Shan, Ka<strong>ch</strong>in-Gumsa und Ka<strong>ch</strong>in-Gumlao bezei<strong>ch</strong>net werden. Shan: stratifiziert in<br />

Aristokraten und "Commoners" und eine tiefere Kaste (Lea<strong>ch</strong> 1954:56); Code 5. Gumsa: Einteilung in Aristokraten und<br />

"Commoners" (Lea<strong>ch</strong> 1954:57); Code 4. Gumlao: keine Klassenunters<strong>ch</strong>iede (Lea<strong>ch</strong> 1954:57); Code 1.<br />

V Handel L: Lebar (1964:14). "Salt is largely obtained from the Burmese, although it was formerly produced form local sources.<br />

Iron and iron pots are bought form the Chinese. Cloth, distilled liquor, tobacco, and opium, though all produced locally, may also<br />

imported."<br />

AP6<br />

246<br />

246<br />

Seite 1

<strong>AGE</strong><br />

KADARA<br />

Weitere Namen<br />

Adara<br />

Stellvertreter für<br />

k.A.<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />


Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

k.A.<br />

Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

Gunn, H. D. 1953. Peoples of the Plateau Area of Northern Nigeria. London.<br />

Smith, M. G. The Social Structure of the Northern Kadara. Undated Ms.<br />

____ Secondary Marriage in Northern Nigeria. Undated Ms.<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />

KADARA<br />

Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

Smith, M.G. 1982. Cosmology, Practice and Social Organization among the Kadara and Kagoro. In: Ethnology: Vol. 21, No.1.<br />

Pittsburgh.<br />

Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

L: 10N, 8E. T: 1920. P: 10000 in 1921. B: V, 337.<br />

Varia<br />

k.A.<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

k.A.<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

31,44,56, Handel/Kenny 1991<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

V31/R: Smith (1982:8)<br />

V44/L: Smith (1982:2)<br />

V56: Subsistenzberei<strong>ch</strong> unbedeutend<br />

V Handel/L: Smith (1982:9)<br />

FF34<br />

1006<br />

1006<br />

Seite 1

<strong>AGE</strong><br />

KAFA<br />

Weitere Namen<br />

Goffa, Kaffits<strong>ch</strong>o<br />

Stellvertreter für<br />

Anfillo, Mo<strong>ch</strong>a, Gonga, Bosha<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />


Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

120'270 Kafa/ Ethiopia<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />

Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

Bieber, F. J. 1920-23. Kaffa. 2v. Münster.<br />

Cec<strong>ch</strong>i, A. 1885-87. Da Zeila alle frontiere del Caffa. 3v. Roma.<br />

Cerulli, E. 1932-33. Ethiopia occidentale, 2v. Roma.<br />

Huntingford, G. W. B. 1955. The Kingdoms of Kafa and Janjero. London.<br />

Onneken, D. A. 1956. Die Königskultur Kaffas und <strong>der</strong> verwandten Königsrei<strong>ch</strong>e. Frankfurt am Main.<br />

Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

Levine, D. 1974. Greater Ethiopia. The Evolution of a Multiethnic Society. Chicago<br />

KAFA<br />

MP14<br />

Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

L: 7N, 36E. T: 1890. P: 500000 estimated in 1905. B: V,225.<br />

Gemäss <strong>der</strong> kulturellen und spra<strong>ch</strong>li<strong>ch</strong>en Clusters von Levine gehören die Kafa <strong>zu</strong> den omotis<strong>ch</strong>en Völkern, <strong>zu</strong> <strong>der</strong><br />

Kafa-Janjero-Gruppe. Die Kafa repräsentieren au<strong>ch</strong> die Anfillo, Bosha, Gonga und Mo<strong>ch</strong>a. (Der Murdock-Original-Datensatz<br />

<strong>der</strong> Anfillo, Ea. Nr. 857, bezieht si<strong>ch</strong> ni<strong>ch</strong>t auf die omotis<strong>ch</strong>en Anfillo, son<strong>der</strong>n auf die nilotis<strong>ch</strong>en, mit den Mao verwandten<br />

Anfillo)<br />

Kaffa und Janjero waren bis ca. 1894 unabhängige Köngistümer (Frühstaaten seit 14. Jh.) und wurden dann vom amharis<strong>ch</strong>en<br />

Rei<strong>ch</strong> erobert und unterworfen.<br />

Die demographis<strong>ch</strong>e Angabe ist na<strong>ch</strong> Grimes (1988: 221) auf 1960 runtergere<strong>ch</strong>net worden.<br />

Varia<br />

70% traditionelle Religionen<br />

20% Christen<br />

10% Muslime (Grimes 1988: 221)<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

60<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

15,31,56,64,71,72,74,75,76, Handel<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

V 60: But fishing is done by the outcaste Manjo hunters.<br />

V15<br />

V 31/L: Bieber (1909): Streusiedlungen von ca. 7 Gehöften von 1o Personen (70 Personen). Es gibt aber au<strong>ch</strong> Städte und Dörfer<br />

um den königli<strong>ch</strong>en Hof herum.<br />

V56/R: Vergl. V1 o-5% unbedeutend<br />

V64/R: Beide Ges<strong>ch</strong>le<strong>ch</strong>ter arbeiten in <strong>der</strong> Landwirts<strong>ch</strong>aft. Es ist s<strong>ch</strong>wer abs<strong>ch</strong>ätzbar, wel<strong>ch</strong>e Arbeiten mehr <strong>zu</strong> tun geben.<br />

V71/L: Onneken (1956: 59): "Gemeinde, an <strong>der</strong>en Spitze <strong>der</strong> Duke-Niho-Vater <strong>der</strong> Gemeinde stand. Wurde von höheren Instanzen<br />

eingesetzt. Das Amt verebte si<strong>ch</strong> vom Vater auf den ältesten Sohn, konnte jedo<strong>ch</strong> auf einen an<strong>der</strong>en Angehörigen <strong>der</strong> Sippe<br />

übertragen werden, wenn <strong>der</strong> Sohn unfähig war.<br />

V72/L: Vergl. Anm. <strong>zu</strong> V 71<br />

V74/L: Huntingford (1955: 112): "Real property in land, or rather the title to a tenancy un<strong>der</strong> the king, and the ownership of houses<br />

etc., was indivisible, and inherited entire by the eldest son (...)."<br />

V75/L: Vergl. Anm. <strong>zu</strong> V74<br />

V76/L: Vergl. Anm. <strong>zu</strong> V74<br />

V Handel/L: Onneken (1956: 9): "Der Handel war entwickelt, als Währung dienten Barren von Steinsalz. Die Märkte wurden zwei,<br />

vier o<strong>der</strong> se<strong>ch</strong>s mal wö<strong>ch</strong>entli<strong>ch</strong> abgehalten."<br />

860<br />

860<br />

Seite 1

<strong>AGE</strong><br />

KAGORO<br />

Weitere Namen<br />

k.A.<br />

Stellvertreter für<br />

k.A.<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />


Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

k.A.<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />

KAGORO<br />

Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

Gunn, H. D. 1956. Pagan Peoples of the Central Area of Northern Nigeria. London.<br />

Meek, C. K. 1931. Tribal Studies in Northern Nigeria. 2v. London.<br />

Smith, M. G. 1951. Social Organization and Economy of Kagoro. Ms.<br />

____ Secondary Marriage in Northern Nigeria. Undated Ms.<br />

Tremearne, A. J. N. 1912. Notes on the Kagoro and Other Nigerian Head-Hunters. Journ. Roy. Anth. Inst. 42: 136-199.<br />

Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

Smith, M.G. 1982. Cosmology, Practice and Social Organization among the Kadara and Kagoro. In: Ethnology: Vol. 21, No.1.<br />

Pittsburgh.<br />

Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

L: 10N, 8E. T: 1920. P: 10500 in 1950. B: V, 337.<br />

Varia<br />

k.A.<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

k.A.<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

31,44,56,71,72, Handel/Kenny 1991<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

V31/R: Smith (1982:8)<br />

V44/L: Smith (1982:2)<br />

V56: Subsistenzberei<strong>ch</strong> unbedeutend<br />

V71/R<br />

V72/R<br />

V Handel/L: Smith (1982)<br />

FF38<br />

1007<br />

1007<br />

Seite 1

<strong>AGE</strong><br />

KAGURU<br />

Weitere Namen<br />

Kagulu, Sagara, Megi, Wetumba, Solwa, Mangaheri<br />

für Sagara: Sagala, Ziraha, Kondoa, Kwifa<br />

für Vidunda: Ndunda<br />

Stellvertreter für<br />

k.A.<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />


Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

100684 Kaguru/Tanzania<br />

33662 Sagara/Tanzania<br />

17324 Vidunda/Tanzania<br />

Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

Beidelman, T. O. 1967. The Matrilineal Peoples of Eastern Tanzania. London.<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />

Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

Beidelman, T.O. 1982. Colonial Evangelism. Bloomington.<br />

Beidelman, T.O. 1971. The Kaguru. A matrilineal pople of East Africa. New York.<br />

Kaplan, Irving et. al. 1978. Tanzania, a country study. Area Handbook Series. Washington.<br />

Ministry of Economic Affairs and Development Planing. 1971. 1967 Population Census, Volume 3. Dar es Salaam.<br />

Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

With special reference to the Mountain Kaguru.<br />

L: 6S, 37N, T: 1900. P: 87000 in 1957. Cluster 23.<br />

Varia<br />

KAGURU<br />

Lokalisierung: Beidelman (1967:36/37): "Ukaguru may be divided into three geographical areas: Lowland; the eastern fringe of<br />

Ukaguru, about a fifth of the country, lies below 2,000 feet. ... Mountains: the southcentral third of Ukaguru lies above 4,500 feet.<br />

... Plateau: the remain<strong>der</strong> of Ukaguru, nearly half, lies between 2,000 and 4,500 feet. This is the easternmost extension of the<br />

great central plateau whi<strong>ch</strong> comprises over half of Tanzania. .. Most Kaguru live in the northern third of Kilosa District, Eastern<br />

Region, and northeastern Mpwapwa District, Central Region."<br />

Der Datensatz <strong>der</strong> Kaguru wird im Atlas au<strong>ch</strong> für die kulturell ähnli<strong>ch</strong>en Sagara (33'662) und Vidunda (17'324) genommen, wel<strong>ch</strong>e<br />

im staatli<strong>ch</strong>en Zensus (1967) separat aufgeführt werden.<br />

Sagara: Beidelman (1967:51): "The Sagara proper reside in the mountains immediately north of Kilosa and in the large area to the<br />

south. In most respects, the countryside and general cultural features would seem bery similar to the Kaguru, although, .. the<br />

southern Sagara are subject to very consi<strong>der</strong>able Hehe influence.... Most are found in the southern half of Kilosa District,<br />

Eastern Region, northeastern Iringa District, ... and Northern Ulanga District."<br />

Vidunda: Beidelman (1967:53): "Nearly all are found in the far south of Kilosa District... The total area whi<strong>ch</strong> they occupy is about<br />

1,000 square miles. ... Mu<strong>ch</strong> of this area is inhabited only during the dry season where mu<strong>ch</strong> valley land is cultivated. The<br />

heavierst population is along the major roadway (Mikumi-Kilombero) and in the foothills and mountains to the west of it. ...<br />

They were deeply involved in the 1905 Maji-maji Rebellion and suffered bitter reprisals from the Germans... Vidunda keep<br />

goats, sheep, fowls but very few cattle." ev. Codierung än<strong>der</strong>n.<br />

Die Bevölkerungsgrössen <strong>der</strong> Kaguru, Sagara, Vidunda basieren auf den Angaben des staatli<strong>ch</strong>en Zensus von 1967 und wurden<br />

anhand des dur<strong>ch</strong>s<strong>ch</strong>nittli<strong>ch</strong>en jährli<strong>ch</strong>en Bevölkerungs<strong>zu</strong>wa<strong>ch</strong>ses (1957-1967; 1,8%) auf 1960 rückbere<strong>ch</strong>net.<br />

k.A.<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

30<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

31,33,43,48,56,73,74,75,76, Handel<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

V 30: But 5 today.<br />

V31/L-R: Beidelman (1982:37)<br />

V33/L: Anmerkung. Beidelman (1967:xiii) "None of these societies [Zigua, Nguu, Kwere, Kaguru, Luguru, Kutu, Zaramo, Sagara]<br />

had, traditionally, a truly centralized political system, ... However, all of these peoples had ephemeral political lea<strong>der</strong>s who, by<br />

shrewdness, bravery and cleverly arranged alliances, succeeded in dominating fairly large populations, sometimes even<br />

beyond their own tribal areas. Su<strong>ch</strong> men seem to have become especially prominent with the increase in Arab trade when they<br />

obtained guns and ammunition in return for their co-operation in aiding caravans or when tehy obtained these by raiding su<strong>ch</strong><br />

tra<strong>der</strong>s. In general, all the <strong>ch</strong>iefs and sub<strong>ch</strong>iefs mentioned for this area owe their positions to Arab and European support or<br />

influence during the last century and were in no sense representative of the traditional political institutions of their peoples.<br />

There were also, especially in Luguru, Kaguru and Ngulu, certain prominent rainmakers whose influence appears to have<br />

extended beyond their own neighbourhoods, but these men did not exert mu<strong>ch</strong> power."<br />

Beidelman (1967:41): "Ritual and jural authority is said to have passed matrilineally down senior lineage segments, preferably<br />

FN22<br />

1245<br />

1245<br />

Seite 1


though not invariably, to men. The situation is obscure since the first recorded accounts describe an unstable political situation<br />

in whi<strong>ch</strong> local lea<strong>der</strong>s gained dominace over fairly large areas, sometimes beyond their original clan lands. This was done<br />

through their skill in raiding with guns and their alliances with Arab and African tra<strong>der</strong>s. In this manner, a local lea<strong>der</strong> in<br />

Mamboya, in central Ukaguru, asserted his hegemony over mu<strong>ch</strong> af the area. This authority was passed to brothers and sons<br />

and not to sister's <strong>ch</strong>ildren util quite recently, when British colonial administrators became self-conscious about resuscitating<br />

tradition as part of their policy of bolstering Indirect Rule..." Vgl. Murdock codiert einzig die Kaguru als Häuptlingstum.<br />

V 43/L: Beidelman (1967:42/43): "The Kaguru maintain that a person is related through blood to his maternal kin and through bone to<br />

his paternal kin. Kaguru have approximentely one hundred exogamous matrilineal clans.... In addition, Kaguru recognize about<br />

fourteen or more patrilineal groups, of no apparent impiortance other than to assign certain objects to be avoided."<br />

V48/L: Beidelman (1982:37)<br />

V56/R: Subsistenzberei<strong>ch</strong> unbedeutend<br />

V73/L: Beidelman (1971:18)<br />

V74/L: Beidelman (1971:18)<br />

V75/L: Korrektur des Murdock-Codes, neu Code 5. Beidelman (1971:18)<br />

V76/L: Korrektur des Murdock-Codes, neu Code 1. Beidelman (1971:18)<br />

V Handel/R<br />

Seite 2

<strong>AGE</strong><br />

KAI<br />

Weitere Namen<br />

Ewab-Eilan<strong>der</strong>s, Keiese, Orang Kei<br />

Stellvertreter für<br />

k.A.<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />


Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

100000 Kai/Indonesia, Kei-Insel<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />

KEI<br />

OH13<br />

Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

Pleyte, C. M. 1893. Ethnographis<strong>ch</strong>e bes<strong>ch</strong>rijving <strong>der</strong> Kei-Eilanden. Tijds<strong>ch</strong>. Kon. Ne<strong>der</strong>l. Aardrijksk. Genoots<strong>ch</strong>ap, ser. 2, 10:<br />

561-586, 797-840.<br />

Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

LeBar, F. M. ed. 1972. Ethnic Groups of Insular Southeast Asia. New Haven.<br />

Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

L: 6S, 133E. T: 1890. P: 30000 in 1930. B: VI,106.<br />

Varia<br />

Spra<strong>ch</strong>e:<br />

Fordatic Group <strong>der</strong> Mollucan family <strong>der</strong> Malayo Polynesian. (vgl. Tanimbar).<br />

Die Bewohner <strong>der</strong> Kai Inseln weisen pysis<strong>ch</strong> papuanis<strong>ch</strong>e Merkmale auf, sind kulturell aber mit Migrantengruppen vermis<strong>ch</strong>t:<br />

Bugi, Balinese, Malayen, Banda, Seramese und Ambonese.<br />

k.A.<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

k.A.<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

31, 60<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

V 31/L: LeBar 1972:114.<br />

V 60/L: LeBar 1972: 114.<br />

1116<br />

1116<br />

Seite 1

<strong>AGE</strong><br />

KAKWA<br />

Weitere Namen<br />

Kakuak<br />

Stellvertreter für<br />

k.A.<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />

SUDAN<br />

Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

37'828 Kakwa in Uganda<br />

27'000 Kakwa in Sudan<br />

20'000 Kakwa in Zaire<br />

Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

Huntingford, G. W. B. 1953. The Northern Nilo-Hamites. London.<br />

Nal<strong>der</strong>, L. F., ed. 1937. A Tribal Survey of Mongalla Province. London.<br />

Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

Hecklau, Hans. 1989. Ostafrika: Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda. Darmstadt.<br />

Grimes, Barbara F. (ed.). 1988. Ethnologue. Languages of the Word. Dallas.<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />

KAKWA<br />

Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

L: 4N, 31E. T: 1931. P: 45000 in 1952.<br />

Sudan: Die Kakwa gehören <strong>zu</strong> den Bari-spre<strong>ch</strong>enden Völkern.<br />

Uganda: Die Bevölkerungsgrösse <strong>der</strong> Kakwa (37'828) in Uganda entspri<strong>ch</strong>t den Angaben des staatli<strong>ch</strong>en Zensus von 1959<br />

(Hecklau 1989:568).<br />

Varia<br />

Zaire: Die Bevölkerungsgrösse <strong>der</strong> Kakwa in Zaire ist eine S<strong>ch</strong>ät<strong>zu</strong>ng und orientiert si<strong>ch</strong> an den Angaben von Grimes (1988:342).<br />

k.A.<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

40<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

31,44,46,48,50,56,58,60,62,64,69,71,72,73,74, Handel/ Sulser 1992<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

V 40: But goats greatly outnumber cattle.<br />

V31/R<br />

V44/L: Huntingford (1953: 53)<br />

V46/R: Vergl. kulturell ähnli<strong>ch</strong>e Bari<br />

V48<br />

V50/R: Vergl. kulturell ähnli<strong>ch</strong>e Bari<br />

V56/R: unbedeutend<br />

V58/R: unbedeutend<br />

V60/R: unbedeutend<br />

V62/L: Huntingford (1953: 53)<br />

V64/L: Murdock (1959: 335)<br />

V69/L: Huntingford (1953: 33)<br />

V71/R: Vergl. kulturell ähnli<strong>ch</strong>e Bari<br />

V72/R: Vergl. kulturell ähnli<strong>ch</strong>e Bari<br />

V73/R: Vergl. kulturell ähnli<strong>ch</strong>e Bari<br />

V74/R: Vergl. kulturell ähnli<strong>ch</strong>e Bari<br />

V Handel/R<br />

FJ5<br />

1064<br />

1064<br />

Seite 1

<strong>AGE</strong><br />


Weitere Namen<br />

Calinga, Kalingga<br />

Stellvertreter für<br />

k.A.<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />


Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

60000 Kalinga/Philippines<br />

Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

Dozier, E. P. 1966. Mountain Arbiters. Tucson.<br />

____ 1967. The Kalinga of Northern Luzon. New York.<br />

Barton, R. F. 1949. The Kalingas. Chicago.<br />

Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

LeBar, F.M. et. al. 1975. Ethnic Groups of Insular Southeast Asia. Vol. 2. New Haven.<br />

Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

With special reference to the northern Kalinga.<br />

L: 18N, 121 E. T: 1910. P: 24500 in 1939, 40000 in 1959. B: VI, 234.<br />

Varia<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />


OA24<br />

LeBar (1975:92): "The term Kalinga is said to have its origins in the word for 'enemy' among lowland Christians (e.g. Ibanag)<br />

farther down the Chico, and was widely used in Spanish times for mountain people adjacent to the middle Cagayan valley.<br />

Beyer (1917:49) stressed diversity in physical type, language, and culture and regarded the so-called Kalinga as probably<br />

consisting of several distinct peoples. Dozier (1966), although aware of what he calls subcultural differences, stresses the fact<br />

of twentiethcentury linguistic and cultural integration, regarding the mo<strong>der</strong>n Kalinga as having the 'most compelling sense of<br />

tribal awareness' of any of the Mountain Province peoples ..."<br />

k.A.<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

k.A.<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

V 33, V Handel, V Spra<strong>ch</strong>e / Kenny<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

V 33/L: Lebar (1975:94). "Northern Kalinga hamlets of 6 to 30 households, clustered in canyon or small hill slope terraces, average<br />

5.5 persons per house. Southern Kalinga settlements or 'towns' may contain well over 200 houses, with an average of 4.8 per<br />

household."<br />

V Handel L: Lebar (1975:93). "Trade. The 'abuyog' relationship of the Kalinga appears to have been similar to the higly formalized<br />

and ritualized pacts between trading partners of distant regions, <strong>ch</strong>aracteristic of Ifugao and widspread throughout the<br />

Philippines. Trading was by all accounts greatly increased by the opening up of Spanish trails into the mountains, and it is most<br />

likely that the well-known peace pact institution of the Kalingas was a natural outgrowth of these earlier trading pacts."<br />

V Spra<strong>ch</strong>e L: Lebar (1975:92). "Linguistic affiliation. Linguists appear to agree that Kalinga belongs with most of the other languages<br />

of northern Luzon in a single language family. ... According to Dozier's informants, all Kalinga dialects are mutually intelligible,<br />

but this judgment may have been influenced by the widespread usage nowadays of phonetically simplified Kalinga, heavily<br />

influenced by Ilocano."<br />

1139<br />

1139<br />

Seite 1

<strong>AGE</strong><br />

KALMYK<br />

Weitere Namen<br />

Kalmuck<br />

Oirat/Mongolia<br />

Stellvertreter für<br />

k.A.<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />

UdSSR<br />

Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

*nur Mongolia Oirat im A.n.m.<br />

65000 Kalmyk/Mongolia<br />

Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

Aberle, D. F. 1953. The Kinship System of the Kalmuk Mongola. Univ. of N. M. Publ. Anth. 8: 1-48.<br />

Adelman, F. Ms. The Kalmuks of the Lower Volga River and Their Kinship Structure.<br />

Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

Kra<strong>der</strong>, L. 1963. Social Organization of the Mongol-Turkic Pastoral Nomads. The Hague.<br />

Lindig, Wolfgang 1986. Lexikon <strong>der</strong> Völker. Mün<strong>ch</strong>en.<br />

Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

With special reference to the Baga Dörbed group.<br />

L: 46N, 46E. T: 1920. P: 134000 in 1939 (70000 Baga Dörbed). B: I,127.<br />

Varia<br />

k.A.<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

65<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

31, 39, 40, 46, 50, 69 / Kock<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

V 65: But formerly 4.<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />

KALMYK<br />

V 31/R: Kra<strong>der</strong> (1963:133-134): Xoton (Ulus, =Lokalgr.) mit 10-12 Zelten à ca. 5 Personen. Aimaks umfassen 150-300 Zelte.<br />

V 39: Beim Übergang <strong>zu</strong>r Landwirts<strong>ch</strong>aft wurde <strong>der</strong> Pflug von Kossacken, Ukrainern und Russen übernommen.<br />

V 40: Kra<strong>der</strong> (1963:123): 1827: 18% Pferde, 16% Rin<strong>der</strong>, 64% S<strong>ch</strong>afe und Ziegen, ca. 1% Kamele. Die Bedeutung von Rin<strong>der</strong>n ist<br />

steigend.<br />

V 46/R: Kra<strong>der</strong> (1963:127): Textilien werden von den Russen importiert, hergestellt werden nur Filze.<br />

V 50/R<br />

V 69/L: Lindig (1986:248): erbli<strong>ch</strong>e Leibeigene<br />

AH5<br />

31<br />

31<br />

Seite 1

<strong>AGE</strong><br />

KAMBA<br />

Weitere Namen<br />

Akamba, Wakamba<br />

Stellvertreter für<br />

k.A.<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />

KENYA<br />

Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

999'600 Kamba/ Kenya<br />

22353 Kamba/Tanzania<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />

KAMBA<br />

Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

Dundas,C. 1915. The Organization and Laws of SomeBantu Tribes of East Africa. Journ. Roy. Anth. Inst. 45: 234-306.<br />

Hildebrandt, J. M. 1878. Ethnographis<strong>ch</strong>e Notizen über Wakamba und ihre Na<strong>ch</strong>baren. Zeits. Ethnol. 10: 347-406.<br />

Lindblom, G. 1916. The Akamba. Uppsala.<br />

Middleton, J. 1953. The Kikuyu and Kamba of Kenya. London.<br />

Penwill, J. D. 1951. Kamba Customary Law. London.<br />

Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

Berg-S<strong>ch</strong>losser, D.1984. Tradition and Change in Kenya. A Comparative Analysis of seven Major Ethnic Groups. Internationale<br />

Gegenwart Bd.3. Pa<strong>der</strong>born.<br />

Ministry of Economic Affairs and Development Planing. 1971. 1967 Population Census, Volume 3. Dar es Salaam.<br />

Felix, M.L. 1990. Mwana Hiti. Leben und Kunst <strong>der</strong> Matrilinearen Bantu von Tanzania. Mün<strong>ch</strong>en.<br />

Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

L: 2S, 38E. T: 1910. P: 600000 in 1948.<br />

Varia<br />

Tanzania: Die Kamba werden im "Tanzania Population Census 1967" aufgeführt. Die Bevölkerungsgrösse <strong>der</strong> Kamba basiert auf<br />

den Angaben des staatli<strong>ch</strong>en Zensus von 1967 und wurde anhand des dur<strong>ch</strong>s<strong>ch</strong>nittli<strong>ch</strong>en jährli<strong>ch</strong>en Bevölkerungs<strong>zu</strong>wa<strong>ch</strong>ses<br />

(1957-1967; 1,8%) auf 1960 rückbere<strong>ch</strong>net.Die Bevölkerungsgrösse <strong>der</strong> Kamba für Tanzania orientiert si<strong>ch</strong> an den Angaben<br />

dieses staatli<strong>ch</strong>en Zensus. Die Lokalisierung <strong>der</strong> Kamba orientiert si<strong>ch</strong> an <strong>der</strong> Karte von Felix (1990:126).<br />

k.A.<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

30<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

31,46,48,56,65,67, S<strong>ch</strong>rift, Spra<strong>ch</strong>e, Handel/ Sulser 1992<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

V 30: But 7 today.<br />

V31/L: Berg-S<strong>ch</strong>losser (l984: 71): "Several miria form a larger territorial unit, an utui, whi<strong>ch</strong> can be compared to the Kikuyu village"<br />

V46/R<br />

V48/R<br />

V56/R (Vgl. V1 o-5% unbedeutend)<br />

V65/L: Middleton (l953: 75ff.)<br />

V67/R: Vgl. kulturell ähnli<strong>ch</strong>e Kikuyu o<strong>der</strong> Berg-S<strong>ch</strong>losser (l984: 71)<br />

S<strong>ch</strong>rift/L: Grimes (1988: 245)<br />

Spra<strong>ch</strong>e/L: Grimes (l988: 245): Nord-Bantu, Kamba (Kikamba, Kokamba)<br />

Handel/L: Berg-S<strong>ch</strong>losser (l984: 12): "Traditional involvement of all aspects of interterritorial trade".<br />

FL9<br />

776<br />

776<br />

Seite 1

<strong>AGE</strong><br />

KAMUKU<br />

Weitere Namen<br />

k.A.<br />

Stellvertreter für<br />

k.A.<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />


Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

k.A.<br />

Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

Gunn, H. D., and F. P. Conant. 1960. Peoples of the Middle Niger Region. London.<br />

Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

L: 11N, 6E. T: 1920. P: 22000 in 1949. B: V, 337.<br />

Varia<br />

k.A.<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

k.A.<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

32,56,64,71,72, Handel/Kenny 1991<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />

KAMUKU<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

V32/R: Gunn (1960:65-68)<br />

V56: Subsistenzberei<strong>ch</strong> unbedeutend<br />

V64/L: Gunn (1960:68)<br />

V71/L: Gunn (1960:67): "Today the <strong>ch</strong>if of a unit is <strong>ch</strong>osen from one or more royal house, or, as Abraham states, in the case of the<br />

Makangana two alternate groups of rulers in rotation."<br />

V72/L: Gunn (1960:67)<br />

V Handel/R<br />

FF36<br />

1001<br />

1001<br />

Seite 1

<strong>AGE</strong><br />

KANAWA<br />

Weitere Namen<br />

Hausa<br />

Stellvertreter für<br />

k.A.<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />


Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

65000 Kanawa in Chad<br />

5500/Hausa in Sierra Leone<br />

62'000 Kanawa in Ghana<br />

10000 Kanawa in Togo<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />

Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

Smith, M. F. 1955. Baba of Karo. New York.<br />

Greenberg, J. H. 1946. The Influence of Islam on a Sudanese Kingdom. Monog. Amer. Ethn. Soc. 10: 1-73.<br />

Forde, D., and R. Scott. 1946. The Native Economies of Nigeria. London.<br />

Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

Hill, Polly. 1972. Rural Hausa. Cambridge. University Press.<br />

Lindig, Wolfgang. 1986. Lexikon <strong>der</strong> Völker. Mün<strong>ch</strong>en.<br />

Diamond, Larry 1988. Class, Ethnicity and Democracy of the First Republic<br />

Weekes, R. 1984. Muslim People. A World Ethnographic Survey. Westport.<br />

Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

With special reference to the Kanawa.<br />

L: 12N, 9E. T: 1940. P: ca. 1000000. B: IV,249.<br />

Varia<br />

KANAWA<br />

MS12<br />

Diamond (1988:21): "The Hausa and Fulani are often grouped together because the Fulani, as they conquered the Hausa (first<br />

gradually through infiltration over centuries, then decisively in an Islamic holy war (jihad) beginning in 1804), adopted the<br />

Hausa language and culture and intermarried with them to su<strong>ch</strong> an extend that the two groups have become difficult to<br />

distinguish. ...In fact, 'Hausa' is probably best un<strong>der</strong>stood as a linguistic category encompassing 'the entire settled Moslem,<br />

Hausa-speaking population'....Closely related to the Hausa-Fulani are the Nupe, whom the Fulani also conquered and became<br />

absorbed by, and the Kanuri, whose ancient kingdom of Bornu successfully resisted Fulani conquest. Both of these groups<br />

shared with the Hausa-Fulani the two cultural elements that most sharply distinguished them from the Igbo and to a lesser<br />

extent from the Yoruba: a deep and diffuse faith in Islam, and a tradition of large-scale rule through centralised authoritarian<br />

states."<br />

Weekes (1984:321):<br />

"Given the cultural differences of the Hausa, ethnographic generalizations are hazardous. Most Hausa are farmers, using the hoe<br />

(not plow or draft animals) to till land. The land itsself ranges from the par<strong>ch</strong>ed southern fringe of the Sahara to well-watered<br />

areas in the lower half of Nigeria's Kaduna State etc."<br />

Weekes (1984:319): "It would be misleading to speak of the Hausa as a tribe or ethnic group. These terms suggest a cultural<br />

homogeneity whi<strong>ch</strong> Hausa-speaking groups lack. There is more cultural difference between some Hausa groups than there is<br />

between some Hausa and non-Hausa peoples."<br />

k.A.<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

k.A.<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

48, 58, 74, 75, 76, Handel /Urs Kenny 1991<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

V 48/R: Lindig (1986:121)<br />

V 58/R: da V2=0<br />

V 74/R: Hill (1972:270-271)<br />

V 75/R<br />

V 76/R<br />

V Handel/R<br />

682<br />

682<br />

Seite 1

<strong>AGE</strong><br />


Weitere Namen<br />

k.A.<br />

Stellvertreter für<br />

k.A.<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />

CHAD<br />

Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

63000 Kanembu in Chad<br />

Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

Bouillié, R. 1937. Les coutumes familiales au Kanem. Paris.<br />

Carbou, H. 1912. La Région du T<strong>ch</strong>ad et du Ouadai 1: 172. Paris.<br />

Lebeuf, A. M. D. 1959. Les populations du T<strong>ch</strong>ad. Paris.<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />


MS13<br />

Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

Fu<strong>ch</strong>s, P. 1979. Nordost-Sudan. Die Völker Afrikas und ihre traditionellen Kulturen, ed. H. Baumann. pp.189- 228. Wiesbaden.<br />

VMZ 217 2<br />

Nelson, H. D. (Hrsg.) 1972. Area Handbook for Chad. Washington. TR 537 159<br />

Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

L: 14N, 14E. T: 1930. P: 30000 in 1937. B: V,226.<br />

Varia<br />

Chad: Die bedeutendste Untergruppe <strong>der</strong> Kanembu sind die Magumi, die von dem Ges<strong>ch</strong>le<strong>ch</strong>t <strong>der</strong> Saefuwa abstammen. Weiter<br />

Gruppen: Dalatoa, Kogorio, T<strong>ch</strong>iroa, Kanku, Gudjiru, Diabu, Bede, Ngizim, Kangana, Korio, Kuburi, Tsugurti, Galabu, Forebu,<br />

Biriwa, Melemmia, Antjilabu Manerafa, Fedja, Ngidjim, Bare und Dana. Na<strong>ch</strong>kommen ehemaliger Sklaven sind die Kadjidji<br />

(Fu<strong>ch</strong>s 1979).<br />

k.A.<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

21, 32,33<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

31, 48, 56, 60, 71,72, Handel /Hofmann 1991<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

V 21: Probably though not certainly.<br />

V 32,33: Formerly 44.<br />

V 31/R: Nelson et al. (1971:56): [Kanembou villages] consiste of ten to thirty beehive straw huts arranged around an open area<br />

roughly 300 feet in diamter."<br />

V 48/L: Fu<strong>ch</strong>s 1979:165<br />

V 56/L: vgl. V 1<br />

V 60/L: vgl. V 3<br />

V 71/L: Fu<strong>ch</strong>s (1979: 192) Kommentar: Die Kodierung bezieht si<strong>ch</strong> auf den frühen Staat vor <strong>der</strong> französis<strong>ch</strong>en Kolonialisierung.<br />

V 72/L: Fu<strong>ch</strong>s (1979: 192): vgl. V 71<br />

Handel/: Fu<strong>ch</strong>s (1979: 194): "Das alte Kanem verdankte seine wirts<strong>ch</strong>aflti<strong>ch</strong>e Blüte dem Transahara-Handel, <strong>der</strong> gegenwärtig<br />

keine Rolle mehr spielt. … Heute sind die Kanembu sesshafte Bauern mit steigen<strong>der</strong> Bedeutung <strong>der</strong> Rin<strong>der</strong>haltung."<br />

876<br />

876<br />

Seite 1

<strong>AGE</strong><br />


Weitere Namen<br />

Kannara (im BMZ-Beri<strong>ch</strong>t)<br />

Stellvertreter für<br />

k.A.<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />

INDIA<br />

Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

948000 Kannada/India, Madras<br />

14757000 Kannada/India, Mysore<br />

633000 Kannada/India, Maharashtra<br />

Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

Karve, Iravati. 1968. Kinship organization in India. Bombay, dritte Auflage.<br />

Srinivas M. N. 1976. The remebered village. Delhi.<br />

S<strong>ch</strong>wartzberg, Joseph E. 1978. A historical atlas of South Asia. Chicago.<br />

Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

Varia<br />

k.A.<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

k.A.<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

Neukodierung / Seiler<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />


<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

V 1/R: Srinivas (1976:102)<br />

V 2/R: Srinivas (1976: 102)<br />

V 3/R: Srinivas (1976:180)<br />

V 4/R: Srinivas (1976:58)<br />

V 5/L: Srinivas (1976:102). Reis-Uebers<strong>ch</strong>uss wird als Cash-crop verkauft.<br />

V 6/L: Srinivas (1976:154)<br />

V 7/R-L: Srinivas (1976:154)<br />

V 8/L: Karve (1968: 212)<br />

V 9/L: Srinivas (1976:155)<br />

V 10/L: Karve (1968:212)<br />

V 11/L: Karve (1968:212)<br />

V 12/L: Karve (1968:212)<br />

V 13/L: Srinivas (1976:108). Neolokalität gilt nur, wenn si<strong>ch</strong> die joint family des Ehemannes aufspaltet, was z.B. beim Tod des<br />

Familienoberhauptes ges<strong>ch</strong>ehen kann. Vgl. Anm. <strong>zu</strong> V72 bei BIHARI.<br />

V 14/L: Srinivas (1976:108)<br />

V 15/L: Srinvas (1976: 150)<br />

V 16/R-L: Srinvas (1976: 150)<br />

V 17/L: Karve (1968:5). Vgl. Anmerkung <strong>zu</strong> V17 bei ORIYA<br />

V 18/L: Karve (1968:213): "One ... institution whi<strong>ch</strong> seems to be almost universal in the southern zone is the system of exogamous<br />

clans. These clans are exogamous divisions in an endogamous caste or tribe." Vgl. Anmerkung <strong>zu</strong> V18 bei ORIYA<br />

V 19/L: Karve (1968:212)<br />

V 20/L: Karve (1968:212)<br />

V 21L: Karve (1968:212)<br />

V 28/L: Srinivas (1976:103). Codes 4 und 5 gelten ebenfalls (Srinivas 1976:57)<br />

V 29/L: Srinivas (1976:103), Reis<br />

V 30/L: Srinivas (1976:5)<br />

V 31/R: Srinivas (1976:10f). Es gibt au<strong>ch</strong> grosse Städte in <strong>der</strong> Region, d.h. Codes 7 und 8 gelten ebenfalls (S<strong>ch</strong>wartzberg 1978:117,<br />

Karte d).<br />

V 32/L: Srinivas (1976: 54)<br />

V 33/L: S<strong>ch</strong>wartzberg (1978:54)<br />

V 39/L: Srinivas (1976:131)<br />

V 40/L: Srinivas (1976:58), Code 3 gilt ebenfalls<br />

V 43/L: Karve (1968:212)<br />

V 44/L: Srinivas (1976:102)<br />

V 46/L: Srinivas (1976: 166)<br />

V 48/L: Srinivas (1976:179)<br />

V 50/L: Srinivas (1976:146)<br />

V 56/R: Srinivas (1976:102)<br />

V 58/R: Srinivas (1976:102)<br />

1474<br />

Seite 1


V 60/R: Srinivas (1976: 102)<br />

V 62/R: Srinivas (1976:140)<br />

V 64/L: Srinivas (1976:137)<br />

V 65/L: Srinivas (1976:111)<br />

V 67/L: Srinivas (1976:164)<br />

V 69/R-L: Srinivas (1976:13)<br />

V 71/L: Srinivas (1976: 54)<br />

V 72/L: Srinivas (1976:54). Alternative: Code 2 (vgl. Anm. <strong>zu</strong> V72 bei BIHARI).<br />

V 73/L: Karve (1968:344f,355)<br />

V 74/L: Srinivas (1976:108)<br />

V 75/R-L: Srinivas (1976:108)<br />

V 76/R-L: Srinivas (1976: 108)<br />

V Handel/L: Srinivas (1976: 57)<br />

Seite 2

<strong>AGE</strong><br />

KANURI<br />

Weitere Namen<br />

k.A.<br />

Stellvertreter für<br />

k.A.<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />


Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

36000 Kanuri / Cameroon<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />

KANURI<br />

Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

Cohen, R. 1960. The Structure of Kanuri Society. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Wisconsin.<br />

____ 1961. Marriage Instability Among the Kanuri of Northern Nigeria. Amer. Anth. 63: 1231-1249.<br />

____ 1967. The Kanuri of Bornu. New York.<br />

Denham, D., and H. Clapperton. 1826. Narrative of Travels and Discoveries in Northern and Central Africa. London.<br />

Na<strong>ch</strong>tigal, G. 1879-81. Sahara und Sudan. 2v. Berlin.<br />

S<strong>ch</strong>ultze, A. 1913. The Sultanate of Bornu, ed. P . A. Benton. London.<br />

Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

Weekes, R. 1984. Muslim Peoples. A World Ethnographic Survey. Westport.<br />

Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

L: 12N, 13E. T: 1870. P: 750000 in 1952. B: V,227.<br />

Varia<br />

MS14<br />

Nigeria: Zur Ges<strong>ch</strong>i<strong>ch</strong>te des Kanuri-Rei<strong>ch</strong>es:<br />

"The people who refer to themselves as Kanuri, a name whose etymological roots are not known, live <strong>ch</strong>iefly in Nigeria on the arid<br />

plains west and south of Lake Chade in what in now known as Borno State. The Nigerian census has not been updated officially<br />

since 1963, but it is estimated that there are about 4 Million Kanuri in Nigeria and perhaps anouther 376000 in other countries,<br />

with all but a few thousand of these in Niger... While there are semi-legendary views about early roots in Yemen, little is known<br />

of the earliest phases of Kanuri society. Contemporary Kanuri (narrowly defined) are the descendants of the ruling family of the<br />

Kanem Empire. As a result of civil war, this family (the Saifawa) left Kanem in the fourtheenth century and , after nearly a<br />

century of internal strife, established a new empire southwest of Lake Chad. This empire was and is known as Bornu, although<br />

"Borno" is now the official ren<strong>der</strong>ing of the name. The area to whi<strong>ch</strong> the Saifawa moved was inhabited by various people about<br />

whom little is known. Now they are collectively known as the Sao - reputedly a race of giants. Regardless of their size, it may<br />

be assumed that for a period of several centuries the efforts of Saifawa to consolidate their power and expand their kingdom's<br />

boundaries led to the incorporation of many distinctive groups within the Kanuri society. This process of incorporation has not<br />

ended. Intermarriage, commerce, politics and other factors have combined to produce a people who, although identified by the<br />

term "Kanuri", are in fact culturally heterogenous. Manga, Marghi, Kwoyam and other groups speak what usually are<br />

consi<strong>der</strong>ed dialects of Kanuri. Other groups have maintained linguistic and ethnic distinctivness but have been incorporated<br />

very closely into contemporary political and social life in Borno. For example , the Shuwas, who are traditionally<br />

Arabic-speaking nomadic cattle her<strong>der</strong>s, have prominent position in the traditonal political system and today are closely<br />

integrated with the mainstream of Kanuri society. There are many people who call themselves Kanuri who, a few years ago,<br />

would have been consi<strong>der</strong>ed members of other ethnic groups. There are others who consi<strong>der</strong> themselves Kanuri (and are so<br />

consi<strong>der</strong>ed by others) with parents neither of whom is Kanuri. And there are some who would be consi<strong>der</strong>ed Kanuri in most<br />

contexts but, if pressed could produce legitimate ethnic labels. The complexity of the situation needs to be stressed; there is<br />

consi<strong>der</strong>able variation in language and other aspects of culture within the category of people known and referred to as Kanuri"<br />

(Weekes 1984:375-376).<br />

Religion: "Islam has been part of Kanuri culture from sometimes in the eleventheenth century and a strong force since at least the<br />

fifteenth century. As with other kingdoms in the Sudanic region, Islam came to Borno with the trans-Saharan trade"(Weekes<br />

1984:377)<br />

Spra<strong>ch</strong>e: "The Kanuri language is part of the Nilo-Saharan languages and is unrelated to major neighboring languages" (Weekes<br />

1984:375)<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

17,18,21<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

48,50,58,71,72,74,75,76, Handel/Kenny 1991<br />

Handel / Züst 1991<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

V 17, 18, 21: Cohen states that "desent is bilateral with an agnatic emphasis"; patrilineal descent prevailed prior to 1850.<br />

VHandel/L: Weekes (1984:376).<br />

V48/L: Cohen (1967:75)<br />

V50/L: Cohen (1967:76/81)<br />

V58: Subsistenzberei<strong>ch</strong> unbedeutend<br />

V71/L: Cohen (1967)<br />

V72/L: Cohen (1967)<br />

V74/L: Cohen (1967:80)<br />

877<br />

877<br />

Seite 1


V75/L: Cohen (1967:34)<br />

V76/R<br />

V Handel/L: Cohen (1967:81)<br />

Seite 2

<strong>AGE</strong><br />

KAONDE<br />

Weitere Namen<br />

Bakaonde<br />

Stellvertreter für<br />

k.A.<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />

ZAMBIA<br />

Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

112'780 Kaonde in Zambia<br />

50'000 Kaonde in Zaire<br />

Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

Melland, F. H. 1923. In Wit<strong>ch</strong>bound Africa. London.<br />

Watson, W. 1954. The Kaonde Village. Rhodes-Liv. Journ. 15: 1-30.<br />

Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

Kay, George. 1967. A Social Geography of Zambia. London.<br />

Ohannessian, S. and M.E. Kashoki (ed.). 1978. Language in Zambia. London.<br />

Baumann, Hermann. 1975. Die Völker Afrikas und ihre traditionellen Kulturen. Teil 1. Wiesbaden.<br />

Brelsford, W.V. 1965. The Tribes of Zambia. Lusaka.<br />

Kaplan, Irving. (ed.). 1979. Zambia, a country study. Area Handbook Series. Washington.<br />

