speech rødding højskole

I ran for Venstre to become candidate for the EP24. I lost to the incumbent Asger Christensen as expected. The audience gasped when I outlined my vision, when I mentioned my provenue goals, that I said an arrow reaches its goal, and that the political unification of Europe has to be comppletd within a generation. I also got the longest applause. Better luck next time.

I ran for Venstre to become candidate for the EP24. I lost to the incumbent Asger Christensen as expected. The audience gasped when I outlined my vision, when I mentioned my provenue goals, that I said an arrow reaches its goal, and that the political unification of Europe has to be comppletd within a generation. I also got the longest applause. Better luck next time.


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SPEECH AT THE APPOINTMENT MEETING in Venstre on May 25, 2023, at Rødding Højskole

Christian Ilcus (v)

Piledamsvej 19, st

DK-6000 Kolding

My name is Christian Ilcus. I am a cand.scient.pol with a master's degree in EU Studies. I specialize in

European Foreign Policy and the Middle East. I am a man of the world - the result of a happy mix between a

family initially of estate managers and farmers from Egernfjord and an old and leading Transylvanian family,

whose name I bear. I am 53 years old, a Kolding Venstre member, and previously briefly VU chairman of the

local branch in Sorø under Carl Holst's leadership. I have also been active in student politics, where I made

plans and mobilized against left-wing extremist infiltration of the Danish student movement together with

Bo Libergren.

I am running for the European Parliament because I want to help shape the future of Europe and contribute

to solving the common challenges and opportunities Europe faces, such as the political unification of

Europe, climate change, digitalization, globalization, security, and democracy.

I want to represent Denmark's interests and values in Europe and be a strong voice for Venstre and its

policies at the European level.

I will work closely with other European politicians and actors from different countries and parties and build

a network and influence in the European Parliament and other EU institutions.

I know much about European history, culture, legislation, and politics. I want to deepen my knowledge and

experience of the European processes and decisions that affect our everyday lives and future.

My key issues, which you can read more about in the booklet, are (1) EU strategy towards reform of the UN

Security Council, (2) Vision Group for the second and third phase of Europe Defense, (3) Annual Foreign

Economic Report (4) Multibilateral Review of the EU's Strategic Partnerships (5) A European Media and Film

Strategy (6) The creation of a European Center of Excellence of Metropolitan Governance (7) Gov. eu


My vision for the European Union: I foresee the European Union eventually evolving into a state-like fiscalmilitary

actor or a decentralized federation with a much stronger political center than today. This could be

done through institutional reforms and tax collection of 5-7% of Europe's GDP to the EU. Instead of giving

2,000 kroner a year to the EU budget, EU citizens should give 15,000 kroner this year. No taxation without

representation. This is added value. It is a sustainable and durable equilibrium point that ensures Europe's

further development and continued existence as a civilization.

Challenges and opportunities for the EU

Europe's most critical challenges these years are climate change, digitalization and technological

competition, security, and defense.

Climate change requires a comprehensive and ambitious green transition of the entire economy and

society, which can also create new opportunities for growth, innovation, employment, and health. At the

same time, the EU's climate diplomacy is included in the first of my critical issues as a subset of a more solid

and effective strategy toward an EU seat on the UN Security Council alongside India and Brazil.

The EU faces a rapid and profound digital transformation affecting all sectors and aspects of life. Artificial

Intelligence is accelerating this process and creating a new battleground for the rivalry between the US, EU,

and China over data, computing power, talent, and institutions.

Developing policies and strategies to deal with the challenges and opportunities presented by technological

advances is essential. The e-commerce sector in the EU is worth around 4 billion out of a total e-commerce

market of over 6 trillion US dollars. So there is a vast untapped potential for market growth in Europe.

At the same time, digitalization and artificial intelligence can be used to pursue European public policy

objectives such as a more democratic EU and a better interwoven European public sphere. We may need

European mass media in Europe. I want to contribute to that process.

Security and defense:

The EU faces an uncertain and unstable global situation threatening its values, interests, and citizens. This

requires strengthening the EU's security and defense cooperation, as well as a more active and

independent role in the world. It can also help to promote peace, stability, and multilateralism.

I want to ensure that the EU delivers on its promises by realizing its objectives and following up on its

policies and strategies. That is why I propose setting up a vision group for phase two and phase three of

Europe Defense, per Article 42 of the EU Treaty.

However, the intention of the Helsinki Objectives to create a 60,000-strong European intervention force

has yet to be realized. I would therefore call for establishing a parliamentary commission of inquiry into the

reasons for the delay in achieving the Helsinki objectives. The EU's military operational contribution is now

down to 5000 men in so-called deployment capacity. Developments show that this may soon be needed.