Grimes, Barbara F. (ed.). 1988. Ethnologue. Languages of the Word. Dallas.<br />

Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

L: 13S, 26E. T: 1920. P: 38000 in 1934.<br />

Varia<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />

KAONDE<br />

Zambia: Die Bevölkerungsgrösse <strong>der</strong> Kaonde (3,3%) entspri<strong>ch</strong>t <strong>der</strong> prozentualen Angabe von Kay (1967:45), wel<strong>ch</strong>e "are based on<br />

estimates given in Annexure 'V' (Tribal Statistics) of the Annual Report of the Ministry of African Affairs for 1962. Grundlage<br />

<strong>der</strong> Bere<strong>ch</strong>nung ist <strong>der</strong> erste staatli<strong>ch</strong>e Zensus von 1963, wel<strong>ch</strong>er für die afrikanis<strong>ch</strong>e Bevölkerung 3'417'580 Personen angibt.<br />

Vgl. da<strong>zu</strong> au<strong>ch</strong> die Bevölkerungsgrössen basierend auf <strong>der</strong> linguistis<strong>ch</strong>en Klassifikation bei Ohannessian (1978:19).<br />

Zaire: Die Bevölkerungsgrösse <strong>der</strong> Kaonde in Zaire ist eine S<strong>ch</strong>ät<strong>zu</strong>ng.<br />

k.A.<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

k.A.<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

31,44,46,48,50,56,58,60,62,64, Handel<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

V31/R<br />

V44/L: Baumann (1975:582)<br />

V46/R<br />

V48/L: Baumann (1975:581)<br />

V50/R<br />

V56: Subsistenzberei<strong>ch</strong> unbedeutend<br />

V58/L: Baumann (1975:578)<br />

V60/R<br />

V62: Subsistenzberei<strong>ch</strong> unbedeutend<br />

V64/L: Baumann (1975:579/580)<br />

V Handel/R<br />

FQ7<br />

746<br />

746<br />

Seite 1

<strong>AGE</strong><br />


Weitere Namen<br />

Ekagi, Ekari<br />

Stellvertreter für<br />

k.A.<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />


Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

k.A.<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />

Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

Pospisil, L. 1958. Kapauku Papuas and Their Law. Yale Univ. Publ. Anth. 54: 1-294.<br />

____ 1960. The Kapauku Papuas and Their Kinship Organization. Oceania 30: 188-205.<br />

____ 1963. Kapauku Papua Economy. Yale Univ. Publ. Anth. 67: 1-502.<br />

Kernan, K. T. 1965. A Transformational Analysis of the Kapauku Kinship System. Kroeber Anth. Soc. Pap. 33: 71-89.<br />

Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

de Bruyn, J.V. 1970. Ekagi land tenure in New Guinea Resear<strong>ch</strong> Bulletin. 1970. No. 38:13-23<br />

Oliver, Douglas 1989. Oceania. Honululu<br />

Wurm, S.A. and S. Hattori.1981. Language Atlas of the Pacific Area. Australian<br />

Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

With special reference to those of the Kamu valley.<br />

L: 4S, 136E. T: 1950. P: 60000 in 1955. B: I,129; III,422; V,447.<br />

Varia<br />


OJ29<br />

Wurm 1981:<br />

V Ling: Ekagi (Ekari, Kapauku) d's, Ekagi-Wodani-Moni Family, Wissel-Lakes Kemandoga Stock, Trans-New Guinea Phylum<br />

P: d's 65000, f 80000, s 92000 in 1970-1980<br />

de Bruyn (1970:13ff):<br />

Die Bezei<strong>ch</strong>nung Ekagi ist eine Fremdbezei<strong>ch</strong>nung <strong>der</strong> östli<strong>ch</strong>en Na<strong>ch</strong>barn, Kapauku eine <strong>der</strong> südli<strong>ch</strong>en Na<strong>ch</strong>barn.<br />

Bevölkerungss<strong>ch</strong>ät<strong>zu</strong>ng: 45000/1960s<br />

"Ekagi culture is not completely homogeneous....In many respects the Ekagi resemble other peoples living in the central highlands<br />

of West Irian."<br />

k.A.<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

k.A.<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

73, Handel/Kock<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

V 73/R: de Bruyn (1970: 15ff): codiert wurde die Vererbung von Gartenland an die patrilinearen Verwandten, d.h. Söhne. De Bruyn<br />

bes<strong>ch</strong>reibt zahlrei<strong>ch</strong>e Ausnahmen von dieser Regelung.<br />

"The Papuan right of possesion is a perpetual individual right of the tiller on account of the personal labour invested in the land, for<br />

example, land held un<strong>der</strong> this right does not revert to the tuma (=exogamous patrilineal kin group) in case of the owner's death,<br />

as it would un<strong>der</strong> an unlimited disposal right."...."the mother, together with her young sons and unmarried daughters, cultivates<br />

the buri (garden land) she has inherited from her husband." Die tuma ist Besitzerin des no<strong>ch</strong> ni<strong>ch</strong>t kultivierten Landes.<br />

Oliver (1989:528): "Like all Oceanians, the Kapauku engaged in several kinds of ex<strong>ch</strong>ange, including services for services, objects<br />

for objects, and objects for services, ..."One of these was the use of trade partners in other communities in or<strong>der</strong> to obtain<br />

nonlocal objects su<strong>ch</strong> as salt, artifacts, and game animals. Another was the practice of part-time middlemen, who acted<br />

individually to buy goods (e.g. pigs, o<strong>ch</strong>re, salt) inm one community and to sell them elsewhere for profit. Still another was the<br />

"pig market"."Interpretation: Handel <strong>zu</strong>r Prestigeakkumulation<br />

57<br />

57<br />

Seite 1

<strong>AGE</strong><br />


Weitere Namen<br />

Hiji, Hill Margi,Higi<br />

Stellvertreter für<br />

k.A.<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />


Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

25000 Kapsiki / Cameroon<br />

9000 Bana / Cameroon<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />


Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

Lembezat, B. 1950. Kirdi, les populations païennes du Nord-Cameroun. Mém. Inst. Franç. Afr. Noire, Centre Cameroun, Série<br />

Populations 3: 1-95.<br />

____ 1961. Les populations païennes du Nord-Cameroun et de l'Adamoua. Paris.<br />

Meek, C. K. 1931. Tribal Studies in Northern Nigeria. 2v. London.<br />

Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

Laclavère, G. 1979. Atlas de la Républic Unie du Cameroun. Paris.<br />

Black Africa. A Comparative Handbook. 1972. New York.<br />

Van Beek,W. 1973. Les Kapsiki. In: Contribution of Ethnological Resear<strong>ch</strong> to the History of Cameroon Cultures. Vol 1. Paris.<br />

Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

L: 11N, 14E. T: 1930. P: 25000 in 1950. B: V, 329.<br />

Varia<br />

Kamerun: Die Kapsiki sind linguistis<strong>ch</strong> und kulturell mit den Matakam verwandt (vgl. Laclavère 1979:31; Black Africa 1972:193):<br />

Die "missing Data" bei den Kapsiki wurden dur<strong>ch</strong> Matakam-Daten aufgefüllt.<br />

Nigeria: Die Kapsiki bezei<strong>ch</strong>nen si<strong>ch</strong> in Nigeria als "Higi" (vgl. Van Beek 1981:113).<br />

"Les Kapsiki du Cameroun sont environ 25000 (Podlewski 1966); au Nigeria les estimations varient de 70000 jusqu'à 169000 (Van<br />

Beek 1981:113).<br />

Bana: Lukas (1973:34): "Der Kern <strong>der</strong> Bana bilden Sippen, die si<strong>ch</strong> von den im Norden lebenden Kapsiki abspalteten und im<br />

wesentli<strong>ch</strong>en spra<strong>ch</strong>e und Kultur <strong>der</strong> Bana prägten". Die im Westen an <strong>der</strong> Grenze <strong>zu</strong> Nigeria lebende Kleingruppe <strong>der</strong> Bana<br />

erhält den Datensatz <strong>der</strong> Kapsiki.<br />

k.A.<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

40<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

31,56,60,62,74,75,76, Handel / Güntert ; Züst 1992<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

V 40: But a few cattle are kept.<br />

V31/R<br />

V56/R<br />

V60/R<br />

V62/R<br />

V74/R<br />

V75/R<br />

V76/R<br />

VHandel/L: Van Beek (1981:117)<br />

FF12<br />

1025<br />

1025<br />

Seite 1

<strong>AGE</strong><br />


Weitere Namen<br />

Karalpak, Kalpak (Selbstbezei<strong>ch</strong>nungen), Karakalpaki (russis<strong>ch</strong>).<br />

Stellvertreter für<br />

k.A.<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />

Uzbekistan<br />

Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

168000 Karakalpak / Uzbekistan<br />

Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />

keine<br />

Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

Akiner, Shirin. 1983. Islamic peoples of the Soviet Union. London.<br />

Glavnoe upravlenie geodezii i kartografii gosudarstvennogo geologi<strong>ch</strong>eskogo komiteta SSSR, Institut ethografii im. N.N.<br />

Miklukho-Maklaja Akademii Nauk SSSR. 1964. Atlas Narodow Mira (Atlas <strong>der</strong> Völker <strong>der</strong> Welt). Moskva.<br />

Grimes, B. 1988. Ethnologue. Dallas.<br />

Mark, Rudolf A. 1989. Die Völker <strong>der</strong> Sowjetunion. Opladen.<br />

Weekes, Ri<strong>ch</strong>ard V. 1984. Muslim Peoples. Westport.<br />

Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

"The Karakalpak are first mentioned as a distinct tribal entity in the Central Asian <strong>ch</strong>ronicles of the sixteenth century, and their<br />

ethnogenesis appears to have culminated two centuries later. Until the Russian Revolution, they were composed of the same<br />

tribal formations as the Uzbek and Kazakhs. Indeed, even today only a special dialect distinguishes the Karakalpak from their<br />

neighbours to the south and east. Because the Karakalpak lacked a national consciousness before 1917, Western<br />

ethnographers have criticized the Soviet decision to give the group an autonomous republic. Their literary heritage took form<br />

only in the last century, mu<strong>ch</strong> later than most of their neighbours" (Weekes 1984:386).<br />

Varia<br />

Religion: Sunni-Hanafi (Weekes 1984:386). "Where <strong>ch</strong>ildbirth, weddings and funerals, especially, are concerned, Karakalpak still<br />

practice shamanistic rituals and ceremonies" (Weekes 1984:388).<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

k.A.<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

Neucodierung / Seiler S<strong>ch</strong>iedt 1993<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

V 1/L Weekes (1984:386)<br />

V 2/L Weekes (1984:386)<br />

V 3/L Weekes (1984:386)<br />

V 4/L Weekes (1984:386)<br />

V 5/L Weekes (1984:386)<br />

V 6/L Weekes (1984:387)<br />

V 7/R Weekes (1984:387)<br />

V 8/L Weekes (1984:386):" Despite Soviet attempts to abolish existing loyalities of tribe, clan and joint family through the creation of<br />

a Karakalpak "nation," extended family relationships persist un<strong>der</strong> the framework of the collective farm."<br />

V 9/L Weekes (1984:387)<br />

V 10/L Weekes (1984:387)<br />

V 11/L Weekes (1984:387)<br />

V 12/R<br />

V 13/R<br />

V 14/R<br />

V 15/L Weekes (1984:387): "Today, clan genealogical exogamy has been replaced by collective farm exogamy. (Overall, the<br />

Karakalpak remain endogamous)."<br />

V 16/R Weekes (1984:387)<br />

V 17/R<br />

V 18/L Weekes (1984:387)<br />

V 19/L Weekes (1984:386)<br />

V 20/ Weekes (1984:386)<br />

V 21/L Weekes (1984:386)<br />

V 28/L Weekes (1984:386)<br />

V 29/L Weekes (1984:386) Reis<br />

V 30/L Weekes (1984:386)<br />

V 31/L Weekes (1984:387)<br />

V 32/R<br />

V 33/L Mark (1989:86)<br />

V 39/L Weekes (1984:386)<br />

V 40/L Weekes (1984:386). au<strong>ch</strong>: Rin<strong>der</strong>, Pferde, Kamele<br />

V 43/L Weekes (1984:386)<br />

V 44/R<br />

1325<br />

1325<br />

Seite 1

KARAKALPAK - Uzbekistan<br />

V 46/L Weekes (1984:389)<br />

V 48/L Weekes (1984:389)<br />

V 50/R<br />

V 56/L Weekes (1984:386)<br />

V 58/L Weekes (1984:386)<br />

V 60/L Weekes (1984:386)<br />

V 62/L Weekes (1984:386)<br />

V 64/L Weekes (1984:386)<br />

V 65/R Weekes (1984:386)<br />

V 67/L Weekes (1984:385ff)<br />

V 69/L Weekes (1984:385ff)<br />

V 71/R Weekes (1984:387)<br />

V 72/R Weekes (1984:387)<br />

V 73/R Weekes (1984:387)<br />

V 74/md<br />

V 75/R Weekes (1984:387)<br />

V 76/md<br />

V S<strong>ch</strong>rift/L<br />

V Handel/R<br />

Seite 2

<strong>AGE</strong><br />


Weitere Namen<br />

k.A.<br />

Stellvertreter für<br />

k.A.<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />

UGANDA<br />

Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

131'713 Karamojong in Uganda<br />

Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

Dyson-Hudson, N. 1963. The Karimojong Age System. Ethnology 2: 353-401.<br />

Gulliver, P., and P. H. Gulliver. 1953. The Central Nilo-Hamites. London.<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />


Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

Baker, R. 1975. Development and the pastoral peoples of Karamogon, in: Pastoralism in Tropical Africa, ed. Th. Monod. London.<br />

Dyson-Hudson, N. 1966. Karamojong Politics. Oxford.<br />

Hecklau, Hans. 1989. Ostafrika: Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda. Darmstadt.<br />

U.S. Department of the Army. 1969. Area Handbook for Uganda. Washington, D.C.<br />

Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

L. 2N, 34E. T: 1950. P: 60000 in 1960. Cluster 82.<br />

Varia<br />

Die Bevölkerungsgrösse <strong>der</strong> Karamojong entspri<strong>ch</strong>t den Angaben des staatli<strong>ch</strong>en Zensus von 1959 (Hecklau 1989:568).<br />

Area Handbook (1969:85): "The Eastern Nilotic tribes, including the Karamojong, Dodoth, Jie, Teso, and a number of other small<br />

tribes, make up about 12 percent of the population. The first three, along with the Turkana of western Kenya, are referred to as<br />

the Karamojong Cluster: the members of these tribes share common legends of origin and cultural and economic patterns and<br />

regard themselves as different from other linguistically related tribes. They have remained relatively isolated and outside the<br />

affairs of the country." Für die Karamojong und und Jie gibt es je einen eigenen EA Datensatz, im staatli<strong>ch</strong>en Zensus werden<br />

die Jie und Dodoth ni<strong>ch</strong>t separat aufgeführt, son<strong>der</strong>n kollektiv als 'Karamajong' bezei<strong>ch</strong>net. Die Dodoth werden neu<br />

aufgenommen.<br />

k.A.<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

V15, V28,<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

15,28,29,30,31,33,39,40,44,46,48,50,56,58,60,64,65,67,71,72,73,75,76, Handel/Nager 1992<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

V 15 (R) : Dyson-Hudson, S.113<br />

V 28 (L) : Dyson-Hudson, S. 40<br />

V 29 (L) :<br />

V15/L: Dyson-Hudson (1966:90)<br />

V28/L: Dyson-Hudson (1966:40)<br />

V30/L: Baker (1975:189)<br />

V31/R<br />

V33/L: Dyson-Hudson (1966:212)<br />

V39/R<br />

V40/L: Dyson-Hudson (1966)<br />

V44/L: Dyson-Hudson (1966:86)<br />

V46/R<br />

V48/L: Dyson-Hudson (1966:83)<br />

V50/R<br />

V56: Subsistenzberei<strong>ch</strong> unbedeutend<br />

V58: Subsistenzberei<strong>ch</strong> unbedeutend<br />

V60: Subsistenzberei<strong>ch</strong> unbedeutend<br />

V62/L: Baker (1975:190)<br />

V64/L: Baker (1975:190)<br />

V65/R<br />

V67/R<br />

V71/L: Dyson-Hudson (1966:212)<br />

V72/L: Dyson-Hudson (1966:212)<br />

FK8<br />

1188<br />

1188<br />

Seite 1


V73/L: Dyson-Hudson (1966:51)<br />

V75/L: Dyson-Hudson (1966:51)<br />

V76/L: Dyson-Hudson (1966:51)<br />

Seite 2

<strong>AGE</strong><br />


Weitere Namen<br />

k.A.<br />

Stellvertreter für<br />

k.A.<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />


Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

k.A.<br />

Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

Meek, C. K. 1931. Tribal Studies in Northern Nigeria. 2v. London.<br />

Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

L: 12N, 11E. T: 1920. P: 37000 in 1931.<br />

Varia<br />

k.A.<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

k.A.<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

k.A.<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />


FF37<br />

683<br />

683<br />

Seite 1

<strong>AGE</strong><br />

KAREN<br />

Weitere Namen<br />

Kareang, Kariang, Karieng, Kayin, Yang<br />

Stellvertreter für<br />

k.A.<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />

BURMA<br />

Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

1800000 Karen/Burma<br />

100000 Kayah/Burma<br />

72000 Karen/Thailand<br />

11000 Mag/India, Tripura<br />

Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

Marshall, H. I. 1922. The Karen People of Burma. Columbus.<br />

McMahon, A. R. 1876. The Karens of the Golden Chersonese. London.<br />

Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

Breton, M. R. 1970. Les provinces et les ethnies de l'Inde. Paris.<br />

LeBar, F.M. et al. 1964. Ethnic Groups of Mainland Southeast Asia. New Haven.<br />

Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

With special reference to th Plains Karen.<br />

L: 17N, 97E. T: 1910. P: 2000000. B: II,127.<br />

Varia<br />

Der Datensatz "Karen" steht im Atlas au<strong>ch</strong> für die Kayah (Kaje, Red Karen, Kayay, Karennyi).<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />

KAREN<br />

Die Mag in Tripura (Indien) erhalten diesen Datensatz aufgrund folgenden Hinweises <strong>zu</strong>r ethnis<strong>ch</strong>en Zusammenset<strong>zu</strong>ng Tripuras<br />

bei Breton (1970:76): "Plus bas vivent les Moghs de langue arakanaise (10 000), infiltrés à partir de la Birmanie le long des<br />

collines Chittagong."<br />

k.A.<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

8, 19,20,21<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

31, 74, 76, V Handel / Kenny<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

V 8: But large communal dwellings in many hill sections.<br />

V 19,20,21: Descent is quite possible cognatic despite the presence of matrilineages, whi<strong>ch</strong> function primarily in ancestor worship.<br />

V 31/L: Lebar (1964:60)<br />

V 74/L: Lebar (1964:61). "Property tends to shared equally among all the <strong>ch</strong>ildren, a slightly larger portion going to the eldet."<br />

V 76/L: Lebar (1964:61). Vgl. Anmerkung <strong>zu</strong> V74.<br />

V Handel L: "Traditionally, however, they have traded or sold to the Burmese and Mons coton cloth, forest products, game, and the<br />

flesh of domestic animals in ex<strong>ch</strong>ange for rice, pottery, salt, and fish paste."<br />

AP7<br />

364<br />

364<br />

Seite 1

<strong>AGE</strong><br />

KASENA<br />

Weitere Namen<br />

Kasem, Kasuna<br />

Stellvertreter für<br />

k.A.<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />


Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

160000 Kasena in Burkina Faso<br />

Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

Zwernemann, J. 1963. Zur Sozialordnung <strong>der</strong> Kasena von Pô. Tribus 12: 33-103.<br />

Rattray, R. S. 1932. The Tribes of the Ashanti Hinterland. 2v. Oxford.<br />

Tauxier, L. 1912. Le noir du Soudan. Paris.<br />

Manoukian, M. 1952. Tribes of the Northern Territories of the Gold Coast. London.<br />

Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

Bourret, F. 1960. Northern Territories and Togoland. London.<br />

Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

L: 11N, 1W. T: 1910. P: 40000 in 1948. B: VI, 451.<br />

Varia<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />

The People often refer to themselves as Gwensi... The spread over the northern frontier into Fren<strong>ch</strong> territories...<br />

k.A.<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

19<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

31,48,56,58,60,62,65, Handel / Götzö 1992<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

V 19: But wit<strong>ch</strong>craft powers are matrilineally transmitted.<br />

V31/L: Bourret (1960:83).<br />

V48/R<br />

V56/R<br />

V58/L: Manoukian (1951:22)<br />

V60/R<br />

V62/L: Manoukian (195122)<br />

V65/R<br />

VHandel/L: Bourret (1960:85)<br />

KASENA<br />

FE7<br />

706<br />

706<br />

Seite 1

<strong>AGE</strong><br />


Weitere Namen<br />

k.A.<br />

Stellvertreter für<br />

k.A.<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />

INDIA<br />

Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

1938000 Kashmiri/India, Jammu and Kashmir<br />

Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

Madan, T. N. 1965. Family and Kinship: A Study of the Pandits of Rural Kashmir. Bombay.<br />

Crane, R. I., ed. 1955. Jammu and Kashmir State. New Haven.<br />

Lawrence, W. R. 1895. The Valley of Kashmir. London.<br />

Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />

Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

With special reference to the Pandit or Sarasvati Brahmans and to the Muslim population of Kashmir province.<br />

L: 34N, 75E. T: 1890. P: 1700000 in Kashmir province in 1941. B: V,445.<br />

Varia<br />

k.A.<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

1, 44-64<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

k.A.<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

V 1: But the Pandit themselves do not engage in food production.<br />

V 44-64: But the Pandit themselves seldom engage in any manual labor.<br />


AV4<br />

1092<br />

1092<br />

Seite 1

<strong>AGE</strong><br />


Weitere Namen<br />

k.A.<br />

Stellvertreter für<br />

k.A.<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />

MALI<br />

Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

80000 Kasonke in Mali<br />

Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

Monteil, C. 1915. Les Khassonké. Paris.<br />

Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

Murdock, P. 1959. Africa. Its People and their Culture History. New York.<br />

Baumann, H. 1975. Die Völker Afrikas und ihre traditionellen Kulturen, Teil 2. Wiesbaden.<br />

Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

L: 13N, 11W. T: 1910. P: 75000 in 1950.<br />

Varia<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />


Mali: "This group, of mixed Malinke and Fulani origin, numbers about 70000 , mainly pagans" (Murdock 1959:72).<br />

Der kleine Mande-Stamm <strong>der</strong> Khasonke lebt zwis<strong>ch</strong>en Kayes und Bafoulabe am Senegal und östli<strong>ch</strong> davon. Die Khasonke gelten<br />

als Mis<strong>ch</strong>ung <strong>der</strong> Ful, Malinke und Soninke, sind aber den Mande na<strong>ch</strong> Spra<strong>ch</strong>e und Kultur an<strong>zu</strong>s<strong>ch</strong>liessen" (Baumann<br />

1979:469).<br />

k.A.<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

k.A.<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

31,44,46,48,50,56,58,60,62,64,71,72,74 Handel / Züst 1992<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

V31/R<br />

V44/R<br />

V46/R<br />

V48/R<br />

V50/R<br />

V56/R<br />

V58/R<br />

V60/R<br />

V62/R<br />

V64/R<br />

V71/R: Malinke-Daten<br />

V72/R: Malinke-Daten<br />

V74/R<br />

VHandel/R<br />

FA27<br />

968<br />

968<br />

Seite 1

<strong>AGE</strong><br />

KATAB<br />

Weitere Namen<br />

k.A.<br />

Stellvertreter für<br />

k.A.<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />


Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

k.A.<br />

Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

Smith, M. G. 1953. Secondary Marriage in Northern Nigeria. Africa 23: 298-323.<br />

Meek, C. K. 1931. Tribal Studies in Northern Nigeria. 2v. London.<br />

Gunn, H. D. 1956. Pagan Peoples of the Central Area of Northern Nigeria. London.<br />

Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

L: 10N, 8E. T: 1930. P: 18000 in 1949. B: I, 125; II, 540.<br />

Varia<br />

k.A.<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

33<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

k.A.<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

V 33: Subordinate, since 1790 to the Fulani through district <strong>ch</strong>iefs.<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />

KATAB<br />

FF38<br />

14<br />

14<br />

Seite 1

<strong>AGE</strong><br />

KAZAKH<br />

Weitere Namen<br />

k.A.<br />

Stellvertreter für<br />

k.A.<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />

Kazakhstan<br />

Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

3000 Kazakh / Afghanistan<br />

42000 Kazakh / Mongolia<br />

600000 Kazakh / China, Xinjiang<br />

2793000 Kazakh / Kazakhstan<br />

20000 Kazakh / Kyrgyzstan<br />

13000 Kazahk / Tajikistan<br />

70000 Kazakh / Turkmenistan<br />

407000 Kazakh / Uzbekistan<br />

Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

Hudson, A. E. 1938. Kazak Social Structure. Yale Univ. Publ. Anth. 20: 1-109.<br />

Kra<strong>der</strong>, L. 1963. Social Organization of the Mongol-Turkic Pastoral Nomads. The Hague.<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />

KAZAK<br />

Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

Glavnoe upravlenie geodezii i kartografii gosudarstvennogo geologi<strong>ch</strong>eskogo komiteta SSSR, Institut ethografii im. N.N.<br />

Miklukho-Maklaja Akademii Nauk SSSR. 1964. Atlas Narodow Mira (Atlas <strong>der</strong> Völker <strong>der</strong> Welt). Moskva.<br />

Weekes, Ri<strong>ch</strong>ard V. 1984. Muslim Peoples. Westport.<br />

Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

L: 48N, 70E. T: 1910. P: over 2000000. B: I,127.<br />

"Prior to the fifteenth or sixteenth cenuries, there is no evidence of a Kazakh ethnic identity. Further complicating historical study<br />

was the Russian practice of referring to the Kazakhs as 'Kirghiz' until 1925, in or<strong>der</strong> to avoid confusion with the Cossacks"<br />

(Weekes 1984:394).<br />

Varia<br />

Flü<strong>ch</strong>tlingsgruppe in Afghanistan (20er Jahre aus UdSSR eingewan<strong>der</strong>t)<br />

k.A.<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

28, 40<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

30<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

V 28: Until recently the <strong>ch</strong>ief crop was hay.<br />

V 40: Also cattle, camels, and especially sheep.<br />

V 30: Unter den Russen sedentarisiert.<br />

V 71/R: Kra<strong>der</strong> (1963:209): um 1920: Vertreter aus grösster und rei<strong>ch</strong>ster Familie am Ort; früher wurde das Amt des "bil",<br />

"aksakal" patrilinear vererbt.<br />

V 72/R: vgl. V71<br />

RQ2<br />

35<br />

35<br />

Seite 1

<strong>AGE</strong><br />


Weitere Namen<br />

Bena Kazembe, Luapula<br />

Stellvertreter für<br />

k.A.<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />

ZAMBIA<br />

Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

177'714 Kazembe/Zambia<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />

Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

Cunnison, I. g. 1950. Kinship and Local Organization in the Luapula. Commun. Rhodes-Liv. Inst. 5: 1-32.<br />

____ 1959. The Luapula Peoples of Northern Rhodesia. Man<strong>ch</strong>ester.<br />

Gamitto, A. C. P. 1854. Muata Cazembe. Lisboa.<br />

Slaski, J. 1951. Peoples of the Lower Luapula Valley. London.<br />

Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

Slaski, J. 1951. Peoples of the Lower Luapula Valley. Ethnographic Survey of Africa. London.<br />

Ohannessian, S. and M.E. Kashoki (ed.). 1978. Language in Zambia. London.<br />

Kay, George. 1967. A Social Geography of Zambia. London.<br />

Tew, Mary. 1950. Peoples of the Lake Nyasa Region. Ethnographic Survey of Africa. London.<br />

Whiteley, Wilfred. 1951. Bemba and related Peoples of Northern Rhodesia. Ethnographic Survey of Africa. London.<br />

Brelsford, W.V. 1965. The Tribes of Zambia. Lusaka.<br />

Kaplan, Irving. (ed.). 1979. Zambia, a country study. Area Handbook Series. Washington.<br />

Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

L: 10S, 29E. T: 1940. P: 100000. B: V, 125.<br />

Varia<br />


Der Murdock Datensatz "Luapula" (neu Kazembe) erfasst die Bevölkerung des Luapula Tales, wel<strong>ch</strong>e si<strong>ch</strong> aus vers<strong>ch</strong>iedenen<br />

bena<strong>ch</strong>barten Gruppen <strong>zu</strong>sammensetzt (vgl. unten). Bei Kay (1967:45) werden sie als "Lunda Luapula" <strong>zu</strong>r Bemba<br />

Spra<strong>ch</strong>gruppe gezählt, im Unters<strong>ch</strong>ied <strong>zu</strong> den "North-western Lunda", die von ihm <strong>zu</strong>r Lunda-Luvale Spra<strong>ch</strong>gruppe gere<strong>ch</strong>net<br />

werden und im Atlas separat mit dem Ndembu repräsentiert sind. Der Name Datensatz wurde <strong>zu</strong> Kazembe geän<strong>der</strong>t.<br />

Slaski (1951:77): "The Lower Luapula valley is inhabited by groups of diverse tribal origins. Those on the east bank of the river in<br />

Northern Rhodesia are known to their neighbours as Bena Kazembe (the people of Kazembe) and are often collectively<br />

described as 'Kazembe's Lunda'. The conquering Lunda probably never nummerically prepon<strong>der</strong>ant, but they established<br />

themselves as a governing class and still retain to some extent their former prestige and political ascendancy. ... The kingdom<br />

of the Lunda Kazembe thus consists of an elongated strip of country stret<strong>ch</strong>ing almost due north-south for about one hundred<br />

miles, ..."<br />

Slaski (1951:78): "As a result of piecemeal settlement and frequent inter-marriage the component tribal groups are as a rule<br />

distributed over the whole territory. Local concentrations occur nevertheless: the Shila and Tabwa predominate in the extreme<br />

north, the Lungu in the Mulele district, the Chishinga in the Mununshi valley. A Bemba colony occupies land between Lake<br />

Mofwe and Lake Mweru .... On Kilwa island the desendants of Swahili slavers and Nyamwezi copper tra<strong>der</strong>s live alongside the<br />

aboriginal Shila. The bulk of the population is made up of the Shila, Lunda, Chishinga, Tabwa, Lungu, bemba, and Aushi ... In<br />

addition there are Bwile, Mambwe, Bisa, Ngumbo, Mukulu, Lala, Lamba, Lomotwa, Yeke and Swahili elements. ... The extent<br />

of tribal mixture is shown by the fact thast the headman of thirty-four villages in Kambwali's <strong>ch</strong>iefdom belong to eleven different<br />

tribes. None of the tribes is indigenous to the valley. ... The Lunda possessed a special status and constituted a sort of nobility to<br />

whi<strong>ch</strong> distinguished outsi<strong>der</strong>s - non-Lunda <strong>ch</strong>iefs and headmen - could be admitted by being invested with Lundahood."<br />

Die Bevölkerungsgrösse entspri<strong>ch</strong>t <strong>der</strong> prozentualen Angabe von Kay (1967:45) für die "Lunda Luapula", wel<strong>ch</strong>e "are based on<br />

estimates given in Annexure 'V' (Tribal Statistics) of the Annual Report of the Ministry of African Affairs for 1962. Grundlage<br />

<strong>der</strong> Bere<strong>ch</strong>nung ist <strong>der</strong> erste staatli<strong>ch</strong>e Zensus von 1963, wel<strong>ch</strong>er für die afrikanis<strong>ch</strong>e Bevölkerung 3'417'580 Personen angibt.<br />

Vgl. da<strong>zu</strong> au<strong>ch</strong> die Bevölkerungsgrössen basierend auf <strong>der</strong> linguistis<strong>ch</strong>en Klassifikation bei Ohannessian (1978:19).<br />

k.A.<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

46<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

56,75, Handel<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

V 46: Formerly 1.<br />

V56/L: Subsistenzberei<strong>ch</strong> unbedeutend<br />

V75/R<br />

V Handel/R<br />

FQ5<br />

748<br />

748<br />

Seite 1


Seite 2

<strong>AGE</strong><br />

KELA<br />

Weitere Namen<br />

Akela, Bakela, Ekela, Ikela<br />

Stellvertreter für<br />

k.A.<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />

ZAIRE<br />

Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

10'000 Kela in Zaire<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />

KELA<br />

FO19<br />

Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

Empain, A. 1922. Les Bakela de la Loto. Bull. Soc. Roy. Belge Géog. 46: 206-265. Torday, E., and T. A. Joyce. 1922. Notes<br />

ethnographiques sur des populations habitant les bassins du Kasai et du Kwango oriental. Bruxelles.<br />

Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

Merriam, Alan P. 1959. The Concept of Culture Clusters applied to the Belgian Congo. In. Southwestern Journal of Anthropology.<br />

New York.<br />

Mc Donald, Gordon (ed.). 1971. Area Handbook for the Democratic Republic of the Congo (Congo Kinshasa). Washington.<br />

Bulck, van R.P.G. 1948. Les Re<strong>ch</strong>er<strong>ch</strong>es Linguistiques au Congo Belge. Bruxelles.<br />

Hulstaert, G. 1975. Der zentrale Teil. In: Baumann. Die Völker Afrikas und ihre traditionellen Kulturen. Teil 1. Wiesbaden.<br />

Grimes, Barbara F. (ed.). 1988. Ethnologue. Languages of the Word. Dallas.<br />

Vansina, Jan. 1965. Introduction a l'ethnographie du Congo. Bruxelles.<br />

Torday, E. and T.A. Joyce. 1922. Notes ethnographiques sur des Populations habitant les bassins du Kasai et du Kwango oriental.<br />

Annales du Musée du Congo Belge. Bruxelles.<br />

Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

L: 3S, 23E. T: 1920. P: 24000 in 1920.<br />

Varia<br />

Die Bevölkerungsgrösse dieser Gruppen sind S<strong>ch</strong>ät<strong>zu</strong>ngen und orientieren si<strong>ch</strong> an den Angaben von Bulck (1948:555ff.) und<br />

Grimes (1988).<br />

k.A.<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

k.A.<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

31,44,46,48,50,56,60,64, Handel<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

V31/R<br />

V44/L: Torday (1922:196)<br />

V46/L: Torday (1922:195)<br />

V48/R<br />

V50/R<br />

V56: Subsistenzberei<strong>ch</strong> unbedeutend<br />

V60: Subsistenzberei<strong>ch</strong> unbedeutend<br />

V64/R<br />

V Handel/R<br />

800<br />

800<br />

Seite 1

<strong>AGE</strong><br />

KENTU<br />

Weitere Namen<br />

k.A.<br />

Stellvertreter für<br />

k.A.<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />


Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

k.A.<br />

Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

Meek, C. K. 1931. Tribal Studies in Northern Nigeria. 2v. London.<br />

Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

L: 7N, 10E. T: 1920. P: 5000 in 1921.<br />

Varia<br />

k.A.<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

k.A.<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

k.A.<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />

KENTU<br />

FF33<br />

1011<br />

1011<br />

Seite 1

<strong>AGE</strong><br />

KENYAH<br />

Weitere Namen<br />

k.A.<br />

Stellvertreter für<br />

k.A.<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />


Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

60000 Kenyah, Kayan u.a./Malaysia<br />

Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

R. Needham, 1955. Punan Ba. Journ. Malayan Br. Roy. As. Soc. 28: 24-36.<br />

Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

LeBar, F.M. et. al. 1972. Ethnic Groups of Insular Southeast Asia. Vol. 1. New Haven.<br />

Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

L: 3N, 115E. T: 1950. Cluster 212.<br />

Varia<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />

PUNAN<br />

OC10<br />

Beim Murdock Datensatz "Punan" (Ea-Nr. 1243) wurde <strong>der</strong> Name <strong>zu</strong> "Kenyah" geän<strong>der</strong>t. Die von Murdock codierten Punan Ba<br />

gehören na<strong>ch</strong> LeBar (1972:168) <strong>zu</strong>r sogenannten "Kenyah-Kayan-Kajang" Gruppe, wel<strong>ch</strong>e aus zahlrei<strong>ch</strong>en kulturell sehr<br />

ähnli<strong>ch</strong>en Ethnien besteht: "The overall similarity of custom and social structure among all these peoples justifies the reference<br />

to a Kenyah-Kayan-Kajang culture type". Die Kenyah und Kayan sind unter diesen die Bekanntesten. Die fehlenden Missing<br />

Data wurden anhand <strong>der</strong> Angaben von LeBar <strong>zu</strong> den Kenyah aufgefüllt und die bestehenden <strong>Kodierungen</strong> überprüft. Ebenfalls <strong>zu</strong><br />

diesem Kulturkomplex zählt LeBar die Sekapan, Kajaman, Lahanan, Sipeng, Long Glat, Pnihing, Uma Suling u.a. (vgl. LeBar<br />

1972:168). Der neue Datensatz "Kenyah" (Ea-Nr.1243) steht im Atlas als Stellvertreter für diese "Kenyah-Kayan-Kajang"<br />

Gruppe. Vgl. Anmerkung <strong>zu</strong>r Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungseinheit beim Datensatz "Penan" (Atl.-Nr. 1454).<br />

k.A.<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

8<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

1, 2, 3, 4 ,5 ,6, 7, 11, 12, 28, 29, 30, 32, 33, 39, 40, 43, 44, 46, 50, 56, 65, 67, 69, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, V Handel<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

V 8: But families are grouped in communal dwellings.<br />

V 1: Anmerkung: Lebar (1972:169). "Wild honey is collected"<br />

V 2: Anmerkung: Lebar (1972:170). "Hunting with dogs, mainly for wild pig."<br />

V 3/L: Korrektur: Lebar (1972:169). "The Kenyah-Kayan-Kajang are distinctly riverine peoples, and fishing contributes relatively<br />

more to the diet than does hunting."<br />

V 5/L: Korrektur: Lebar (1972:169)<br />

V 6: Anmerkung: Lebar (1972:170). Bei "longhouse-exogamous marriages a bride price is paid if residence is immediately<br />

patrilocal; if matrilocal, no payment is made."<br />

V 7/L: Korrektur: Lebar (1972:179). Bei "longhouse-endogamous marriages ....service for the bride's parents replaces payment of a<br />

bride-price."<br />

V 11/L: Lebar (1972:170)<br />

V 12/L: Lebar (1972:170)<br />

V 28/L: Lebar (1972:169). "Shifting cultivation of hill rice on swiddens."<br />

V 29/L: Lebar (1972:169). Reis und "some maize, yams, pumpkins, cucumbers, and tobacco."<br />

V 30/L: Lebar (1972:169)<br />

V 31/L: Lebar (1972:169)<br />

V 32/R<br />

V 33/L: Lebar (1972:171). "Normally there is no formal political structure above the village level, although Kayans in the eighteenth<br />

and nineteenth centuries mounted large organized military expeditions un<strong>der</strong> paramount <strong>ch</strong>iefs."<br />

V 39/R<br />

V 40/L: Lebar (1972:170). "Pigs, goats, dogs, and <strong>ch</strong>ickens. Pigs and <strong>ch</strong>ickens are kept mainly for animal sacrifice."<br />

V 43/L: Lebar (1972:170)<br />

V 44/L: Lebar (1972:170). "Both Kayan and Kenyah are known for skilled inronworking, blowpipery, basketry, woodworking, and<br />

canoemaking."<br />

V 46/L: Lebar (1972:170)<br />

V 50/L: Lebar (1972:170)<br />

V 56/L: Subsistenzberei<strong>ch</strong> unbedeutend<br />

V 65/L: Lebar (1972:171). "Class difference are relatively strong throughout the Kenyah-Kayan-Kajang area. ... aristocrats<br />

...(house-owning group), commoners (skilled artisans and farmers) ... and slaves (decendants of prisoners of war)..."<br />

V 67/R<br />

V 69/R-L: Lebar (1972:171)<br />

V 71/L: Lebar (1972:171). "Ea<strong>ch</strong> longhouse has a headman or <strong>ch</strong>ief, an aristocrat, who, with his near relatives, occupies the<br />

compartments in the center of the structure. ... House (village) <strong>ch</strong>iefs are expected to take the lead in warfare, the<br />

1243<br />

1243<br />

Seite 1


administration of justice, and in the supervision of omens and religious ritual. The position is elective, but ordinarily an able son<br />

succeeds his father as <strong>ch</strong>ief."<br />

V 72/L: Lebar (1972:171). Vgl. Anmerkung <strong>zu</strong> V 71<br />

V 73/L: Lebar (1972:170). "Property is inherited equally by all heirs. Gongs, weapons, and canoes tend to go to sons; beads to<br />

daughters."<br />

V 74/L: Lebar (1972:170). Vgl. Anmerkung <strong>zu</strong> V 73<br />

V 75/L: Lebar (1972:170). Vgl. Anmerkung <strong>zu</strong> V 73<br />

V 76/L: Lebar (1972:170). Vgl. Anmerkung <strong>zu</strong> V 73<br />

V Handel L: Lebar (1972:170). "Their swords and knife blades, <strong>ch</strong>ased and inlaid, are coveted throughout central Borneo and<br />

constitute an item of trade."<br />

Seite 2

<strong>AGE</strong><br />

KERAKI<br />

Weitere Namen<br />

k.A.<br />

Stellvertreter für<br />

k.A.<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />


Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

3000 Keraki/PapuaNewGuinea<br />

Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

Williams, F. E. 1936. Papuans of the Trans-Fly. Oxford.<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />

KERAKI<br />

OJ17<br />

Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

Wurm, S.A. and S. Hattori.1981. Language Atlas of the Pacific Area. Australian Academy of the Humanities. Canberra<br />

Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

L: 9S, 142E. T: 1930. P: 700 in 1926. B: I,398.<br />

Varia<br />

Wurm 1981:<br />

V Ling: vermutli<strong>ch</strong> Morehead and Upper Rivers Family 3250<br />

k.A.<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

k.A.<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

k.A.<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

257<br />

257<br />

Seite 1

<strong>AGE</strong><br />

KEREWE<br />

Weitere Namen<br />

Bakerewe, Wakerewe<br />

Stellvertreter für<br />

k.A.<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />


Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

48581 Kerewe/Tanzania<br />

Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

Hurel, E: 1911. Religion et vie domestique des Bakerewe. Anthropos 6: 62-94, 276-301.<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />

Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

Kaplan, Irving et. al. 1978. Tanzania, a country study. Area Handbook Series. Washington.<br />

Tobisson, Eva. 1986. Family Dynamics among the Kuria.<br />

Ministry of Economic Affairs and Development Planing. 1971. 1967 Population Census, Volume 3. Dar es Salaam.<br />

Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

L: 3S, 33E. T: 1900. P: 40000.<br />

Varia<br />

KEREWE<br />

FN10<br />

Die Bevölkerungsgrösse <strong>der</strong> Kerewe basiert auf den Angaben des staatli<strong>ch</strong>en Zensus von 1967 und wurde anhand des<br />

dur<strong>ch</strong>s<strong>ch</strong>nittli<strong>ch</strong>en jährli<strong>ch</strong>en Bevölkerungs<strong>zu</strong>wa<strong>ch</strong>ses (1957-1967; 1,8%) auf 1960 rückbere<strong>ch</strong>net.<br />

k.A.<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

k.A.<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

31,44,48,50,56,58,71,72,75,76, Handel<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

V31/R<br />

V44/R<br />

V48/R<br />

V50/R<br />

V56/R: Subsistenzenberei<strong>ch</strong> unbedeutend<br />

V58/R: Subsistenzberei<strong>ch</strong> unbedeutend<br />

V71/L: Hurel (1911:69)<br />

V72/L: Hurel (1911:69)<br />

V75/L: Hurel (1911:285)<br />

V76/L: Hurel (1911:285)<br />

V Handel/L: Tobisson (1986:12): "The <strong>ch</strong>iefs of Ukerewe Island engaged in ivory trade (and, possibly, the slave trade) prior the<br />

arrival of the coastal mer<strong>ch</strong>ants."<br />

785<br />

785<br />

Seite 1

<strong>AGE</strong><br />


Weitere Namen<br />

Koerintji, Kurintji, Korintji, Korin<strong>ch</strong>i, Corin<strong>ch</strong>ee, Korinci, Corin<strong>ch</strong>i, Corin<strong>ch</strong>ia<br />

Stellvertreter für<br />

k.A.<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />


Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

140000 Kerintji/Indonesia, Sumatra<br />

Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

LeBar, F.M. et. al. 1972. Ethnic Groups of Insular Southeast Asia. Vol.1. New Haven.<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />

Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

Die Kerintji (76.547/1930 o<strong>der</strong> 138.000/1960 umgere<strong>ch</strong>net mit einem ges<strong>ch</strong>ätzten Bevölkerungswa<strong>ch</strong>stum von 1,5%) gehören na<strong>ch</strong><br />

LeBar (1972:28ff) <strong>zu</strong>m Rejang Komplex im Süden Sumatras: "A culturally homogeneous and closely-knit ethnic group,<br />

sometimes mistakenly consi<strong>der</strong>ed a Minangkabau subgroup. Despite close economic ties with the Minagkabau, their language<br />

shows distinct differences, nor is their system of matrilineal descent reckoning and inheritance identical to that of the<br />

Minangkabau".<br />

Varia<br />

k.A.<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

k.A.<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

k.A.<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

Seite 1

<strong>AGE</strong><br />

KETE<br />

Weitere Namen<br />

k.A.<br />

Stellvertreter für<br />

Kete Kuba, Kete Eastern, Kete Lulua.<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />

ZAIRE<br />

Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

65'000 Kete in Zaire<br />

Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

Felix, Marc Leo. 1987. 100 Peoples of Zaire and their Sculpture. Brussels.<br />

Vansina, Jan. 1965. Introduction a l'ethnographie du Congo. Bruxelles.<br />

Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

Varia<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />

keine<br />

Zaire: Der Datensatz 'Kete' steht im Atlas stellvertretend für folgende drei von Felix (1987:54ff) unterteilten Kete-Gruppen: Kete<br />

Kuba (ca. 25'000), Kete Eastern (ca. 20'000), Kete Lulua (ca. 7'500).<br />

Felix (1987:58): "The Kete are a mosaic of several populations. Some were auto<strong>ch</strong>thonous, living in this area along with the Twa<br />

(pygmies) since before the 15th c. Others arrived later, in different waves, after the Bushoong domination of the area. The Kete<br />

are on the bor<strong>der</strong>land of the Kuba kingdom, and in the last three centuries some Kete groups and their culture were incorporated<br />

into the Kuba kingdom, while others remained independent."<br />

Kete Eastern: Felix (1987:54): "The Kete who live to the east of the Mbagani and to the west of the Kanyok are the core group of the<br />

Kete, who migrated from the area between the Luba and the Songye. .. In the 1700s, the Kete group living next to the Kanyok<br />

were strongly influenced both by the expanding Kanyok kingdom and the Lunda/Luba conflicts that occured in the area."<br />

Kete Lulua: Felix (1987:58): "The Lete-Lulua originated with the Eastern-Kete and the Ket, northeast of the Salampasu, in the region<br />

between the Luba and Songye. They then migrated, passing south of Dibaya during the Luba expansion of the 1700s. In the early<br />

19th c. some left and went west, forming a Kete cluster on the Angolan bor<strong>der</strong>."<br />

k.A.<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

k.A.<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

Neucodierung/Arpagaus 1992<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

V1/L-R: Felix (1987:54/56/58): Kete Lulua: "Hunting is done for prestige, but net fishing is a more important subsistence activity."<br />

V2/L-R: Felix (1987:54/56/58)<br />

V3/L-R: Felix (1987:54/56/58)<br />

V4/L-R: Felix (1987:54/56/58): Kete Kuba: "Goats, pigs and <strong>ch</strong>ickens are kept." Kete Eastern/Kete Lulua: "They raise some cows,<br />

sheep, and pigeons."<br />

V5/L-R: Felix (1987:56/58): "The Kete are mainly agriculturalists."<br />

V9/L: Felix (1987:56): "Usually monogamous, except for nobles."<br />

V10/R<br />

V11/R<br />

V12/R<br />

V17/L: Felix (1987:54/56/58). Vgl. Anmerkung <strong>zu</strong> V19.<br />

V18/L: Felix (1987:54/56/58). Vgl. Anmerkung <strong>zu</strong> V19.<br />

V19/L: Felix (1987:54/56/58): "The Kete are usually matrilineal, with a few rare exceptions. ... The village is composed of<br />

matriclans of a few generations led by a clan headman." Kete Eastern: "The Kete in this area have been strongly affected by<br />

Luba social organization and hece are patrilineal and virilocal." Kete Lulua: "The southwestern Kete are matrilineal and<br />

virilocal. Their clan structure is quite intermingled with those of their neighbors, but lineages still ecist."<br />

V20/L: Felix (1987:54/56/58). Vgl. Anmerkung <strong>zu</strong> V19.<br />

V21/L: Felix (1987:54/56/58).<br />

V28/L: Felix (1987:56)<br />

V29/L: Felix (1987:54/56/58): Kete Kuba: "They grow manioc, maize, yams, peanuts, and palm for oil." Kete Lulua: "Their primary<br />

crops are manioc, maize, and millet." Kete Eastern: "... farm maize, millet, and manioc."<br />

V30/R<br />

V31/R<br />

V33/R-L: Felix (1987:54/56/58): "There is no paramount Kete <strong>ch</strong>ief. All Kete villages are independent and a village may have more<br />

than one <strong>ch</strong>ief. The Shanshenge is the most important title hol<strong>der</strong> of a Kete village. The <strong>ch</strong>ief is elected and is assisted in his<br />

keine<br />

1546<br />

Seite 1

KETE - ZAIRE<br />

duties by a council of titlehol<strong>der</strong>s kibanza. ... Historically some Kete villages paid tribute to the Nimi, king of the Kuba." Kete<br />

Eastern: "Ea<strong>ch</strong> village has a <strong>ch</strong>ief, always from one of the historically noble lines. ... the village <strong>ch</strong>ief reports to the <strong>ch</strong>ief of one<br />

of the 17 <strong>ch</strong>iefdoms of the territory. These major <strong>ch</strong>iefs are selected by descent, but the position is often contested. There is no<br />

paramount <strong>ch</strong>ief." Kete Lulua: "The Kete in this area have no paramount <strong>ch</strong>ief. They are often governed by the <strong>ch</strong>ief of the people<br />

with whom they live. During the period of Tshokwe domination, they were ruled directly by the Thsokwe court, but afterwards<br />

have been influenced by others, su<strong>ch</strong> as the Kuba, Lulua, and Mbagani."<br />

V39/R<br />

V40/L: Felix (1987:54/56/58)<br />

V43/L: Felix (1987:54/56/58). Vgl. Anmerkung <strong>zu</strong> V19.<br />

V44/L: Felix (1987:58): Kete Lulua: "Smithing was important and was done by the same methods as those used among their<br />

eastern Luba neighbours."<br />

V46/L: Felix (1987:56)<br />

V50/L: Felix (1987:56)<br />

V56/L: Subsistenzberei<strong>ch</strong> unbedeutend<br />

V58/L: Felix (1987:56)<br />

V60/L: Felix (1987:56)<br />

V64/L: Felix (1987:56)<br />

V65/R<br />

V67/R<br />

V71/L: Felix (1987:54/56/58). Vgl. Anmerkung <strong>zu</strong> V33.<br />

V72/L: Felix (1987:54/56/58). Vgl. Anmerkung <strong>zu</strong> V33.<br />

V S<strong>ch</strong>rift/R<br />

V Handel/L: Felix (1987:54): Kete Eastern: "They acted as middlemen in the salt and copper trades."<br />

Seite 2

<strong>AGE</strong><br />

KEYU<br />

Weitere Namen<br />

Elgeyu<br />

Stellvertreter für<br />

k.A.<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />

KENYA<br />

Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

92'380 Keyu/ Kenya<br />

67'720 Marakwet/ Kenya<br />

Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

Huntingford, G. W. B. 1953. The Southern Nilo-Hamites. London.<br />

Massam, J. A. 1927. The Cliff Dwellers of Kenya. London.<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />

Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

Moore, S. 1986. Space, text and gen<strong>der</strong>: an anthropological study of the Marakwet of Kenya. Cambridge.<br />

Area Handbook for Kenya. 1976. Washington.<br />

KEYU<br />

Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

L: Equator, 36E. T: 1920. P: 40000 in 1948.<br />

Die Keyu und Marakwet gehören <strong>zu</strong>r Kalenjin-Gruppe (Vergl. Anm. <strong>zu</strong>r Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungseinheit bei den Nandi).<br />

Der Datensatz <strong>der</strong> Keyu wird au<strong>ch</strong> verwendet für die Marakwet), weil sie si<strong>ch</strong> kulturell sehr ähnli<strong>ch</strong> sind: "The Marakwet are<br />

similar to the Suk or the Keyo" (linguistis<strong>ch</strong> und kulturell) ( Moore 1986: 10/11).<br />

Varia<br />

44% Christians, 56% traditional Religion (Grimes 1988: 245)<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

k.A.<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

31,46,48,56,71,72,75, S<strong>ch</strong>rift, Spra<strong>ch</strong>e, Handel/ Sulser 1992<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

V31/R Vgl. ähnli<strong>ch</strong> organisierte Kipsigis<br />

V46/R<br />

V48/R<br />

V56/R<br />

V71/L: Huntingford (1953: 72): "(...) an old man who aquires by his ability, <strong>ch</strong>aracter, and wealth the position of lea<strong>der</strong>."<br />

V72/L: Vgl. Anm. <strong>zu</strong> V71<br />

V75/L: Huntingford (1953: 72): "The principle of cattle inheritance is that the eldest son inherits more than the second, the second<br />

more than the third, and so on, but all must inherit something."<br />

S<strong>ch</strong>rift/L: Grimes (1988: 245)<br />

Spra<strong>ch</strong>e/L: Grimes (1988: 245): Nilotis<strong>ch</strong>, Kalenjin (Keyu)<br />

Handel/L: Huntingford (1953: 72): "Elephant were formerly hunted with spears, and su<strong>ch</strong> ivory as was not needed for ornaments<br />

was sold to the Swahili tra<strong>der</strong>s for one cow per tusk."<br />

FL13<br />

1075<br />

1075<br />

Seite 1

<strong>AGE</strong><br />

KHALKA<br />

Weitere Namen<br />

Khalka Monogls<br />

Stellvertreter für<br />

k.A.<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />


Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

765000 Khalka/Mongolia<br />

Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

Vreeland, H. H. 1954. Mongol Community and Kinship Structure. New Haven.<br />

Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

With special reference to those of Naroban<strong>ch</strong>in.<br />

L: 46N, 97E. T: 1940. P: 2000 in Naroban<strong>ch</strong>in. B: I,279.<br />

Varia<br />

k.A.<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

40, 46<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

k.A.<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

V 40: Also cattle, yaks , and especially sheep.<br />

V 46: But felt is manufactured by both sexes.<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />

KHALKA<br />

AH4<br />

134<br />

134<br />

Seite 1

<strong>AGE</strong><br />

KHASI<br />

Weitere Namen<br />

k.A.<br />

Stellvertreter für<br />

k.A.<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />

INDIA<br />

Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

379000 Khasi/India, Assam<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />

Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

Gurdon, P. R. T. 1907. The Khasis. London.<br />

Chattopadhyay, K. P. 1941. Khasi Kinship and Social Organization. Univ. Calcutta Anth. Papers, n.s., 6: 1-39.<br />

McCormack, A. P. 1967. Personal communication.<br />

Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

Karve, Iravati. 1968. Kinship organization in India. Dritte Auflage, Bombay.<br />

Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

With special reference to those of the Jaintia Hills.<br />

L: 26N, 92E. T: 1900. P: 175000 in 1901. B: II,127.<br />

Varia<br />

Religion: Totemistis<strong>ch</strong>e Clans (Karve 1968:326)<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

k.A.<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

67, Handel / Seiler S<strong>ch</strong>iedt<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

V18 wurde von Murdock mit 9 codiert. Eventuell trifft Code 4 besser (exogame Clans). Vgl. Karve (1968:328).<br />

V 67/LKarve (1968:326)<br />

V Handel/R<br />

KHASI<br />

AR7<br />

365<br />

365<br />

Seite 1

<strong>AGE</strong><br />

KHMER<br />

Weitere Namen<br />

Cambodian<br />

Stellvertreter für<br />

k.A.<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />


Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

4450000 Khmer/Kampu<strong>ch</strong>ea<br />

500000 Khmer/Vietnam<br />

350000 Khmer/Thailand<br />

5000 Khmer/Laos<br />

Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

Zadrozny, M. G. , ed. 1955. Cambodia. New Haven.<br />

Porée, G., and E. Maspero. 1938. Moeurs et coutumes des Khmer. Paris.<br />

Aymonier, E. 1900-04. Le Cambodge. 3v. Paris.<br />

Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

LeBar, F.M. et al. 1964. Ethnic Groups of Mainland Southeast Asia. New Haven.<br />

Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

L: 12N, 105E. T: 1950. P: 3500000 in 1950. B. I,397.<br />

Varia<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />


Seiler: Laut LeBar (1964:98) ist Cambodian das Synonym für Khmer: "The term Khmer refers to the ancient as well as the present<br />

dominant ethnic population of Cambodia. A national of the country may be called a Cambodian (the ancient Hindu term was<br />

Kambuja), although this term also includes groups that may be ethnically distinct from the Khmer." Das Murdock EA<br />

"Cambodian" (EA-Nr. 248) wurde deshalb im Atlas <strong>zu</strong> Khmer umbenannt und das Murdock EA "Khmer" (EA-Nr. 1261) wird<br />

im Atlas ni<strong>ch</strong>t berücksi<strong>ch</strong>tigt, das si<strong>ch</strong> die Codierung auf die Stadt Ankor Wat im Jahre 1292 bezieht.<br />

k.A.<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

k.A.<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

48, 73, 74, 75 / Seiler<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

V 48/R-L: Lebar (1964:100ff)<br />

V 56/R<br />

V 58/R: Subsistenzberei<strong>ch</strong> unbedeutend.<br />

V 73/L: Korrektur <strong>der</strong> Murdock Kodierung: Lebar (1964:103). "Ideally, inheritance is according to shares that are equal in value, if<br />

not always in type of goods, for all <strong>ch</strong>ildren. In practice the personal favoritism of parents or individual circumstances frequently<br />

dictate unequal inheritance, e.g. giving more to <strong>ch</strong>ildren who have taken special care of the parents, or giving little to a <strong>ch</strong>ild<br />

who has made a prosperous marriage. Land is customarily apportioned out to <strong>ch</strong>ildren as they marry, although other property<br />

(jewelry, cattle, house, etc.) is usually not disposed of until death,... "<br />

V 74/L: Lebar (1964:103). Vgl. Anmerkung <strong>zu</strong> V73<br />

V 75/L: Korrektur <strong>der</strong> Murdock Kodierung: Lebar (1964:103). Vgl. Anmerkung <strong>zu</strong> V73<br />

V 76/L: Lebar (1964:103). Vgl. Anmerkung <strong>zu</strong> V73<br />

V Spra<strong>ch</strong>e L: Lebar (1964:99). "Khmer is a language of the Mon-Khmer family. Villagers speak a colloquial form of Khmer whi<strong>ch</strong><br />

differs somewhat from the more formal spee<strong>ch</strong> of the educated. Special forms of Khmer are used in speaking to and about<br />

Buddhist monks and royalty. Some regional dialects exist. "<br />

V 75/L: Lebar (1964:103)<br />

V 76/L: Lebar (1964:103)<br />

AM4<br />

248<br />

248<br />

Seite 1

<strong>AGE</strong><br />

KHMU<br />

Weitere Namen<br />

Khamu<br />

Stellvertreter für<br />

k.A.<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />

LAOS<br />

Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

100000 Khmu/Laos<br />

10000 Pu Noi/Laos<br />

70000 Phuteng/Laos<br />

65000 Khmu/Thailand<br />

30000 Phuteng/Thailand<br />

10000 Khmu/Vietnam<br />

Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />

Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

LeBar, F.M. et al. 1964. Ethnic Groups of Mainland Southeast Asia. New Haven.<br />

Roux, H. and Tran-Van-Chu. 1954. Quelques minorités ethniques du Nord-Indo<strong>ch</strong>ine. France-Asie Nr.92-93.<br />

Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

Varia<br />

KHMU<br />

Laos: Der Datensatz "Khmu" steht in Laos au<strong>ch</strong> für die Phuteng und Pu Noi. Letztere gehören na<strong>ch</strong> LeBar (1964:126), wie die Khmu<br />

und Lamet, <strong>zu</strong> den "Mon-Khmer: Northern Upland Groups". "... Phuteng (Phouteng)..., meaning 'people who live high up', ...are<br />

sometimes used in Laos and eastern Thailand to refer to groups su<strong>ch</strong> as the Khmu..." (LeBar 1964:94).<br />

Thailand: Der Datensatz "Khmu" steht in Thailand au<strong>ch</strong> für die Phuteng (vgl. Text <strong>zu</strong> Laos).<br />

k.A.<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

k.A.<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

Neukodierung/Seiler 1991<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

V 1/R-L: Lebar (1964:114)<br />

V 2/R-L: Lebar (1964:114)<br />

V 3/R-L: Lebar (1964:114)<br />

V 4/R-L: Lebar (1964:115)<br />

V 5/R-L: Lebar (1964:114). Insgesamt 66-75% Landwirts<strong>ch</strong>aft, davon 10% cash crop: Reis, Gemüse, Frü<strong>ch</strong>te.<br />

V 6/L: Lebar (1964:116)<br />

V 7/L: Lebar (1964:116)<br />

V 8/L: Lebar (1964:116)<br />

V 9/L: Lebar (1964:116). "Polygyny, whi<strong>ch</strong> would probably be more common if the Khmu were not so poor, is sometimes sororal."<br />

V 10/L: Lebar (1964:116)<br />

V 11/R-L: Lebar (1964:116). "Residence with the wife's family is usual for at least three or four years, at whi<strong>ch</strong> time a new home<br />

may be set up, or the couple may move to live in the home of the husband's parents if it is not crowded."<br />

V 12/R-L: Lebar (1964:116). Vgl. Anmerkung <strong>zu</strong> V11<br />

V 13/L: Lebar (1964:116)<br />

V 14/L: Lebar (1964:116)<br />

V 15/L: Lebar (1964:116)<br />

V 16/L: Lebar (1964:116)<br />

V 17/L: Lebar (1964:116)<br />

V 18/L: Lebar (1964:116)<br />

V 19/R-L: Lebar (1964:116)<br />

V 20/R-L: Lebar (1964:116)<br />

V 21/L: Lebar (1964:116)<br />

V 28/L: Lebar (1964:114)<br />

V 29/L: Lebar (1964:114)<br />

V 30/L: Lebar (1964:114). "Many Khmu live in small huts in the rice fields for several months after the rice has begun to sprout and<br />

until the harvested grain has been carried to the barns, ... to save the long walk form village to fields..." (Code 3).<br />

V 31/R-L: Lebar (1964:116); Roux (1954:303)<br />

V 32/L: Lebar (1964:117)<br />

V 33/L: Lebar (1964:116)<br />

V 39/L: Lebar (1964:114)<br />

V 40/L: Lebar (1964:115)<br />

1486<br />

Seite 1

KHMU - LAOS<br />

V 43/L: Lebar (1964:116)<br />

V 44/L: Lebar (1964:115)<br />

V 46/L: Lebar (1964:115)<br />

V 48/R-L: Lebar (1964:116)<br />

V 50/R-L: Lebar (1964:116)<br />

V 56/L: Lebar (1964:116)<br />

V 58/L: Lebar (1964:116)<br />

V 60/L: Lebar (1964:116)<br />

V 62/L: Lebar (1964:116)<br />

V 64/L: Lebar (1964:116)<br />

V 65/R-L: Lebar (1964:117)<br />

V 67/L: Lebar (1964:117)<br />

V 69/L: Lebar (1964:114)<br />

V 71/L: Lebar (1964:117)<br />

V 72/L: Lebar (1964:117)<br />

V S<strong>ch</strong>rift L: Roux (1954:339)<br />

Seite 2

<strong>AGE</strong><br />

KHOND<br />

Weitere Namen<br />

k.A.<br />

Stellvertreter für<br />

k.A.<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />

INDIA<br />

Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

631000 Khond/India, Orissa<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />

Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

Elwin, V. 1950. Bondo Higlan<strong>der</strong>s. London.<br />

Fürer-Haimendrof, C. von. 1943. Avenues to Marriage Among the Bondos of Orissa. Man in India 23: 158-172.<br />

KHOND<br />

AW30<br />

Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

Boal, Barbara M. 1982. The Konds. Warminster.<br />

Fis<strong>ch</strong>er, Eberhard, Sitakant Mahapatra und Dinanath Pathy 1980. Orissa. Kunst und Kultur in Nordost-Indien. Züri<strong>ch</strong>.<br />

Satapathy, P. K. 1980. Shifting cultivation: A case study of Koraput. In: Mohapatra, P. C. und D. Panda. Tribal problems of today<br />

and tomorrow. Bhubaneswar.<br />

Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

With special reference to the Bondo.<br />

L: 18N, 82E. T: 1940. P: 2500 Bonod in 1941. Language Dr.<br />

Varia<br />

Boal (1982:85): Religion: Glaube an mehrere Götter und Ahnengeister<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

k.A.<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 39, 44, 46, 50, 56, 58, 60, 62, 64, 65, 67, 69, 71, 72, 73, 75, Handel / Seiler<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

V 28./L: Satapathy (1980:15)<br />

V 29/L: (Satapathy (1980:15); Reis, Hirse<br />

V 30LL: Boal (1982:26)<br />

V 31/L: Fis<strong>ch</strong>er (1980:62)<br />

V 32/L: Boal (1982:11)<br />

V 33/LBoal (1982:11)<br />

V 39/L: Satapathy (1980:15). Glei<strong>ch</strong>e Anmerkung wie bei V39 KOYA<br />

V 44/R: Boal (1982:25)<br />

Für V44, V48, V50 gilt: Die Ethnie <strong>der</strong> Pan, wel<strong>ch</strong>e in <strong>der</strong> glei<strong>ch</strong>en Region wie die Khond angesiedelt sind (vgl. Boal 1982:1), stellt<br />

die Töpfer, Weber und S<strong>ch</strong>miede. Sie handeln ihre Produkte mit den Khond (vgl. Boal 1982:25).<br />

V 46/L: Boal (1982:21)<br />

V 48/R: Boal (1982:25)<br />

V 50/R: Boal (1982:25)<br />

V 56/R: abgeleitet aus Codierung von V1. Man könnte V1 statt mit 0 au<strong>ch</strong> mit 1 codieren. Ausser für den Eigengebrau<strong>ch</strong><br />

werdenzahlrei<strong>ch</strong>e Urwaldprodukte als Handelsgüter gesammelt (vgl. Boal 1982:25). Falls V1 = Code 1, gilt V56 = Code 3<br />

(Boal 1982:25).<br />

V 58/R: abgeleitet aus Codierung von V2<br />

V 60./R: abgeleitet aus Codierung von V3<br />

V 62/L: Boal (1982:34)<br />

V 64./L: Satapathy (1980:17)<br />

V 65/L: Boal (1982:24)<br />

V 67/L: Boal (1982:24)<br />

V 69./R: Boal (1982:24)<br />

V 71/L: Boal (1982:11)<br />

V 72/L: Boal (1982:11). "The clan, or gossi, head is representative of the common ancestor, but the succession may pass to<br />

whi<strong>ch</strong>ever member of his house appears the most competent. The direct ancient line is remembered and restored when a<br />

suitable son appears".<br />

V 73/L: Boal (1982:23)<br />

V 75/L: Boal (1982:23)<br />

V Handel/L: Boal (1982:25)<br />

1111<br />

1111<br />

Seite 1

<strong>AGE</strong><br />

KIGA<br />

Weitere Namen<br />

Ba<strong>ch</strong>iga, Ciga, Kviga, Kiga, Kyiga<br />

Stellvertreter für<br />

k.A.<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />

UGANDA<br />

Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

459'621 Kiga in Uganda<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />

KIGA<br />

Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

Edel, M. M. 1957. The Chiga of Western Uganda. New York.<br />

____ 1937. The Ba<strong>ch</strong>iga of East Africa. Cooperation and Competition Among Primitive Peoples, ed. M. Mead, pp. 127-152. New<br />

York.<br />

Taylor, B. K. 1962. The Western Lacustrine Bantu. London.<br />

Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

Hecklau, Hans. 1989. Ostafrika: Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda. Darmstadt.<br />

Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

L: 3S, 30E. T: 1930. P: 100000 in 1940, 310000 in 1959. B: IV, 248.<br />

Varia<br />

Der Name des Datensatz 'Chiga' wurde <strong>zu</strong> Kiga geän<strong>der</strong>t.<br />

Die Bevölkerungsgrösse <strong>der</strong> Chiga entspri<strong>ch</strong>t den Angaben des staatli<strong>ch</strong>en Zensus von 1959 (Hecklau 1989:568), wo sie als Kiga<br />

aufgeführt werden. Taylor (1962:114): "1959 census figures give a total district population of 494,488, including 386,739 Kiga ...<br />

102,857 Nyarwanda and 3,848 other Africans including 927 Twa. The non-African population was 1,044. ... In 1959 there were<br />

72,880 Kiga living outside Kigezi, 45,665 in Ankole and the balance elsewhere, but especially in West Mengo, Buganda."<br />

Taylor (1962:116): "The Kiga proper predominate in the present counties of Ndorwa, Ikumba, and Rukiga, The Hororo in<br />

Rujumbura and the Nyarwanda in Bufumbira. There is a small population in Kinkizi composed mainly of a mixture of these<br />

three groups. There is more solidarity arising mainly from closer cultural and linguistic connections between the Kiga and the<br />

Hororo than between these groups and the Nyarwanda. There is some evidence of the beginnings of a great Kiga tribal<br />

consciousness, especially among the more educated classes from all counties."<br />

Taylor (1962:124): "It is difficult from the existing literature to gain a clear picture of the overall political position in the area now<br />

known as Kigezi in the pre-European period. Bufumbira would appear to have been part of the kingdom of Rwanda; Rujumbura<br />

was an independent kingdom, previously part of a large kingdom called Mpororo; Rukiga proper (the present counties of<br />

Rukiga, Ndorwa and Ikumba) was the home of many separate and independent lineage communities, and the present county of<br />

Kinkizi was dividid into two or more independent <strong>ch</strong>iefdoms. Legends suggest that Kiga have long been an independent people<br />

with no overall political organization and that they have lived in the shadow of, and closely influenced by, the Batusi kingdom of<br />

Rwanda and the Bahima kingdom of Mpororo. According to Edel, the Kiga have never been a united people. They had no<br />

structure of government, no individuals or groups with formal authority over others, no police force."<br />

Lokalisierung: Taylor (1962:114): "The Kiga live in Kigezi, the extreme south-western district of Uganda, bor<strong>der</strong>ed on the south by<br />

Ruanda-Urundi, on the west by the Congo, on the north by Lake Edward and on the east by the Ankole District of Uganda."<br />

k.A.<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

k.A.<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

31,44,46,48,50,71,72,73,74,75,76, Handel/Nager 1992<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

V31/R<br />

V44/L: Edel (1957)<br />

V46/R<br />

V48/L: Edel (1957)<br />

V50/L: Taylor (1962:120)<br />

V71/L: Taylor (1962:124)<br />

V72/L: Taylor (1962:124)<br />

V73/L: Edel (1957:11)<br />

V74/R<br />

V75/L: Edel (1957:97)<br />

V76/L: Edel (1957:97)<br />

V Handel/R<br />

FK6<br />

669<br />

669<br />

Seite 1

<strong>AGE</strong><br />

KIKUYU<br />

Weitere Namen<br />

Akikuyu, Giguyu, Wakikuyu<br />

Stellvertreter für<br />

k.A.<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />

KENYA<br />

Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

1'832'000 Kikuyu/ Kenya<br />

Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

Kenyatta, J. 1938. Facing Mount Kenya. London.<br />

Lambert, H. E. 1956. Kikuyu Social and Political Institutions. London.<br />

Leakey, L. S. B. 1952. Mau Mau and the Kikuyu. London.<br />

Middleton, J. 1953. The Kikuyu and Kamba of Kenya. London.<br />

Sluiter, J. 1959. Personal communication.<br />

Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />

Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

L: 1S, 37E. T: 1930. P: 1000000 in 1948. B: I, 275.<br />

Dominante ethnis<strong>ch</strong>e Gruppe ökonomis<strong>ch</strong> und politis<strong>ch</strong>. Stellte ersten Staatspräsident na<strong>ch</strong> <strong>der</strong> Unabhängigkeit.<br />

- hohe Bevölkerungsdi<strong>ch</strong>te (128/km)<br />

- rei<strong>ch</strong>e und fru<strong>ch</strong>tbare Böden<br />

- Mis<strong>ch</strong>ehen mit Dorobo, Masai, Kamba<br />

Varia<br />

k.A.<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

k.A.<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

Handel, S<strong>ch</strong>rift, Spra<strong>ch</strong>e/ Sulser 1992<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

V S<strong>ch</strong>rift/L: Grimes (l988: 244)<br />

V Spra<strong>ch</strong>e/L: Grimes (l988: 244): Bantu, Gikuyu (Gigikuyo, Kikuyu, Gekoyo)<br />

V Handel/L: Middleton (l953: l9): "There has always been consi<strong>der</strong>able internal trade among<br />

the Kikuyu; large markets have been, and are, an important feature of Kikuyu life, except among<br />

the Northern tribes."<br />

KIKUYU<br />

FL10<br />

108<br />

108<br />

Seite 1

<strong>AGE</strong><br />

KIMAM<br />

Weitere Namen<br />

Fre<strong>der</strong>ik-Hendrik Islan<strong>der</strong>s<br />

Stellvertreter für<br />

k.A.<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />


Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

k.A.<br />

Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

Serpenti, L. M. 1965. Cultivators in the Swamps. Assen.<br />

Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

Wurm, S.A. and S. Hattori.1981. Language Atlas of the Pacific Area. Australian<br />

Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

With special reference to the village of Bamol.<br />

L: 7S, 138E. T: 1940. P: 7000 in 1960.<br />

Varia<br />

Wurm 1981:<br />

V Ling: Kimaghama d's, Kolopom (Fre<strong>der</strong>ik Hendrik Island) Sub-Phylum-Level Family, Sub-Phyla<br />

P: 2000, sp lf 3300<br />

k.A.<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

17,18<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

62/Kock<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />

KIMAM<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

V 17,18: Though exogamous, lineages are only incompletely patrilineal: those of a village tend to be grouped into two local moieties.<br />

V 62/R: subsistence activity unimportant<br />

OJ1<br />

1101<br />

1101<br />

Seite 1

<strong>AGE</strong><br />


Weitere Namen<br />

k.A.<br />

Stellvertreter für<br />

k.A.<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />

ANGOLA<br />

Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

200'000 Ambundu/Angola<br />

200'00 Mbaka/Angola<br />

150'000 Ndongo (Ngola)/Angola<br />

150'000 Mbondo/Angola<br />

50'000 Ndembu (Dembo)/Angola<br />

60'000 Hungo (Hungu)/Angola<br />

50'000 Bangala/Angola<br />

12'000 Holo/Angola<br />

50'000 Shinje/Angola<br />

30'000 Libolo/Angola<br />

30'000 Kibala/Angola<br />

Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

Childs, G.M. 1949. Umbundu. Kinship and Character. London.<br />

Abashire, David and M.A. Samuels. Portuguese Africa. London. 1969.<br />

Baumann, Hermann. 1975. Die Völker Afrikas und ihre traditionellen Kulturen. Teil 1. Wiesbaden.<br />

Miller, Joseph C. 1976. Kings and Kinsmen. Early Mbundu States in Angola. Oxford.<br />

Wheeler Douglas and R. Pelissier. 1971. Angola. London.<br />

Murdock, Georg, Peter. 1959. Africa. Its Peoples and their Culture History. New York.<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />

Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

Kimbundu ist mit 23% die zweitgrösste linguistis<strong>ch</strong>e Gruppe Angolas. öber die einzelnen Ethnien ist aber sehr wenig bekannt,<br />

Murdock (1959:292) bezei<strong>ch</strong>net dieses "cluster of tribes" als "the laest adequately described in the entire African continent."<br />

Miller (1976:40): "Even the recent strong influences working towards the creation of a single homogenized Mbundu language<br />

and culture have not erases the local diversitiy surviving as evidence of earlier distinctions whi<strong>ch</strong> the Mbundu oberseved<br />

among themselves." Kaplan (1979:79): "By 1969-70, ... a 'pan-Mbundu lifestyle with a pseudo-Portuguese component' was<br />

emerging, the consequence of the experience of many Mbundu in the city of Luanda and the town of Malange and in the colonial<br />

army into whi<strong>ch</strong> they had been drafted. A degree of formal education also contributed to this development. It is not clear,<br />

however, that this tendency to homogenization affected the rural components of the Mbundu ethnolinguistic group."<br />

Murdock (1959:292) zählt folgende Gruppen <strong>zu</strong>m Kimbundu Cluster:<br />

1. "Holo. 2. Kimbundu (Ambundu) embracing the Luanda, Mbaka, Mbondo, Ndongo (Ngola), Ndembu and Tamba. 3. Kisama. 4.<br />

Lupolo, with the Esela, Haku (Hako), Kipala and Lemba. 5. Mbangala (Bangala, Ngala) with the Shinje. 6. Selse (Esele), with<br />

the Kisanji, Mbui (Amboim) and Sumbe."<br />

Baumann (1975:528) bezei<strong>ch</strong>net dieses Cluster als "Ndongo-Ngola", na<strong>ch</strong> den Königen des Rei<strong>ch</strong>es Ndongo. Baumann re<strong>ch</strong>net <strong>zu</strong><br />

den Ndongo-Ngola: 1. Ngola. 2. Ndembu. 3. Njinga (Jinga, Nzinga). 4. Mbaka. 5. Mbondo. 6. Songo. 7. Kibolo-Kibala. 8.<br />

Kisama. 9. Amboin (Mbui). Die Hungu (Maungo) und Soso bilden na<strong>ch</strong> Bauman ein Band zwis<strong>ch</strong>en den Kongo und Ngola,<br />

sowie die Shinje und Mbangala zwis<strong>ch</strong>en den Kwango-Gruppen und den Ngola.<br />

Na<strong>ch</strong> Abshire (1969:114) gehören <strong>zu</strong>r Kimbundu Spra<strong>ch</strong>gruppe: Ambundu, Mbaka, Ndongo (Ngola), Mbondo, Dembos [Ndembo],<br />

Hungo [Hungu], Bangala [Mbangala, Ngala], Holo, Shinje, Minungo, Songo, Kissama, Libolo, Kibala, Sende, Luango, Ntema,<br />

Puna, Cari, Bambeiro, Haco, Esela. Von diesen sind die ersten 14 in seiner Karte eingetragen.<br />

Die Auswahl <strong>der</strong> Gruppen erfolgte anhand <strong>der</strong> Angaben von Abshire (1969), entspre<strong>ch</strong>end seiner Karte werden im Atlas folgende<br />

Gruppen abgebildet: Ambundu, Mbaka, Ndongo, Mbondo, Ndembo, Kisama, Libolo, Kibale Songo, Nungo, Holo, Minungo und<br />

Shinje. (<strong>zu</strong> den Minungo vgl. Anmerkung bei den Chokwe)<br />

Einzig für die Kisama ist ein EA-Datensatz vorhanden. Diese unters<strong>ch</strong>eiden si<strong>ch</strong> aber von den bena<strong>ch</strong>barten Gruppen v.a dadur<strong>ch</strong>,<br />

dass sie patrilinear sind (Murdock 1959:299). Anhand <strong>der</strong> <strong>zu</strong>r Verfügung gestanden Literatur wurde für den Atlas eine<br />

Teilcodierungen <strong>zu</strong> den einzelnen Gruppen gema<strong>ch</strong>t (vgl. unten).<br />

Bevölkerungsgrösse: Neben den Ovimbundu sind na<strong>ch</strong> Kaplan (1979:78) die Mbundu (Kimbundu) - 23% <strong>der</strong> nationalen<br />

Bevölkerung (1960) - die zweitgrösste ethnolinguistis<strong>ch</strong>e Gruppe Angolas. Detailliertere demographis<strong>ch</strong>e Angaben <strong>zu</strong> den<br />

einzelnen Gruppen fehlen weitgehend. Die angegebenen Gruppengrössen sind nur grobe S<strong>ch</strong>ät<strong>zu</strong>ngen, wel<strong>ch</strong>e si<strong>ch</strong> an den<br />

wenigen Verweisen in <strong>der</strong> Literatur orientieren.<br />

Abshire (1969:117): "About 60 per cent of the Kimbundu population is made up of four main tribes, Ambundu, Mbaka, Ndongo, and<br />

Mbondo."<br />

Baumann (1975:529) ca. 60'000 Hungo. Grimes (1988:146): Holu (Holo) 12'000 für 1971. 41'000 Ngola (1977), Nsongo (Songo)<br />

50'000 1978.<br />

Ambundu: Abshire (1969:117): "The Ambundu have been most fully assimilated into mo<strong>der</strong>n Angolan life, probably owing to their<br />

proximity to metropolitan Luanda." Kaplan (1979:79): "The western dialect is centered in Luanda to whi<strong>ch</strong> many Mbundu have<br />

migrated over the years. The people speaking it, largely urban or peri-urban, have comt to call themselves Ambundu or<br />

Akwaluanda, thus distinguishing themselves from rural Mbundu."<br />

kein<br />

keine<br />

keine<br />

Seite 1


Varia<br />

Mbaka: Abshire (1969:117): "Many Kimbundu consi<strong>der</strong> the Mbaka arrogant because they claim to be 'pure Kimbundu' and never to<br />

have submitted to the Portuguese.<br />

Ndembo: Abshire (1969:117): "The northernmost Kimbundu people are the Dembos, who have been greatly affected by the<br />

Bakongo. They strongly resisted the Portuguese and, in 1919, were the last people in the north to lose their independence. In<br />

spite of being industrious, the Dembos have continued to keep aloof from mo<strong>der</strong>n influences..."<br />

Ndongo (Ngola): Wheeler (1971:22): "Immediately to the south of the Kongo kingdom lay the Mbundu kingdom of Ndonge. The king<br />

of Ndongo was called N'Gola, the origin of the word 'Angola', as ren<strong>der</strong>ed later by the Portuguese. The Ndongo kingdom, as it<br />

was found by the Portuguese in the sixteenth century, was of more recent origin than the Kongo state. .. By 1500, then, a strong<br />

monar<strong>ch</strong>y ruled Ndongo, centred on a capital at Kabasa, north of Ambaca in Angola. The growth and destruction of the power of<br />

Ndongo was directly influenced by the arrival and expansion of the Portuguese inva<strong>der</strong>s from the Atlantic." 1671 Auflösung des<br />

Ndongo-Ngola-Staates.<br />

Hungo, Holo, Kisama: Abshire (1969:118): "Some of the Kimbundu peoples, su<strong>ch</strong> as the northern Hungo and Holo, have remained<br />

even farther away from Portuguese influence. The same might have been said of the Kissama, who inhabit the area south of the<br />

mouth of the Cuanza, until recently, wehen oil-prospecting in the region began to attract many Kissama into salaried jobs."<br />

Bangala (Mbangala): Abshire (1969:118): "Other signs of the earlier Jagas exist just beyond the eastern Kimbundu fringe, most<br />

noticeably among the Imbangala, who may still quite accurately reflect their Jaga ancestors. Until Portuguese domination, the<br />

Imbangala were a hostile, active, trading people; their relations with all their neighbors have never been overly friendly."<br />

Baumann (1975:535): Mbangala-Rei<strong>ch</strong> Kasanje wurde no<strong>ch</strong> im 19. Jahrhun<strong>der</strong>t von Fürsten regiert, die si<strong>ch</strong> 'Jaga' nannten.<br />

Munongo, Shinje, Songo: Abshire (1969:118): "... the Munongo, Shinje, and Songo present a linguistic and cultural transition from<br />

Ovimbundu and Kimbundu to the Chokwe. These tribes have experienced constant intermixing with their stronger neighbors on<br />

all sides." Murdock (1959:2969: "... Songo depend more on fishing than on agriculture." A<strong>ch</strong>tung gibt ein EA Songo, abklären ob<br />

diese, ev. Datensatz für Shinje und Minongo nehmen. (Minongo wurden ni<strong>ch</strong>t eingetragen vgl. bei den Chokwe)<br />

Spra<strong>ch</strong>e: kiMbundu<br />

Ges<strong>ch</strong>i<strong>ch</strong>te: Kaplan (1979:78): "In the earliest period o whi<strong>ch</strong> anything systematic is konwn (the sixteenth century), most of the<br />

groups that came to be known as Mbundu (a name apparently first applied by the neighboring Kongo) lived well to the east of<br />

the coast in the highlands ... ; a few groups in the far northeast lived below 700 meters. In general the outlines of the area<br />

occupied by the Mbundu have remained the same. The major exception is their extension to the coast, formerly occupied by<br />

Kongo and others. Although most of the boundaries of the Mbundu territory have remained fairly firm, the social and linguistic<br />

boundaries of the category have shifted historically, some of the peripheral groups having been variably influenced by<br />

neighboring groups and the groups close to the coast having been more strongly influenced by the Portuguese than the remoter<br />

ones. Moreover the subdivisions discernible for the sixteenth century (and perhaps earlier) have also <strong>ch</strong>anged in response to a<br />

variety of influences in the colonial period. The Mbundu generally and the western Mbundu particularly, located as they are not<br />

far from Luanda, were susceptible to those influences for a longer time and in a more intense way than other Angolan groups.<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

k.A.<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

Teilcodierung für den Atlas/Arpagaus 1992<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

Vgl. Anmerkung <strong>zu</strong>r Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungseinheit<br />

V1/R: Code 1<br />

V2/R: Code 1<br />

V3/R: Code 0<br />

V4/R: Code 2<br />

V5/R: Code 6<br />

V17/L: Murdock (1959:299): Code 1<br />

V18/L: Murdock (1959:299): Code 9<br />

V19/L: Murdock (1959:299): Code 4<br />

V20/L: Murdock (1959:299): Code 9<br />

V21/L: Murdock (1959:299): Code 9<br />

V28/L: Murdock (1959:295): Code 3<br />

V29/L: Murdock (1959:295): Code 6<br />

V40/L: Murdock (1959:296): Code 3<br />

V43/L: Murdock (1959:299): Code 3<br />

Seite 2

<strong>AGE</strong><br />

KINGA<br />

Weitere Namen<br />

k.A.<br />

Stellvertreter für<br />

Poroto, Sandia, Mpoto, Mwelya,<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />


Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

84521 Kinga/Tanzania<br />

Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />

Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

Kaplan, Irving et. al. 1978. Tanzania, a country study. Area Handbook Series. Washington.<br />

Ministry of Economic Affairs and Development Planing. 1971. 1967 Population Census, Volume 3. Dar es Salaam.<br />

Tew, Mary. 1950. Peoples of The Lake Nyasa Region.<br />

keine<br />

Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

Tew (1950:71): "Kinga inhabit the Livingstone mountains on the eastern shores of Lake Nyasa in Njombe district, Tanganyika."<br />

Die Bevölkerungsgrösse <strong>der</strong> Kinga basiert auf den Angaben des staatli<strong>ch</strong>en Zensus von 1967 und wurde anhand des<br />

dur<strong>ch</strong>s<strong>ch</strong>nittli<strong>ch</strong>en jährli<strong>ch</strong>en Bevölkerungs<strong>zu</strong>wa<strong>ch</strong>ses (1957-1967; 1,8%) auf 1960 rückbere<strong>ch</strong>net.<br />

Die Kinga sind im Atlas ohne Datensatz aufgeführt, da für eine Codierung die Literatur fehlte. Tew (1950:76): "The Kinga are<br />

agriculturists, cultivating wheat, peas, and potatoes, and latterly also oats and barley. They own a mo<strong>der</strong>ate amount of cattle,<br />

and many sheep and goats. They are skilful smiths."<br />

Tew (1950:71): "The Kinga are thought to be related to the Wanji of the north and to the Pangwa in the Pangwa mountains." Zudem<br />

werden au<strong>ch</strong> die Kisi (Kisii) als kulturell ähnli<strong>ch</strong> wie die Kinga bezei<strong>ch</strong>net. Die Wanji (29'428), und Kisi (13'199) werden im<br />

staatli<strong>ch</strong>en Zensus separat aufgeführt, weshalb sie ebenfalls in den Atlas aufgenommen wurden, aber ohne Datensatz (vgl.<br />

Anmerkung <strong>zu</strong>r Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungseinheit bei entspre<strong>ch</strong>enden Gruppen). Zudem leben im nördli<strong>ch</strong>en Ende des Nyasa-Sees<br />

weitere kleine Gruppen, wie die Poroto, Sandia, Mpoto, Mwelya, wel<strong>ch</strong>e aber im staatli<strong>ch</strong>en Zensus (1967) ni<strong>ch</strong>t aufgeführt<br />

sind. Tew (1950:72): "The Wanji and Poroto north of the Kinga, the Pangwa and Matengo on the south, and small tribes on the<br />

lake coast, the Kisi, Sandia, Mpoto etc. appear as names on the maps, but little else is known of them. Dr. Meinhard consi<strong>der</strong>s<br />

that ... the Kinga and Pangwa ... are culturally too dissimilar to be counted in the same group with the Ngonde and Nyakyusa."<br />

Varia<br />

k.A.<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

k.A.<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

Teilkodierung für den Atlas/Arpagaus<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

Vgl. Anmerkung <strong>zu</strong>r Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungseinheit: Teilkodierung für den Atlas<br />

V1/R<br />

V2/R<br />

V3/R<br />

V4/R<br />

V5/R<br />

V28/R<br />

V31/R<br />

V40/R<br />

V44/R<br />

V Handel/R<br />

keine<br />

keine<br />

Seite 1

<strong>AGE</strong><br />


Weitere Namen<br />

Lumbwa, Sikisi<br />

Stellvertreter für<br />

k.A.<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />

KENYA<br />

Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

392'700 Kipsigis/ Kenya<br />

Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

Peristiany, J. G. 1938. La vie et le droit coutumier des Kispsigis. Paris.<br />

Barton, J. 1923. Notes on the Kipsikis or Lumbwa Tribe. Journ. Roy. Anth. Inst. 53:42-78.<br />

Huntingford, G. W. B. 1953. The Southern Nilo-Hamites. London.<br />

Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

L: 1S, 36E. T: 1920. P: 157000 in 1948. B: IV, 119.<br />

Die Kipsigis gehören <strong>zu</strong>r Kalenjin-Gruppe (Vergl. Anm. <strong>zu</strong>r Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungseinheit bei den Nandi).<br />