Europeans once ruled the world. The EU will not, under any circumstances, give up its right to be the

master of its own house.

This must be compared with the Americans' barely hidden contempt for the Europeans' military impotence.

This raises the age-old question: How do we finance military power?

In its EU program, A Safe Denmark in a Strong Europe, Venstre advocates strengthened cooperation on

climate and the environment, growth and competitiveness, security and defense, democracy and the rule

of law, or migration and integration. My proposal for an annual foreign economic report includes

strengthening the EU's competitiveness beyond the competitiveness pact, which Troels helped to carry

through the last time the Liberal Party was in government. Or as the government's new security strategy

states: "The time calls for a wholehearted Danish commitment to the EU. And for an EU that stands back

and takes up more space on the foreign policy stage."

Several of my key issues align well with this pragmatic idealism. Whoever is not against me is with me.

At the same time, a transnational divide runs through the EU political system, dividing Europe between

those who want a global community and solutions and those who want to maintain national control.

Therefore, strengthened standard policies and strategies are needed to keep the cohesion of the European

Union. The development of European capitalism with its own goals and values, a European Foreign

Economic Policy, and strengthened and integrated European border management are all part of this.

Examples of how I could promote the Left's policies and values in Europe

As a member of the European Parliament for Venstre, I will ensure a free and fair single market that

provides opportunities for Danish businesses and consumers and promotes growth, competitiveness, and

innovation in Europe. The Region of Southern Denmark ranks well on DG Regio's so-called Regional

Competitiveness Index (RCI) score - we are in 36th place out of more than 300 regions but need to catch up

in innovation. Something must and should be done about this. I am not a national liberal and vulnerable,

but a liberal internationalist. Therefore, I propose that the Region of Southern Denmark not only analyzes

its score but also develops action-oriented strategies to correct the situation. This allows citizens to hold

politicians accountable for meaningful performance to measure progress, which creates job satisfaction in

the administration and enables the Region Syddanamr’s representation in Brussels to calm down.

The EU is a complex political system that is both stable and adaptable, harmonious and flexible. Other

methods are rigid and chaotic. Individuals stand their ground with entirely different motives.

Indeed, no one wants to live in an ugly and disgusting environment. With Jakob Ville in Kolding, I will ensure

that Kolding pulls a larger share of the load in Southern Denmark and participates in relevant EU-led

networks within urban management.

I will work to strengthen the EU's green transition and climate efforts, which align with the Liberal Party's

vision of a green and sustainable Denmark. I will also work to ensure a fair and socially responsible

transition that considers the different conditions and needs in Denmark and the Southern Denmark Region.

I will strengthen the EU's democratic legitimacy and closeness to citizens, which is crucial to the Liberal

Party's values of democracy and freedom. I also support the idea of a European constituency and

transnational lists. I look forward to the day EU Commissioners can be elected, as in Denmark, based on a

democratically elected assembly. Europeans want a government that represents all Europeans and has an

independent will.

Closing remarks

Dear Liberal Party members

Today I have told you why I am running for the European Parliament for Venstre and what I will work for. I

have also given you some examples of the challenges and opportunities the EU faces in these years and

how Venstre can contribute to solving them. With my speech, I want to combine grace with strength and

make my thoughts understandable and valuable, combined with a well-thought-out plan to unite Europe.

An arrow finds its target.

I want to be your voice and fight for the Left's policies and values on a European level. I want to work for a

safe Denmark in a strong Europe, a strong security and defense policy cooperation, and a democratic and

citizen-centric EU.

Europe is facing accurate toward challenges, indeed. I, too, have the will to lead - in Europe. Take it easy,

boy, boy. You have heard my diagnosis of the current state of Europe and the conditions under which

supranational leadership unfolds. I have indicated what will happen in the future.

Europe is the friendliest of all political systems, nay, of all regions.

The European Union was born from the Franco-German structured rivalry to bring peace and reconciliation

to Europe. We must act on this, but at the same time, create a better and more accurate Europe. I want a

new Europe, a new European order, and the EU to assume the role of an influential geo-economic player

and balancer in world politics.

I will use my influence to create the conditions for Europe to be politically, economically, socially, and

culturally united. This must happen within a generation. And it won't happen by itself. You can only work

from the tree if you have the right sculptor.

I will mobilize my inner resources to move the European Union significantly forward toward its political end

goal and ensure a much stronger political center than today.

But I cannot do it alone. I need your support and backing. I need your votes and your commitment. I need

you as my partners and collaborators in Europe.

Therefore, I ask you to give me your trust and your mandate to represent the Danish Liberal Party in the

European Parliament. Together we can make a difference in Denmark and Europe.

Thank you for your attention!

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