Varia<br />

68% Christian, 32 % traditional Religion (Grimes 1988: 245)<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

k.A.<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

31,56,60,75, S<strong>ch</strong>rift, Spra<strong>ch</strong>e, Handel/ Sulser 1992<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

V31/L: Huntingford (1953: 49): "15 -60 homesteads"<br />

V56/R Vgl. V1 o-5% unbedeutend<br />

V6o/R Vgl. V3 o-5% unbedeutend<br />

V75/L: Huntingford (1953: 43): "The eldest son of the first wife takes two cows and a bull."<br />

S<strong>ch</strong>rift/L: Grimes (1988: 245)<br />

Spra<strong>ch</strong>e/L: Grimes (1988: 245): Nilotis<strong>ch</strong>, Kalenjin (Kipsigis)<br />

Handel/L: Huntingford (1953: 42): "By selling his maize he can raise money for buying what he wants".<br />


FL13<br />

648<br />

648<br />

Seite 1

<strong>AGE</strong><br />


Weitere Namen<br />

k.A.<br />

Stellvertreter für<br />

k.A.<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />

NEPAL<br />

Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

39200 Kiranti / Nepal<br />

20000 Kiranti / Bhutan<br />

29000 Kiranti / Sikkim<br />

Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

Gaborieau, M. 1978. Le Népal. Paris<br />

McDougal, Ch. 1978. The Kulunge Rai. A Study in Kinship and Marriage Ex<strong>ch</strong>ange. Kathmandu.<br />

Caplan, Lionel. 1970. Land and social Change in East Nepal. University of California Press.<br />

Sagant, Philippe. 1976. Le paysan Limbu, sa maison et ses <strong>ch</strong>amps. Paris.<br />

Bista, Dor B. 1967. People of Nepal. Kathmandu.<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />


Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

Rauber: Kiranti sind die Leute, die im Kirant leben. Die Kiranti bestehen aus vers<strong>ch</strong>iedenen ethnis<strong>ch</strong>en Gruppen: Rai (240000);<br />

Limbu (138000); Thami (zählen si<strong>ch</strong> heute <strong>zu</strong> den Tamang, 10'000); Jirel (3000); Lep<strong>ch</strong>a (in Sikkim, 1000); Sunwar (13000).<br />

Die Sunwar werden im Atlas mit einem separaten Datensatz aufgeführt, für die an<strong>der</strong>en Gruppen steht <strong>der</strong> Datensatz "Kiranti"<br />

als Stellvertreter.<br />

Der Begriff Kiranti stammt aus <strong>der</strong> hinduistis<strong>ch</strong>en Mythologie und bezei<strong>ch</strong>net Ethnien aus dem östli<strong>ch</strong>en Himalaya (Gaborieau<br />

1978).<br />

Gegen Ende des 18. Jahrhun<strong>der</strong>ts wird das Territorium von Indo-Nepali "übers<strong>ch</strong>wemmt". Heute sind die Indo-Nepali im Kirant in<br />

<strong>der</strong> Mehrzahl. Die Kiranti haben den S<strong>ch</strong>wendbau aufgegeben und die Anbaumethoden <strong>der</strong> Immigranten übernommen.<br />

Varia<br />

Religion: Rauber: Die Religion <strong>der</strong> Kiranti basiert auf S<strong>ch</strong>amanismus.<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

k.A.<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

Neukodierung/Rauber 1991<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

V 1/F<br />

V 2/R<br />

V 3/F<br />

V 4/F-L: McDougal (1979:33). Die Kulunge Rai betreiben etwas mehr Vieh<strong>zu</strong><strong>ch</strong>t als die an<strong>der</strong>en Gruppen.<br />

V 5/F<br />

V 6/L: Caplan (1970:84). Kann <strong>der</strong> Brautpreis ni<strong>ch</strong>t bezahlt werden, muss ein Brautdienst geleistet werden.<br />

V 7/L: Caplan (1970:90).<br />

V 8/L: Caplan (1970:33/84). Na<strong>ch</strong> Caplan war vor <strong>der</strong> Jahrhun<strong>der</strong>twende die "joint family" verbreitet, vor allem bei rei<strong>ch</strong>en<br />

Familien. Na<strong>ch</strong> 1900 gewann die monogame Nuklearfamilie an Bedeutung.<br />

V 9/L: Bista (1967:39)<br />

V 10/L: Bista (1967:40)<br />

V 11/L: Caplan (1970:199). Dur<strong>ch</strong> die Landknappheit verän<strong>der</strong>te si<strong>ch</strong> die Haushalts<strong>zu</strong>sammenset<strong>zu</strong>ng. Je ärmer die Familie an<br />

Land wurde, desto eher gründete das verheiratete Paar einen neolokalen Haushalt.<br />

V 12/L: Caplan (1970:199). Vgl. Anmerkung <strong>zu</strong> V11.<br />

V 13/F: Charles Ramble, mündli<strong>ch</strong>e Informationen. Vgl. Anmerkung <strong>zu</strong> V11.<br />

V 14/F: Charles Ramble, mündli<strong>ch</strong>e Informationen. Vgl. Anmerkung <strong>zu</strong> V11.<br />

V 15/L: Bista (1967:38); McDougal (1979:142)<br />

V 16/R<br />

V 17/R-L: Bista (1967:38)<br />

V 18/L: Bista (1967:38)<br />

V 19/R<br />

V 20/R<br />

V 21/R<br />

V 28/L: Bista (1967:45)<br />

V 29/L: Bista (1967:35/45)<br />

V 30/L: Caplan (1970:17). Neben Streusiedlungen findet man au<strong>ch</strong> einzelne Weiler (Code 6).<br />

V 31/L: Caplan (1970:17)<br />

V 32/R<br />

V 33/R: Allgemein gilt: In ganz Nepal wurde <strong>der</strong> Code 4 gegeben, weil bereits vor 1900 das ganze Land politis<strong>ch</strong> geeint wurde und<br />

au<strong>ch</strong> in entlegene Täler Abgesandte des Königs ges<strong>ch</strong>ickt wurden. Trotzdem: Je weiter entfernt eine Gruppe vom Zentrum<br />

1480<br />

Seite 1


Kathmandu entfernt lebt, desto auto<strong>ch</strong>thoner.<br />

Gaborieau (1978:83).<br />

V 39/L: Bista (1967:37)<br />

V 40/L: Bista (1967:37). Es gibt regionale Unters<strong>ch</strong>iede: In nördli<strong>ch</strong>en Gegenden werden vor allem Ziegen gehalten, im Süden<br />

hingegen mehr Büffel.<br />

V 43/R<br />

V 44/R<br />

V 46/L: Bista (1967:35)<br />

V 48/R<br />

V 50/R<br />

V 56/F<br />

V 58/F<br />

V 60/F<br />

V 62/F<br />

V 64/F<br />

V 65/F<br />

V 67/F<br />

V 69/R<br />

V 71/L: Caplan (1970:153); Bista (1967:46)<br />

V 72/L: Caplan (1970:153); Bista (1967:46)<br />

V 73/L: Caplan (1970:36). Unverheiratete Tö<strong>ch</strong>ter über 35 Jahre erben au<strong>ch</strong> Land. Na<strong>ch</strong>dem alle Söhne ihren Landanteil<br />

bekommen haben und einen eigenen Haushalt gegründet haben, bleibt <strong>der</strong> jüngste Sohn mit seiner Familie bei den Eltern und<br />

erbt <strong>der</strong>en Anteil.<br />

V 74/L: Caplan (1970:36). Vgl. Anmerkung <strong>zu</strong> V73.<br />

V 75/R<br />

V 76/R<br />

V S<strong>ch</strong>rift L: Bista (1967:44). Die Kiranti-S<strong>ch</strong>rift entwickelte si<strong>ch</strong> im 19. Jahrhun<strong>der</strong>t (mündli<strong>ch</strong>e Information von Charles Ramble).<br />

V Spra<strong>ch</strong>e: Die Kiranti spre<strong>ch</strong>en eine tibeto-burmanis<strong>ch</strong>e Spra<strong>ch</strong>e; jede Lokalgruppet (Rai haben ca. 20, Limbu ca. 25) spri<strong>ch</strong>t eine<br />

eigene, für die an<strong>der</strong>en Lokalgruppen ni<strong>ch</strong>t verständli<strong>ch</strong>e Spra<strong>ch</strong>e.<br />

V Handel R: Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Verdienste au<strong>ch</strong> aus Söldnerwesen.<br />

Seite 2

<strong>AGE</strong><br />


Weitere Namen<br />

Kara Kyrgyz, Kirghiz Dikokamennyje, Burut (Selbstbezei<strong>ch</strong>nung)<br />

Stellvertreter für<br />

k.A.<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />


Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

837000 Kirghiz / Kyrgyzstan<br />

26000 Kirghiz / Tajikistan<br />

93000Kirghiz / Uzbekistan<br />

85000 Kirghiz / China, Xinjang<br />

Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />

keine<br />

Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

Akiner, Shirin. 1983. Islamic peoples of the Soviet Union. London.<br />

Glavnoe upravlenie geodezii i kartografii gosudarstvennogo geologi<strong>ch</strong>eskogo komiteta SSSR, Institut ethografii im. N.N.<br />

Miklukho-Maklaja Akademii Nauk SSSR. 1964. Atlas Narodow Mira (Atlas <strong>der</strong> Völker <strong>der</strong> Welt). Moskva.<br />

Grimes, B. 1988. Ethnologue. Dallas.<br />

Weekes, Ri<strong>ch</strong>ard V. 1984. Muslim Peoples. Westport.<br />

Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

"The Kirgiz (not to be confused with the Kazakhs, who were also known as 'Kirghiz','Kirghiz-Kaisak' or 'Kazakh-Kirghiz' ... ) were<br />

formerly sometimes called the 'Black Kirghiz' (Kara Kyrgyz) or the 'Kirghiz Dikokamennyje'. They occasionally referred to<br />

themselves as Burut, the name by whi<strong>ch</strong> they were known to the Kalmyks" (Akiner 1983:327).<br />

Varia<br />

Religion: Sunni Muslims of the Hanafi S<strong>ch</strong>ool (Weekes 1984:407).<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

k.A.<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

Neucodierung / Seiler S<strong>ch</strong>iedt 1993<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

V 1/L Weekes (1984:405)<br />

V 2/L Weekes (1984:405)<br />

V 3/L Weekes (1984:405)<br />

V 4/L Weekes (1984:405)<br />

V 5/L Weekes (1984:405)<br />

V 6/L Weekes (1984:409)<br />

V 7/L Weekes (1984:409)<br />

V 8/L Weekes (1984:406)<br />

V 9/L Weekes (1984:406)<br />

V 10/R Weekes (1984:406)<br />

V 11/L Weekes (1984:406)<br />

V 12/L Weekes (1984:406)<br />

V 13/R Weekes (1984:406)<br />

V 14/R Weekes (1984:406)<br />

V 15/L Weekes (1984:406)<br />

V 16/L Weekes (1984:406)<br />

V 17/L Weekes (1984:406)<br />

V 18/L Weekes (1984:406)<br />

V 19/L Weekes (1984:406)<br />

V 20/L Weekes (1984:406)<br />

V 21/L Weekes (1984:406)<br />

V 28/L Weekes (1984:405)<br />

V 29/R Weekes (1984:405)<br />

V 30/L Weekes (1984:405)<br />

V 31/R Weekes (1984:405)<br />

V 32/L Weekes (1984:406)<br />

V 33/L Weekes (1984:406)<br />

V 39/L Weekes (1984:405)<br />

V 40/L Weekes (1984:405). Au<strong>ch</strong> Kamele, Rin<strong>der</strong>, Pferde, Yak.<br />

V 43/L Weekes (1984:406)<br />

V 44/R<br />

V 46/R<br />

V 48/R<br />

V 50/R<br />

1324<br />

1324<br />

Seite 1


V 56/L Weekes (1984:405)<br />

V 58/L Weekes (1984:405)<br />

V 60/L Weekes (1984:405)<br />

V 62/L Weekes (1984:407)<br />

V 64/L Weekes (1984:405)<br />

V 65/L Weekes (1984:406)<br />

V 67/L Weekes (1984:405ff)<br />

V 69/L Weekes (1984:406)<br />

V 71/L Weekes (1984:406f)<br />

V 72/L Weekes (1984:406f)<br />

V 73/R Weekes (1984:405)<br />

V 74/R<br />

V 75/R Weekes (1984:406)<br />

V 76/R<br />

V Handel/R<br />

Seite 2

<strong>AGE</strong><br />

KISAMA<br />

Weitere Namen<br />

Cisama, Quissama<br />

Stellvertreter für<br />

k.A.<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />

ANGOLA<br />

Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

30'000 Kisama/Angola<br />

Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

Magyar, L. 1859. Reisen in Süd-Afrika. Pest and Leipzig.<br />

Mattenklodt. 1944. Die Kisama, ed. H. Baumann. Wiener Beitr. Kulturges<strong>ch</strong>. Ling. 6: 71:108.<br />

Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

Childs, G.M. 1949. Umbundu. Kinship and Character. London.<br />

Abashire, David and M.A. Samuels. Portuguese Africa. London. 1969.<br />

Baumann, Hermann. 1975. Die Völker Afrikas und ihre traditionellen Kulturen. Teil 1. Wiesbaden.<br />

Miller, Joseph C. 1976. Kings and Kinsmen. Early Mbundu States in Angola. Oxford.<br />

Wheeler Douglas and R. Pelissier. 1971. Angola. London.<br />

Murdock, Georg, Peter. 1959. Africa. Its Peoples and their Culture History. New York.<br />

Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

L: 10S, 14E. T: 1930. P: 10000 in 1930.<br />

Varia<br />

Vgl. Anmerkung <strong>zu</strong>r Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungseinheit bei den "Kimbundu".<br />

k.A.<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

k.A.<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

31,44,48,50,58,60,64, V Handel<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

V31/R<br />

V44/R-L: Baumann (1975)<br />

V48/R-L: Baumann (1975)<br />

V50/R-L: Baumann (1975)<br />

V58/R-L: Baumann (1975)<br />

V60/R: Subsistenzberei<strong>ch</strong> unbedeutend<br />

V64/R-L: Baumann (1975)<br />

V Handel/R<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />

KISAMA<br />

FP6<br />

727<br />

727<br />

Seite 1

<strong>AGE</strong><br />

KISI<br />

Weitere Namen<br />

Kisii<br />

Stellvertreter für<br />

k.A.<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />


Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

13199 Kisi/Tanzania<br />

Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />

Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

Kaplan, Irving et. al. 1978. Tanzania, a country study. Area Handbook Series. Washington.<br />

Ministry of Economic Affairs and Development Planing. 1971. 1967 Population Census, Volume 3. Dar es Salaam.<br />

Tew, Mary. 1950. Peoples of The Lake Nyasa Region.<br />

keine<br />

Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

Die Lokalisierung <strong>der</strong> Kisi im Atlas wurde anhand <strong>der</strong> Karte von Tew (1950:Anhang) vorgenommen.<br />

Die Kisi (Kisii) haben keinen Datensatz, da die Literatur für eine Codierung fehlt, sie werden aber im staatli<strong>ch</strong>en Zensus (1967)<br />

aufgeführt. Na<strong>ch</strong> Tew sind sie kulturell ähnli<strong>ch</strong> wie die Kinga: "...the Kisi, Sandia Mpoto etc. appear as names on the maps, but<br />

little else is known of them (Tew 1950:72). Vgl. Anmerkung <strong>zu</strong>r Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungseinheit bei den Kinga. Die Bevölkerungsgrösse<br />

orientiert si<strong>ch</strong> an den Angaben des staatli<strong>ch</strong>en Zensus (1967).<br />

Tew (1950:76): "The Kisi and Sandia around the north-west coast of the lake are fishermen and agriculturists, growing some millet<br />

and maize."<br />

Varia<br />

k.A.<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

k.A.<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

Teilkodierung für den Atlas<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

Vgl. Anmerkung <strong>zu</strong>r Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungseinheit<br />

V1/R<br />

V2/R<br />

V3/R<br />

V4/R<br />

V5/R<br />

V28/R<br />

V29/R<br />

V31/R<br />

V40/R<br />

V43/R<br />

keine<br />

keine<br />

Seite 1

<strong>AGE</strong><br />

KISSI<br />

Weitere Namen<br />

Ghizi<br />

Stellvertreter für<br />

k.A.<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />

GUINEA<br />

Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

49000 Kissi in Sierra Leone<br />

35000 Kissi in Liberia<br />

150000 Kissi in Guinea<br />

Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

Paulme, D. 1954. Les gens du riz. Paris.<br />

Néel, H. 1913. Note sur deux peuplades de la frontière libérienne. Anthroplogie 24: 445-475.<br />

Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

Area Handbook for Guinea. 1975. Washington.<br />

Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

L: 9N, 10W. T: 1950. P: 200000 in 1954. B: I, 125.<br />

Varia<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />

KISSI<br />

Guinea: " The Kissi are concentrated in the Guéckédou and Kissidougou administrative regions. There are some Malinké and<br />

Kouranko in the north and northwest of Kissidougou Administrative Region, but the dense forest farther south is inhabited only<br />

by the Kissi. Some Kissi live on the other side of the bo<strong>der</strong> of Sierra Leone and Liberia. In the seventheenth century the Kissi<br />

were driven out of the southeastern part of the Fouta Djallon by the Dialonké. Originally they raised fonio (a variety of millet),<br />

resulting in widespread deforestation as they shifted the fields. In the eighteenth centruy they adopted the practice of rice<br />

cultivation from their eastern neighbors. When Asian varieties were introduced from Sierra Leone during the second half of the<br />

nineteenth century, the Kissi fully laun<strong>ch</strong>ed into the cultivation of rice. They planted their rice in the bottom of marshy valleys or<br />

on deforested hillsides. Since then they have become expert growers. The Malinke call them "people of the ricefields".<br />

Althought their region bor<strong>der</strong>s on the savanna, the Kissi are peole of the forest. The young go to work in the cities, banana<br />

plantations, or other enterprises in Lower Guinea in or<strong>der</strong> to earn money, but they remain atta<strong>ch</strong>ed to their village and almost<br />

always go back there to live. The northern Kissi are in regular contact with the Malinke and increasingly adopt the language and<br />

customs. One of the principal Kissi families has taken the name Keita, whi<strong>ch</strong> is traditionally associated with a ruling Malinke<br />

family" (Area Handbook for Guninea 1975:70-71).<br />

k.A.<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

k.A.<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

k.A.<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

FA23<br />

11<br />

11<br />

Seite 1

<strong>AGE</strong><br />

KIWAI<br />

Weitere Namen<br />

k.A.<br />

Stellvertreter für<br />

k.A.<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />


Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

10000 Kiwai/PapuaNewGuinea<br />

Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

Landtman, G. 1927. The Kiwai Papuas of British New Guinea. London.<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />

KIWAI<br />

Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

Wurm, S.A. and S. Hattori.1981. Language Atlas of the Pacific Area. Australian Academy of the Humanities. Canberra<br />

Münzel, Mark 1987. Neuguinea. Nut<strong>zu</strong>ng und Deutung <strong>der</strong> Umwelt. Band 1. Frankfurt. VMZ OK 205:1<br />

Steinbauer, Friedri<strong>ch</strong> 1985. Papua-Neuguinea Reiseführer mit Landeskunde. Frankfurt, Mai's Reiseführer Verlag. ESZ: OK 77<br />

Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

L: 9S, 143E. T: 1920. B: IV, 120.<br />

Varia<br />

The Kiwai are a people of the Western District.<br />

Wurm 1981:<br />

V Ling: vermutli<strong>ch</strong> Southern Kiwai d's, Kiwaian dialect groups, Kiwaian Family, Trans Fly Sub-Phylum -Level, Trans-New Guinea<br />

Phylum.<br />

P: d's 9700, Kiwaian f 22700, TFLS-H 35000 in 1970-1980.<br />

k.A.<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

6, 8<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

31, 48, 50 / Kock<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

V 6: Recently more commonly 1.<br />

V 8: A localized lineage occupies a communal dwelling.<br />

V 31/R: z.B. Küste, Küstennähe: Im Berei<strong>ch</strong> <strong>der</strong> S<strong>ch</strong>wemmland- und Sumpfgebiete sind die Dörfer (grosse Häuser auf Pfählen)<br />

ges<strong>ch</strong>lossen, in Einzelfällen zählten sie bereits in voreuropäis<strong>ch</strong>er Zeit 1000-2000 Einwohner; meist sind die Siedlungen in<br />

Sektionen- entspre<strong>ch</strong>end <strong>der</strong> Aufglie<strong>der</strong>ung des Grundbesitzes unter den Klanen- und oft <strong>zu</strong>sätzli<strong>ch</strong> no<strong>ch</strong> in zeremonielle<br />

Hälften aufgeteilt.<br />

V 48/R: activity probably absent<br />

V 50/R: not specially reported.<br />

Münzel (1987:292): Nur einige Stämme (z.B. Kwoma, Aibon/Iatmul u.a.) sind auf Töpferei spezialisert.<br />

V 73 missing data<br />

V Handel/R: Steinbauer (1985:64): "Die Subsistenzwirts<strong>ch</strong>aft wurde dur<strong>ch</strong> Taus<strong>ch</strong>handel mit Mus<strong>ch</strong>eln, S<strong>ch</strong>necken, Salz,<br />

Töpferarbeiten, Steinbeilen und <strong>der</strong>glei<strong>ch</strong>en ergänzt." sowie Münzel (1987:322ff): Handel mit <strong>der</strong> Funktion <strong>der</strong> Allianzenbildung<br />

ist in Papua Neuguinea traditionell verbreitet. Es gibt aber keine spezialisierten Händler, au<strong>ch</strong> eigentli<strong>ch</strong>e Märkte sind ni<strong>ch</strong>t<br />

vorhanden, dagegen sind regelmässige Frauenmärkte zwis<strong>ch</strong>en unters<strong>ch</strong>iedli<strong>ch</strong> spezialisierten Bevölkerungsgruppen übli<strong>ch</strong>.<br />

Ausgeprägte maritime Handelsnetze sind eher bei den Melanesiern im Gegensatz <strong>zu</strong> den Papua von Bedeutung.<br />

OJ12<br />

656<br />

656<br />

Seite 1

<strong>AGE</strong><br />

KOALIB<br />

Weitere Namen<br />

k.A.<br />

Stellvertreter für<br />

k.A.<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />

SUDAN<br />

Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

k.A.<br />

Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

Nadel, S. F. 1947. The Nuba. London.<br />

Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

Area Handbook for the Democratic Republic of Sudan. 1973. Washington.<br />

Encyclopedia of the Third World. Vol. III. 1982. London.<br />

Faris, James C. Southeast Nuba Social Relations. 1989. Aa<strong>ch</strong>en. Herodot.<br />

Perrot, Jean. Les Langues dans le Monde ancien et mo<strong>der</strong>ne. Cartes (und) Texte. 1981. Paris<br />

Grimes, Barbara, F. (ed.). 1988. Ethnologue. Languages of the Word. Dallas.<br />

Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

L: 12N, 31E. T: 1940. P: 20000 in 1940.<br />

Varia<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />

KOALIB<br />

Die Kaolib gehören <strong>zu</strong> den nördli<strong>ch</strong>en Nubagruppenund sind ni<strong>ch</strong>t im Atlas ausgenommen, siehe Text bei den Otoro (North Nuba).<br />

k.A.<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

k.A.<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

k.A.<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

FJ21<br />

1052<br />

1052<br />

Seite 1

<strong>AGE</strong><br />

KODAGU<br />

Weitere Namen<br />

Coorg bei Murdock<br />

Stellvertreter für<br />

k.A.<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />

INDIA<br />

Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

85000 Kodagu/India, Mysore<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />

Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

Srinivas, M. N. 1952. Religion and Society Among the Coorgs of South India. Oxford.<br />

Ementeau, M. B. 1939. Kinship and Marriage Among the Coorgs. Journ. Roy. As. Soc. Bengal, Letters, 4: 123-147.<br />

Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

Maloney, C. 1974. Peoples of South Asia. New York.<br />

COORG<br />

Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

L: 12N, 76E. T: 1930. P: 40000 in 1936. B: I,397.<br />

Der Murdock-Datensatz wurde von Coorg in Kodagu umbenannt. Coorg ist die geographis<strong>ch</strong>e Bezei<strong>ch</strong>nung <strong>der</strong> von den Kogadu<br />

bewohnten Region, während Kodagu die korrekte Bezei<strong>ch</strong>nung für die ethnis<strong>ch</strong>e Gruppe darstellt (vgl. Maloney 1974:445).<br />

Varia<br />

k.A.<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

8, 9<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

k.A.<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

V 8: Formerly 8.<br />

V 9: Formerly 7.<br />

AW5<br />

242<br />

242<br />

Seite 1

<strong>AGE</strong><br />

KODI<br />

Weitere Namen<br />

West Sumbanese<br />

Stellvertreter für<br />

k.A.<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />


Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

30000 Kodi/Indonesia, Sumba<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />

KODI<br />

Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

Fis<strong>ch</strong>er, H. T. 1957. Some Notes on Kinship Systems and Relationship Terms of Sumba, Manggarai and South Timor. Intern.<br />

Ar<strong>ch</strong>. Ethnog. 48: 1-31.<br />

Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

Weiner A. B., and B. S<strong>ch</strong>nei<strong>der</strong>. ed. 1989. Cloth and Human Experience. Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington and London.<br />

Hoskin, J. 1989. "Why do Ladies sing the blues? in: Cloth and Human Experience. Weiner, A. B., and B. S<strong>ch</strong>nei<strong>der</strong>. Washington<br />

and London.<br />

Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

L: 10S, 119E. T: 1950. Cluster 219.<br />

Varia<br />

Kodi als Spra<strong>ch</strong>gruppe bei B. Grimmes 1988 beträgt 1981: 40.000, ges<strong>ch</strong>ätzt für 1960: 30.000<br />

k.A.<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

k.A.<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 39, 40, 43, 46, 56, 58, 60, 62, 64, 69, V Handel/v. Ditfruth 1991<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

V 28/L: Hoskin 1989:142.<br />

V 29/L: Hoskin 1989:142.<br />

V 30/R<br />

V 31/R<br />

V 32/R<br />

V 33/L: Hoskin 1989:146.<br />

V 39/R<br />

V 40/L: Hoskin 1989:142. Pferde für Export-Handel.<br />

V 43/L: Vgl. V 17-20.<br />

V 46/L: Hoskin 1989<br />

V 56/R<br />

V 58/R<br />

V 60/R<br />

V 62/R<br />

V 64/R<br />

V 69/L: Hoskin 1989:142 "Slaves were the most important items for trade."<br />

V Handel/L: Hoskin 1989<br />

OF17<br />

1244<br />

1244<br />

Seite 1

<strong>AGE</strong><br />


Weitere Namen<br />

Kohistei, Mayan<br />

Stellvertreter für<br />

k.A.<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />


Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

85000 Kohistanis/Pakistan<br />

5000 Kohistani/India, Jammu and Kashmir<br />

Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

Barth, F. 1956. Indus and Swat Kohistan. Oslo.<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />

Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

Weekes, Ri<strong>ch</strong>ard V. 1984. Muslim Peoples. A World Ethnographic Survey. Westport, Connecticut (ESZ)<br />

Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

L: 35N, 73E. T: 1950. P: 15000. B: I,396.<br />

Varia<br />


Weekes (1984:411): "The remote valleys of the Indus, Swat and Dir Kohistan regions of northern Pakistan are a haven for<br />

numerous ethnic groups called by outsi<strong>der</strong>s Kohistanis, "people of the mountains.""<br />

Weekes (1984:411): seit ca. 10 Generationen islamisiert dur<strong>ch</strong> die Swat Pus<strong>ch</strong>tunen.<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

71<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

31, Handel/ Kock<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

V 71: A council of lineage representatives.<br />

V 31/R: die Kohistani leben in kompakten Dörfern während des Winters; Siedlungsgrösse ges<strong>ch</strong>ätzt im Verglei<strong>ch</strong> <strong>zu</strong> Nuristani o<strong>der</strong><br />

Dards.<br />

V Handel/R<br />

AT1<br />

232<br />

232<br />

Seite 1

<strong>AGE</strong><br />

KOIARI<br />

Weitere Namen<br />

k.A.<br />

Stellvertreter für<br />

k.A.<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />


Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

4000 Koiari/PapuaNewguinea<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />

Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

Chalmers, J. 1890. Toaripi and Koiari Tribes. Rep. Austr. Assoc. Adv. Sci. 2: ii, 311-323.<br />

Lawes, W. G.- 1879. Ethnological Notes on the Motu, Koitapu, and Koiari Tribes. Journ. Roy. Anth. Inst. 8: 369-377.<br />

KOIARI<br />

Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

Wurm, S.A. and S. Hattori.1981. Language Atlas of the Pacific Area. Australian Academy of the Humanities. Canberra<br />

Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

L: 9S, 148E. T: 1870. B: New.<br />

Varia<br />

Wurm 1981:<br />

V Ling: Mountain Koiari dialect groups, Koiaric Subfamilies, Koiarian Family, Central and Southeastern Stock, Eastern Part,TNG<br />

P: d's 3734, sf 7770, f 15454, s 73738<br />

k.A.<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

k.A.<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

31, 60 / Kock<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

V 31/R: mündli<strong>ch</strong>e Mitteilung Dr. Milan Stanek<br />

V 56: mising data<br />

V 60/R: activity unimportant<br />

V 62, 74, 76, Handel: Missing data<br />

OJ1<br />

1147<br />

1147<br />

Seite 1

<strong>AGE</strong><br />

KOITA<br />

Weitere Namen<br />

k.A.<br />

Stellvertreter für<br />

k.A.<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />


Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

2000 Koita/PapuaNewGuinea<br />

Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

Seligman, C. G. 1910. The Melanesians of Britis<strong>ch</strong> New Guinea. Cambridge.<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />

KOITA<br />

Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

Wurm, S.A. and S. Hattori.1981. Language Atlas of the Pacific Area. Australian Academy of the Humanities. Canberra<br />

Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

L: 9S, 147E. T: 1900 in 1909. B: New.<br />

Varia<br />

The Koita are peoples of the Central District.<br />

Wurm 1981:<br />

V Ling: Koita d's, Koiaric SF, Koiarian F, Central and South Eastern Stock.<br />

P: d's 2260, SF 7770, F 15454 in 1970-1980<br />

Seligman bes<strong>ch</strong>reibt Melanesier (vgl. V65-Code 4), laut Wurm sind Koita Papua?????<br />

k.A.<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

k.A.<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

31, 62 / Kock<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

V 31/R: mündli<strong>ch</strong>e Mitteilung Milan Stanek<br />

V 62/R<br />

V 56, 74, 75, 76, Handel: missing data<br />

OJ1<br />

1143<br />

1143<br />

Seite 1

<strong>AGE</strong><br />

KOKO<br />

Weitere Namen<br />

Bakoko, Betjek, Mwele<br />

Stellvertreter für<br />

k.A.<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />


Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

60000 Koko / Cameroon<br />

Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

Nicol, Y. 1929. La tribu des Bakoko. Paris.<br />

Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

Murdock, P. 1959. Africa. Its People and their Culture History. New York.<br />

Laclavère, G. 1979. Atlas de la République Unie du Cameroun. Paris.<br />

Black Africa. A Comparative Handbook.1972. New York.<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />

KOKO<br />

Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

L: 4N, 11E. T: 1920. P: 40000 in 1929.<br />

Kamerun: Die Koko (Bakoko) sind mit den Bassa linguistis<strong>ch</strong>e und kulturell verwandt (Murdock 1959:274; Laclavère 1979:33;<br />

Black Africa 1972). Die "missing data" <strong>der</strong> Koko wurden dur<strong>ch</strong> Bassa-Daten aufgefüllt.<br />

Varia<br />

k.A.<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

67<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

28,29,30,31,33,39,44,56,58,60,64,65,74, Handel / Züst 1992<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

V 67: Dependent Pygmies.<br />

V28/R<br />

V29/R<br />

V30/R<br />

V31/R<br />

V33/R<br />

V39/R<br />

V44/R<br />

V56/L: Murdock (1959:276)<br />

V58/L: Murdock (1959:276)<br />

V60/L: Murdock (1959:276)<br />

V64/L: Murdock (1959:276)<br />

V65/L: Murdock (1959:276)<br />

V74/R<br />

VHandel/R<br />

FH12<br />

832<br />

832<br />

Seite 1

<strong>AGE</strong><br />

KOL<br />

Weitere Namen<br />

k.A.<br />

Stellvertreter für<br />

k.A.<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />

INDIA<br />

Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

360000 Kol/India, Madhya Pradesh<br />

Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

Griffiths, W. G. 1946. The Kol Tribe of Central India. Calcutta.<br />

Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

L: 22N, 85E. T: 1940. P: 94000 in 1941. B: II,127.<br />

Varia<br />

k.A.<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

21<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

Handel/Seiler S<strong>ch</strong>iedt<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

V 21: The groups called "endogamous septs" are presumably not lineages and apparently not unilineal.<br />

V Handel/R<br />

KOL<br />

AW37<br />

363<br />

363<br />

Seite 1

<strong>AGE</strong><br />

KOM<br />

Weitere Namen<br />

Bahom, Bamekom, Bikom<br />

Stellvertreter für<br />

k.A.<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />


Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

35000 Kom / Cameroon<br />

10000 Wum / Cameroon<br />

Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

Jeffreys, M. D. W. 1951. Some Notes on the fon of Kifom. Afr. Aff. 50: 241-249.<br />

Kaberry, P. M. 1952. Women of the Grassfields. London.<br />

McCullo<strong>ch</strong>, M., M. Littlewood, and I. Dugast. 1954. Peoples of the Central Cameroons. London.<br />

Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

Gardi, R. 1981. Atlantika: Bergland in Kamerun. Bern.<br />

Murdock, G. 1959. Africa. Its People and Culture History. New York.<br />

Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

L: 6N, 10E. T: 1950. P: 27000 in 1953.<br />

Varia<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />

KOM<br />

Kamerun: Der Datensatz <strong>der</strong> Kom wurde au<strong>ch</strong> für die mit ihnen verwandten Wum (Aghem) verwendet (vgl. Murdock 1959:238).<br />

k.A.<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

k.A.<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

28,29,30,31,33,39,40,44,46,48,50,56,58,60,62,64,65,67, Handel / Güntert; Züst 1992<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

V28/L: Gardi (1981:257)<br />

V29/L: Gardi (1981:258)<br />

V30/R<br />

V31/L: Gardi (1981:212)<br />

V33/L: Gardi (1981:214)<br />

V39/L: Gardi (1981:243)<br />

V40/L: Gardi (1981:249)<br />

V44/L: Gardi (1981:93)<br />

V46/L: Gardi (1981:216)<br />

V48/L: Gardi (1981:203)<br />

V50/L: Gardi (1981:224)<br />

V56/R<br />

V58/R<br />

V60/R<br />

V62/R<br />

V64/L: Gardi (1981:257)<br />

V65/R<br />

V67/R<br />

VHandel/R<br />

FF39<br />

833<br />

833<br />

Seite 1

<strong>AGE</strong><br />

KOMA<br />

Weitere Namen<br />

Coma<br />

Stellvertreter für<br />

Uduk, Gule, Gumuz<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />

SUDAN<br />

Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

43'000 Koma in Sudan<br />

Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

Corfield, F. D. 1938. The Koma. Sudan Notes Rec. 25: 123-165.<br />

Grottanelli, V. L. 1948. I Pre-Niloti. Annali Lateranensi 12: 282-326.<br />

Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

Cerulli, E: 1956. Peoples of South-west Ethiopia and Its Bor<strong>der</strong>land. London.<br />

Baumann, H. 1979. Die Völker Afrikas und ihre traditionellen Strukturen. Bd. II. Wiesbaden.<br />

Area Handbook for Sudan. 1978. Washington.<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />

KOMA<br />

Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

L: 9N, 35E. T: 1930. P: 3000 in 1938. B: V, 342.<br />

Die Gule, die Gumuz und die Uduk gehören <strong>der</strong>selben Spra<strong>ch</strong>gruppe an und sind si<strong>ch</strong> au<strong>ch</strong> kulturell sehr ähnli<strong>ch</strong>. "South of the<br />

Berta are 10'000 Koma, a name whi<strong>ch</strong> refers to several groups, including the Uduk and Gule." (Area Handbook 1978: 83)<br />

Varia<br />

k.A.<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

40<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

31,44,46,48,50,56,62,72, Handel/ Sulser 1992<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

V 40: A few cattle are also kept.<br />

V31/R<br />

V44/L: Cerulli (1956: 30)<br />

V46/R<br />

V50/L: Baumann (1979: 142)<br />

V56/R: unbedeutend<br />

V62/L: Cerulli (1956: 17)<br />

V72<br />

V Handel/R<br />

FJ15<br />

1061<br />

1061<br />

Seite 1

<strong>AGE</strong><br />


Weitere Namen<br />

Reddi bei Murdock<br />

Stellvertreter für<br />

k.A.<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />

INDIA<br />

Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

100 Reddi/India, s<strong>ch</strong>le<strong>ch</strong>t identifizierte Gruppe<br />

150000 Konda Reddi/India, Andhra Pradesh<br />

Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

Fürer-Haimendorf, C. von. 1945. The Reddis of the Bison Hills. London.<br />

Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

Fürer-Haimendorf, C. von. 1982. Tribes of India. Berkeley.<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />

Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

With special reference to those of the Bison Hills.<br />

L: 18N, 82E. T: 1940. Cluster 179. Umbenennung von Reddi in Konda Reddi na<strong>ch</strong> Fürer-Haimendorf (1892:7).<br />

Varia<br />

k.A.<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

k.A.<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

Handel/Seiler S<strong>ch</strong>iedt<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

V Handel/L Fürer-Haimendorf (1982:6)<br />

REDDI<br />

AW59<br />

1199<br />

1199<br />

Seite 1

<strong>AGE</strong><br />

KONGO<br />

Weitere Namen<br />

Bakongo<br />

Stellvertreter für<br />

Zaire: Ndibu, Mbata, Nkanu, Ntandu, Mpangu, Nyangu, Mboma, Kakongo<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />

ANGOLA<br />

Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

50'000 Kongo in Angola<br />

150'000 Bashikongo in Angola<br />

50'000 Zombo in Angola<br />

100'000 Sosso in Angola<br />

50'000 Pombo in Angola<br />

50'000 Sorongo in Angola<br />

20'000 Kakongo in Angola<br />

30'000 Bakongo in Congo<br />

75'000 Lali in Congo<br />

650'000 Kongo in Zaire<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />

KONGO<br />

Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

Bruyns, L. 1951. De sociaal-economis<strong>ch</strong>e ontwikkeling van de Bakongo. Mém. Inst. Roy. Colon. Belge, Sect. Sci. Mor. Polit. 22: iii,<br />

1-343.<br />

Ihle, A. 1929. Das alte Königrei<strong>ch</strong> Kongo. Stud. Völkerk. 1: 1-285. Leipzig.<br />

Mertens, J. 1942. Les <strong>ch</strong>efs couronnés <strong>ch</strong>ez les Ba Kongo orientaux. Mém. Inst. Roy. Colon. Belge 10: i, 1-455.<br />

Van Wing, J. 1921. Etudes Bakongo. Biblioth. Congo 3: 1-318.<br />

Weeks, J. H. 1914. Among the Primitive Bakongo. London.<br />

Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

Kaplan, Irving (ed). 1979. Angola a country study. Foreign Area Studies. Washington.<br />

Abashire, David and M.A. Samuels. Portuguese Africa. London. 1969.<br />

Baumann, Hermann. 1975. Die Völker Afrikas und ihre traditionellen Kulturen. Teil 1. Wiesbaden.<br />

Murdock, Georg, Peter. 1959. Africa. Its Peoples and their Culture History. New York.<br />

McDonald, Gordon. 1971. Area Handbook für People's Republic of the Congo (Congo Brazzaville). Washington.<br />

Soret, Marcel. 1959. Les Kongo Nord-Occidentaux. Paris.<br />

Felix, Marc Leo. 1987. 100 Peoples of Zaire and their Sculpture. Brussels.<br />

Grimes, Barbara F. (ed.). 1988. Ethnologue. Languages of the Word. Dallas.<br />

Vansina, Jan. 1975. Südkongo. In: Baumann. Die Völker Afrikas und ihre traditionellen Kulturen. Teil 1. Wiesbaden.<br />

Vansina, Jan. 1965. Introduction a l'ethnographie du Congo. Bruxelles.<br />

Merriam, Alan P. 1959. The Concept of Culture Clkusters applied to the Belgian Congo. In. Southwestern Journal of Anthropology.<br />

New York.<br />

McDonald, Gordon C. (ed). 1971. Area Handbook for the Democratic Republic of the Congo (Congo Kinshasa). Washington.<br />

Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

L: 7S, 15E. T: 1900. B: V, 123.<br />

FO21<br />

Angola: Der Datensatz <strong>der</strong> "Kongo" wird in Angola au<strong>ch</strong> für die Bashikongo, Zombo, Sosso, Pombo, Bassorongo und Kakongo<br />

genommen, wel<strong>ch</strong>e ebenfalls <strong>zu</strong>r Bakongo Spra<strong>ch</strong>gruppe gehören. Zur Bakongo Spra<strong>ch</strong>gruppe in Angola gehören na<strong>ch</strong> Abshire<br />

(1969:114): "Bashikongo, Sosso, Pombo, Zombo, Bassorongo, Congo, Yaka, Suku, Guenze, Coje, Vili, Yombe, Kakongo, Oyo,<br />

Sundi." Die Yaka und Suku werden bei Murdock (1959:292) <strong>zu</strong>m "Kwango-Cluster" gere<strong>ch</strong>net. Die Vili, Yombe, Kakongo, Oyo<br />

und Sundi leben in <strong>der</strong> Enklave Cabinda (vgl. Anmerkung <strong>zu</strong>r Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungseinheit bei den entspre<strong>ch</strong>enden EA's).<br />

Bevölkerungsgrösse: Die Bevölkerungsgrössen <strong>der</strong> einzelnen Gruppen sind S<strong>ch</strong>ät<strong>zu</strong>ngen. Abshire (1969:118): "If one were to rely<br />

strictly on the current demographic picture, the Bakongo would be of mu<strong>ch</strong> less importance than the 1960 census figure of<br />

500'000 would indicate. Reports have given estimates, sometimes inflated, that from 200,000 to 600,000 people, mostly<br />

Bakongo, have, in the wake of the 1961 rebellion angainst the Portuguese, fled from northern Angola to the Congo (Kinshasa).<br />

Regardless of what the actual numbers are, it is clear that since 1961, through migrations, war, and government resettlement<br />

programs, important <strong>ch</strong>anges as yey neither fully investigated or nor completely final have taken place."<br />

Abashire (1969:120): "The largest Bakongo tribe in Angola is the Bashikongo, whose lands include the former .... political and<br />

spiritual capital of Sao Salvador. Together they and their eastern neighbors, the Sosso, account for about half of all Angolan<br />

Bakongo.<br />

Kaplan (1979:79): "The Kongo (the name of the entire group is BaKongo, of the language kiKongo), at an estimated 13.5 percent of<br />

the African population and 12.9 percent of the total in 1960, constitutes the third largest ethnolinguistic group. Localized in the far<br />

northwest (Uige and Zaire provinces) and in Cabinda where they make up the bulk of the population, the Kongo spill over into<br />

Zaire and Congo. Although Sao Salvador in Angola was the capital of their ancient kingdom, most of the Kongo were (and are)<br />

situated in Zaire. Their former political unity long broken, the various segments of the ethnoliguistic category in Angola<br />

experienced quite different influences in the colonial period. The BashiKongo, lying behind the coast, had the most sustained<br />

interaction with the Portuguese but were less affected by participation in the coffee economy and its strains and stresses than<br />

the Sosso and Pombo situated farther east and south. All three groups, however, were involved in the rising of 1961. The<br />

Zombo, still farther east but close to the Zairian bor<strong>der</strong>, were mu<strong>ch</strong> influenced by developments in the Belgian Congo, and a<br />

large contingent of members of this group living in Leopoldville formed a political party in the early 1950s. The Sonongo,<br />

dwelling on the relatively dry plain, had little conatct with the Portuguese. They and the AshiLuanda of the island of Luanda to the<br />

south were the only African sea fishermen of Angola.<br />

Abashire (1969:120): "Two smaller yet significant tribes, the Bassorongo and the Zombo, are industrious peoples who have<br />

728<br />

728<br />

Seite 1


Varia<br />

adapted to mo<strong>der</strong>n economic and social <strong>ch</strong>anges more easily than the Bashikongo and the neighboring Sosso. The Zombo,<br />

especially, held a position not dissimilar to that of the Ovimbundu as important middlemen in the slave trade between Luanda<br />

and Stanley Pool. After some early hostility, they have largely cooperated with the Portuguese."<br />

Congo: Die Bevölkerungsgrösse <strong>der</strong> Bakongo in <strong>der</strong> Republik Congo orientiert si<strong>ch</strong> an den Angaben von Soret (1959:5). McDonald<br />

(1971:57): "The various ethnic groups constituting the Kongo family number over 350'000 persons, yet they inhabit only 15<br />

percent of the country. The approximately 37'000 Vili and 15'000 Yombe, both ancient subjects of the king of Loango, are found<br />

in the coastal area around Pointe-Noire and the district of Mvouti, respectively. The largest single group within the Kongo family<br />

is a group consisting of 180'000 Sundi (Basundi); Congo (Bacongo), and Lali (Balali), sometimes referred to collectively as the<br />

Bakongo. Other members of the Kongo family include 21'000 Kougni in the environs of Dolisie and Loudima; 40'000 Bembe<br />

near Mouyondzi in the Bouenza (southwest-central) region; 18'000 Kamba near Madingou in the Niari Valley on the southern<br />

bor<strong>der</strong>; and 13'000 Dondo (Badondo) in the Mindouli district."<br />

Zaire: Der Datensatz Kongo repräsentiert in Zaire eine Spra<strong>ch</strong>gruppe (Kikongo). Die Bevölkerungsgrösse <strong>der</strong> Kongo ist eine<br />

S<strong>ch</strong>ät<strong>zu</strong>ng und orientiert si<strong>ch</strong> an den Angaben von Grimes (1988:343).<br />

McDonald (1971:74): "The largest ethnic group in the Congo in 1969 was the Kongo cluster of Bantu-speaking peoples [Dondo,<br />

Mbata; Mpangu; Ndibu; Nkanu; Ntandu; Nyanga, Solongo; Sundi; Woyo; Yombe]. About 3 million Kongo lived in the Congo,<br />

occupying mu<strong>ch</strong> of the heavily populated Kongo-Central Province. Others lived in adjacent areas in Congo (Brazzaville),<br />

Angola, and Cabinda. The Kongo groups were conscious of their ethnic relatedness and produced some politically significant<br />

religious movements, particularly Kimbanguism, whi<strong>ch</strong> have been associeated with a marked revival of ethnic nationalism.<br />

The development of a literary form of the Kongo language, stabilized and endowed with its own literary tradition, contributed to<br />

Kongo identity. The Alliance of the Bakongo People (Alliance des Bakongo - ABAKO), a political party led by Joseph Kasavubu,<br />

began in the 1950's as a group devoted to the defense and expansion of the Kongo language, only later developing more<br />

explicitly political goals."<br />

Merriam (1959:384): "The Kongo cluster is postulated on the basis of seven major points: (1) the common historic origin of the<br />

tribes, as evidenced by the mythology as well as Portuguese records; (2) common history following the origin of the Kingdom;<br />

(3) common legends whi<strong>ch</strong>, despite the splitting into tribes in the early history of the Kingdom, point up the general cultural and<br />

political relationships; (4) the lack of invasion by other tribes, except for the Yaka; (5) the strength of the political kingdom; (6)<br />

evidence of common material and nonmaterial culture of the people; (7) the fact that the neighbors of the Kongo are sharply<br />

distinguishable and differentiated on all sides."<br />

Die Yombe, Sundi, Woyo und Solongo werden im Atlas separat aufgeführt da für die ersten beiden Gruppen einen EA Datensatz<br />

vorhanden ist. Die Woyo und Solonge leben an <strong>der</strong> Küste und sind Fis<strong>ch</strong>er. Sie werden ohne Datensatz im Atlas<br />

aufgeführt.(vgl. au<strong>ch</strong> Anmerkung <strong>zu</strong>r Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungseinheit bei den Yombe und Sundi).<br />

Sorongo: Felix (1987:160): When Mbundas retreated southward in the 15 th c. the Solongos, who were originally part of the<br />

kingdom of Ngola, were cut of from the Musorongos. Since the Solongo lived in the mangroves and on the island of Mateba and<br />

were mainly fishermen they posed no threat."<br />

Woyo: Felix (1987:190): "Fishing was the most prestigious activity for the Woyo..."<br />

Ges<strong>ch</strong>i<strong>ch</strong>te:<br />

Kaplan (1979:72): "With the exception of the Kongo and the Lunda, none had experienced political cohesion overriding smaller<br />

political units (<strong>ch</strong>iefdoms or ... small kingdoms): In the Kongo case an early kingdom encompassing most Kongo-speaking<br />

communities had given way by the eighteenth century to politically fragmented entities. Nominally a king continued to exist in<br />

Sao Salvador (formerly and again since independence Mbanza Kongo), but he was unimportant except that succession to the<br />

throne became a point of conflict between the Portuguese and some Kongo in the twentieth century."<br />

Abshire (1969:120): "Of importance to all these northern Angolan peoples is the fact that since late in the nineteenth century, and<br />

especially since World War I, the source for mo<strong>der</strong>n ideas and opportunities has been not in Luanda but in Leopoldville<br />

(Kinshasa). Young men have gone there for economic, educational, and social reasons. ... Easy migration across the bor<strong>der</strong><br />

has put the Bakongo in<br />

tou<strong>ch</strong> with messianic movements taking place or centered in the Congo, su<strong>ch</strong> as the Kimbangu movement... Since the 1920's<br />

messianic movements have arisen frequently among the Bakongo."<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

32,33, 73,75<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

31,50, Handel<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

V 32,33: Formerly 4, 4.<br />

V 73, 75: Entry follows Mertens and Van Wing; Ihle and Van de Velde report 2, 4.<br />

V31/R<br />

V50/R<br />

V Handel/R<br />

Seite 2

<strong>AGE</strong><br />

KONJO<br />

Weitere Namen<br />

k.A.<br />

Stellvertreter für<br />

k.A.<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />

UGANDA<br />

Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

106'890 Konjo in Uganda<br />

Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

Czekanowski, J. 1924. Fors<strong>ch</strong>ungen im Nil-Kongo-Zwis<strong>ch</strong>engebiet 2: 358-399. Leipzig.<br />

Taylor, B. K. 1962. The Western Lacustrine Bantu. London.<br />

Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

Hecklau, Hans. 1989. Ostafrika: Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda. Darmstadt.<br />

Cunningham. J.F. 1905. Uganda and its people. London.<br />

Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

L: 1S, 30E. T: 1920. P: 375000 in 1959. B: V, 129.<br />

Varia<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />

KONJO<br />

FO22<br />

Die Bevölkerungsgrösse <strong>der</strong> Konjo entspri<strong>ch</strong>t den Angaben des staatli<strong>ch</strong>en Zensus von 1959 (Hecklau 1989:568).<br />

Lokalisierung: Taylor (1962:89): "The Konjo live in the Toro district of the Western Province of Uganda on the steep, lower slopes<br />

of the Ruwenzori Mountains, and among the rolling hills, ridges and plains at its base.<br />

Taylor (1962:94): "Before the arrival of the Europeans the Konjo were subject, at least for a period in the nineteenth century, to the<br />

kings of Toro and, except during brief rebellions, paid them annual tribute. The spur villages and territories semm, however, to<br />

have enjoyed a high degree of independence. This relative autonomy existed not only as between spur or territory and Toro<br />

Kingdom but also as between spur and spur, or territory and territory. There was never a Konjo <strong>ch</strong>ief in command of the entire<br />

mountain."<br />

Area Handbook (1969:90): "The Amba and the Konjo ... came un<strong>der</strong> Toro authority when the British recognized the Toro Kingdom.<br />

In the mid-twentieth century many Amba and Konjo felt themselves discriminated against by the Toro and oppressed by their<br />

policies and authority. They initiated the Rwen<strong>zu</strong>ruru movement, whi<strong>ch</strong> had the objective of making the Amba-Konjo territory a<br />

separate district. There was for a time consin<strong>der</strong>able civil disturbance over the issue, but after the Government took control of<br />

the area away from the Toro, feelings died down. In 1968 most of the population had withdrawn support from the Rwen<strong>zu</strong>ruru<br />

activists, and there was only minor guerilla activity."<br />

k.A.<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

28, 29, 40<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

31,48,56,69,73,74,75, Handel/Nager 1992<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

V 28, 29: But Czekanowski reports 3, 4.<br />

V 40: Occasional cattle tended by Hima her<strong>der</strong>s.<br />

V31/L: Taylor (1962:90)<br />

V48/R<br />

V56: Subsistenzberei<strong>ch</strong> unbedeutend<br />

V69/L Taylor (1962:91)<br />

V73/L: Cunningham (1905:266)<br />

V74/L: Cunningham (1905:266)<br />

V75/L: Cunningham (1905:266)<br />

V Handel/R<br />

786<br />

786<br />

Seite 1

<strong>AGE</strong><br />


Weitere Namen<br />

k.A.<br />

Stellvertreter für<br />

k.A.<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />

INDIA<br />

Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

557000 Konkani/India, Goa, Daman and Diu<br />

472000 Konkani/India, Mysore<br />

Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

D'Souza, B. G. 1975.Goan Society in Transition. Bombay. ZB: FC 36833.<br />

Strasser, R. 1987. Goa. Landeskunde und Führer <strong>zu</strong> Kunststätten. Stuttgart. ZB: FY 8056.<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />


Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

Goa wurde im 16. Jh. von den Portugiesen erobert, die einen starken Einfluss auf die indigene Kultur ausübten (450 Jahre<br />

portugiesis<strong>ch</strong>e Kolonialherrs<strong>ch</strong>aft). "Bei <strong>der</strong> Volkszählung von 1971 bekannten si<strong>ch</strong> von den 795 000 Goanesen 270 000 <strong>zu</strong>m<br />

Christentum, demna<strong>ch</strong> 34% <strong>der</strong> Gesamtbevölkerung. Bei <strong>der</strong> Volkszählung von 1851 waren no<strong>ch</strong> zwei Drittel Christen…"<br />

(Strasser 1987:48).<br />

Der Datensatz Konkani bezieht si<strong>ch</strong> auss<strong>ch</strong>liessli<strong>ch</strong> auf die <strong>ch</strong>ristli<strong>ch</strong>en Goanesen um 1960.<br />

Varia<br />

Religon: "Die römis<strong>ch</strong>-katholis<strong>ch</strong>e Kir<strong>ch</strong>e fasste ab Vasco da Gama und seiner Entdeckung des Seeweges na<strong>ch</strong> Indien um das<br />

Kap <strong>der</strong> Guten Hoffnung herum 1498 in Südindien Fuss. … Die Eroberung Goas dur<strong>ch</strong> die Portugiesen öffnete dem<br />

Christentum ab 1510 den Zugang. Im Gefolge <strong>der</strong> Seefahrer kamen die Mön<strong>ch</strong>e und Missionare, <strong>zu</strong>erst 1510 die Franziskaner,<br />

dann 1542 Franziskus Xavier von <strong>der</strong> Gesells<strong>ch</strong>aft Jesu, von Ignatius von Loyola begründet, 1548 die Dominikaner, 1572 die<br />

Augustiner, 1612 die Karmeliter und 1640 die Theatiner. Mit <strong>der</strong> Ankunft dieser zahlrei<strong>ch</strong>en Mön<strong>ch</strong>sorden wurde Goa <strong>zu</strong>m<br />

Ausganspunkt <strong>der</strong> Mission in Mittel- und Nordindien" (Strasser 1987:48).<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

k.A.<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

Neukodierung / Hofmann 1991<br />

keine<br />

keine<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

Kommentar <strong>zu</strong> den Rating: Die vielen S<strong>ch</strong>ät<strong>zu</strong>ngen <strong>der</strong> Verwandts<strong>ch</strong>aftsvariablen basieren auf dem Verglei<strong>ch</strong> mit <strong>der</strong><br />

portugiesis<strong>ch</strong>en Gesells<strong>ch</strong>aft um 1960.<br />

V 1/L: Strasser (1987:26ff.)<br />

V 2/L: Strasser (1987:26ff.)<br />

V 3/L: Strasser (1987:29): "Es gibt über 5000 Fis<strong>ch</strong>er, mit ihren Familien 25-30 000 Mens<strong>ch</strong>en, über den ganzen Distrikt verteilt."<br />

V 4/L: Strasser (1987:29): "Was das Vieh anbelangt, so besitzt <strong>der</strong> dur<strong>ch</strong>s<strong>ch</strong>nittli<strong>ch</strong>e Bauer in Goa ein Paar Büffel für die Feldarbeit,<br />

eine Büffelkuh für Mil<strong>ch</strong>, Arbeit und Dung, einige S<strong>ch</strong>afen, Ziegen und Geflügel."<br />

V 5/L: Strasser (1987:29)<br />

V 6/R<br />

V 7/R<br />

V 8/L: Strasser (1987:51), D'Souza 1975:254<br />

V 9/L: Strasser (1987:51)<br />

V 10/R<br />

V 11/R: D'Souza 1975:254<br />

V 12/R<br />

V 13/R<br />

V 14/R<br />

V 15/L: D'Souza (1975:249ff.)<br />

V 16/L: D'Souza (1975:249ff.)<br />

V 17/R<br />

V 18/R<br />

V 19/R<br />

V 20/R<br />

V 21/R<br />

V 28/L: Strasser (1987:27)<br />

V 29/L: Strasser (1987:28)<br />

V 30/R<br />

V 31/L: Strasser (1987:34)<br />

V 32/R<br />

V 33/L:D'Souza (1975:343): "As Goa became a part of the Portuguese colonial empire, the Portuguese Constitution and its laws<br />

were applied to Goa… This brought the Goan society un<strong>der</strong> the influence of parliamentary rule in the 18th century."<br />

1433<br />

Seite 1


V 39/L: D'Souza (1975:175)<br />

V 40/L: Strasser (1987:29) Vgl. V4.<br />

V 43/R<br />

V 44/R<br />

V 46/R<br />

V 48/R<br />

V 50/R<br />

V 56/L:Strasser (1987:26ff.)<br />

V 58/L: Strasser (1987:26ff.)<br />

V 62/R<br />

V 64/R<br />

V 65/L: D'Souza (1975:251,346)<br />

V 67/L: Strasser (1987:50): "Und do<strong>ch</strong> sind bei näherer Betra<strong>ch</strong>tung au<strong>ch</strong> die ersteren [die <strong>ch</strong>ristli<strong>ch</strong>en Goanesen] in vielem no<strong>ch</strong><br />

dem Hidutum verhaftet…so folgen die meisten bei Geburt, Heirat und Tod den Hindusitten, so bea<strong>ch</strong>ten sie die<br />

Kastenunters<strong>ch</strong>iede, obwohl vor 400 Jahren konvertiert. … Die Kasten <strong>der</strong> Katholiken entspre<strong>ch</strong>en denen <strong>der</strong> Hindus von Goa<br />

mit dem Unters<strong>ch</strong>ied, dass die vielerlei Unterkasten <strong>der</strong> Hindu-Brahmanen in eine einzige Kaste … <strong>zu</strong>sammengeflossen sind,<br />

die Unterkasten … in die einzige Kaste <strong>der</strong> <strong>ch</strong>ristli<strong>ch</strong>en <strong>ch</strong>addo …"<br />

V 69/L: D'Souza (1975:263)<br />

V 71/L: D'Souza (1975:179, 252)<br />

V 72/L: D'Souza (1975:252)<br />

V 73/L: D'Souza (1975:250): "The Portuguese enacted laws to govern the inheritance of properties un<strong>der</strong> whi<strong>ch</strong> males and females<br />

had equal rights of inheritance."<br />

V 74/L: Vgl. V 73.<br />

V 75/L: Vgl. V 73.<br />

V 76/L: Vgl. V 73.<br />

V Handel/R<br />

Seite 2

<strong>AGE</strong><br />


Weitere Namen<br />

Bekpokpak, Konko, Kpankpam, Lekpokpam, Pangpana, Tyopo<br />

Stellvertreter für<br />

KYAMBA<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />

GHANA<br />

Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

181000 Konkomba / Ghana<br />

22000 Konkomba / Togo<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />


Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

Froeli<strong>ch</strong>, J. C. 1949. Les Konkomba. Bull. Inst. Franç. Af. Noire 11: 409-437.<br />

Tait, D. 1953. The Political System of the Konkomba. Africa 32: 213-223.<br />

____ 1956. The Family, Household, and Minor Lineage of the Konkomba. Africa 26: 219-249, 332-342.<br />

Manoukian, M. 1952. Tribes of the Northern Territories of the Gold Coast. London.<br />

Tait, D. 1958. The Territorial Pattern and Lineage System of Konkomba. Tribes Without Rulers, ed. J. Middleton and D. Tait, pp.<br />

167-202. London.<br />

Froeli<strong>ch</strong>, J. C., P. Alexandre, and R. Cornevin. 1963. Les populations du Nord-Togo. Paris.<br />

Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

Kaplan, I. u. a. 1971. Area Handbook for Ghana. Washington.<br />

Tait, D. 1961. The Konkomba of Northern Ghana. London.<br />

Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

L: 10N, longitude of Greenwi<strong>ch</strong>. T: 1940. P: 60000 in 1948. B: IV,248; IV, 451; V, 333.<br />

Varia<br />

Konkomba gehören <strong>zu</strong> den Gurma-Völkern (Area Handbook for Ghana 1971:90)<br />

Manoukian <strong>zu</strong> Bemokpim, Bet<strong>ch</strong>abob, Begbim, Benafiab, Bekwom: "Though the members of all these groups call themselves<br />

Bekokpam, speak variants of the same dialect and are culturally homogeneous, the Konkomba tribe as su<strong>ch</strong> has no political<br />

unity. In British Togoland the Begbim or Gbimba, the Benafiab or Nafeba, and the majority of the Bekwom are now subjects of<br />

the Dagomba, while the more northerly of the Bekwom have accepted Mamprusi rule. The Konkomba in Fren<strong>ch</strong> territory are<br />

now mainly independent, though one Dagomba <strong>ch</strong>iefdom, that of the Malba, lies in Fren<strong>ch</strong> territory, and in the days when<br />

Dagomba sent slaves to Ashanti contributions were gathered ffrom peoplesas far as east of the Oti as Basare" (Manoukian<br />

1952:5f).<br />

k.A.<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

k.A.<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

31, 46, 75, 76, Handel / Seiler S<strong>ch</strong>iedt<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

V31/R: Tait (1961:2)<br />

V46/L: Tait (1961:18); Manoukian (1952:23): "Those tribes woh grow cotton also produce their own cloth."<br />

V75/L: Tait (1961:48)<br />

V76/L: Tait (1961:48)<br />

V Handel/L: Tait (1961:18)<br />

FA24<br />

673<br />

673<br />

Seite 1

<strong>AGE</strong><br />

KONO<br />

Weitere Namen<br />

k.A.<br />

Stellvertreter für<br />

k.A.<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />


Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

104600 Kono in Sierra Leone<br />

10000 Kono in Guinea<br />

Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />

Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

Parsons, R. 1964. Religion in an African Society. A Study of the Religion of the Kono People of Sierra Leone in its Social<br />

Environment with Special Reference to the Function of that Religion in that Society. Leiden.<br />

McCullo<strong>ch</strong>, M. 1964. People of Sierra Leone. London.<br />

Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

The Kono are concentrated in Kono District in Eastern Province. They entered Sierra Leone as peaceful hunters, probably in the<br />

sixtheenth and seventeenth centuries. Their traditional home is in Guinea, where numbers of them live and where a hill called<br />

Konno Su is still remembered as the burial ground of an early Kono <strong>ch</strong>ief.<br />

Die Kono sind mit den Vai eng verwandt (vgl. Baumann1979 und Parsons 1964).<br />

Varia<br />

k.A.<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

k.A.<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

Neukodierung/Züst 1992<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

V1/R<br />

V2/R<br />

V3/R<br />

V4/R<br />

V5/R<br />

V6/L: Parsons (1964:8)<br />

V7/L: Parsons (1964:8).<br />

V8/R<br />

V9/R<br />

V10/R<br />

V11/L: Parsons (1964:10)<br />

V12/L: Parsons (1964:10)<br />

V13/L: Parsons (1964:13)<br />

V14/L: Parsons (1964:13)<br />

V15/L: McCullo<strong>ch</strong> (1964:89)<br />

V16/L: Parsons (1964:126)<br />

V17/L: McCullo<strong>ch</strong> (1964:89)<br />

V18/L: McCullo<strong>ch</strong> (1964:89)<br />

V19/R<br />

V20/R<br />

V21/R<br />

V28/L: Parsons (1964:81)<br />

V29/L: McCullo<strong>ch</strong> (1964:81): Rice, Cassava, Millet, Cotton<br />

V30/L: Parsons (1964:65)<br />

V31/R<br />

V33/L: Parsons (1964:131)<br />

V39/R<br />

V40/R<br />

V43/R<br />

V44/L: McCullo<strong>ch</strong> (1964:88)<br />

V46/L: McCullo<strong>ch</strong> (1964:88)<br />

V48/L: McCullo<strong>ch</strong> (1964:88)<br />

V50/L: McCullo<strong>ch</strong> (1964:88)<br />

V56/R<br />

V58/L: Parsons (1964:91)<br />

V60/L: Parsons (1964:91)<br />

V64/L: Parsons (1964:87).<br />

V65/R<br />

FC4<br />

keine<br />

1513<br />

Seite 1


V71/R<br />

V72/R<br />

V73/L: Parsons (1964: 79, 177)<br />

V74/L: Parsons (1964): Absence of rights<br />

VHandel/L: Parsons (1964:218): "The Kono country was gradually opened up to the trade of the outside world from the beginning of<br />

the slave trade on the West African coast. These European tra<strong>der</strong>s bought rice, palm oil, palm kernels, and small quantities of<br />

castor beans from the Kono farmers. In return they had attractiv cotton cloth, towels, salt, kerosene, soap, earrings, beads,<br />

sugar, tobacco and tread to sell".<br />

Seite 2

<strong>AGE</strong><br />

KONSO<br />

Weitere Namen<br />

Conso<br />

Stellvertreter für<br />

Bussa, Dasane<strong>ch</strong> (Geleba), Gawwada, Gidole (Gardulla), Gobeze, Tsamako, Werize, Arbore<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />


Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

85'000 Konso in Ethiopia<br />

Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

Jensen, A. E. 1936. Im Lande des Gada. Stuttgart.<br />

Kluckhohn, R. (Boston University). Unpublished field notes.<br />

Hallpike, C. R. 1969. The Konso of Ethiopia. Ms.<br />

Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

Levine, D. 1974. Greater Ethiopia. The Evolution of a Multiethnic Society. Chicago<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />

KONSO<br />

Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

With special reference to the town of Buso.<br />

L: 6N, 37E. T: 1930. B: I, 126.<br />

Die Konso gehören na<strong>ch</strong> kulturellem und spra<strong>ch</strong>li<strong>ch</strong>en Cluster von Levine <strong>zu</strong> <strong>der</strong> Lacustrine - Gruppe und innerhalb <strong>der</strong>er <strong>zu</strong>r<br />

Konsogruppe. Zur Konso-Gruppe gehören au<strong>ch</strong> die Bussa, Dasane<strong>ch</strong> (Geleba), Gawwada, Gidole (Gardulla), Gobeze,<br />

Tsamako, Werize und Arbore. Alle Ethnien werden dur<strong>ch</strong> die Konso repräsentiert. Für die Tsamako und die Arbore gibt es<br />

einen Murdock-Original-Datensatz (Tsamai: Ea.Nr. 847; Arbore: Ea. Nr. 848). Sie werden hier jedo<strong>ch</strong> angesi<strong>ch</strong>ts <strong>der</strong><br />

kulturellen Aehnli<strong>ch</strong>keit mit den Konso und ihrer verglei<strong>ch</strong>sweise geringen Bevölkerungsgrösse dur<strong>ch</strong> die Konso repräsentiert.<br />

Varia<br />

80% Anhänger traditioneller Religion (Grimes 1988: 221)<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

k.A.<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

31,56, Handel<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

V31/L: Hallpike (1972: 27): Dur<strong>ch</strong>s<strong>ch</strong>nittli<strong>ch</strong> 1500 Personen<br />

V56/R<br />

V Handel/R<br />

MP17<br />

18<br />

18<br />

Seite 1

<strong>AGE</strong><br />


Weitere Namen<br />

k.A.<br />

Stellvertreter für<br />

k.A.<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />


Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

80750 Koranko/Sierra Leone<br />

30000 Koranko/Guinea<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />

Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

Chevalier, A. 1909. La région des sources du Niger. Géographie 19: 337-352.<br />

Kamara, K., and D. B. Drummond. 1930. Marriage Customs Amongst theKurankos. Sierra Leone Stud. 16: 57-66.<br />

Thomas, N. W. 1916. Anthropological Report on Sierra Leone, v. 1. London.<br />

Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

Baumann,H 1979. Die Völker Afrikas und ihre traditionellen Kulturen. Teil II : 427-460<br />

Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

L: 9N, 11W. P: 1910. P: 125000 in 1950.<br />

Varia<br />

"Among the Koranko, belief in spirits whi<strong>ch</strong> are represented by stones is known " (McCullo<strong>ch</strong> 1950:93).<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

k.A.<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

15,16,31,44,46,48,50,56,58,60,65,68,71,72, 75,76, Handel / Züst 1992<br />


<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

V15/R<br />

V16/R<br />

V31/L: Mccullo<strong>ch</strong> (1950:91):" No information is available, but the Mende local groupings are thought to be generally typical".<br />

V44/L: McCullo<strong>ch</strong> (1950:88)<br />

V46/L: McCullo<strong>ch</strong> (1950:88)<br />

V48/R<br />

V50/R<br />

V56/R<br />

V58/R<br />

V60/R<br />

V65/L: Baumann (1974:Vol.2:449)<br />

V68/L: Baumann (1974:Vol.2:449)<br />

V71/R<br />

V72/R<br />

V75/R<br />

V76/R<br />

VHandel/R<br />

FC5<br />

969<br />

969<br />

Seite 1

<strong>AGE</strong><br />


Weitere Namen<br />

k.A.<br />

Stellvertreter für<br />

k.A.<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />

KOREA<br />

Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

12063000 Koreans / North Korea<br />

24237000 Koreans / South Korea<br />

615000 Koreans / Japan<br />

187744 Koreans / China, Liaoning<br />

876137 Koreans / China, Jilin<br />

187744 Koreans / China, Heilongjiang<br />

74000 Koreans / Kazakhstan<br />

142000 Koreans / Uzbekistan<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />


Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

Hewes, G. W., and C. H. Kim. 1952. Korean Kinship Behavior and Structure. Resear<strong>ch</strong> Monographs on Korea, ser. F. 2: 1-20.<br />

Osgood, C. B. 1951. The Koreans and Their Culture. New York.<br />

Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

Glavnoe upravlenie geodezii i kartografii gosudarstvennogo geologi<strong>ch</strong>eskogo komiteta SSSR, Institut ethografii im. N.N.<br />

Miklukho-Maklaja Akademii Nauk SSSR. 1964. Atlas Narodow Mira (Atlas <strong>der</strong> Völker <strong>der</strong> Welt). Moskva.<br />

Maull, Hanns W. und Ivo M. Maull 1987. Korea. Aktuelle Län<strong>der</strong>kunden. Beck's<strong>ch</strong>e Reihe 812, Mün<strong>ch</strong>en.<br />

Encyclopedia Britannica <strong>zu</strong> Korea<br />

Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

L: 35N, 102E. T: 1950. P: 30000000. B: I,127.<br />

Varia<br />

k.A.<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

k.A.<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

33, Handel / Kock 1991<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

V 3/R-L: Maull 1987: eventuell ist <strong>der</strong> Fis<strong>ch</strong>fang in Nordkorea etwas wi<strong>ch</strong>tiger.<br />

V 33/L: Korrektur <strong>der</strong> Kodierung Murdocks: statt Code grösseres Häuptlingstum, nun Code einfa<strong>ch</strong>er Staat gegeben. Maull<br />

(1987:34ff): Von 1392-1910 herrs<strong>ch</strong>te in Korea die Yi-Dynastie. Der König anerkannte allerdings die Oberhoheit des<br />

<strong>ch</strong>inesis<strong>ch</strong>en Ming-Rei<strong>ch</strong>es über Korea. Ausser den jährli<strong>ch</strong>en Tributgesandts<strong>ch</strong>aften an den Hof in China und gelegentli<strong>ch</strong>en<br />

Abordnungen na<strong>ch</strong> Japan blieb das Königrei<strong>ch</strong> Choson so für mehrere Jahrhun<strong>der</strong>te von <strong>der</strong> Aussenwelt abges<strong>ch</strong>lossen. Vor<br />

dem Koreakrieg und <strong>der</strong> Einteilung in eine amerikanis<strong>ch</strong>e Südzone und eine sowjetis<strong>ch</strong>e Nordzone na<strong>ch</strong> dem 2.WK war Korea<br />

eine japanis<strong>ch</strong>e Kolonie.<br />

V Handel/L: Britannica: Seit über 2000 Jahren liefert Korea Eisen an China und Japan. Es gibt im Land koreanis<strong>ch</strong>e Märkte, wobei<br />

in den Städten <strong>ch</strong>inesis<strong>ch</strong>e Händler von Bedeutung sind.<br />

AA1<br />

39<br />

39<br />

Seite 1

<strong>AGE</strong><br />

KORO<br />

Weitere Namen<br />

k.A.<br />

Stellvertreter für<br />

k.A.<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />


Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

k.A.<br />

Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

Gunn, H. D., and F. P. Conant. 1960. Peoples of the Middle Niger Region. London.<br />

Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

With special reference to those of Lafia.<br />

L: 8N, 8E. P: 30000 in 1960.<br />

Varia<br />

k.A.<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

k.A.<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

29,30,31,32,33,39,40,46,50,56,60, Kenny 1991<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />

KORO<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

V29/L: Gunn (1960:119)<br />

V30/L: Gunn (1960:117/118)<br />

V31/R<br />

V32/R<br />

V33/L: Gunn (1960:112) "...subordinate to muslim emirs...The highest functional natural administrative unit was the village,<br />

selfcontained and independent whatever its size."<br />

V39/R<br />

V40/L: Gunn (1960:119) "Livestock in the area is largely limited to dogs, goats and sheep..."<br />

V46/r<br />

V50/R<br />

V56: Subsistenzberei<strong>ch</strong> unbedeutend<br />

V60: Subsistenzberei<strong>ch</strong> unbedeutend<br />

FF34<br />

931<br />

931<br />

Seite 1

<strong>AGE</strong><br />


Weitere Namen<br />

South Nuba<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />


Stellvertreter für<br />

Mesakin (1947: 6.000, 38.000/1982 Grimes), Koronogo (1947:14.000, Murdock; 15.000/1982, Grimes), Tumtum (7300/19??,<br />

Grimes), Dere, Tesh (Turumu), Fama (Kolmedin), Talodi (1200/ 1977, Grimes), Miri<br />

und an<strong>der</strong>e Südnuba Gruppen<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />

SUDAN<br />

Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

40000 South Nuba in Sudan<br />

Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

Nadel, S. F. 1947. The Nuba. London.<br />

Seligman, C. G., and B. Z. Seligman. 1932. Pagan Tribes of the Nilotic Sudan. London.<br />

Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

Area Handbook for the Democratic Republic of Sudan. 1973. Washington.<br />

Encyclopedia of the Third World. Vol. III. 1982. London.<br />

Faris, James C. Southeast Nuba Social Relations. 1989. Aa<strong>ch</strong>en. Herodot.<br />

Perrot, Jean. Les Langues dans le Monde ancien et mo<strong>der</strong>ne. Cartes (und) Texte. 1981. Paris<br />

Grimes, Barbara, F. (ed.). 1988. Ethnologue. Languages of the Word. Dallas.<br />

Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

L: 10N, 30E. T: 1930. P: 14000 in 1947. B: V, 341.<br />

Varia<br />

Der Datensatz EA 1053, Korongo steht stellvertetend für die südli<strong>ch</strong>en Nubagruppen. Verglei<strong>ch</strong>e Text <strong>zu</strong> den Nuba bei den Otoro<br />

(North Nuba).<br />

Zu den südli<strong>ch</strong>en Nuba gehören na<strong>ch</strong> Nadel (1947) die Mesakin (1947: 6.000, 38.000/1982) Grimes), Koronogo (1947:14.000,<br />

Murdock; 15.000/1982, Grimes), Tumtum (7300/19??, Grimes), Dere, Tesh (Turumu), Fama (Kolmedin), Talodi (1200/ 1977,<br />

Grimes) und Miri. Diese Gruppen lassen si<strong>ch</strong> <strong>zu</strong>m teil als Spra<strong>ch</strong>gruppen identifizieren. Die Dere, Tesh und Fama s<strong>ch</strong>einen<br />

keine Spra<strong>ch</strong>- o<strong>der</strong> Dialektbezei<strong>ch</strong>nungen <strong>zu</strong> sein - ethnis<strong>ch</strong>e o<strong>der</strong> lokale?<br />

k.A.<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

73,75<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

31, Handel, v. Ditfurth<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

V 73,75: Mixed 2, 1 and 7, 1.<br />

V 31/R<br />

V Handel/R<br />

FJ21<br />

1053<br />

1053<br />

Seite 1

<strong>AGE</strong><br />

KOTA<br />

Weitere Namen<br />

Bakota, Ikota, Kuta<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />

KOTA<br />

Stellvertreter für<br />

Mahongwe-Kota, Shake-Kota, Shamaye-Kota, Wumbu-Kota, Mahoin-Kota, Mindassa-Kota, Bu<strong>ch</strong>amai-Kota, Dambombo-Kota;<br />

Banjabi-Mbede, Adouma-Mbede, Ambamba-Mbede, Bambana-Mbede, Mindumu-Mbede, Bawandji-Mbede, Ambede-Mbede,<br />

Bakanike-Mbede, Batsangi-Mbede<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />

GABON<br />

Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

57000 Kota in Gabon<br />

74800 Mbédé in Gabon<br />

22000 Bakele in Gabon<br />

50'000 Mbete in Congo<br />

10'000 Mbamba in Congo<br />

10'000 Bokiba in Congo<br />

Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

An<strong>der</strong>sson, E. 1953. Contribution à l'ethnographie des Kota. Studia Etnog. Upsaliensia 6: 1-364.<br />

Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

Gardinier, D.1981. Historical Dictionary of Gabon. London.<br />

Raponda-Walker, A. und Sillans, R. 1962. Rites et Croyances de Peuples du Gabon. Paris.<br />

Black Africa. A Comparative Handbook. 1972. London.<br />

Baumann, H. 1975. Die Völker Afrikas und ihre traditionellen Kulturen.Teil 1. Wiesbaden.<br />

Murdock, P. 1959. Africa. Its Peoples and their Culture History. New York.<br />

Born, K. 1975. Nordkongo und Gabun. Der Westen. In: Baumann. Die Völker Afrikas und ihre traditionellen Kulturen. Teil 1.<br />

Wiesbaden.<br />

Morrison, D.G. and R.C. Mit<strong>ch</strong>ell (ed.) 1972. Black Africa. A Comparative Handbook. Toronto.<br />

Grimes, Barbara (ed.). 1988. Ethnologue. Languages of the Word. Dallas.<br />

McDonald, Gordon. 1971. Area Handbook für People's Republic of the Congo (Congo Brazzaville). Washington.<br />

Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

L: 1N, 14E. T: 1940. B: V, 132.<br />

Varia<br />

Gabon: Unter den Begriff "Kota" fasst man gewöhnli<strong>ch</strong> eine beträ<strong>ch</strong>tli<strong>ch</strong>e Anzahl weit verstreuten Gruppen <strong>zu</strong>sammen, die alle<br />

Angehörige <strong>der</strong>selben Spra<strong>ch</strong>gruppe sind, <strong>der</strong> Kota-Gruppe, man<strong>ch</strong>mal au<strong>ch</strong> Kele-Gruppe genannt. Die vers<strong>ch</strong>iedenen<br />

Kota-Gruppen weisen au<strong>ch</strong> im kulturellen Sektor untereinan<strong>der</strong> Aehnli<strong>ch</strong>keiten auf (s. Murdock: 1959:280; Raponda-Walker<br />

1962; Gardinier 1981; Black Africa 1972) . Die vers<strong>ch</strong>iedenen Kota-Untergruppen wurden als Stellvertreter B festgehalten.<br />

"Bakota (or Kota): The Bakota of northeastern Gabon are one of the country's most numerous peoples. Other thousands of them<br />

inhabit adjacent regions of the Congo Republic. According to their tradition the Bakota came from the upper Ivindo region along<br />

the Singouè and Nona rivers in the nineteenth century to their present location farther south and east in the face of Bakouèlè<br />

invasions" (Gardinier 1981:36).<br />

Der Kota-Datensatz wird - wenn au<strong>ch</strong> mit gewissen Vorbehalten - au<strong>ch</strong> für die Grossgruppe <strong>der</strong> Mbèdè verwendet: Baumann<br />

(1975:Teil 1:700) meint: "Die ursprüngli<strong>ch</strong> Kotafremden Mbete (Mbede),.. begaben si<strong>ch</strong> in engen Kulturkontakt mit den Kota, so<br />

dass sie ihnen unter Vorbehalt anges<strong>ch</strong>lossen werden können". Au<strong>ch</strong> An<strong>der</strong>sson (1953:17-18) sieht eine kulturelle - ni<strong>ch</strong>t aber<br />

eine linguistis<strong>ch</strong>e - Verwandts<strong>ch</strong>aft zwis<strong>ch</strong>en den Kota und Mbédé: " Du point de vue linguistic, ils sont plutot apparentés aux<br />

Teke et dans leur langue il ne reste aucune trace Kota. Mais il trouve d'autrepart qu'un certain nombre de raison parlent en<br />

faveur d'un tel rapport: anthropologiquement, ils diffèrrent entierment des Teke et semblent plus pro<strong>ch</strong>es des Kuta, en outre, un<br />

grand nombre de leurt <strong>ch</strong>ants, en particulier ceux que l'on <strong>ch</strong>ante aux cérémonies de féti<strong>ch</strong>es, sont formulés en Kuta. A cela<br />

s'ajoute le fait que, dans le territoire de Zanaga, le Mbede s'appellent Kuta; ... en acord avec les témoignages fournis par le faits<br />

... l'on peut ranger les Mbama-Mbete dans la group Kuta".<br />

Au<strong>ch</strong> die Mbédé sind wie<strong>der</strong>um in eine beträ<strong>ch</strong>tli<strong>ch</strong>e Anzahl von verstreuten Untergruppen gespalten. Diese werden als<br />

Stellvertreter B festgehalten.<br />

Die Populationsnsangaben für die Mbédé in Gabon variieren zwis<strong>ch</strong>en 15-20%, und man ist si<strong>ch</strong> in <strong>der</strong> Literatur ni<strong>ch</strong>t einig ob die<br />

Mbédé o<strong>der</strong> die Es<strong>ch</strong>ira die zweitgrösste Gruppe im Land ist.<br />

Der Datensatz <strong>der</strong> Kota wurde au<strong>ch</strong> für die mit ihnen verwandten Bakele (Kele-Spra<strong>ch</strong>gruppe s. oben) verwendet: Murdock<br />

(1959:280) bringt die Kota sowie die Bakele im "Equatorial Bantu Cluster" unter.<br />

Congo: Die Bokiba repräsentieren in <strong>der</strong> Republik Congo die Kota-Spra<strong>ch</strong>gruppe. Die Bevölkerungsgrösse orientiert si<strong>ch</strong> an den<br />

Angaben von Morrison (1972:211).<br />

Congo: Der Datensatz <strong>der</strong> Kota wird in Congo ebenfalls für die Mbete und Mbamba (Obamba) genommen (vgl. Born 1975:700).<br />

Die Bevölkerungsgrösse <strong>der</strong> Mbete ist eine S<strong>ch</strong>ät<strong>zu</strong>ng und orientiert si<strong>ch</strong> an den Angaben von Morrison (1972:211) und<br />

Grimes (1988:206).<br />

k.A.<br />

FI17<br />

820<br />

820<br />

Seite 1

KOTA - GABON<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

67, 73,75<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

31,46,48,50,56,62,Handel / Züst 1992<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

V 67: Dependent Pygmies.<br />

V 73,75: Patrilineal, by brothers and sons.<br />

V31/L: An<strong>der</strong>sson (1953:37)<br />

V46/L: An<strong>der</strong>sson (1953:60)<br />

V48/R<br />

V50/L: An<strong>der</strong>sson (1953:48)<br />

V56/R<br />

V62/R: An<strong>der</strong>sson (1953:72): "Chez les Kuta des animaux domestique ne joue qu'un role relativement insignifiant"<br />

VHandel/L: An<strong>der</strong>sson (1953:95-96)<br />

Seite 2

<strong>AGE</strong><br />

KOTOKO<br />

Weitere Namen<br />

Logone, Makari<br />

Stellvertreter für<br />

k.A.<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />


Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

55000 Kotoko / Cameroon<br />

20000 Kotoko in Chad<br />

Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

Lebeuf, A. M. D. 1959. Les populations de T<strong>ch</strong>ad. Paris.<br />

Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

L: 12N, 15E. T: 1880. P: 30000 in 1950.<br />

Varia<br />

k.A.<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

17,18, 40<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

17,18,19,20,21,31,48,56,58,68,73, Handel / Güntert;Züst 1992<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

V 17,18: Inferentially patrilineal.<br />

V 40: Only a few cattle, tended exclusiverly by Arab herdsmen.<br />

V17,18,19,20,21/R: Korrektur <strong>der</strong> Murdock-Kodierung<br />

V31/L: Lebeuf (1959:22)<br />

V48/R<br />

V56/R<br />

V58/R<br />

V68/L: Lebeuf (1959:103)<br />

V73/R<br />

VHandel/R<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />

KOTOKO<br />

FH13<br />

1033<br />

1033<br />

Seite 1

<strong>AGE</strong><br />

KOYA<br />

Weitere Namen<br />

Dorla Koitur<br />

Stellvertreter für<br />

k.A.<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />

INDIA<br />

Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

233000 Koya/India, Andhra Pradesh<br />

46000 Koya/India, Orissa<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />

Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

Tyler, S. A. 1965. Koya Language Morphology and Patterns of Kinship Behavior. Amer. Anth. 67: 1428-1440.<br />

KOYA<br />

AW32<br />

Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

Fürer-Haimendorf, Christoph von. 1979. The Gonds of Andhra Pradesh. London.<br />

Karve, Iravati. 1968. Kinship organization in India. Dritte Auflage, Bombay.<br />

Mohapatra, P. C. 1980. The strategy of development of tribal economy of Orissa with special reference to Koraput district. In:<br />

Mohapatra, P. C. und D. Panda. Tribal problems of today and tomorrow. pp. 41-50. Bhubaneswar.<br />

Pagdi, Setu Madhava Rao. 1952. Among the Gonds of Adilabad. Zweite Auflage, Bombay.<br />

Satapathy, P. K. 11980. Shifting cultivation. A case study of Koraput. In: Mohapatra, P. C. und D. Panda. Tribal problems of today<br />

and tomorrow. pp. 14 -22. Bhubaneswar.<br />

Raza, M. and A. Ahmad. 1990. An Atlas of Tribal India. New Delhi.<br />

Fürer-Haimendorf, C. von. 1982. Tribes of India. Berkeley<br />

Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

With special reference to the Bommu Koya. L: 19N, 78E. T: 1960. P: 75000 in 1960.<br />

Varia<br />

"... Koya still speak a Gondi dialect, but the majority ... now speak Telugu ..." (Fürer-Haimendorf 1982:20)<br />

Pagdi (1952:3ff): Religion: vers<strong>ch</strong>iedene Götter, Kulturheroen, mythis<strong>ch</strong>e Ahnen<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

k.A.<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

6, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 39, 40, 44, 46, 48, 50, 58, 60, 62, 64, 65, 67, 69, Handel / Seiler<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

V 6./L: Satapathy (1980:18)<br />

V 28/L: Satapathy (1980:15)<br />

V 29/L: Satapathy (1980:15); Reis, Hirse<br />

V 30/L: Karve (1968:316)<br />

V 31/R-L: Pagdi (1952:13)<br />

V 32/L: Karve (1968:316)<br />

V 33./3 L: Pagdi (1952:104)<br />

V 39/L: Satapathy (1980:15): "Ploughing is either not done at all or if done,it is practically scrat<strong>ch</strong>ing of the soil, by hoe or axe. In<br />

lower slopes ploughing is done through bullocks."<br />

V 40/L: Satapathy 1980:18<br />

V 44/L: Fürer-Haimendorf (1979:25f)<br />

V 46./L: Fürer-Haimendorf (1979:30)<br />

V 48/L: Fürer-Haimendorf (1979:30)<br />

V 50/L: Fürer-Haimendorf (1979:30)<br />

<strong>zu</strong> V46, V48, V50: Diese Arbeiten werden von an<strong>der</strong>en Ethnien, die mit den Koya<br />

oft im selben Dorf wohnen, gema<strong>ch</strong>t (vgl. Fürer-Haimendorf 1979:30).<br />

V 56/md<br />

V 58/R: abgeleitet aus Codierung von V2<br />

V 60/R: abgeleitet aus Codierung von V3<br />

V 62/L: Fürer-Haimendorf (1979:423)<br />

V 64/L: Satapathy (1980:18)<br />

V 65/L: Fürer-Haimendorf (1979:91,95): "The complete equality of all four phratries is a <strong>ch</strong>aracteristic feature of Gond society… "<br />

(ibid.:91). "The Koays of Wasangal district are divided into similar phratries, but in additon to the seven-brother, six-brother,<br />

five-brother and four-brother phratries, there is a socially somewhat inferior three-brother phratry the members of whi<strong>ch</strong> act as<br />

priests for the peoples of the remaining four phratries." (ibid.:95).<br />

V 67/L: Karve (1968:214)<br />

V 69/L: Mohapatra (1980:45f)<br />

V Handel/L: Karve (1968:316)<br />

1093<br />

1093<br />

Seite 1

<strong>AGE</strong><br />

KPE<br />

Weitere Namen<br />

Bakwedi, Bakwiri, Kpeli, Kwiri, Bakweri<br />

Stellvertreter für<br />

Mboko<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />


Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

40000 Kpe / Cameroon<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />

Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

Ardener, E. 1956. Coastal Bantu of the Cameroons. London.<br />

Leus<strong>ch</strong>ner. 1903. Die Bakwiri. Re<strong>ch</strong>tsverhältnisse von eingeborenen Völker in Afrika und Ozeanien, ed. Steinmetz, pp. 14-26.<br />

Berlin.<br />

Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

L: 4N, 9E. T: 1950. P: 38000 in1953.B: I, 125.<br />

Varia<br />

k.A.<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

44<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

46,48,71,72,74,Handel / Güntert;Züst<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

V 44: Formerly 1.<br />

V46/R<br />

V48/R<br />

V71/R<br />

V72/R<br />

VHandel/R<br />

KPE<br />

FF43<br />

9<br />

9<br />

Seite 1

<strong>AGE</strong><br />

KPELLE<br />

Weitere Namen<br />

Guerse, Kpese<br />

Stellvertreter für<br />

k.A.<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />


Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

200000 Kpelle in Liberia<br />

150000 Kpelle in Guinea<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />

KPELLE<br />

Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

Westermann, D. 1921. Die Kpelle. Göttingen.<br />

S<strong>ch</strong>wab, G. 1947. Tribes of the Liberian Hinterland. Pap. Peabody Mus. Amer. Ar<strong>ch</strong>. Ethn., Harvard Univ. 31: 1-526.<br />

Gibbs, J. L. 1963. Maritial Instability Among the Kpelle. Amer. Anth. 65: 552-573.<br />

____ 1965. The Kpelle of Liberia. Peoples of Africa, ed. J. L. Gibbs, pp. 197-240. New York.<br />

Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

L: 7N, 9W. T: 1920. P: 175000 in 1950. B: IV, 451; V, 328.<br />

Varia<br />

k.A.<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

k.A.<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

48,62,VHandel / Züst 1992<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

V48/R<br />

V62/R<br />

VHandel/L: Westermann (1921): Der Handel ist gering entwickelt. Im südli<strong>ch</strong>en Kpelleland gibt es nirgens Märkte".<br />

FD6<br />

705<br />

705<br />

Seite 1

<strong>AGE</strong><br />

KRAN<br />

Weitere Namen<br />

k.A.<br />

Stellvertreter für<br />

k.A.<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />


Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

50000 Kran in Liberia<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />

KRAN<br />

Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

Becker-Donner, E. 1944. Ueber zwei Kruvölkerstämme: Kran und Grebo. Wiener Beitr. Kulturg. Ling. 6: 1-70.<br />

S<strong>ch</strong>wab, G. 1947. Tribes of the Liberian Hinterland. Pap. Peabody Mus. Amer. Ar<strong>ch</strong>. Ethnol., Harvard Univ. 31: 1-526.<br />

Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

Strong, R. 1930. The African Republic of Liberia and the Belgian Congo. New York.<br />

Massing, A. 1980. The Economic Anthropology of the Kru (West Africa). Wiesbaden.<br />

Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

L: 6N, 8W. T: 1940. P: 15000 in 1940.<br />

Varia<br />

Liberia: Wie im Falle <strong>der</strong> Kru in Liberia ist die Ethniebezei<strong>ch</strong>nung Kran problematis<strong>ch</strong> (vgl. Anmerkung <strong>zu</strong>r Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungseinheit<br />

bei den Kru). Diskutiert und problematisiert wird <strong>der</strong> von aussen bestimmte Begriff z.B. bei Massing (1980) und Baumann<br />

(1944): "Die Kran zerfallen in Unterstämme o<strong>der</strong> Clans mit den vers<strong>ch</strong>iedensten Namen, so z.B. Neson Yoapie, Yansons,<br />

Nèabo, Bo etc. Der Eingeborene selbst fühlt eigentli<strong>ch</strong> nur die Zugehörigkeit <strong>zu</strong> diesem Unterstamm und gibt, falls es si<strong>ch</strong> um<br />

eien von Zivilisation und englis<strong>ch</strong>er Spra<strong>ch</strong>e ni<strong>ch</strong>t berührten Mann handelt, immer den Namen des Unterstammes an und<br />

verwendet den Namen Kran eventuell no<strong>ch</strong> Giau nur dann, wenn er <strong>zu</strong> einem Zivilisierten von seinem Stamme spri<strong>ch</strong>t. Es<br />

existiert also eigentli<strong>ch</strong> kein Stammesbewusstsein... darin glei<strong>ch</strong>en die Kran ganz den an<strong>der</strong>en Kruvölkern, denen sie<br />

<strong>zu</strong><strong>zu</strong>re<strong>ch</strong>nen sind. Der Name Kran ist ihnen von westli<strong>ch</strong>en und südli<strong>ch</strong>en Anreinern gegeben worden, die sie au<strong>ch</strong> gelegentli<strong>ch</strong><br />

Bushkru... bezei<strong>ch</strong>en "(Baumann 1944:2).<br />

Auf eine vollständige Auflistung aller Unterstämme und Clans <strong>der</strong> Kru wurde hier verzi<strong>ch</strong>tet, siehe da<strong>zu</strong> aber Massing (1980:224).<br />

k.A.<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

k.A.<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

15,33,44,46,48,50,56,58,60,64,73, 74, Handel / Züst 1992<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

V15/ R<br />

V33/Kommentar: Becker-Donner (1944:32): " Bei den Kran gab es ursprüngli<strong>ch</strong> keine Häuptlinge, son<strong>der</strong>n einen Rat <strong>der</strong> Alten, <strong>der</strong><br />

über die Angelegenheiten des Stammes beriet. Die Liberianer führten in diesem Gebiet eine etwas verän<strong>der</strong>te Art des 'indirect<br />

rule' ein und setzten <strong>zu</strong> diesem Zwecke bei den Kran Häuptlinge ein. Der Erfolg ist sehr mittelmässig, da <strong>der</strong> Häuptling si<strong>ch</strong><br />

keineswegs Autorität vers<strong>ch</strong>affen kann". Verglei<strong>ch</strong>e au<strong>ch</strong> Anmerkung <strong>zu</strong> V33 bei den Kru.<br />

V44/L: Strong (1930:126)<br />

V46/L: Massing (1980:117)<br />

V48/L: Becker-Donner (1944:15)<br />

V50/L: Becker-Donner (1944:17)<br />

V56/R<br />

V58/L: Becker-Donner (1944:56)<br />

V60/L: Becker-Donner (1944:56)<br />

V64/L: Becker-Donner (1944:9)<br />

V73/L: Becker-Donner (1944:55): " Grund und Boden sind Allgemeingut und wurden in früheren Zeiten von den Aeltesten, heute<br />

von den Häuptlingen, verteilt. Der Kran bewirts<strong>ch</strong>aftet seine Land ein bis drei Jahre und lässt es dann bra<strong>ch</strong>liegen. Damit ist es<br />

wie<strong>der</strong> Allgemeingut geworden".<br />

V74/ Korrektur: Becker-Donner (1944:55)<br />

VHandel/R<br />

FD7<br />

947<br />

947<br />

Seite 1

<strong>AGE</strong><br />


Weitere Namen<br />

Krio<br />

Stellvertreter für<br />

k.A.<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />


Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

41000 Kreolen in Sierra Leone<br />

5500 Kreolen in Gambia<br />

5000 Kreolen in Aequatorialguinea<br />

Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />

Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

Cohen, A. 1981. The Politics of Elite Culture. London.<br />

Kreutzinger, H. 1968. The Picture of Krio Life Freetown. 1900-1920. Acta Ethnologica et Linguistica Nr. 11. Wien.<br />

Spitzer, L. 1974. The Creoles of Sierra Leone. Madison.<br />

Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

Varia<br />

Allgemeine Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong> den Kreolen in Westafrika.<br />

"The Creoles are descendants of freed slaves of divers origin. Although an numerical minority, their dominant political and<br />

economic role in the history of the country (Sierra Leone) led to a significant gap between them and the other groups. The<br />

<strong>ch</strong>anging distribution of power was closing this gap in the 1970s.<br />

The Kreoles came to West Africa in three big waves: The first group, the settlers came from England in 1787. In 1792 the Nova<br />

Scotians, who had fought for the British during the American War of Independence and who had been settled in Nova Scotia,<br />

joined them in their attempt to build up a new life. The third group were the Maroons, descendants of slaves in Jamaica, who<br />

arrived in 1799" (Kreutzinger 1968:7).<br />

"The Ceoles are liberated slaves who were racially and often culturally akin to the indigenous inhabitants, but who had also been<br />

exposed to Western culture through European education and Christianity" (Spitzer 1974:3).<br />

Gambia: In Gambia nennen si<strong>ch</strong> die Kreolen Aku.<br />

keine<br />

Die Kreolen leben vor allem auf <strong>der</strong> Halbinsel Sierra Leone (Freetown) und spre<strong>ch</strong>en Krio, ein mit zahlrei<strong>ch</strong>en spanis<strong>ch</strong>en,<br />

portugiesis<strong>ch</strong>en, französis<strong>ch</strong>en und afrikanis<strong>ch</strong>en Lehnwörtern dur<strong>ch</strong>setztes Englis<strong>ch</strong> mit eigener Syntax und Phonetik.<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

k.A.<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

Neukodierung/Züst 1992<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

V1/R: Vgl. Kreutzinger (1968)<br />

V2/R: ibid.<br />

V3/R: ibid.<br />

V4/R: ibid.<br />

V5/R: ibid.<br />

V6/L: Spitzer (1974:29): "... the groom and his parents were expected to give a substantial sum of money to the bride's family - an<br />

amount known as the "trousseau". This arrangement, even though given a European name, undoubtely <strong>der</strong>ived from the<br />

'bride-wealth' practice whi<strong>ch</strong> had completed the premartial formalities among most of the African groups from whi<strong>ch</strong> the<br />

Creoles descended".<br />

V7/R<br />

V8/L: Kreutzinger (1968:41): "Since the days of American exil, monogamy is generally practised. Following the prea<strong>ch</strong>ing of the<br />

Christian <strong>ch</strong>ur<strong>ch</strong>es, recognizing them as authorities with regard to social life, it is kept up even un<strong>der</strong> sever testing".<br />

V9/R<br />

V10/R<br />

V11/R<br />

V12/R<br />

V13/R<br />

V14/R<br />

V15/R<br />

V16/R<br />

V17/L: Cohen (1981:62): " ... the Creoles do not put any special emphasis on either patrilineal or matrilineal descent. Relations are<br />

traced in both lines, and property is inherited according to British law, without favoring one line over the other".<br />

V18/L: Vgl. Anmerkung <strong>zu</strong> V17<br />

V19/L: Vgl. Anmerkung <strong>zu</strong> V17<br />

V20/L: Vgl. Anmerkung <strong>zu</strong> V17<br />

V21/L: Vgl. Anmerkung <strong>zu</strong> V17<br />

1512<br />

Seite 1


V28/L: Kreutzinger (1968:13)<br />

V29/L: Kreutzinger (1968:13): Apart from the plants of the season - Yams, coco-yams, cassava, potatoes, greens, many trees are<br />

being planted: cola, bread fruit, coconut, orange, pear, lime, mango oil palm, coffee, cocoa, banana<br />

V30/R<br />

V31/R<br />

V33/R<br />

V40/L: Kreutzinger (1968:13).<br />

V43/L: Vgl. Anmerkung <strong>zu</strong> V17<br />

V44/L: Kreutzinger (1968:16).<br />

V46/R<br />

V48/L: Kreutzinger (1968:26)<br />

V56/R<br />

V58/R<br />

V62/R<br />

V64/R: Frauen sind vor allem in <strong>der</strong> Gartenbewirts<strong>ch</strong>aftung tätig<br />

V65/L: Spitzer (1974:14-15)<br />

V68/R<br />

V69/R<br />

V71/L: Cohen (1981:200-206)<br />

V72/L: Vgl. V71<br />

V73/L: Cohen (1981:62)<br />

V74/L: Cohen (1981:62)<br />

V75/L: Cohen (1981:62)<br />

V76/L: Cohen (1981:62)<br />

VHandelL: Cohen (1981:48): "During the second half of the nineteenth century, the Creoles dominated trade in European goods and<br />

foodstuff and large number of Creole tra<strong>der</strong>s were actively operating in various parts of the mainland". Kreutzinger (1968:15):<br />

"... practicing trade gives economic indepencence and social standard - important conditions for the development of<br />

individuality and orginality, whi<strong>ch</strong> is so <strong>ch</strong>aracteristic for Krio Society".<br />

Seite 2

<strong>AGE</strong><br />

KROE<br />

Weitere Namen<br />

k.A.<br />

Stellvertreter für<br />

k.A.<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />


Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

k.A.<br />

Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

Varia<br />

k.A.<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

k.A.<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

k.A.<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />

KROE<br />

Seite 1

<strong>AGE</strong><br />

KRU<br />

Weitere Namen<br />

Krao, Kroo<br />

Stellvertreter für<br />

k.A.<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />


Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

4800 Kru in Sierra Leone<br />

75000 Kru in Liberia<br />

5500 De in Liberia<br />

5500 Belle in Liberia<br />

155000 Bassa in Liberia<br />

Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

Wilson, J. L. 1856. Western Africa. New York.<br />

Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

Massing, A. 1980. The Economic of the Kru (West Africa). Wiesbaden.<br />

Area Handbook for Liberia. 1985. Washington.<br />

Strong, R. 1930. The African Republic of Liberia and the Belgian Congo. New York.<br />

Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

L: 5N, 9W. T: 1850.<br />

Varia<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />

KRU<br />

Liberia: Der Datensatz <strong>der</strong> Kru wurde au<strong>ch</strong> für die De, Belle und Bassa verwendet. Die genannten Gruppen werden in <strong>der</strong><br />

Literatur als enge kulturelle Verwandte o<strong>der</strong> Untergruppen <strong>der</strong> Kru bezei<strong>ch</strong>net. Aufgrund ihrer zahlenmässigen Präsenz (mehr<br />

als 5000 Stammesmitglie<strong>der</strong>) wurden sie (als Stellvertreter B ) auf <strong>der</strong> Ethnieliste für Liberia verzei<strong>ch</strong>net. Es gibt no<strong>ch</strong><br />

unzählige weitere kleinere Untergruppen (Stämme) <strong>der</strong> Kru (1000-2000 Mitglie<strong>der</strong>) die ni<strong>ch</strong>t aufgeführt wurden (vgl. da<strong>zu</strong><br />

Massing (1980) . Massing (1980) diskutiert und problematisiert in seinem Bu<strong>ch</strong> 'The Economic Anthropology of the Kru' den<br />

Ethniebegriff <strong>der</strong> Kru und gibt eine ausführli<strong>ch</strong>e Liste <strong>der</strong> vers<strong>ch</strong>iedenen "Kru"-Gruppen in Liberia und <strong>der</strong> Rebublik<br />

Elfenbeinküste. Au<strong>ch</strong> das "Area Handbook for Liberia" (1985) verweist auf das Problem <strong>der</strong> Fremdidentifikation und <strong>der</strong><br />

künstli<strong>ch</strong>en Kategorisierung vieler Gruppen in Liberia: "Estimates of the number of ethnic categories adequate to the<br />

classification of Liberia's indigenous communities have ranged from 28 to the officially 16 recognized tribes. The variation<br />

reflected shifting and uncertain notions of what constituted an ethnic group and a lack of systematic knowledge of many of of the<br />

peoples of Liberia. As that knowledge has been accumulated, it has become clear that few if any of the ethnic categories<br />

arbitrarly established and named by the government authorities were <strong>ch</strong>aracterized by the elements usually consi<strong>der</strong>ed in<br />

defining an ethnic group. The case of the Kru is perhaps the clearest instance of the disjunction between externally imposed<br />

categorization and tribal name on the one hand and the significance of the traditional maximal political and ethnic unit on the<br />

other. Among the Kru the largest political unit was the dako, ea<strong>ch</strong> composed of a set of villages. Membership in the dako and in<br />

one of its villages was usually inherited patrilineal. Ea<strong>ch</strong> dako had a name that was in effec an ethnic designation for its<br />

members. Anthropologist McEvoy summarizes the situation of the Kru and other southeastern people: " The evidence is<br />

increasingly conclusive that among the Kru-, the Grebo- and the Kran-speaking peoples, a great many rural or political<br />

communities (dakwe) ea<strong>ch</strong> seperately claimed linguistic and cultural distinctivness, separate historical or ethnic identities, and<br />

social and cultural autonomy".<br />

k.A.<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

k.A.<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

3,5,15,31,33,44,46,48,50,56,58,60,64,65,68,73,74,75,76, Handel / Züst<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

V3/V5/ Anmerkung <strong>zu</strong> Murdock-Kodierung: Massing (1980:20)." For the Kru tribes inhabiting the littoral to the east of the Cape<br />

Palmas, fishing constitutes a marginal activity. There is an occupational specialization between tribes practicing littoral fishing<br />

and the majority of the coastal tribes whi<strong>ch</strong> are slash-and-burn agriculturalists"<br />

V15/R<br />

V31/L: Massing (1980:21)<br />

V33/Korrektur: Massing (1980:34-5) :"Chiefs in the Kru Cultural Area are the creation of colonial or mo<strong>der</strong>n government.<br />

Chieftoms as su<strong>ch</strong> are not found in the Kru Cultural Area, with the exception of some bor<strong>der</strong> line cases as the De, Belle,<br />

Kpeaple-We and a few Bassa groups whi<strong>ch</strong> have been incorporated into <strong>ch</strong>ieftoms of Mande groups. Kru politics represent<br />

segmentary lineage systems".<br />

V44/L: Strong (1930:126)<br />

V46/L: Massing (1980:117): "The absence of cotton and associated te<strong>ch</strong>niques of cloth-making distinguishes the Kru Cultural Area<br />

from the surrounding Akan and Mande regions, since in the Kru Cultural Area animal hides still served as main items of<br />

clothing until recently".<br />

V48/R<br />

V50/L: Strong (1930:40)<br />

V56/R<br />

FD7<br />

948<br />

948<br />

Seite 1


V58/R<br />

V60/R<br />

V64/L: Massing (1980:183)<br />

V65/L: Massing (1980:35)<br />

V68/L: Massing (1980:35)<br />

V73/L: Massing (1980:168)<br />

V74/L: Massing (1980:168)<br />

V75/R<br />

V76/R<br />

VHandel/L: Massing (1980:72): "Since the first contact with Europeans around 1470, the inhabitants of the Kru coast were engaged<br />

in the ex<strong>ch</strong>ange of local products with Europeans. The first <strong>ch</strong>ief export were malagueta-pepper, slaves and ivory with a<br />

progressiv shift over the centuries from pepper to slaves to ivory".<br />

Seite 2

<strong>AGE</strong><br />

KUBA<br />

Weitere Namen<br />

Bakuba<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />

KUBA<br />

Stellvertreter für<br />

Bushoong, Ngeende, Kel Pyaang, Bulaang, Bieeng, Ilebo, Idiing, Kaam, Ngoombe Kayuweeng, Shoowa, Bokila, Maluk, and Ngongo.<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />

ZAIRE<br />

Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

100'000 Kuba in Zaire<br />

Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

Torday, E., and T. A. Joyce. 1910. Notes ethnographiques sur les peuples communément appelés Bakuba. Bruxelles.<br />

Vansina, J. 1954. Les tribus Ba-Kuba et les peuplades apparentées. Ann. Mus. Roy. Congo Belge, Monog. Ethnogr. 1: 1-64. (Also<br />

separately published in London.)<br />

Vansina, J. 1962. Personal communication.<br />

Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

Felix, Marc Leo. 1987. 100 Peoples of Zaire and their Sculpture. Brussels.<br />

Vansina, Jan. 1965. Introduction a l'ethnographie du Congo. Bruxelles.<br />

Vansina, J. 1954. Les tribus Ba-Kuba. Ethnographic Survey of Africa. London.<br />

Merriam, Alan P. 1959. The Concept of Culture Clkusters applied to the Belgian Congo. In. Southwestern Journal of Anthropology.<br />

New York.<br />

Grimes, Barbara F. (ed.). 1988. Ethnologue. Languages of the Word. Dallas.<br />

Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

With special reference to the Bushoong, the central subtribe.<br />

L: 5S, 22E. T: 1910. P: 73000 in 1947. B: I, 275.<br />

Varia<br />

FO23<br />

Name: Vansina (1954:3): "Ce group de peuplades a été désigné par les tribus environnantes sous le nom de Ba-Kuba (Bacouba,<br />

Tukubba). Le nom de Bushongo a été appliqué par Torday à toutes les sous-tribus du complexe, mais il appartient en propre au<br />

groupe de Ba-Mbala. Il n'y a pas de nom spécial pour l'ensemble des sous-tribus. L'emploi du terme Ba-Kuba est préférable<br />

pour éviter toute confusion. De plus, l'usage de ce mot s'est répandu, depuis longtemps déjà, parmi les Ba-Mbala euxmème..."<br />

Felix (1987:62): "The Kuba are a cluster of tribes, ea<strong>ch</strong> representing a different historic subgroup, including the Bushoong,<br />

Ngeende, Kel Pyaang, Bulaang, Bieeng, Ilebo, Idiing, Kaam, Ngoombe Kayuweeng, Shoowa, Bokila, Maluk, and Ngongo. The<br />

Bushoong are the ruling group, and the king of the Kuba, Nyim, must be a Bushoong."<br />

Vansina (1954:3ff.): "Le complexe se compose d'un grand nombre de sous-tribus d'origines diverses. Les Ba-Mbala ou Bushongo<br />

occupent la plaine centrale entre le Sankuru, le Kasai, la Lulua et le Lubudi. Les Bu-Langu établis au sud de Mweka präs de la<br />

Lovua, au nord de la Lulua, semblent leur être apparentés. Les Ba-Ngombe vivant dans l'angle formé par le Lubudi et le<br />

Sankuru, les Ba-Ngende établis sur la rive ouest de la Lubudi, les Pianga de la haute Lovua et de la haute Lombelo, formeraient<br />

avec le Ba-Mbala un seul group ethnique. Les Ba-Ngongo occupant l'entre Lubudi-Lukibu, les Isambo des environs de<br />

Lusambo, les Ba-Kele établis dans l'angle formé par le Sankuru et le Kasai, le Bena-Kayunga des villages riverains du Kasai<br />

entre Bena Makima et Port Francqui, et enfin les Bashi-Bienge e les Shabita de Djoko Punda formeraient un second groupe<br />

ethnique. Quelques tribus d'origine Mongo se sont établies sur la rive gau<strong>ch</strong>e du Sankuru. Les Ba-Shobwa occupant l'entre<br />

Lutshwadi-Sankuru jusqu'à Batual, seraient apparentés aux Ohindu; Les Bu-Luku et Ba-Mbengi établis entre le Lubudi et le<br />

Lukibu sont des immigrants A-Nkutshu; les Ba-Ileo d'Ilebo et quatre villages dispersés le long de la rive sud du Sankuru sont<br />

d'origin Ndengese. Au nord et au sud de Luebo, präs de Djoko Punda, vers les sources du Lombilo, vivent les Ba-Kete du sud<br />

de la province du Kasai. Les Bena-Tshofa et les Bakwa-Mbilai établis au nord et à l'ouest de la forét de Dibese appartiennent à<br />

un group peuplades appelées Bena-Lulua.<br />

.. Toutes ces tribus ne dépendent pas de l'autorité politique du roi des Ba-Kuba. Seules les tribus établies dans la région comprise<br />

entre le Kasai à l'ouest, le Sankuru au nord, le Lukibu à l'est, la forèt de Dibese et le Lombelo au sud-est, la basse Lulua au sud,<br />

lui sont soumises. Il n'a donce pas d'autorité sur les Isambo et les Ba-Kete, Bashi-Bienge et Shabita de Dioko Punda."<br />

Vansina (1954:8): "Au cours de leur histoire, les <strong>ch</strong>efs Ba-Mbala ont soumis les autres tribus Ba-Kuba. Cette soumission ne<br />

consistait que dans le paiement d'un tribut et <strong>ch</strong>aque tribu conservait l'autonomie dans ses affaires intérieures."<br />

Merriam (1959:386): "The Kuba are consi<strong>der</strong>ed to be a cluster on the basis of a common culture, mythological traditions whi<strong>ch</strong><br />

draw them together, and their marked cultural differences from their neighbors including the Mongo on the north, the Luba on<br />

the east ans south, and the Pende to the west."<br />

Der Datensatz <strong>der</strong> Kuba steht stellvertretend für diese vers<strong>ch</strong>iedenen Gruppen, die Kete werden im Atlas separat aufgeführt.<br />

Ges<strong>ch</strong>i<strong>ch</strong>te: Felix (1987:62): "The Kuba group migrated from the far north, arriving south of the Sankuru river in the 16th c. The<br />

auto<strong>ch</strong>thonous groups are the Twa pygmies, who have been absorbed into the Kfuba villages. the Kuba groups have an<br />

elaborate oral tradition telling of how Bumba created the world, how the Bushoong became the lea<strong>der</strong>s, and how King Shyaam<br />

brought maize, palm wine, and other new te<strong>ch</strong>nologies to the area. In the mid- to late 19th c. the Kuba kingdom rea<strong>ch</strong>ed its<br />

apex. It was relatively undisturbed by the slave trade and was first rea<strong>ch</strong>ed by Europeans in 1884. In the the late 19th c. the<br />

Nsapo invaded and various groups fled."<br />

106<br />

106<br />

Seite 1

KUBA - ZAIRE<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

6,9,13,14, 71<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

k.A.<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

V 6,9,13,14: As an alternative to a high bride-price and avunculocal residence, a very small bride-price may be paid, in whi<strong>ch</strong> case<br />

residence is usually alternately uxorilocal and avunculocal for periods of 5-6 years ea<strong>ch</strong>.<br />

V 71: The eldest lineage head succeeds.<br />

Seite 2

<strong>AGE</strong><br />

KUBU<br />

Weitere Namen<br />

k.A.<br />

Stellvertreter für<br />

k.A.<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />


Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

12200 Kubu/Indonesia, Sumatra<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />

Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

Hagen, B. 1908. Die Orang Kubu auf Sumatra. Veröffentl. Städt. Völker-Mus. 2: 1-269. Frankfurt am Main.<br />

S<strong>ch</strong>ebesta, P. 1928. Orang-Utan. Leipzig.<br />

Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

LeBar, F. M. ed. 1972. Ethnic Groups of Insular Southeast Asia. New Haven.<br />

Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

With special reference to the Ridan Group.<br />

L: 3S, 103E. T: 1900. P: 7000 Ridan in 1925. B: VI,105.<br />

Varia<br />

k.A.<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

k.A.<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

31, 56, 60, 64, 71, 72, 73 / v. Ditfurth<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

V 31/R: Eigene Eins<strong>ch</strong>ät<strong>zu</strong>ng, da nomadis<strong>ch</strong>e Wildbeuter.<br />

V 56: md<br />

V 60: md<br />

V 64: md<br />

V 71L: LeBar 1972: 47.<br />

V 72L: LeBar 1972: 47.<br />

V 73: md<br />

KUBU<br />

OD8<br />

1114<br />

1114<br />

Seite 1

<strong>AGE</strong><br />

KUKI<br />

Weitere Namen<br />

k.A.<br />

Stellvertreter für<br />

k.A.<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />

INDIA<br />

Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

19000 Kuki/India, Assam<br />

5000 Kuki/India, Nagaland<br />

7000 Kuki/India, Tripura<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />

Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

Lévis-Strauss, C. 1952. Kinship System of the Chittagong Hill Tribes. Southw. Journ. Anth. 8: 40-51.<br />

Lewin, T. H. 1869. The Hill Tracts of Chittagong and the Dwellers Therein. Calcutta.<br />

Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

Shakespear, J. 1912. The Lushei Kuki clans. London.<br />

Maloney, C. 1974. Peoples of South Asia. New York.<br />

KUKI<br />

Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

With special reference to the Chittagong Hill.<br />

L: 23N, 92E. T: 1940. Cluster 188.<br />

Kuki ist eine auf keine spezifis<strong>ch</strong>e Gruppe bezogene Fremdbezei<strong>ch</strong>nung <strong>der</strong> Tieflän<strong>der</strong> für die Hügelbewohner: "The term Kuki is<br />

used by plains people to refer to any of the nondescript tribes of this topographically tangled region (Manipur, Mizoram, Assam,<br />

E.S.S.) and is not the name any tribe uses for itself." (Maloney 1974:428)<br />

Varia<br />

Religion:Animismus, vgl. Shakespear (1912:61ff)<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

k.A.<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 39, 40, 43, 44, 46, 48, 50, 56, 58, 60, 62, 64, 65, 67, 69, 71, 72, 73, 75, Handel / Seiler S<strong>ch</strong>iedt<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

V 28/L: Shakespear (1912:32)<br />

V 29/L: Shakespear (1912:32), Reis, Mais<br />

V 30/L: Shakespear (1912:20f)<br />

V 31/L: Shakespear (1912:20f)<br />

V 32/L: Shakespear (1912:43)<br />

V 33/L: Shakespear (1912:43)<br />

V 39/L: Shakespear (1912:31)<br />

V 40./L: Shakespear (1912:32). Codes 1, 3, 7 sind ebenfalls ri<strong>ch</strong>tig<br />

V 43/L: Shakespear (1912:3)<br />

V 44/L: Shakespear (1912:44)<br />

V 46/L: Shakespear (1912:30)<br />

V 48/L: Shakespear (1912:9)<br />

V 50/L: Shakespear (1912:29)<br />

V 56/R: abgeleitet aus Codierung von V1<br />

V 58/L: Shakespear (1912:33)<br />

V 60/R: abgeleitet aus Codierung von V3<br />

V 62/L: Shakespear (1912:18)<br />

V 64/L: Shakespear (1912:17)<br />

V 65/L: Shakespear (1912:7ff)<br />

V 67. Kastenstruktur: Shakespear (1912:7ff)<br />

V 69/L: Shakespear (1912:41)<br />

V 71/L: Shakespear (1912:43)<br />

V 72/L: Shakespear (1912:43)<br />

V 73/L: Shakespear (1912:54)<br />

V 75/L: Shakespear (1912:43,54)<br />

V Handel/L: Shakespear (1912:17)<br />

AR8<br />

1202<br />

1202<br />

Seite 1

<strong>AGE</strong><br />

KUKU<br />

Weitere Namen<br />

k.A.<br />

Stellvertreter für<br />

k.A.<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />

SUDAN<br />

Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

17'000 Kuku in Sudan<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />

KUKU<br />

Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

Huntingford, G. W. B. 1953. The Northern Nilo-Hamites. London.<br />

Nal<strong>der</strong>, L. F., ed. 1937. A Tribal Survey of Mongalla Province. London.<br />

Vanden Plas, J. 1910. Les Kuku. Bruxelles.<br />

Yunis, E. Y. N. 1924. Notes on the Kuku and Other Minor Tribes inhabiting the Kajo Kaji District. Sudan Notes Rec. 7: 1-41.<br />

Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

L: 4N, 32E. T: 1900. P: 26000 in 1952. B: V, 342.<br />

Die Kuku gehören <strong>zu</strong> den Bari-spre<strong>ch</strong>enden Völkern.<br />

Varia<br />

k.A.<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

8,9, 46<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

31,48,56,74,76, Handel/ Sulser 1992<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

V 8,9: Or possibly 7, 5.<br />

V 46: Aprons only.<br />

V31/R: Huntingford (1953: 49)<br />

V48/R<br />

V56/R<br />

V74<br />

V76<br />

V Handel/L: Huntingford (1953: 45)<br />

FJ5<br />

1065<br />

1065<br />

Seite 1

<strong>AGE</strong><br />


Weitere Namen<br />

k.A.<br />

Stellvertreter für<br />

k.A.<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />


Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

k.A.<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />

Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

Bradbury, R. E. 1957. The Benin Kingdom and the Edo-speaking Peoples of Sotuwestern Nigeria. London.<br />

Thomas, N. W. 1910. Anthropological Report on the Edo-speaking Peoples of Nigeria. 2v. London.<br />

Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

With special reference to the Etsako.<br />

L: 7N, 6E. T: 1900. P: 193000 in 1952, including 88000 Etsako.<br />

Varia<br />

k.A.<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

6,7, 21, 71,72, 73,75<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

k.A.<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

V 6,7: Or alternatively 2,3, in whi<strong>ch</strong> case <strong>ch</strong>ildren belong to the mother's kind group.<br />

V 21: Descent is ambilineal, depending mainly on the mode of marriage.<br />

V 71,72: But 4 in some villages.<br />

V 73,75: Patrilineal or matrilineal depending on the mode of marriage.<br />


FF21<br />

926<br />

926<br />

Seite 1

<strong>AGE</strong><br />


Weitere Namen<br />

Parkhalla, N'Gora, N'Goramfo<br />

Stellvertreter für<br />

Huéla, Noumon, Ligbi, Vei, Degha, Siti, G'bin<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />


Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

65000 Ivory Coast<br />

Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

Tauxier, L. 1921. Le noir de Bondoukou. Paris.<br />

Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

Area Handbook of Ivory Coast. 1973. Washington.<br />

Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

L: 7N, 3W. T: 1910. P: 25000 in 1948.<br />

Varia<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />


"The Koulango arrived from the east many centuries ago. They claim to have come from Yendi in present-day Ghana, but this is<br />

not certain. They came as small, peaceful groups and settled in their present area wiht the assent of the peoples who then had<br />

the religious and political rights over the land. Small vestiges ot these ol<strong>der</strong> groups - including Nafana (Sénoufo), G'bin, Gouro,<br />

Huéla, Noumon, Ligbi, Vei, Degha, Siti and Gbanian - still live among the Koulango" (Area Handbook 1973:70).<br />

Religion: "...il semble que la religion koulango ait subi d'une part l'influence du féti<strong>ch</strong>isme des races voltaïques <strong>ch</strong>ez lesquelles les<br />

sociétés secrètes sont peu développées, d'autre part l'influence des races du sud qui ont les divinités plus nombreuses..."<br />

(Tauxier 1921:205).<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

11,12, 33, 40<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

44, 46, 48, 50, 56, 58, 60, 62, 64, 74, 75, 76, Handel / Götzö 1992<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

V 11,12: But wives often remain in their natal homes, not joining the household of their husband.<br />

V 33: But subject to the Abron.<br />

V 40: Also a few cattle.<br />

V 44/L: Tauxier (1921:146)<br />

V 46/L: Tauxier (1921:135)<br />

V 48/L: Tauxier (1921:146)<br />

V 50/L: Tauxier (1921:147)<br />

V 56/L: Tauxier (1921:138ff)<br />

V 58/L: Tauxier (1921:145)<br />

V 60/L: Tauxier (1921:145)<br />

V 62/R Anmerkung: Codierung wurde vorgenommen aufgrund den Angaben von Tauxier (1921:143): "Tous ces animaux, <strong>ch</strong>èvres<br />

et moutons, sont très familiers et, pour ainsi dire, privés. Ils vivent dans le village avec les habitants, sans cesse autour des<br />

cases, des femmes et des cuisines."<br />

V 64/L: Tauxier (1921:134ff)<br />

V74/R<br />

V 75/L: Tauxier (1921:164)<br />

V 76/R Anmerkung: Codierung wurde von V 75 abgeleitet.<br />

V Handel /L: Tauxier (1921:149)<br />

FA26<br />

980<br />

980<br />

Seite 1

<strong>AGE</strong><br />


Weitere Namen<br />

k.A.<br />

Stellvertreter für<br />

k.A.<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />

INDIA<br />

Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

k.A.<br />

Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

Validiya, K. S. 1988. Kumaun. Land and People. Delhi. VMZ: AW 227.<br />

Maloney, C. 1974. Peoples of South Asia. New York. ZB: FR 4780.<br />

Randhawa, M. S. 1970. The Kumaon Himalayas. Delhi. VMZ: AW 500.<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />


Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

"In the ecology of the people of Kumaon Himalayas, altitude and mountain barriers play a consi<strong>der</strong>able part. … Four distinct<br />

population zones can be recognized in the Kumaon Himalayas. First the Trans-Himalayan Tibetan Zone… Secondly the Inner<br />

Himalayan Ghotian Zone… Thirdly the Middle Himalayan Khassia Zone … and forthly the Outer Himalayan Kumaon Zone"<br />

(Randhawa 1970:119).<br />

As "the bulk of the cultivation population along the lower Himalayan belt in India are Paharis," (Maloney 1974:399) und "Kumauni is<br />

one oft the two constituent languages of the Central Pahari group" (Valdiya 1988:119) ist es vertretbar, den Pahari-Datensatz<br />

stellvertretend für die Bevölkerung <strong>der</strong> Kumauni-Region <strong>zu</strong> nehmen.<br />

"Formerly, the region around Champawat in Djistrict Pithoragarth was known as 'kumu' and the language spoken in that region as<br />

'Kumaiyya'. With the expansion of the domain of the rulers of 'Kumu', the whole territroy un<strong>der</strong> their control came to be known<br />

as kumaun; hence all the varieties of the language spoken in this regionare disignated as Kumauni" (Valdiya 1988:119).<br />

Varia<br />

Für detaillierte Informationen siehe also Datensatz Pahari Atlas-No. 612.<br />

k.A.<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

k.A.<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

k.A.<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

Seite 1

<strong>AGE</strong><br />

KUMU<br />

Weitere Namen<br />

Bakumu, Wakumu<br />

Stellvertreter für<br />

Lombi<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />

ZAIRE<br />

Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

100'000 Kumu in Zaire<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />

KUMU<br />

Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

Van Geluwe, H. 1956. Les Bira et les peuplades limitrophes. Mém. Inst. Roy. Colon. Belge, Monog. Ethnog. 2: 1-161.<br />

Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

Vansina, Jan. 1965. Introduction a l'ethnographie du Congo. Bruxelles.<br />

Felix, Marc Leo. 1987. 100 Peoples of Zaire and their Sculpture. Brussels.<br />

Grimes, Barbara F. (ed.). 1988. Ethnologue. Languages of the Word. Dallas.<br />

Geluwe, Van, H. 1957. Les Bira et les Peuplades limitrophes. Ethnocgraphic Survey of Africa. London.<br />

Vansina, Jan. 1975. Die Völker des Balese/Komo-Gebietes. In: Baumann. Die Völker Afrikas und ihre traditionellen Kulturen. Teil 1.<br />

Wiesbaden.<br />

Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

L: 1S, 27E. T: 1920. P: 21000 in 1927.<br />

Varia<br />

FO11<br />

Die Bevölkerungsgrösse <strong>der</strong> Kumu ist eine S<strong>ch</strong>ät<strong>zu</strong>ng und orientiert si<strong>ch</strong> an den Angaben von Grimes (1988:343) und Felix<br />

(1987:64). Der Datensatz <strong>der</strong> Kumu repräsentiert im Atlas au<strong>ch</strong> die bena<strong>ch</strong>barten Lombi, wel<strong>ch</strong>e bei Vansina (1975:747) <strong>zu</strong>r<br />

glei<strong>ch</strong>en Gruppe im Bales/Komo-Gebiet gezählt werden. Grimes (1988:345) gibt 8'100 (1977) Personen für die Lombi Spra<strong>ch</strong>e<br />

an.<br />

Felix (1987:64): "The Kumu came from the east, originating in the region of the Ugandan lakes. They descended toward the upper<br />

Lindi and settled in the area around Kisangani. They had constant contact with the Lengola and Metoko due to their proximity to<br />

the river. Many independent Tanzanian tra<strong>der</strong>s came through the region, and later the Kumu were dominated by the Arab<br />

tra<strong>der</strong>s in the mid 18th c. this led to quick urbanization and weakening of the Kumus'internal power structure. There were<br />

numerous small revolts but the Kumu were never able to regain their autonomy after the Arab arrival."<br />

k.A.<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

8<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

3,5,44,46,48,50,56,58,60,64,71,72, Handel<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

V 8: But extended families possibly occur.<br />

V3: Korrektur des Murdock-Codes, neu Code 1. Felix (1987:64): "Fishing was a collective enterprise in whi<strong>ch</strong> small tributaries<br />

were dammed and, as the dry season started, the fish were caught and smoked."<br />

V5: Anglei<strong>ch</strong>ung <strong>der</strong> Subsistenz-Codierung, neu Code 4.<br />

V44/L: Geluwe (1957:51)<br />

V46/R<br />

V48/R<br />

V50/L: Geluwe (1957:50)<br />

V56: Subsistenzberei<strong>ch</strong> unbedeutend<br />

V58/L: Geluwe (1957:56)<br />

V60/L: Vansina (1975:750)<br />

V64/L: Geluwe (1957:52)<br />

V71/L-R: Geluwe (1957:116)<br />

V72/L-R: Geluwe (1957:116)<br />

V Handel/L: Geluwe (1957:68). Felix (1987:64): "Wax, copal, and smoked goods were the primary trade items."<br />

811<br />

811<br />

Seite 1

<strong>AGE</strong><br />

KUNAMA<br />

Weitere Namen<br />

Cunama<br />

Stellvertreter für<br />

k.A.<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />


Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

40'150 Kunama in Eritrea<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />

KUNAMA<br />

Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

Grottanelli, V. I., and C. Massari. 1943. I Baria, i Cuname e i Beni Amer. Missione di Studio al Largo Tana 2: 1-416. Roma.<br />

Munzinger, W. 1864. Ostafrikanis<strong>ch</strong>e Studien. S<strong>ch</strong>affhausen.<br />

Pollera, C. 1913. I Baria e i Cunama. Roma.<br />

Tucci, G. 1950. I Baria e i Cunama. Rev. Etnog. 4: 49-75. Napoli.<br />

Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

Baumann, H. 1979. Die Völker Afrikas und ihre traditionellen Strukturen. Bd. II. Wiesbaden.<br />

Levine, D. 1974. Greater Ethiopia. The Evolution of a Multiethnic Society. Chicago.<br />

Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

L: 15N, 37E. T: 1860. P: 17000 in 1937. B: V,225.<br />

Die Kunama gehören wie die mit ihnen kulturell verwandten Barya (Baumann 1979: 134) gemäss Levine <strong>zu</strong>m Sudanic-Cluster. In<br />

Eritrea sind die Kunama und die Barya die einzigen Repräsentanten dieses kulturellen Clusters.<br />

Für Zensusangaben <strong>zu</strong> Eritrea verglei<strong>ch</strong>e Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong> Tigre.<br />

Varia<br />

Muslime (Grimes 1988: 221)<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

11,12, 73,74,75<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

15,31,56,58,60,74,75,76, Handel/Nager/Sulser 1992<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

V 11,12: Permanent residence, according to Tucci, is at a place <strong>ch</strong>osen by the bride's father but at a distance from his home.<br />

V 73,74,75: But Munzinger reports 3,4.<br />

V15<br />

V31/L: Baumann (1979: 135): "Das alte Siedlungsgebiet wurde dur<strong>ch</strong> ges<strong>ch</strong>lossene, grosse und volkrei<strong>ch</strong>e Dörfer gekennzei<strong>ch</strong>net,<br />

die über 1000 Personen beherbergten und stets an Berghängen o<strong>der</strong> auf Hügelkuppen lagen."<br />

V56/R<br />

V58/R<br />

V60/R<br />

V74/L: Baumann (1979: 135): "Die intensiv bewirts<strong>ch</strong>afteten Dauerfel<strong>der</strong> sind Individualeigentum und werden stets ges<strong>ch</strong>lossen<br />

vererbt; sie können vom Eigentümer verpa<strong>ch</strong>tet und verpfändet, aber ohne Zustimmung <strong>der</strong> Familienangehörigen ni<strong>ch</strong>t<br />

veräussert werden."<br />

V75/R: Vergl. kulturell ähnli<strong>ch</strong>e Barea (Baumann 1979: 134)<br />

V76/R: Vergl. Barea<br />

MN8<br />

863<br />

863<br />

Seite 1

<strong>AGE</strong><br />

KUNDU<br />

Weitere Namen<br />

Bakundu<br />

Stellvertreter für<br />

Lundu,Mponge,Ngolo,Lue<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />


Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

65000 Kundu / Cameroon<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />

Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

Bufe, E. 1913. Die Bakundu. Ar<strong>ch</strong>iv. Anth. 40: 228-239.<br />

Lessner, O. 1904. Die Balue- o<strong>der</strong> Rumpiberge und ihre Bewohner. Globus 86: 273-278, 337-344, 392-397.<br />

Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

L: 10N, 9E. T: 1900. P: 35000.<br />

Varia<br />

k.A.<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

k.A.<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

44,56,58,62,Handel / Güntert; Züst 1992<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

V44/R<br />

V56/R<br />

V58/R<br />

VHandel/R<br />

KUNDU<br />

FF41<br />

824<br />

824<br />

Seite 1

<strong>AGE</strong><br />

KUNG<br />

Weitere Namen<br />

!Kung, Bushmen<br />

Stellvertreter für<br />

k.A.<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />


Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

20'000 Kung in Namibia<br />

3'000 Kung in Angola<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />

Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

Marshall, L. 1959. Marriage among the !Kung Bushmen. Africa 29: 335-365.<br />

____ 1957. The Kinship Terminology System of the !Kung Bushmen. Africa 27: 1-25.<br />

____ 1960. !Kung Bushman Bands. Africa 30: 325-355.<br />

____ 1965. The !Kung Bushmen of the Kalahari Desert. Peoples of Africa, ed. J. L. Gibbs, pp. 241-278. New York.<br />

Lebzelter, V. 1934. Eingeborenenkulturen in Südwest- und Südafrika. Leipzig.<br />

Wilhelm, J. H. 1953. Die !Kung Bus<strong>ch</strong>leute. Jahrb. Mus. Völkerk. Leipzig 12: 91-189.<br />

KUNG<br />

Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

Gibson, Gordon (ed./Estermann, C.) 1976. The Ethnography of Southwestern Angola. New York.<br />

Grimes, Barbara, F. (ed.). 1988. Ethnologue. Languages of the Word. Dallas.<br />

United Nations. Statistical Office of the United Nations. Department of Economic and Social Affairs. 1966. Demographic Yearbook<br />

1965. New York.<br />

Baumann, H. 1975. Die Völker Afrikas und ihre traditionellen Kulturen, Teil 1. Wiesbaden.<br />

Hanle, Adolf. 1976. S<strong>ch</strong>lag na<strong>ch</strong>! Afrika. Mannheim.<br />

Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

With special reference to those of Nyae Nyae.<br />

L: 20S, 21E. T: 1950. P: 3500 in 1953 (1000 in Nyae Nyae). B: I,124; I, 537; V, 122.<br />

Varia<br />

Namibia: Grimes (1988:263) unters<strong>ch</strong>eidet in Namibia folgende nördli<strong>ch</strong>e Khoisan-Spra<strong>ch</strong>gruppen: Kung-Ekoka (!Kung; !Xü...);<br />

Kung-Gobabis (//Au//Ei, Auen...) Kung-Tsumkwe (Xun, Xü...) und 'Akhoe (Auen...) <strong>der</strong>en Mitglie<strong>der</strong> für 1985 auf zirka 17'000<br />

Personen ges<strong>ch</strong>ätzt werden. Ihr Hauptverbreitungsgebiet liegt im Ovambo- und Kavangoland. Zudem gibt Grimes folgende<br />

Zentral-Khoisan-Spra<strong>ch</strong>gruppen für Namibia an: San (in Grootfontein und Ovambo, ca. 16'000); Xun (Okavango, ca. 2'000).<br />

Diese vers<strong>ch</strong>iedenen Gruppen werden im Atlas mit dem Datensatz <strong>der</strong> Kung repräsentiert.<br />

Die Bevölkerungsgrösse <strong>der</strong> Kung für 1960 ist eine S<strong>ch</strong>ät<strong>zu</strong>ng. Für 1974 wird ihr Anteil an <strong>der</strong> Gesamtbevölkerung Namibias auf<br />

3,1% ges<strong>ch</strong>ätzt (Hanle 1976:169).<br />

Angola: Gibson (1976:1): "In their vocabulary [<strong>der</strong> Kwanyama, bena<strong>ch</strong>barte Gruppe <strong>der</strong> !Kung] the Bushmen who live to the north<br />

and east of the tribal area are the Ovangongolo, a term whi<strong>ch</strong> appears to be a phonetic adaptation of the word !Kung by whi<strong>ch</strong><br />

these Bushmen refer to themselves. To the east and south of the region occupied by the !Kung are Omalili, 'the different people',<br />

a name given by the Kwanyama to a group of Bushmen different from the first. The !Kung call these neighbors ... Buga, while<br />

they designate themselves !Kwai!Kwai. Still further to the east live the //Naui!Kwa, called Vasekele by the Bantu Ngangela."<br />

Verbreitungsgebiet <strong>der</strong> !Kung in Angola siehe da<strong>zu</strong> Karte Gibson (1976:49/50).<br />

Die Bevölkerungsgrösse <strong>der</strong> !Kung ist eine S<strong>ch</strong>ät<strong>zu</strong>ng, wel<strong>ch</strong>e si<strong>ch</strong> an den Angaben von Grimes (1988:147) für die Spra<strong>ch</strong>gruppen<br />

"Kung-Ekoka" und "Kung-Tsumkwe" orientiert. Estermann (Gibson 1976:3) s<strong>ch</strong>ätzt die Anzahl Leute kleiner: "For ea<strong>ch</strong><br />

encampment there are an average of six huts, ea<strong>ch</strong> encampment containing twenty-five souls, again on the average. This<br />

comes to a total of 750 souls - in round numbers - for the Quipungo group, 150 for the Quiteve, 400 for the Mulemba, and 225,<br />

lastly, for the Mupa. I do not know whether an estimate of all the Bushmen in Angola made in this manner would equal or<br />

exceed the number 5,000, the total given in some earlier publications."<br />

k.A.<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

75<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

75,76, Handel<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

V 75: Entry follows Wilhelm; ol<strong>der</strong> sources report that most of a man's property was buried with him but that a brother inherited his<br />

bow and arrows.<br />

V75/L: Baumann (1975:391). Alle bewegli<strong>ch</strong>en Güter haben ihren Privatbesitzer. Erbe ist gewöhnli<strong>ch</strong> <strong>der</strong> älteste Sohn, die jüngeren<br />

Söhne und Tö<strong>ch</strong>ter erhalten ni<strong>ch</strong>ts. Der älteste Sohn gilt na<strong>ch</strong> dem Tode des Vaters als Haupt <strong>der</strong> Familie.<br />

V76/L: Baumann (1975:391). Vgl. Anmerkung <strong>zu</strong> V75.<br />

FX10<br />

1<br />

1<br />

Seite 1


V/Handel/R<br />

Seite 2

<strong>AGE</strong><br />

KUNTA<br />

Weitere Namen<br />

Kounta<br />

Stellvertreter für<br />

k.A.<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />

MALI<br />

Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

25 000 Kunta/Maures/Mali<br />

Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

Salvy, G. Les Kounta du sud marocain. Trav. Inst. Re<strong>ch</strong>. Sahariennes 6: 161-186.<br />

Tauxier, L. 1912. Le noir du Soudan. Paris.<br />

Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

L: 19N, 1W. T: 1910.<br />

Varia<br />

Die demogr. Angabe wurde ges<strong>ch</strong>ätzt. Von den 60 000 Mauren sind ca. 35 000 Berabish.<br />

k.A.<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

8, 40<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

k.A.<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

V 8: But the camp group is an extended family.<br />

V 40: Also a few camels and many sheep.<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />

KUNTA<br />

MS29<br />

889<br />

889<br />

Seite 1

<strong>AGE</strong><br />

KURAMA<br />

Weitere Namen<br />

k.A.<br />

Stellvertreter für<br />

k.A.<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />


Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

k.A.<br />

Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

Gunn, H. D. 1956. Pagan Peoples of the Central Area of Northern Nigeria. London.<br />

Meek, C. K. 1931. Tribal Studies in Northern Nigeria. 2v. London.<br />

Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

L: 10N, 9E. T: 1920. P: 25000 in 1949.<br />

Varia<br />

k.A.<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

k.A.<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

k.A.<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />

KURAMA<br />

FF42<br />

1008<br />

1008<br />

Seite 1

<strong>AGE</strong><br />

KURDS<br />

Weitere Namen<br />

incl. Zaza<br />

Stellvertreter für<br />

k.A.<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />

Iraq<br />

Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

3000000 Kurds / Turkey<br />

1700000 Kurds / Iran<br />

1300000 Kurds / Iraq<br />

300000 Kurds / Syria<br />

13000 Kurds / Lebanon<br />

10000 Kurds / Afghanistan<br />

2000 Kurds / Jordan<br />

26000 Kurds / Armenia<br />

16000 Kurds / Georgia<br />

6000 Kurds / Kazakhstan<br />

5000 Kurds / Kyrgyzstan<br />

2000 Kurds / Turkmenistan<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />

KURD<br />

MA11<br />

Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

Barth, F. 1953. Principles of Social Organization in Southern Kurdistan. Bull. Univ. Etnog. Mus. 7. Oslo.<br />

____ 1954. Father's Brother's Daughter Marriage in Kurdistan. Southw. Journ. Anth. 10: 164-171.<br />

Lea<strong>ch</strong>, E. R. 1940. Social and Economic Organization of the Rowanduz Kurds. London S<strong>ch</strong>. Econ. Monog. Soc. Anth. 3: 1-74.<br />

Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

Glavnoe upravlenie geodezii i kartografii gosudarstvennogo geologi<strong>ch</strong>eskogo komiteta SSSR, Institut ethografii im. N.N.<br />

Miklukho-Maklaja Akademii Nauk SSSR. 1964. Atlas Narodow Mira (Atlas <strong>der</strong> Völker <strong>der</strong> Welt). Moskva.<br />

Goodri<strong>ch</strong> Adams, Doris 1958. Iraq's People and Resources, California Press. Berkeley and Los Angeles (ZB :XA 232 18)<br />

Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

With special reference to those of Iraq.<br />

L: 37N, 44E. T: 1940. P: 5000000 in 1950. B: V,231.<br />

Varia<br />

V Ling: Kurmanji: Indo-European, Indo-Iranian, Iranian, Western, Northwestern, Kurdish<br />

Irak: Ethnizität 60 er Jahre: hohes tribales Bewusstsein, Wi<strong>der</strong>stand gegen Arabisierung, Kurde <strong>zu</strong> sein hat Priorität vor Religion,<br />

Bevölkerung vers<strong>ch</strong>iedenen ethnis<strong>ch</strong>en Ursprungs; tribal, aber Wandel in Ri<strong>ch</strong>tung Feudalstrukturen, von freien Kleinbauern<br />

<strong>zu</strong> einer Hierar<strong>ch</strong>ie von Landarbeitern, Pä<strong>ch</strong>tern, Zwis<strong>ch</strong>enpä<strong>ch</strong>tern, abwesenden Landlords wie im zentralen und südl. Irak.<br />

Türkei: vermutli<strong>ch</strong> inklusive ca. 150 Tsd. Zaza (Selbstdeklaration im Zensus 1965).<br />

Laut Grimes 1987 ca. 1 Mio. Dimli (resp. Zaza) v.a. in Elazig, Bingol und Diyabakir Provinzen:<br />

V Ling: Dimli, Zaza: Indo-European, Indo-Iranian, Iranian, Western, Northwestern, Zaza-Gorani. Closest to Hwarami. Speakers<br />

consi<strong>der</strong> themselves to be a 'kind of kurd' but the language is distinct. Several dialects. Not intellgible with Kurmanji. Speakers<br />

are probably not very bilingual in Kurmanji. The name 'Zaza' is <strong>der</strong>ogatory.<br />

Religion: Sunniten<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

k.A.<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

31, Handel / Kock 1991<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

V 30: Mehrheit <strong>der</strong> Kurden ist sesshaft o<strong>der</strong> halbsesshaft, ein Teil nomadis<strong>ch</strong>. Die Murdock Kodierung betont die traditonelle<br />

kurdis<strong>ch</strong>e Bergbevölkerung.<br />

V 31/R-L: Goodri<strong>ch</strong> Adams 1958: mit Sulaimaniya als einziger kurdis<strong>ch</strong>er Stadt; die Städte Arbil und Kirkuk sind umgeben von<br />

kurdis<strong>ch</strong>en Dörfern, selbst aber kulturell türkis<strong>ch</strong>. (Erbe des ottomanis<strong>ch</strong>en Rei<strong>ch</strong>es).<br />

V Handel/R<br />

913<br />

913<br />

Seite 1

<strong>AGE</strong><br />

KURIA<br />

Weitere Namen<br />

k.A.<br />

Stellvertreter für<br />

Kiroba, Kabwa, Subia<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />


Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

109231 Kuria/Tanzania<br />

50000 Kuria/Kenya<br />

14262 Suba/Tanzania<br />

40700 Suba/Kenya<br />

Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />

Kaplan, Irving et. al. 1978. Tanzania, a country study. Area Handbook Series. Washington.<br />

Ministry of Economic Affairs and Development Planing. 1971. 1967 Population Census, Volume 3. Dar es Salaam.<br />

Tobisson, Eva. 1986. Family Dynamics among the Kuria.<br />

keine<br />

Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

Lokalisierung: "The territory inhabited by the Kuria lies east of the Lake Victoria and extends across the Tanzania-Kenya bor<strong>der</strong>.<br />

The Kuria number approximately 220'000 peoples, of whi<strong>ch</strong> some 125'000 live Tarime District in Tanzania where they form<br />

slightly less than 50 per cent of the district population. Besides the Kuria and the Luo (together forming 90 per cent of the district<br />

population), Tarime District is inhabited by numerous small groups who are closely related either to the Kuria or the Luo."<br />

(Tobisson 1986:1).<br />

Der Datensatz <strong>der</strong> Kuria repräsentiert im Atlas au<strong>ch</strong> die Kiroba und Kabwa, wel<strong>ch</strong>e kulturell ähnli<strong>ch</strong> den Kuria sind, diese beiden<br />

werden im staatli<strong>ch</strong>en Zensus ni<strong>ch</strong>t separat aufgeführt. Beide Gruppen werden vers<strong>ch</strong>iedentli<strong>ch</strong> <strong>zu</strong>r Shashi-Gruppe gezählt.<br />

Vgl. Anmerkung <strong>zu</strong>r Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungseinheit bei den Zanaki.<br />

Varia<br />

Der Datensatz <strong>der</strong> Kuria wird im Atlas au<strong>ch</strong> für die kulturell ähnli<strong>ch</strong>en Suba (Tobisson 1986:87ff) genommen. Tobisson (1986:118):<br />

"The Suba of today inhabit a narrow belt stret<strong>ch</strong>ing from the Nyanza Gulf to South Mara in Tanzania. The group living in<br />

Tanzania regard themselves as closely related to the Kura. They speak a form of Kuria language and share fundamental<br />

cultural traits.... Kuria oral tradition describes the Suba as 'a people of Kuria stock' who, over the years, have been influenced<br />

and partly absorbed by their Luo neighbours."<br />

Die Bevölkerungsgrössen <strong>der</strong> Kuria und Suba basieren auf den Angaben des staatli<strong>ch</strong>en Zensus von 1967 und wurden anhand des<br />

dur<strong>ch</strong>s<strong>ch</strong>nittli<strong>ch</strong>en jährli<strong>ch</strong>en Bevölkerungs<strong>zu</strong>wa<strong>ch</strong>ses (1957-1967; 1,8%) auf 1960 rückbere<strong>ch</strong>net.<br />

Die Lokalisierung dieser Gruppen wurde anhand <strong>der</strong> Karte von Kaplan (1978:154/155) vorgenommen.<br />

Kenia: Der Datensatz <strong>der</strong> Kuria wird in Kenya ebenfalls au<strong>ch</strong> für die Suba genommen.<br />

k.A.<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

k.A.<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

Neucodierung/Arpagaus 1992<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

V1/R<br />

V2/R<br />

V3/R<br />

V4/R<br />

V5/R<br />

V6/L: Tobisson (1986:140)<br />

V7/R<br />

V8/L: Tobisson (1986:138)<br />

V9/L: Tobisson (1986:128/129)<br />

V10/R<br />

V11/L: Tobisson (1986:135)<br />

V12/L: Tobisson (1986:135)<br />

V17/L: Tobisson (1986:98ff)<br />

V18/L: Tobisson (1986:98ff)<br />

V19/L: Tobisson (1986:98ff)<br />

V20/L: Tobisson (1986:98ff)<br />

V21/L: Tobisson (1986:98ff)<br />

FL8<br />

keine<br />

1516<br />

Seite 1


V28/L: Tobisson (1986:74ff)<br />

V29/R<br />

V30/L: Tobisson (1986:39): "Like several other ethnic groups in Tanzania the Kuria have a tradition of living in concentrated<br />

settlements. ... groups comprising up to several hundred homesteads were clustered in stone-walled villages as a means of<br />

defence against enemy attacks."<br />

V31/R: Vgl. Anmerkung <strong>zu</strong> V30<br />

V33/L: Tobisson (1986:95)<br />

V39/L: Tobisson (1986:77)<br />

V40/L: Tobisson (1986)<br />

V43/L: Tobisson (1986:108)<br />

V59/R<br />

V58/R<br />

V60/R<br />

V62/L: Tobisson (1986:51): "The men are associated with the great majority of tasks in the field of animal husbandry, e.g. herding,<br />

preparing hides, and building and maintaining enclosures. Milking and cleaning the part the huts where calves and smaller<br />

stock are kept during the night are held to be female responsibilities."<br />

V64/L: Tobisson (1986:51): "The agricultural tasks whi<strong>ch</strong> are assumed to be particularly demanding in physical terms are<br />

associated with men, e.g. tree-cutting, up-rooting of bushes and grass-slashing. Cultivation by hand is regarded as the joint<br />

responsibility of men and women, while planting, weeding, harvesting and transportation of the crop to the homestead are<br />

defined as basically female tasks."<br />

V65/R: Kuria haben ein Altersklassen-System. (Tobisson 1986:92): "The Kuria generation-class system has remained intact<br />

because it was never founded on military consi<strong>der</strong>ations."<br />

V67/R<br />

V69/R<br />

V71/R<br />

V72/R<br />

V73/R<br />

V75/R<br />

V Handel/L: Tobisson (1986:13)<br />

Seite 2

<strong>AGE</strong><br />

KUSASI<br />

Weitere Namen<br />

Kusal<br />

Stellvertreter für<br />

k.A.<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />

GHANA<br />

Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

k.A.<br />

Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

Manoukian, M. 1952. Tribes of the Northern Territories of the Gold Coast. London.<br />

Rattray, R. S. 1932. The Tribes of the Shanti Hinterland. 2v. Oxford.<br />

Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

Area Handbook for Ghana. 1971. Washington.<br />

Bourret, F. M. 1960. Ghana. The Road to Independence 1919-1957. London, Oxford.<br />

Engmann, E. T. V. 1986. Population of Ghana 1850-1960. Accra.<br />

Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

L: 11N, longitude of Greenwi<strong>ch</strong>. T: 1920. P: 93000 in 1948. B: V, 335.<br />

Varia<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />

KUSASI<br />

FE10<br />

Religion: "The Africans of the Northern Territories were deeply atta<strong>ch</strong>ed to their animistic faith, and Christianity made very slow<br />

progress" (Bourret 1960:100).<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

40, 73,74<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

31, 46, 56, 58, 60, 62, 69, 73, 74, Handel / Götzö 1992<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

V 40: Cattle are commonly tended by Fulani herdsmen.<br />

V 73,74: Brothers and sons share the inheritance in complex fashion.<br />

V 31/R: Anmerkung: Die Kusasi leben wie die Tallensi in Streusiedlungen, deshalb wurde <strong>der</strong> Code dieser Ethnie übernommen.<br />

V 46/L: Bourret (1960:92)<br />

V 56/R: Anmerkung: Na<strong>ch</strong> Murdocks Codierung ist Sammeln bei den Kusasi ein unwi<strong>ch</strong>tiger Subsistenzberei<strong>ch</strong>.<br />

V 58/R: Anmerkung: Na<strong>ch</strong> Murdocks Codierung ist Jagen bei den Kusasi ein unwi<strong>ch</strong>tiger Subsistenzberei<strong>ch</strong>.<br />

V 62/L: Manoukian (1952:21) Vieh wird für Opfergaben und Brautpreiszahlungen gezü<strong>ch</strong>tet und wird an den ältesten Sohn verebt<br />

(1951:35).<br />

V 69/L: Anmerkung: Sklaverei war in dieser Region weit verbreitet.<br />

V 73,74/L: Manoukian (1952:35) betont das Erbre<strong>ch</strong>t des ältesten Sohnes im Gegensatz <strong>zu</strong> Murdocks obigem Kommentar: "...land<br />

acquired by his own efforts,... are inherited by his eldest son." Daneben exisitert no<strong>ch</strong> Farmland, das vom Ritualheadman an<br />

die Mitglie<strong>der</strong> <strong>der</strong> Lineage verteilt wird und als Lineageeigentum ni<strong>ch</strong>t vererbt werden kann.<br />

Handel /L: Bourret (1960:85): "When the British first took over the Northern Territories, they found that what trade existed was<br />

almost entirely in the hand of the foreign Hausa."<br />

986<br />

986<br />

Seite 1

<strong>AGE</strong><br />

KUTSHU<br />

Weitere Namen<br />

Ankutshu, Bankutshu, Wankutsuh<br />

Stellvertreter für<br />

k.A.<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />

ZAIRE<br />

Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

100'000 Kutshu in Zaire<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />

KUTSHU<br />

Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

Torday, E., and T. A. Joyce. 1922. Notes ethnographiques sur des populations habitant les bassins du Kasai et du Kwango oriental.<br />

Bruxelles.<br />

Van Laere, A. 1900. Les Basongo-Bankutu. Anvers.<br />

Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

Merriam, Alan P. 1959. The Concept of Culture Clusters applied to the Belgian Congo. In. Southwestern Journal of Anthropology.<br />

New York.<br />

Mc Donald, Gordon (ed.). 1971. Area Handbook for the Democratic Republic of the Congo (Congo Kinshasa). Washington.<br />

Bulck, van R.P.G. 1948. Les Re<strong>ch</strong>er<strong>ch</strong>es Linguistiques au Congo Belge. Bruxelles.<br />

Hulstaert, G. 1975. Der zentrale Teil. In: Baumann. Die Völker Afrikas und ihre traditionellen Kulturen. Teil 1. Wiesbaden.<br />

Grimes, Barbara F. (ed.). 1988. Ethnologue. Languages of the Word. Dallas.<br />

Vansina, Jan. 1965. Introduction a l'ethnographie du Congo. Bruxelles.<br />

Torday, E. and T.A. Joyce. 1922. Notes ethnographiques sur des Populations habitant les bassins du Kasai et du Kwango oriental.<br />

Annales du Musée du Congo Belge. Bruxelles.<br />

Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

With special reference to the Bankutu.<br />

L: 4S, 22E. T: 1900. B: V, 130.<br />

Varia<br />

k.A.<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

k.A.<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

31,44,50,56, Handel<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

V31/R<br />

V44/R<br />

V50/R<br />

V56: Subsistenzberei<strong>ch</strong> unbedeutend<br />

V Handel/R<br />

FO32<br />

801<br />

801<br />

Seite 1

<strong>AGE</strong><br />

KUTUBU<br />

Weitere Namen<br />

k.A.<br />

Stellvertreter für<br />

k.A.<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />


Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

4000 Kutubu/PapuaNewGuinea<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />

KUTUBU<br />

Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

Williams, F. E. 1940-41. Natives of Lake Kutubu, Papua. Oceania 11: 121-257, 259-294, 374-401; 12: 49-74, 134-154.<br />

Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

Wurm, S.A. and S. Hattori.1981. Language Atlas of the Pacific Area. Australian Academy of the Humanities. Canberra<br />

Bogner, Piet 1979. Die Kulturen <strong>der</strong> Ho<strong>ch</strong>län<strong>der</strong>. Mün<strong>ch</strong>en. ESZ: B OK 92<br />

Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

L: 6S, 143E. T: 1940. P: 400 in 1940. B: IV,250.<br />

Varia<br />

The Kutubu are a people of the Southern Highlands District.<br />

Wurm 1981:<br />

V Ling: Kutubuan Stock, Trans New Guinea Phylum.<br />

P: 4300 in 1970-1980 in 1970-1980<br />

Foi (Foe, Mubi River) : 2800/1980<br />

k.A.<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

11, 12<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

31, 48, 71, 72, Handel / Kock<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

V 11, 12: Perhaps better O (nonestablishment of a common houshold, e.g., where both spouses remain in their natal household or<br />

where men reside apart form their wives in special men's houses) since men sleep in a men's house rather than with their<br />

wives.<br />

V 31/R: Bogner (1979:14): dur<strong>ch</strong>s<strong>ch</strong>nittli<strong>ch</strong>e Siedlungsgrösse im Ho<strong>ch</strong>land 40-80 Mens<strong>ch</strong>en<br />

V 48/R: activity probably absent<br />

V 71/R: probably nonheriditary through influence or Code 6,7,9. Heriditary <strong>ch</strong>ieftain<strong>ch</strong>ip in Papua New Guinea is only reported for<br />

Trobriand.<br />

V 72/R: vgl. V 71<br />

V 74, 75, 76 missing data<br />

V Handel/R: relatively unimportant<br />

OJ1<br />

691<br />

691<br />

Seite 1

<strong>AGE</strong><br />


Weitere Namen<br />

k.A.<br />

Stellvertreter für<br />

k.A.<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />

KUWAIT<br />

Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

160000 Kuwaiti/Kuwait<br />

Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />

Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

Dickson, H.R.P. 1983(1949). The Arab of the Desert. London.<br />

Dickson, H.R.P. 1956. Kuwait and her Neighbours. London.<br />

S<strong>ch</strong>olz, Fred (Hrg.) 1985. Die kleinen Golfstaaten. Stuttgart.<br />

S<strong>ch</strong>olz, Fred. 1975. Sesshaftwerdung von Beduinen in Kuwait. In: Erdkunde 29/3; S.223-234.<br />

Ko<strong>ch</strong>wasser, Friedri<strong>ch</strong>. 1975. Kuwait. Ges<strong>ch</strong>i<strong>ch</strong>te, Wesen und Funktion eines mo<strong>der</strong>nen arabis<strong>ch</strong>en Staates. Tübingen.<br />

Nohlen Dieter und F. Nus<strong>ch</strong>eler (Hrg.). 1983. Handbu<strong>ch</strong> <strong>der</strong> Dritten Welt. Bd.3. Hamburg.<br />

Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

Mit dem Datensatz "Kuwaiti" werden im Atlas v.a. au<strong>ch</strong> die sesshaftgewordenen Beduinen erfasst. Na<strong>ch</strong> S<strong>ch</strong>olz (1985:105/106)<br />

haben si<strong>ch</strong> zwis<strong>ch</strong>en 1947 und 1961 s<strong>ch</strong>ät<strong>zu</strong>ngsweise 55000 Beduinen in Kuwait nie<strong>der</strong>gelassen. Na<strong>ch</strong> Nohlen (1983:390/391)<br />

leben rings um die Stadt Kuwait 100000 Mens<strong>ch</strong>en beduinis<strong>ch</strong>er Herkunft. S<strong>ch</strong>olz (1975:225): "Bei den beduinis<strong>ch</strong>en Gruppen,<br />

die na<strong>ch</strong> Kuwait einströmten und sesshaft wurden, handelt es si<strong>ch</strong> aber ni<strong>ch</strong>t einzig um dem heutigen Landesgebiet traditionell<br />

verbundene Angehörige <strong>der</strong> Stämme Awazim, Mutair und Rashaidah, son<strong>der</strong>n au<strong>ch</strong> um sol<strong>ch</strong>e, die die Grenzen Kuwaits auf<br />

ihren Wan<strong>der</strong>ungen saisonal (z.B. Shammar) o<strong>der</strong> episodis<strong>ch</strong> (z.B. Mutafiq, Dhafir, Saluba) queren, sowie um sol<strong>ch</strong>e, <strong>der</strong>en<br />

führende Stammesmitglie<strong>der</strong> in Kuwait ansässig sind (z.B. Jana'at, Anaiza). ...Bei allen aufgeführten Gruppen soll es si<strong>ch</strong><br />

ausnahmslos um Beduinenstämme handeln, die si<strong>ch</strong> dem kuwaitis<strong>ch</strong>en Herrs<strong>ch</strong>erhaus ... s<strong>ch</strong>on seit Generationen verbunden<br />

fühlen."<br />

Varia<br />

Ges<strong>ch</strong>i<strong>ch</strong>te: Die Gründung des autonomen S<strong>ch</strong>ei<strong>ch</strong>tums von Kuwait ist auf 1756 datiert, als einige Familienverbände des Anaiza<br />

Stammes vom Innern <strong>der</strong> arabis<strong>ch</strong>en Halbinsel abwan<strong>der</strong>ten und si<strong>ch</strong> an <strong>der</strong> Küste des persis<strong>ch</strong>en Golfes nie<strong>der</strong>liessen.<br />

S<strong>ch</strong>ei<strong>ch</strong> wurde ein Mitglied aus <strong>der</strong> Sabah-Familie, wel<strong>ch</strong>e bis heute die Herrs<strong>ch</strong>erfamilie Kuwaits ist. Na<strong>ch</strong> <strong>der</strong> Gründung<br />

war Kuwait s<strong>ch</strong>nell <strong>zu</strong> einem blühenden Handelsstützpunkt herangewa<strong>ch</strong>sen. Es war Ausgangspunkt und Ums<strong>ch</strong>lagplatz für<br />

Karawanen na<strong>ch</strong> Inner-Arabien sowie <strong>zu</strong>r Levante und diente mit seinem Hafen als Handelsstützpunkt für den S<strong>ch</strong>iffsverkehr<br />

über den Arabis<strong>ch</strong>en Golf hinaus bis hin na<strong>ch</strong> Indien und Ostafrika. (S<strong>ch</strong>olz: 1985:95/96).<br />

Religion: 1986: 90% Muslim, davon 63% Sunniten, 27% Shiiten; 8% Christen, 2% Hindu.<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

k.A.<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

Neukodierung<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

V 1/R<br />

V 2/R<br />

V 3/R-L: Dickson (1956). Einzelne sesshafte Beduinen-Gruppen lebten hauptsä<strong>ch</strong>li<strong>ch</strong> vom Fis<strong>ch</strong>fang.<br />

V 4/R<br />

V 5/R-L: Dickson (1956:61ff). Wenig Landwirts<strong>ch</strong>aft gab es in <strong>der</strong> Oase Jahra, neben den Dattelgärten wurde hier au<strong>ch</strong> etwas<br />

Weizen, Gerste, Luzerne und diverses Gemüse angebaut.<br />

V 6/R<br />

V 7/R<br />

V 8/R<br />

V 9/R<br />

V 10/R<br />

V 11/R<br />

V 12/R<br />

V 13/R<br />

V 14/R<br />

V 15/R<br />

V 16/R<br />

V 17/R<br />

V 18/R<br />

V 19/R<br />

V 20/R<br />

V 21/R<br />

V 28/R-L: Dickson (1956:61ff)<br />

V 29/R-L: Dickson (1956:61ff)<br />

V 30/L: Dickson (1956:48ff)<br />

1310<br />

Seite 1


V 31/L: Ko<strong>ch</strong>wasser (1975:321). Kuwait City: 1765 ca. 10000 Einw.; 1880 ca. 20000 Einw.<br />

V 32/R<br />

V 33/R-L: S<strong>ch</strong>olz (1985:96ff)<br />

V 39/R<br />

V 40/R: Aermere sesshaftgewordene Beduinen hielten v.a. au<strong>ch</strong> Ziegen und S<strong>ch</strong>afe.<br />

V 43/R<br />

V 44/R<br />

V 46/R<br />

V 48/R<br />

V 50/R<br />

V 56/R: Subsistenzberei<strong>ch</strong> unbedeutend<br />

V 58/R: Subsistenzberei<strong>ch</strong> unbedeutend<br />

V 60/R<br />

V 62/R<br />

V 64/R: Die Frauen halfen bei <strong>der</strong> Dattelernte mit.<br />

V 65/R-L: S<strong>ch</strong>olz (1985:94ff). "Die Bevölkerung glie<strong>der</strong>t si<strong>ch</strong> ... in eine breite S<strong>ch</strong>i<strong>ch</strong>t abhängiger Perlentau<strong>ch</strong>er, Fis<strong>ch</strong>er,<br />

Bootsbauer und an<strong>der</strong>e niedriger Bes<strong>ch</strong>äftigter, <strong>der</strong> eine kleine Oligar<strong>ch</strong>ie von Grosshändlern und Bootseignern<br />

gegenüberstand. Eine dritte, relativ eigenständige Gruppe war die Sabah-Familie, die seit 1756 bis heute die Herrs<strong>ch</strong>er<br />

Kuwaits stellt."<br />

V 67/R<br />

V 69/L: Dickson (1985:119). 1924 wurde die Sklaverei vom S<strong>ch</strong>ei<strong>ch</strong> ganz verboten.<br />

V 71/R<br />

V 72/R<br />

V 73/R<br />

V 74/R<br />

V 75/R<br />

V 76/R<br />

V Handel L: S<strong>ch</strong>olz (1985:95/96). Die Perlenfis<strong>ch</strong>erei war ebenfalls ein wi<strong>ch</strong>tiger Nebenerwerb.<br />

Seite 2

<strong>AGE</strong><br />

KWAIO<br />

Weitere Namen<br />

k.A.<br />

Stellvertreter für<br />

k.A.<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />


Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

7000 Kwaio/Solomon Islands<br />

18000 Kwara'ae/Solomon Islands<br />

8000 Are'Are/Solomon Islands<br />

4000 Kahua/Solomon Islands<br />

2000 Kwaio/Fiji<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />

Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

Keesing, R. M. 1966. Kwaio Kindreds. Southw. Journ. Anth. 22: 346-359.<br />

____ 1967. Statistical Modes and Decision Models of social Structure: A Kwaio Case. Ethnology 6: 1-16.<br />

____ 1968. Step Kin, In-laws, and Ethnoscience. Ethnology 7: 59-70.<br />

Ivens, W. G. 1930. The Island Buil<strong>der</strong>s of the Pacific. London.<br />

KWAIO<br />

Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

Keesing, R.M. 1982. Kwaio Religion. The Living and the Dead in a Solomon Island Society. New York.<br />

____ 1970. Shrines, Ancestors, and Cognatic Descent: The Kwaio and Tallensi. American Anthropologist. 72: 755-775.<br />

Oliver, D.L: 1989. Oceania. The Native Cultures of Australia and the Pacific Islands. Vol. 2. Honolulu.<br />

Wurm, S.A. and S. Hattori.1981. Language Atlas of the Pacific Area. Australian Academy of the Humanities. Canberra.<br />

Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

L: 9S, 161E.T: 1960. P: 9000 in 1965. Cluster 261.<br />

Der Datensatz "Kwaio" wird im Atlas au<strong>ch</strong> für die kulturell ähnli<strong>ch</strong>en Gruppen <strong>der</strong> Kwarara'ae und Are'Are genommen. Keesing<br />

(1982:8): "The peoples of Malaita share a single broad cultural pattern - the same religious system, a broadly common system<br />

of social organization and, in the interior, the same subsistence economy." Die Namensgebung erfolgte na<strong>ch</strong> Wurm (1981) und<br />

ist die Spra<strong>ch</strong>bezei<strong>ch</strong>nung. Die Are'Are sind im Unters<strong>ch</strong>ied <strong>zu</strong> den an<strong>der</strong>en beiden Gruppen mehr 'meerorientiert' (vgl. da<strong>zu</strong><br />

Anmerkung <strong>zu</strong> den "Baegu").<br />

Der Datensatz "Kwaio" wird im Atlas <strong>zu</strong>dem für die Bewohner <strong>der</strong> Insel San Cristobal (Makira) genommen und wurde dort mit<br />

dem Namen <strong>der</strong> grössten Gruppe mit gemeinsamer Spra<strong>ch</strong>e ("Kahua") beizei<strong>ch</strong>net (na<strong>ch</strong> Wurm 1981).<br />

Die Bevölkerungszahlen sind S<strong>ch</strong>ät<strong>zu</strong>ngen und orientieren si<strong>ch</strong> an den Angaben von Keesing (1982:13) und Wurm (1981).<br />

Varia<br />

k.A.<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

k.A.<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

17, 18, 21, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 39, 40, 43, 44, 50, 56, 58, 62, 64, 65, 67, 69, 71, 72, 73, V Handel<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

V 17: Vgl. Anmerkung <strong>zu</strong> V 43<br />

V 18: Vgl. Anmerkung <strong>zu</strong> V 43<br />

V 21: Vgl. Anmerkung <strong>zu</strong> V 43<br />

V 28/L: Keesing (1982:13/14)<br />

V 29/L: Keesing (1982:13): "Taro was the main staple."<br />

V 30/L: Keesing (1970:755). Vgl. Anmerkung <strong>zu</strong> V 31.<br />

V 31/L: Keesing (1970:755): "Kwaio settlements were tiny, even by Melanesian standards ... As of 1927 Kwaio settlements ranged<br />

in size from 2 to 28, with a mean of 9,95. The number of component household ranged from 1 to 8, with a mean of 2.19. ... The<br />

landscape is divided into small territories or fanua, ea<strong>ch</strong> composed of a pat<strong>ch</strong>work of land tracts. Ea<strong>ch</strong> fanua is, or once was,<br />

the spatial locus and principal estate of a 'descent group'. Su<strong>ch</strong> a group is mainly agnatic in composition and ideological<br />

<strong>ch</strong>aracter, but many contain nonagnatic affiliants as well. These descent groups are small in scale, ... the primary expression of<br />

their unity is in ritual. Although a descent group is not explicitly exogamous, it tends to be <strong>der</strong>ivatively so.... A descent group<br />

often has a 'big man' ...active in feasting." Im Unters<strong>ch</strong>ied <strong>zu</strong> den nördli<strong>ch</strong>en Gesells<strong>ch</strong>aften (z.B. Baegu), bei wel<strong>ch</strong>en diese<br />

Lokalgruppen regionale Clusters bilden, sind bei den Kwaio die "small-scale local descent groups ... fully autonomous."<br />

(Keesing 1982:10). Vgl. Anmerkung <strong>zu</strong> V 71.<br />

V 32/R<br />

V 33/L: Keesing (1982)<br />

V 39/R<br />

V 40/L: Keesing (1982)<br />

V 43/L: Missing - Kommentar: "We cannot meaningfully describe the descent system of the Kwaio ... as either agnatic or cognatic.<br />

As in many Oceanic societies, it is in some sense both. ... A person's rights and kinship relationships can bei usefully viewed<br />

as a composite bundle that combines patrilateral and matrilateral elements. ... In different context, or in litigation, Kwaio may<br />

express ideologies that emphasize either agnatic or cognatic principles in the social or<strong>der</strong>." (Keesing 1970:755/756).<br />

V 44/R<br />

ON9<br />

1214<br />

1214<br />

Seite 1


V 50/R<br />

V 56: Subsistenzberei<strong>ch</strong> unbedeutend<br />

V 58/R<br />

V 62: Subsistenzberei<strong>ch</strong> unbedeutend<br />

V 64/R<br />

V 65/R<br />

V 67/R<br />

V 69/R<br />

V 71/L: Oliver (1989:1085): "In ....Malaita societies lea<strong>der</strong>ship roles were of two kinds: (1) those specifically associated with<br />

descent-unit categories - the land-master and the priest; and (2) those associated more with the residential group - the war<br />

lea<strong>der</strong> and the manager. Not all of these societies distinguished the four roles separetely; and even in those that did one person<br />

could occupy two or more. The Kwaio ... seen to have institutionalized only those of priest and manager: ... Priest: The duties<br />

of su<strong>ch</strong> men were to officiate at offerings to a descent-unit's tutelary spirits, including especially to its ancestors. Ideally a priest<br />

was succeeded by his eldest son, but since knowledge and demenor were essential for effective performance of the office, it<br />

was sometimes awarded to someone else, by consensus of the descent unit's leading men. ... Manager: ... usually attained<br />

their position through personal a<strong>ch</strong>ievement, assisted, of course, by relatives."<br />

V 72/L: Olivier (1989:1085). Vgl. Anmerkung <strong>zu</strong> V 71.<br />

V 73/L: Keesing (1982:16).<br />

V Handel/R<br />

Seite 2

<strong>AGE</strong><br />

KWANGA<br />

Weitere Namen<br />

k.A.<br />

Stellvertreter für<br />

Mishulundu, Yey, Mbwela<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />

ZAMBIA<br />

Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

54'681 Kwanga/Zambia<br />

27'340 Kwandi/Zambia<br />

10'257 Mbowe/Zambia<br />

10'257 Mwenyi/Zambia<br />

13'670 Koma/Zambia<br />

13'670 Nyengo/Zambia<br />

13'670 Simaa/Zambia<br />

8'000 Shanjo/Zambia<br />

10'257 Imilangu/Zambia<br />

10'257 Ndundulu/Zambia<br />

6'835 Mashi/Zambia<br />

30'758 Nkoya/Zambia<br />

6'835 Mashasha/Zambia<br />

9'352 Lukolwe/Zambia<br />

9'349 Lushange/Zambia<br />

Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />

Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

Kay, George. 1967. A Social Geography of Zambia. London.<br />

Ohannessian, S. and M.E. Kashoki (ed.). 1978. Language in Zambia. London.<br />

Kaplan, Irving. (ed.). 1979. Zambia, a country study. Area Handbook Series. Washington.<br />

Murdock. Georg, Peter. 1959. Africa. Its Peoples and Their Culture History. New York.<br />

Gluckman, M. and E. Colson. 1961. Seven Tribes of British Central Africa. London.<br />

Turner, V.W. 1952. The Lozi Peoples of North-Western Rhodesia. Ethnographic Survey of Africa. London.<br />

Brelsford, W.V. 1965. The Tribes of Zambia. Lusaka.<br />

keine<br />

Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

Die <strong>zu</strong>m Einflussberei<strong>ch</strong> des Barotse-Rei<strong>ch</strong>es gehörenden Gruppen (Gluckman 1961) werden im Atlas separt aufgeführt. Die<br />

Gruppen <strong>der</strong> ersten drei Gluckman-Cluster ("Luyana", "assimilated to the Luyana" und "Nkoya", vgl. unten) haben einen neuen<br />

gemeinsamen Datensatz mit dem Namen "Kwanga" - na<strong>ch</strong> <strong>der</strong> grössten Gruppe - erhalten. Codiert wurde <strong>der</strong> Datensatz<br />

anhand <strong>der</strong> Angaben von Murdock (1959:364ff.). Diese Gruppen unters<strong>ch</strong>eiden si<strong>ch</strong> von den Lozi vor allem im Be<strong>zu</strong>g auf das<br />

Verwandts<strong>ch</strong>aftssystem, ansonsten sind sie sehr ähnli<strong>ch</strong> wie die Lozi. Vgl. au<strong>ch</strong> ausführli<strong>ch</strong>e Anmerkung <strong>zu</strong>r<br />

Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungseinheit bei den Lozi. Die Mishulundu, Mbwela und Yei wurden ni<strong>ch</strong>t aufgenommen, da Angaben <strong>zu</strong>r<br />

Bevölkerungsgrösse und Lokalisierung fehlen.<br />

Varia<br />

Die Bevölkerungsgrössen <strong>der</strong> einzelnen Gruppen entspre<strong>ch</strong>en den prozentualen Angaben von Kay (1967:45), wel<strong>ch</strong>e "are based on<br />

estimates given in Annexure 'V' (Tribal Statistics) of the Annual Report of the Ministry of African Affairs for 1962. Grundlage<br />

<strong>der</strong> Bere<strong>ch</strong>nung ist <strong>der</strong> erste staatli<strong>ch</strong>e Zensus von 1963, wel<strong>ch</strong>er für die afrikanis<strong>ch</strong>e Bevölkerung 3'417'580 Personen angibt.<br />

Vgl. da<strong>zu</strong> au<strong>ch</strong> die Bevölkerungsgrössen basierend auf <strong>der</strong> linguistis<strong>ch</strong>en Klassifikation bei Ohannessian (1978:19). Bei den<br />

Ndundulu, Shanjo, Lukolwe und Lushange wurden die Angaben <strong>zu</strong>r Bevölkerungsgrösse von Gluckman (1961:87/88)<br />

beigezogen. Die Lokalisierung dieser Gruppen im Atlas orientiert si<strong>ch</strong> an <strong>der</strong> Karte von Kay (1967:44).<br />

Turner (1951:9ff.): "Gluckman's general classification of the 25 Bantu-speaking tribes comprising the Barotse nation, groups them<br />

into clusters on the basis of common culture and language as follows:<br />

The first consists of the Lozi themselves, the Kwandi, Kwangwa, Muenyi and Mbowe whi<strong>ch</strong> Gluckman calls the Luyana Group. The<br />

Kwangwa are a true Lozi people. They are said to be descended from Noleya, a daughter of Mbuyamwambwa. Formerly they<br />

inhabited the eastern sand belt of the Plain but they were conquered and deported to the bush to work iron by the Lozi king,<br />

Ngalama. The Muenyi, probably of Lunda and Luyi origin, have adopted Lozi culture and intermarry with them freely. The<br />

Kwandi, regarded as true Lozi, speak a dialect of Luyi. The Mbowe are classified by Moffat-Thomson as Luba-speaking, but<br />

this is incorrect.<br />

The next is a number of tribes called the 'Group assimilated to the Luyana', all of whi<strong>ch</strong> speak Kololo and are Lozi-ized. Their own<br />

origin is not known although probably many were Luba-speaking. They are: the Nyengo, Makoma, Ndundulu, Simaa, Shanjo,<br />

Mashi, Mishulundu, Yey and Old Mbunda. The Lozi lay that the Mashi have southern affinites. Gluckman consi<strong>der</strong>s that this<br />

may also apply to the Yey and Simaa. Another cluster, the Nkoya group, consists of the Nkoya, Mashasha, Lukolwe and<br />

Lushange. Classified by Moffat-Thomson as Luba-speaking, Nkoya maintain that they are akin to Lozi though speaking different<br />

languages, and Lozi share this view. the Nkoya, according to Gibbons, specialised in hunting and lived in palisades villages."<br />

Ges<strong>ch</strong>i<strong>ch</strong>te: Vgl. bei Lozi.<br />

keine<br />

1524<br />

Seite 1


<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

k.A.<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

Neucodierung/Arpagaus 1992<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

V1/L: Murdock (1957:365)<br />

V2/L: Murdock (1957:365)<br />

V3/L: Murdock (1957:365). Bei den Nkowy sind Jagen, Sammeln und Fis<strong>ch</strong>en die wi<strong>ch</strong>tigeren Subsistenzberei<strong>ch</strong>e als <strong>der</strong><br />

Ackerbau.<br />

V4/L: Murdock (1957:365): "Most tribes keep a consi<strong>der</strong>able number of goats, sheep, dogs, and <strong>ch</strong>ickens. The Lukolwe, Mashasha,<br />

Mbukushu, Nkoya ... have few cattle, in at least some instances primarily because of the tsetse fly, but these animals assume<br />

consi<strong>der</strong>able importance in all other groups."<br />

V5/L: Murdock (1957:365)<br />

V6/L: Murdock (1957:366): "Only the Ila, and in very recent times also the Lozi and Tonga, require a bride-price. Other groups<br />

demand only bride-service or token gifts."<br />

V7/L: Murdock (1957:366)<br />

V8/L: Murdock (1957:367)<br />

V9/L: Murdock (1957:366)<br />

V10/R<br />

V11/L: Murdock (1957:367): "The rule of residence accords basically with the norms prevailing among the Central Bantu<br />

immediately to the north,... i.e., avunculocal in the west and, in the east, matrilocal with the right of removal to avunculocal<br />

residence in the case of positional succession. Where cattle are common, their use in marriage payments has resulted in the<br />

appearance of patrilocal residence, whi<strong>ch</strong> now accurs with mo<strong>der</strong>ate frequency among the Tonga...."<br />

V12/L: Murdock (1957:367). Vgl. Anmerkung <strong>zu</strong> V11.<br />

V13/L: Murdock (1957:367)<br />

V14/L: Murdock (1957:367)<br />

V17/L: Murdock (1957:367)<br />

V18/L: Murdock (1957:367)<br />

V19/L: Murdock (1957:367): "All groups, ... possess exogamous matrisibs and corporate matrilineages, the latter usually localized<br />

as clans."<br />

V20/L: Murdock (1957:367)<br />

V21/L: Murdock (1957:367)<br />

V28/L: Murdock (1957:365)<br />

V29/L: Murdock (1957:366)<br />

V30/L: Murdock (1957:366)<br />

V31/R<br />

V33/L: Murdock (1957:366): "Aboriginally the Ila were politically organized into small districts un<strong>der</strong> a <strong>ch</strong>ief and a council of local<br />

headmen, and the Mashasha and Mbukushu likewise had pretty paramount <strong>ch</strong>iefs, but most groups lacked any form of<br />

integration more complex than an autonomous local community un<strong>der</strong> a headman with nominal authority. In 1839, however, the<br />

Kololo, a Sotho tribe form South Africa, invaded the middle Zambesi region and established a powerful conquest state in what is<br />

now called Barotseland. They subjugated the Luyi, or ancestral Lozi, as well as the Mashi, Nkoya, Subia, and Totela, and<br />

reduced the Mbukushu and southwestern Tonga to tributary status. In 1864 the Luyi overthrew and expelled the Kololo, but<br />

succeeded to their hegemony over the neighboring tribes and came eventually to be known as the Lozi."<br />

V39/R<br />

V40/L: Murdock (1957:365). Vgl. Anmerkung <strong>zu</strong> V4.<br />

V43/L: Murdock (1957:367)<br />

V44/L: Turner (1952:24/25). Folgende Gruppen hatten keine Eisenverarbeitung: Kwandi, Mbowe, Nyengo, Koma und Mashi.<br />

V46/R<br />

V48/R<br />

V50/R<br />

V56/L: Murdock (1957:366)<br />

V58/L: Murdock (1957:366)<br />

V60/L: Murdock (1957:366)<br />

V62/L: Murdock (1957:366)<br />

V64/L: Murdock (1957:366)<br />

V65/R<br />

V67/R<br />

V69/R<br />

V Handel/R<br />

Seite 2

<strong>AGE</strong><br />


Weitere Namen<br />

k.A.<br />

Stellvertreter für<br />

k.A.<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />


Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

10'000 Kwangali in Namibia<br />

5'000 Mbunza in Namibia<br />

5'000 Shambyu in Namibia<br />

5'000 Gciriku in Namibia<br />

10'000 Mbukushu in Namibia<br />

10'000 Kwangali in Angola<br />

5'000 Gciriku in Angola<br />

5'000 Mbukushu in Angola<br />

Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />

Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

Grimes, Barbara, F. (ed.). 1988. Ethnologue. Languages of the Word. Dallas.<br />

Fis<strong>ch</strong>, Maria. 1984. Die Kavangofis<strong>ch</strong>er. In: Namibia. SWA Wissens<strong>ch</strong>aftli<strong>ch</strong>e Gesells<strong>ch</strong>aft (Hrg.). Windhoek.<br />

Baumann, Hermann. 1975. Die Völker Afrikas und ihre traditionellen Kulturen. Teil 1. Wiesbaden.<br />

United Nations. Statistical Office of the United Nations. Department of Economic and Social Affairs. 1966. Demographic Yearbook<br />

1965. New York.<br />

Hanle, Adolf. 1976. S<strong>ch</strong>lag na<strong>ch</strong>! Afrika. Mannheim.<br />

Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

Namibia: Die Bevölkerung, wel<strong>ch</strong>e im nordöstli<strong>ch</strong>en Teil Namibias am Kavango Fluss lebt, wird oft kollektiv als "Okavango"<br />

(Kavangoland) bezei<strong>ch</strong>net.<br />

Ihr Anteil an <strong>der</strong> Gesamtbevölkerung Namibias wird für 1972 auf 6,6% ges<strong>ch</strong>ätzt. Im demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Jahrbu<strong>ch</strong>es <strong>der</strong> Vereinten<br />

Nationen (1965:131), wird die Gesamtbevölkerung für 1960 mit 522'000 Personen angegeben. Grimes (1988:263/264) führt<br />

folgende Spra<strong>ch</strong>gruppen für das Kavango-Gebiet auf: Diriku (1987: 20'000, inkl. Angola); Kwangali (1987: 31'000 total, inkl.<br />

Angola, mit dem Dialekt Sambyu) und Mbukushu (1987: 20'000 total, inkl. Angola und 3'000 Botswana).<br />

Fis<strong>ch</strong> (1984:108): "An den Ufern des Mittellaufes des Kavangoflusses dominieren heute fünf bantuspra<strong>ch</strong>ige Stämme, die von<br />

Westen na<strong>ch</strong> Osten die folgenden Namen tragen: Kwangali, Mbunza, Shambyu, Gciriku und Mbukushu. Sie gingen aus<br />

mehreren ... Klanen hervor, die erst gegen 1800 aus dem Norden und Nordosten in ihre heutige Siedlungsgebiete<br />

einwan<strong>der</strong>ten."<br />

Baumann (1975:546): Die Kwangari (Kwangali) zwis<strong>ch</strong>en den Flüssen Kwatir und Kwito am Kuvango-Knie ähneln stark den<br />

Ambo-Völkern. ... Ihnen an<strong>zu</strong>s<strong>ch</strong>liessen sind die ethnologis<strong>ch</strong> fast unbekannten Dciriku (Diriku) und Shambiu (Sambiu)". In<br />

Namibia werden alle fünf von Fis<strong>ch</strong> erwähnten Gruppen aufgenommen, wobei für die einzelnen Gruppen nur eine<br />

Teilcodierung anhand <strong>der</strong> wenigen Literatur gema<strong>ch</strong>t werden konnte. Die Bevölkerungsgrössen für die einzelnen Gruppen sind<br />

S<strong>ch</strong>ät<strong>zu</strong>ngen.<br />

Bei Hanle (1976:169) werden neben den Okavango no<strong>ch</strong> "Angehörige <strong>der</strong> Stämme des östli<strong>ch</strong>en Caprivizipfels" (3,4%) aufgeführt.<br />

Auf <strong>der</strong> Karte von Baumann (1975:474) sind in diesem Gebiet die Yeye und Kuba eingetragen: Baumann (1975:546): "Die<br />

Position <strong>der</strong> Yeye (Yei = Mens<strong>ch</strong>, Kuba) im Ngami-Land ist ... no<strong>ch</strong> unbekannt. Guthrie stellt sie in seine R-Group (<strong>zu</strong>sammen<br />

mit Herero, Ambo und Mbukundu), Köhler <strong>zu</strong> den Mbukushu..."<br />

Fis<strong>ch</strong> (1984:108): "... an den von Süden kommenden, periodis<strong>ch</strong> wasserführenden Flussläufen (z.B. Omatako, Omuramba) waren<br />

die Tjaube (o<strong>der</strong> Djaobe) ansässig, eine zahlrei<strong>ch</strong>e Splittergruppe <strong>der</strong> bantuspre<strong>ch</strong>enden Yey (Kuba), <strong>der</strong>en Hauptwohngebiet<br />

si<strong>ch</strong> heute im Ngamiland von Botswana befindet. ... Den politis<strong>ch</strong> besser organisierten Einwan<strong>der</strong>ern gelang es, diese<br />

Vorbevölkerung <strong>zu</strong>m Teil <strong>zu</strong> verni<strong>ch</strong>ten o<strong>der</strong> <strong>zu</strong> vertreiben, während ein ni<strong>ch</strong>t geringer Teil dur<strong>ch</strong> interethnis<strong>ch</strong>e Heiraten<br />

absorbiert wurde."<br />

Sie werden im Atlas als Yeye und ohne Datensatz aufgeführt.<br />

Kwangali: Fis<strong>ch</strong> (1984:110): "Mündli<strong>ch</strong>en öberlieferungen <strong>zu</strong>folge spielten bei den Kwangali we<strong>der</strong> Jagd no<strong>ch</strong> Fis<strong>ch</strong>fang eine<br />

grosse Rolle. Neben einem gut gepflegten Acerkbau hielten sie frühzeitig Grossvieh, das sie si<strong>ch</strong> auf ausgedehnten Raubzügen<br />

vers<strong>ch</strong>afften. ... Es ist jedo<strong>ch</strong> mögli<strong>ch</strong>, dass sie die Fis<strong>ch</strong>erei erst na<strong>ch</strong> ihrer Sesshaftwerdung am Kavangofluss<br />

verna<strong>ch</strong>lässigten und stattdessen an<strong>der</strong>e,<br />

höher gea<strong>ch</strong>tete Wirts<strong>ch</strong>aftszweie entfalteten, entwe<strong>der</strong> als Folge ihres langen Kontaktes mit den Kwanyama o<strong>der</strong> in Ermangelung<br />

ergiebiger Fis<strong>ch</strong>gründe in ihrem neuen Wohngebiet. Sie gehen zwar heute no<strong>ch</strong> sporadis<strong>ch</strong> dem Einzelfis<strong>ch</strong>fang na<strong>ch</strong>, aber die<br />

Kenntnisse über tradierte Riten und Di<strong>ch</strong>tung sind sehr spärli<strong>ch</strong>. Na<strong>ch</strong> einer alten Kwangali-öberlieferung stritten si<strong>ch</strong> einst die<br />

Rin<strong>der</strong>besitzer und die Fis<strong>ch</strong>er des regierenden Hyänenklans, worauf die Fis<strong>ch</strong>er mit ihren Anhängern als selbständige<br />

Gruppe in die fis<strong>ch</strong>rei<strong>ch</strong>en Ebenen na<strong>ch</strong> Osten abwan<strong>der</strong>ten, wo sie heute no<strong>ch</strong> unter dem Stammesnamen Mbunza eifrig<br />

Fis<strong>ch</strong>fang betreiben. Au<strong>ch</strong> im Wohngebiet <strong>der</strong> Shambyu und Gciriku finden si<strong>ch</strong> ausgedehnte öbers<strong>ch</strong>wemmungsgebiete und<br />

ein guter Fis<strong>ch</strong>bestand. Neben dem Ackerbasu steht <strong>der</strong> Fis<strong>ch</strong>fang als <strong>zu</strong>sätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Nahrungsquelle in hohem Ansehen."<br />

Mbukushu: Fis<strong>ch</strong> (1984:109): "Die Vorfahren <strong>der</strong> Mbukushu waren Jäger und Sammler <strong>der</strong> Trockensteppe, die nur wenig<br />

Ackerbau betrieben. Wegen ihrer völlig unkriegeris<strong>ch</strong>en Natur nahmen sie später Zuflu<strong>ch</strong>t auf den Inseln vers<strong>ch</strong>iedener<br />

Flüsse. Ihre spri<strong>ch</strong>wörtli<strong>ch</strong> gerühmte Meisters<strong>ch</strong>aft im Anfertigen und Hantieren von Einbäumen in den gefährli<strong>ch</strong>en<br />

Stroms<strong>ch</strong>nellen des Kavango kommt grösstenteils auf das Konto <strong>der</strong> vielen, den Mbukushu einverleibten Twa. Diese und die<br />

'Wasserbus<strong>ch</strong>männer' von Ngamiland waren bis <strong>zu</strong>m Beginn dieses Jahrhun<strong>der</strong>ts Vasallen des Mbukushherrs<strong>ch</strong>ers und<br />

mussten ihm ihren Tribut in Form von Trockenfis<strong>ch</strong>, Fellen, Honig und Hörnern entri<strong>ch</strong>ten. Die Mbukushu selbst waren, ... mit<br />

<strong>der</strong> Fis<strong>ch</strong>erei nur wenig vertraut." Baumann (1975:547): ..das weithin sumpfige Land erlaubte wenig Feldbau (Mais, Hirse,<br />

Kürbis, Rizinus) und nur kleinen Herdenbesitz (Rin<strong>der</strong>, Ziegen).<br />

Seite 1


Varia<br />

Angola: In Angola werden die Kwangali, Gciriku und Mbukushu aufgenommen, wel<strong>ch</strong>e bei Grimes (1988:146/147) ebenfalls als<br />

Spra<strong>ch</strong>gruppen aufgeführt werden. Die Bevölkerungsgrössen sind S<strong>ch</strong>ät<strong>zu</strong>ngen, wel<strong>ch</strong>e si<strong>ch</strong> an den Angaben von Grimes<br />

(1988:146/147) orientieren.<br />

k.A.<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

k.A.<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

Teilkodierung für den Atlas<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

Vgl. Anmerkung <strong>zu</strong>r Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungseinheit<br />

Die Teilkodierung für den Atlas beruht auf den wenigen Angaben von Fis<strong>ch</strong> (1984).<br />

Seite 2

<strong>AGE</strong><br />


Weitere Namen<br />

Ovambo, Ambo,<br />

Stellvertreter für<br />

k.A.<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />

ANGOLA<br />

Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

40'000 Kwanyama in Angola<br />

20'000 Dombondola in Angola<br />

20'000 Kwamatwi in Angola<br />

20'000 Vale in Angola<br />

20'000 Kafima in Angola<br />

100'000 Kwanyama in Namibia<br />

70'000 Ndonga in Namibia<br />

30'000 Kwambi in Namibia<br />

15'000 Ngandyela in Namibia<br />

12'000 Kwaluthi in Namibia<br />

15'000 Mbalantu in Namibia<br />

6'000 Kolukatsi in Namibia<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />

AMBO<br />

Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

Loeb, E. M. 1962. In Feudal Africa. Publ. Indiana Univ. Res. Cent. Anth. Folkl. Ling. 23: 1-383.<br />

Tönjes, H. 1911. Ovamboland. Berlin.<br />

Krafft, M. 1914. Die Re<strong>ch</strong>tsverhältnisse <strong>der</strong> Ovakuanyama und <strong>der</strong> Ovandonga. Mitt. Deuts<strong>ch</strong>. S<strong>ch</strong>utzgeb. 27: 17-35.<br />

Lebzelter, V. 1934. Eingeborenenkulturen in Südwest- und Südafrika. Leipzig.<br />

Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

Gibson, Gordon (ed./Estermann, C.) 1976. The Ethnography of Southwestern Angola. New York.<br />

Kaplan, Irving (ed). 1979. Angola a country study. Foreign Area Studies. Washington.<br />

Baumann, Hermann. 1975. Die Völker Afrikas und ihre traditionellen Kulturen. Teil 1. Wiesbaden.<br />

United Nations. Statistical Office of the United Nations. Department of Economic and Social Affairs. 1966. Demographic Yearbook<br />

1965. New York.<br />

Grimes, Barbara F. (ed.). 1988. Ethnoloque. Languages of the Word. Dallas.<br />

Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

With special reference to the Kuanyama.<br />

L: 17S, 16E. T: 1910. P: 60000 Kuanyama in 1948. B: II, 260.<br />

Angola: Die Unterteilung <strong>der</strong> Ambo-Gruppe in Angola folgt Gibson (1976:xxvii): "Within Angola the Ambo bloc comprises five<br />

tribes: Kwanyama, Kwamatwi, Dombondola, Vale and Kafima." Der Murdock-Datensatz "Ambo" wurde <strong>zu</strong> Kwanyama<br />

umbenannt. Die Lokalisierung im Atlas orientiert si<strong>ch</strong> an <strong>der</strong> Karte von Estermann (1976:49/50). Zur Ambo-Gruppe zählt<br />

Estermann <strong>zu</strong>dem die Ndonga, Kwambi, Ngandyela, Kwaluthi, Mbalantu, Kolukatsi und Eunda, wel<strong>ch</strong>e z.T. in Namibia leben<br />

(vgl. unten).<br />

Die Bevölkerungsgrössen <strong>der</strong> einzelnen Gruppen sind S<strong>ch</strong>ät<strong>zu</strong>ngen. Kaplan (1979:83) für 1960: "The Ambo ... came to about 2.5<br />

percent of all Africans and a little less than that of the total."<br />

Namibia: In Namibia wird die im Norden lebende Bevölkerung, westli<strong>ch</strong> von Kavangoland, oft kollektiv als Ovambo (Ovamboland)<br />

bezei<strong>ch</strong>net. Gibson (1976:51): "The Herero of South-West Africa call their neighbours to the north 'Ova-ambo'. This<br />

designation has been most consistently applied to the people of the Ndonga tribe, but has been extended ... to the complex of all<br />

the related tribes. ... The ethnic aggregate un<strong>der</strong> consi<strong>der</strong>ation here comprises twelve tribes in all: Ndonga, Kwambi,<br />

Ngandyela, Kwaluthi, Mbalantu, Kolukatsi, Eunda, Dombondola, Kwamatwi, Kwanyama, Vale, and Kafima. The largest<br />

numerically are Kwanyama, Ndonga and Kwambi. ... Portugal and Germany agreed to trace the southern frontier of Angola in<br />

1886 as follows: the course of the Cunene River from its mouth up to the cataracts of the Cana range; thence along the parallel<br />

of the cataract to the Cubango (Okavango). By virtue of this<br />

agreement the Kwanyama, Kwamatwi, Dombondola, Vale, and Kafima were within the boundaries of Angola. It was only later,<br />

especially after 1915, that the Kwanyama tribe began to extend south of the boundary."<br />

Baumann (1975:490): "Heute re<strong>ch</strong>net man <strong>zu</strong> den Ambo folgende Ethnien (die angeführten Volkszahlen n. Loeb 1962 beziehen si<strong>ch</strong><br />

nur auf die in SW-Afrika lebenden Gruppen...): In SW-Afrika: Ndonga: 40'080 im äussersten Süden, nördl. <strong>der</strong> Etosha-Pfanne.<br />

Kwambi: 16'984 westl. <strong>der</strong> Ndonga. Ngandjera: 8'854 südwestl. <strong>der</strong> Kwambi. Kwaluthi: 7'209 nordwestl. <strong>der</strong> Ngandjera. Unda:<br />

südwestl. <strong>der</strong> Ndombondola, unmittelbar südli<strong>ch</strong> <strong>der</strong> Grenze zwis<strong>ch</strong>en Angola und SW-Afrika. Kolukatsi: 3'612 <strong>zu</strong>sammen mit<br />

den Unda und südli<strong>ch</strong> von diesen wohnend. In SW-Afrika und Angola: Mbalantu: 9'261 nordöstl. <strong>der</strong> Kwaluthi. Kwanyama:<br />

61'582 nördl. <strong>der</strong> Ndonga."<br />

Bei Grimes (1988:264) werden folgende drei Spra<strong>ch</strong>gruppen für das Ovamboland aufgeführt: Kwambi (30'000, 1972); Kwanyama<br />

(150'000, 1987); Ndonga (240'000, 1987).<br />

Im Atlas werden die von Gibson und Baumann für Namibia aufgeführten Gruppen aufgenommen - wobei die Kalukatsi<br />

stellvertretend au<strong>ch</strong> für die Eunda stehen - sie alle haben den EA-Datensatz "Ambo" erhalten. Die S<strong>ch</strong>reibweise erfolgt na<strong>ch</strong><br />

Gibson.<br />

Bevölkerungsgrösse <strong>der</strong> einzelnen Gruppen sind S<strong>ch</strong>ät<strong>zu</strong>ngen, wel<strong>ch</strong>e si<strong>ch</strong> vor allem an den Angaben von Baumann (1975:490)<br />

orientieren. Der Anteil <strong>der</strong> "Ovambo" an <strong>der</strong> Gesamtbevölkerung Namibias wird für 1972 auf ca. 47% ges<strong>ch</strong>ätzt. Im<br />

demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Jahrbu<strong>ch</strong>es <strong>der</strong> Vereinten Nationen (1965:131), wird die Gesamtbevölkerung für 1960 mit 522'000 Personen<br />

angegeben.<br />

FX8<br />

411<br />

411<br />

Seite 1


Varia<br />

k.A.<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

k.A.<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

31,74,75,76, Handel<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

V31/R<br />

V74/R<br />

V75/R<br />

V Handel/R<br />

Seite 2

<strong>AGE</strong><br />

KWAYA<br />

Weitere Namen<br />

Baruri<br />

Stellvertreter für<br />

Shora<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />


Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

20861 Kwaya/Tanzania<br />

Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />

keine<br />

Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

Huber, Hugo. 1973. Marriage and the Family in rural Bukwaya (Tanzania). Fribourg.<br />

Huber, Hugo. 1967. Die unheilbringende S<strong>ch</strong>wiegerto<strong>ch</strong>ter. Ätiologis<strong>ch</strong>e Motive im Mythengut <strong>der</strong> Kwaya. Anthropos 62.<br />

Huber, Hugo. 1989. Matrilineare Gesells<strong>ch</strong>aftsstruktur und Wandel. Zu einem exogen gesteuerten Experiment <strong>der</strong> 40er Jahre bei<br />

den Kwaya. Paideuma Bd. 35.<br />

Kaplan, Irving et. al. 1978. Tanzania, a country study. Area Handbook Series. Washington.<br />

Ministry of Economic Affairs and Development Planing. 1971. 1967 Population Census, Volume 3. Dar es Salaam.<br />

Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

Bis<strong>ch</strong>ofsberger 1972:10: "The tribes whi<strong>ch</strong> are called Shashi in the ol<strong>der</strong> literature are roughly those between the rivers<br />

Grumeti-Orangi and Mara, between Lake Victoria and what is now Serengeti National Park: the Kwaya, Kabwa, Kiroba, Zanaki,<br />

Iki<strong>zu</strong>, Sizaki, Shashi, Shora, Jita, Nata, Ikoma, Isenye and Nguruimi (Ngoreme)".<br />

Diese Gruppe wird im Atlas mit den Jita, Kwaya, Zanaki, Nguruimi, Ikoma und Iki<strong>zu</strong> repräsentiert, wel<strong>ch</strong>e na<strong>ch</strong> dem staatli<strong>ch</strong>en<br />

Zensus (1967) die grössten Ethnien sind.<br />

Die Bevölkerungsgrösse <strong>der</strong> Kwaya basiert auf den Angaben des staatli<strong>ch</strong>en Zensus von 1967 und wurde anhand des<br />

dur<strong>ch</strong>s<strong>ch</strong>nittli<strong>ch</strong>en jährli<strong>ch</strong>en Bevölkerungs<strong>zu</strong>wa<strong>ch</strong>ses (1957-1967; 1,8%) auf 1960 rückbere<strong>ch</strong>net.<br />

Die Lokalisierung <strong>der</strong> Kwaya orientiert si<strong>ch</strong> an <strong>der</strong> Karte von Kaplan (1978:154/155). Huber (1973:14): "The Kwaya occupy a tract<br />

of country along the eastern shore of Lake Victoria extending from the Mara Bay to Nariobo River.. It is a narrow strip of land<br />

with predominantly sandy soils forming a peninsula with its three points Egenge, Ekungu and Efurifu."<br />

Der Datensatz <strong>der</strong> Kwaya steht im Atals stellvertretend au<strong>ch</strong> für die südli<strong>ch</strong>en Na<strong>ch</strong>bargruppe Shora: "who inhabit the Mugango<br />

peninsula and who are culturally, historically and linguistically related to them. Together with the Kwaya they have sometime in<br />

the past become known as 'Baruri'.." (Huber 1973:13).<br />

Varia<br />

keine<br />

Spra<strong>ch</strong>e: "Linguistically the Kwaya have been classified among the 'Interlacustrine language group' of the Bantu family." (Huber<br />

1973:14).<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

k.A.<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

Neukodierung/Arpagaus 1992<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

V1/R-L: Huber (1973:18)<br />

V2/L: Huber (1973:18)<br />

V3/L: Huber (1973:18):"...coastal people adhere, in addition to their farming, to fishing and cattle holding, while inland settlers are<br />

more particularly engaged in agricultural work."<br />

V4/L: Huber (1973:18)<br />

V5/L: Huber (1973:18)<br />

V6/L: Huber (1973:77ff.) Na<strong>ch</strong> Huber waren traditionel Brautdienst und ein Brautpreis in Form einer Hacke übli<strong>ch</strong>, seltener wurden<br />

Kühe als Brautpreis gegeben. In den 40er Jahren wurde von <strong>der</strong> katholis<strong>ch</strong>en Mission, wel<strong>ch</strong>e eine grosse Häufigkeit von<br />

Ehes<strong>ch</strong>eidungen feststellte, ein hoher Brautpreis (meist Kühe) für <strong>ch</strong>ristli<strong>ch</strong>e Ehen festgesetzt. Damit erhofften die Missionare<br />

die Ehen <strong>zu</strong> festigen und <strong>zu</strong>glei<strong>ch</strong> das patrilineare Prinzip gegen matrilineare Regelungen <strong>zu</strong> för<strong>der</strong>n (ein hoher Brautpreis<br />

sollte das Verfügungsre<strong>ch</strong>t des Vaters über seine Kin<strong>der</strong> begünstigen). In diesem Zusasmmenhang wollte die Mission au<strong>ch</strong><br />

das Neffenerbre<strong>ch</strong>t <strong>zu</strong>gunsten <strong>der</strong> direkten Na<strong>ch</strong>fahren abs<strong>ch</strong>affen. Viele Kwaya wi<strong>der</strong>setzten si<strong>ch</strong> dieser katholis<strong>ch</strong>en<br />

Neuregelung des Brautpreises (Huber 1989:133/134).<br />

V7/L: Vgl. Anmerkung <strong>zu</strong> V6<br />

V8/L: Huber (1973:62ff)<br />

V9/L: Huber (1973:62ff)<br />

V10/L: Huber (1973:50ff.): "..he will stay at his father's homestead up to the stime of obukaranga, the customary ceremony of his<br />

emancipation and el<strong>der</strong>hood whi<strong>ch</strong>, normally, takes place years after his marriage. He then separates from his father and<br />

builds his own compound either in the neighbourhood or at a new site whi<strong>ch</strong> may or may not be on the lineage land of his<br />

maternal relatives. Some informants speak of this occasion as of the actual point of kukyuka, irrespective of whether he moves<br />

to his mother's kinsmen or not. Others again un<strong>der</strong>stand kukyuka s his actual joining his maternal uncles or else of his taking<br />

possession of their inheritance." (Kukyuka means 'to <strong>ch</strong>ange' or 'to <strong>ch</strong>ange sides'). Huber bezei<strong>ch</strong>net die heutige<br />

1519<br />

Seite 1


Residenzregelung als Viri-Patrilokal, da es mit Än<strong>der</strong>ungen im Erbre<strong>ch</strong>t <strong>zu</strong>gunsten des Sohnes <strong>zu</strong> einer S<strong>ch</strong>wä<strong>ch</strong>ung <strong>der</strong><br />

Matri-Lineage kam und die Söhne heute oft auf dem Land des Vaters bleiben. Virilokalität in den ersten Ehejahren sei aber au<strong>ch</strong><br />

früher bei matrilinearer Vererbung die übli<strong>ch</strong>e Residenzform gewesen.<br />

V11/L: Huber (1973:50ff). Vgl. Anmerkung <strong>zu</strong> V10<br />

V12/L: Huber (1973:50)<br />

V13/L: Huber (1973:50). Vgl. Anmerkung <strong>zu</strong> V10<br />

V14/L: Huber (1973:50). Vgl. Anmerkung <strong>zu</strong> V10<br />

V17/L: Huber (1973:51ff). Vgl. Anmerkung <strong>zu</strong> V10 und V43. Es gibt aber einen Klan, als au<strong>ch</strong> einzelne Mitglie<strong>der</strong> von matrilinearen<br />

Klanen, wel<strong>ch</strong>e patrilineare Na<strong>ch</strong>folge und Erbe befolgen: "There have always been a relatively high number of instances in<br />

ea<strong>ch</strong> of the Kwaya lineages and clans where sons never <strong>ch</strong>anged sides but retained full and indisputable juridical status,<br />

including inheritance rights, in their father's social unit... All <strong>ch</strong>ildren of Ababweri origin [Bweri]. ... their members have kept to<br />

their traditional rule of patrilineal succession and inheritance." O<strong>der</strong> "Children of a Kwaya father and a mother from a foreign<br />

country..." o<strong>der</strong> "Children of a Kwaya father and a slave girl who was given to or taken by him as a wife" o<strong>der</strong> "Children born by<br />

parents belonging to the same lineage or clan." Diese Ausnahmen werden von Huber aber ni<strong>ch</strong>t als Patri-Klane angesehen<br />

(ausser <strong>der</strong> Ababweri-Klan): "..they do not represent a patrilineal system; they rather break through the presumed matrilineal<br />

reckoning of descent. The <strong>ch</strong>ildren in these cases become members of their father's matriliny...", weshalb diese hier au<strong>ch</strong> ni<strong>ch</strong>t<br />

als eigentli<strong>ch</strong>e Patri-Klane codiert wurden.<br />

V18/L: Huber (1973:51ff.). Vgl. Anmerkung <strong>zu</strong> V17<br />

V19/L: Huber (1973:51ff.). Vgl. Anmerkung <strong>zu</strong> V17 und V43. Betr. Clan-Exogamie: It is said that in former times, many people liked<br />

to marry in their own clan or relationship." "Abaweri ... preferred to <strong>ch</strong>oose their wives from their own ruganda [Sub-tribe,<br />

divison] ..there were no other general prescription or usages in regard to inter-marriages of members of different sub-tribes<br />

and clan".<br />

V20/L: Huber (1973:51ff.). Vgl. Anmerkung <strong>zu</strong> V17 und V43.<br />

V21/L: Huber (1973:51ff.). Vgl. Anmerkung <strong>zu</strong> V17, V19 und V43. "On most occasions where the unity and solidarity of the closer<br />

kin is either demandes or expressed - this is particularly the case in the leave-taking ceremony of the bride, in the circumcision<br />

rites, in the former el<strong>der</strong>hood feast and also during the infancy and funeral customs - both paternal and maternal relatives are<br />

almost equally engaged. Only when it comes to specifically juridical issues, su<strong>ch</strong> as inheritance and property rights, adultery<br />

fines and blood compensation, or when a sacrifice is offered to a matrilineal ancestor, will the matriliny be primarily<br />

concerned." (Huber 1973:62)<br />

V43/L: Huber (1973:54). Vgl. Anmerkung <strong>zu</strong> V17. "Yet, in spite of the numerous exception and restrictions, traditional Kwaya<br />

society may rightly be defined as a basically matrilineal society. The final evidence for this assumption lies in the rules and<br />

customary practices in regard to blood compensation." ..."It should be noted that from the early forties the Mission authorities<br />

have been working towards the traditional practice of matrilineal inheritance and succession." Vgl. da<strong>zu</strong> Anmerkung <strong>zu</strong> V6.<br />

V28/L: Huber (1973:18)<br />

V29/L: Huber (1973:18); Huber (1989:131): Hauptsä<strong>ch</strong>li<strong>ch</strong> Hirse, die britis<strong>ch</strong>e Kolonialverwaltung för<strong>der</strong>te den Anbau von Maniok,<br />

"<strong>der</strong> heute <strong>zu</strong>m wi<strong>ch</strong>tigsten Subsistenzprodukt geworden ist."<br />

V30/R<br />

V31/R<br />

V33/L: Huber (1973:21): "With the coming of the Germans to Shirati in North-Mara, hereditary <strong>ch</strong>ieftaincy dependent upon the<br />

colonial administration was instituted. Formerly power had been invested in the council of clan el<strong>der</strong>s ... presided over by<br />

leading speakers. Also the age-grades .. had their specific executive functions." "...spokesmen ... had consi<strong>der</strong>able influence on<br />

public affairs as organizers and conductors of sub-tribal and tribal meetings and as judges of major cases. Ea<strong>ch</strong> of the six<br />

sub-tribes had its own omurwaji [spokeman] while, on the tribal level, one or sometimes two el<strong>der</strong>s were <strong>ch</strong>osen for this<br />

function. They came, as a rule, from Abegitwa and Abeunje, the two largest sub-tribes. It was not regarded as a hereditary<br />

office but rather as a vocation to be revealed in the candidate's power of intelligent and fluent spee<strong>ch</strong>. It required the approbation<br />

of the el<strong>der</strong>s. The principal function of the two tribal spokesmen was to convoke the meetings of the clan and lineage el<strong>der</strong>s<br />

representing all the people of the six sub-divisions. This happened in time of war, famine, disease or, whenever cases of major<br />

importance could not be solved on the level of clan and sub-tribal meetings or concerned the tribe as a whole. ... The sub-tribal<br />

spokesman had similar organisational and judical functions within his group. He, together with some senior el<strong>der</strong>s, represented<br />

his ruganda at the council meetings of the tribe. Even a woman could be <strong>ch</strong>osen for this office ... Ea<strong>ch</strong> of the six sub-tribes is<br />

composed of a number of descent groups with a common ancestor .. or more freqently, a common ancestress in ea<strong>ch</strong> su<strong>ch</strong><br />

group. The term clan may be appropriate for them." (Huber 1973:33/34)<br />

V39/L: Huber (1973:18): "Ploughing has recently (1939/40) been introduced; it has not become a common practice."<br />

V40/L: Huber (1973:18)<br />

V44/L: Huber (1973:20)<br />

V46/L: Huber (1973:20): "Neither weaving nor leather work is known."<br />

V48/L: Huber (1973:20)<br />

V50/L: Huber (1973:20): "Pottery was the work of the women, but there have never been many of them engaged in it; people went<br />

rather to Majita to buy their earthenware."<br />

V58/L: Huber (1973:19)<br />

V60/L: Huber (1973:19)<br />

V62/L: Huber (1973:19): "Milking is the work of men as is the herding of the cattle; but exceptions are easily made"<br />

V65/R-L: Huber (1973:72): Die Kwaya hatten ein Generationenklassen-System: "Though still widely remembered by the ol<strong>der</strong><br />

men, the system of the makura [Age groups] has lost its significance in Kwaya society. It is no longer operating. In former days<br />

it must have exercised consi<strong>der</strong>able influence on the public and domestic life of the people."<br />

V67/R<br />

V69/R<br />

V71/R-L: Na<strong>ch</strong> Huber (1973:43) wird die Lokalgruppe als kyaro o<strong>der</strong> ekisera bezei<strong>ch</strong>net: "Both may be defined as circumscriptions<br />

of despersed homesteads with sometimes an agglomeration of settlements around a hill or along the shore... Un<strong>der</strong> colonial<br />

rule ea<strong>ch</strong> kyaro had a headman with administrative and judical functions, and ea<strong>ch</strong> sub-tribe represented in a particular kyaro<br />

had a head-el<strong>der</strong> there." Die Codierung <strong>der</strong> Na<strong>ch</strong>folgeregelung des Headman bezieht si<strong>ch</strong> auf den "spokmen". Vgl. Anmerkung<br />

<strong>zu</strong> V33.<br />

V72/R-L: Vgl. Anmerkung <strong>zu</strong> V 33 und V71.<br />

V73/L: Huber (1973:48): "Basically, according to the old custom, it is, with the ecxeption of the Bweri [Ababweri] clan, the sister's<br />

<strong>ch</strong>ildren who assure the continuance of the group and who, consequently, are regarded as the partakers of the clan land. It<br />

should, however, be noted that, in parctice, this principle does not hold in many cases. If, for instance, the mother of the <strong>ch</strong>ildren<br />

was brought as a slave or if she came from a patrilineal society (both cases have been frequent in the past) or if both husband<br />

and wife belong to the same clan, the <strong>ch</strong>ildren will stay with their father for good and inherit in his clan." Vgl. Anmerkung <strong>zu</strong><br />

V10, V17, V43 und V74.<br />

V74/L: Huber (1989:132): "...<strong>der</strong> älteste Sohn <strong>der</strong> ältesten S<strong>ch</strong>wester [trug] die Hauptverantwortung für das Erbe des Verstorbenen,<br />

inklusive seiner Witwe(n). Er war aber gehalten, das Erbe mit seinen Brü<strong>der</strong>n und den Söhnen <strong>der</strong> übrigen S<strong>ch</strong>western des<br />

Toten <strong>zu</strong> teilen. Dabei wurden eher die jüngeren Söhne - wel<strong>ch</strong>e in <strong>der</strong> Regel für ihre eigene Mutter sorgten - privilegiert."<br />

V75/L: Vgl. Anmerkung <strong>zu</strong> V73 und V74.<br />

V76/L: Vgl. Anmerkung <strong>zu</strong> V73 und V74.<br />

V S<strong>ch</strong>rift/R<br />

V Handel/L: Huber (1973:20)<br />

Seite 2

<strong>AGE</strong><br />

KWERE<br />

Weitere Namen<br />

Wakwere<br />

Stellvertreter für<br />

k.A.<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />


Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

42575 Kwere/Tanzania<br />

12268 Doe/Tanzania<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />

Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

Picarda. 1886. Autor du Man<strong>der</strong>a: Notes sur l'Ouzigoua, l'Oukwere et l'Oudoe. Missions Catholiques 18: 184-346.<br />

Beidelman, T. O. 1967. The Matrilineal Peoples of Eastern Tanzania. London.<br />

Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

Koponen. J. 1988. People and Production in late precolonial Tanzania. Helsinki.<br />

Kaplan, Irving et. al. 1978. Tanzania, a country study. Area Handbook Series. Washington.<br />

Ministry of Economic Affairs and Development Planing. 1971. 1967 Population Census, Volume 3. Dar es Salaam.<br />

Felix, M.L. 1990. Mwana Hiti. Leben und Kunst <strong>der</strong> Matrilinearen Bantu von Tanzania. Mün<strong>ch</strong>en.<br />

Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

L: 6S, 38E. T: 1880. P: 40000 in 1957. B: V, 127.<br />

Varia<br />

KWERE<br />

Beidelmann (1967:22): "Most reside in western Bagamoyo Distrtict, northwestern Kisarawe District, and eastern Morogoro<br />

District, Eastern Region. The area of their homeland is about 1,500 square miles, mainly the southwestern third of Bagamoyo<br />

District. Der Datensatz <strong>der</strong> Kwere wird im Atlas au<strong>ch</strong> für die bena<strong>ch</strong>barten Doe (12'268) genommen.<br />

Die Bevölkerungsgrössen <strong>der</strong> Kwere und Doe basieren auf den Angaben des staatli<strong>ch</strong>en Zensus von 1967 und wurden anhand des<br />

dur<strong>ch</strong>s<strong>ch</strong>nittli<strong>ch</strong>en jährli<strong>ch</strong>en Bevölkerungs<strong>zu</strong>wa<strong>ch</strong>ses (1957-1967; 1,8%) auf 1960 rückbere<strong>ch</strong>net.<br />

k.A.<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

11,12<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

3,5,28,29,30,31,33,39,40,44,46,48,50,56,64,65, Handel<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

V 11,12: At least initially.<br />

V3/L: Korrektur des Murdock-Codes, neu Code 1. Beidelman (1967:23).<br />

V5/L: Anglei<strong>ch</strong>ung des Subsistenzcodes; Vgl. V3.<br />

V28/R<br />

V29/R<br />

V30/L: Koponen (1988:252)<br />

V31/L-R: Beidelman (1967)<br />

V33/L: Beidelmann (1967:xiii) "None of these societies [Zigua, Nguu, Kwere, Kaguru, Luguru, Kutu, Zaramo, Sagara] had,<br />

traditionally, a truly centralized political system, ... However, all of these peoples had ephemeral political lea<strong>der</strong>s who, by<br />

shrewdness, bravery and cleverly arranged alliances, succeeded in dominating fairly large populations, sometimes even<br />

beyond their own tribal areas. Su<strong>ch</strong> men seem to have become especially prominent with the increase in Arab trade when they<br />

obtained guns and ammunition in return for their co-operation in aiding caravans or when tehy obtained these by raiding su<strong>ch</strong><br />

tra<strong>der</strong>s. In general, all the <strong>ch</strong>iefs and sub<strong>ch</strong>iefs mentioned for this area owe their positions to Arab and European support or<br />

influence during the last century and were in no sense representative of the traditional political institutions of their peoples."<br />

Beidelman (1967:23:) "The two sub<strong>ch</strong>iefs over the Kwere in recent colonial times were not selected by any traditional system."<br />

V39/R<br />

V40/L: Beidelman (1967:23): "Some small livestock are kept, but no cattle."<br />

V44/L: Beidelmann (1967:xii)<br />

V46/R<br />

V48/R<br />

V50/R<br />

V56/R: Subsistenzberei<strong>ch</strong> unbedeutend<br />

V64/R-L: Koponen (1988:238)<br />

V65/R<br />

V Handel/R<br />

FN27<br />

769<br />

769<br />

Seite 1

<strong>AGE</strong><br />

KWOMA<br />

Weitere Namen<br />

k.A.<br />

Stellvertreter für<br />

k.A.<br />

Land (Untersu<strong>ch</strong>ungsort)<br />


Län<strong>der</strong> (Verbreitungsgebiete mit demographis<strong>ch</strong>en Angaben)<br />

3000 Kwoma/PauaNewGuinea<br />

Quellenangaben na<strong>ch</strong> Murdock<br />

Whiting, J. W. M. 1941. Becoming a Kwoman. New Haven.<br />

Whiting, J. W. M., and S. W. Reed. 1938. Kwoma Culture. Oceania 9: 170-216.<br />

EA<br />

OWC<br />

EA-Nr.<br />

Atlas-Nr.<br />

KWOMA<br />

Zusätzli<strong>ch</strong>e Quellen<br />

Münzel, Mark 1987. Neuguinea. Nut<strong>zu</strong>ng und Deutung <strong>der</strong> Umwelt. Band 1. Frankfurt. VMZ OK 205:1<br />

Steinbauer, Friedri<strong>ch</strong> 1985. Papua-Neuguinea Reiseführer mit Landeskunde. Frankfurt, Mai's Reiseführer Verlag. ESZ: OK 77<br />

Wurm, S.A. and S. Hattori.1981. Language Atlas of the Pacific Area. Australian Academy of the Humanities. Canberra<br />

Anmerkungen <strong>zu</strong>r analytis<strong>ch</strong>en Grundeinheit (<strong>AGE</strong>)<br />

L: 4S, 142E. T: 1930. B: IV,120.<br />

Varia<br />

Kwoma are people from north of the Sepik River near Ambunti.<br />

Wurm 1981:<br />

V Ling: Dialect Group(s), Nukuma Family, Middle Sepik Stock, Sepik-Ramu Phylum.<br />

P: 1700 Dialect group, 2865 d's,16000 Nukuma Family, 108000 Middle Sepik Stock in 1970-1980<br />

k.A.<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> <strong>zu</strong> <strong>Kodierungen</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>AGE</strong><br />

Verzei<strong>ch</strong>nis <strong>der</strong> von Murdock kommentierten Variablen<br />

k.A.<br />

Neukodierungen und ersetzte Missing Data<br />

31, Handel / Kock<br />

<strong>Kommentare</strong> (Quellenna<strong>ch</strong>weis na<strong>ch</strong>: L=Literatur, F=Feldfors<strong>ch</strong>ung, R=Rating)<br />

V29: Yams und Sago<br />

V 31/R: Münzel (1987:186): Zwei bis drei Gehöfte bilden einen Weiler; mehrere Weiler bilden die Lokalgruppe.<br />

V Handel/R: Steinbauer (1985:64): "Die Subsistenzwirts<strong>ch</strong>aft wurde dur<strong>ch</strong> Taus<strong>ch</strong>handel mit Mus<strong>ch</strong>eln, S<strong>ch</strong>necken, Salz,<br />

Töpferarbeiten, Steinbeilen und <strong>der</strong>glei<strong>ch</strong>en ergänzt." sowie Münzel (1987:322ff): Handel mit <strong>der</strong> Funktion <strong>der</strong> Allianzenbildung<br />

ist in Papua Neuguinea traditionell verbreitet. Es gibt aber keine spezialisierten Händler, au<strong>ch</strong> eigentli<strong>ch</strong>e Märkte sind ni<strong>ch</strong>t<br />

vorhanden, dagegen sind regelmässige Frauenmärkte zwis<strong>ch</strong>en unters<strong>ch</strong>iedli<strong>ch</strong> spezialisierten Bevölkerungsgruppen übli<strong>ch</strong>.<br />

Ausgeprägte maritime Handelsnetze sind eher bei den Melanesiern im Gegensatz <strong>zu</strong> den Papua von Bedeutung.<br />

OJ13<br />

655<br />

655<br />

Seite 1

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