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Index<br />

A<br />

Abortions 57<br />

Accidents<br />

-, at sea 295<br />

-, railways 290<br />

-, roads 301-302<br />

Accounts<br />

-, agricultural 248, 251<br />

-, banks 362<br />

-, banks, Farce Islands 454<br />

-, banks, Greenland 473<br />

-, central government 393<br />

-, church 395<br />

-, counties 410<br />

-, Danmarks Nationalbank 361<br />

-, insurance companies 367-368<br />

-, local government 407-409<br />

-, main industries 332<br />

-, manufacturing industry 268<br />

-, mortgage credit institutions 365<br />

-, municipalities 411<br />

-, postal service 305<br />

-, railways 290<br />

-, shipping companies 294<br />

-, social securiry funds 396<br />

Acid substances 23<br />

Activation state 138<br />

Activity not stated<br />

-, employed persons 172<br />

Administrative division 14<br />

-, Farce Islands 443<br />

Adoptions 70<br />

Adult education 111<br />

Advertising expenditure 118<br />

Age<br />

-, death 58, 61<br />

-, divorce 68<br />

-, marriage 66<br />

-, population projections 71<br />

-, women at childbirth 56<br />

Age of population-, see also Population<br />

Agricultural holdings<br />

-, sales 285<br />

Agriculture<br />

-, accounts 248, 251<br />

-, animal production 234, 245<br />

-, animal production, Faroe Islands 450<br />

-, area 235-236, 239<br />

-, crop production 234, 240<br />

-, gross capital formation 250<br />

-, gross domestic product at factor cost 249<br />

-, holdings 235-236, 238<br />

-, investments 250<br />

-, land use 234, 239<br />

-, livestock 241-243<br />

-, livestock, Faroe Islands 450<br />

-, prices 245, 247<br />

-, quantity index 247<br />

-, raw material consumption 239<br />

-, sales 249<br />

-, subsidies 423<br />

Agriculture, cash value 284<br />

Agriculture, ecological 237<br />

Agriculture, fishing and quarrying<br />

-, employed persons 172<br />

Agriculture, land value 284<br />

Statistisk årbog 1998<br />

AIDS 62<br />

Air rescue service 302<br />

Air trafffic<br />

-, Danish airports 303<br />

Air traffic<br />

-, aircrafts, civil 304<br />

-, charter 303-304<br />

-, scheduled 303<br />

Animal life 34<br />

Animal production<br />

-, exports 245<br />

-, Farce Islands 450<br />

-, prices 245-247<br />

-, products 234, 245<br />

-, quantity index 247<br />

-, sales 249<br />

Archives 125<br />

Area<br />

-, Lakes 17<br />

-, agriculture 235-236, 239<br />

-, countries 50<br />

-, Denmark 13<br />

-, Faroe Islands 13, 443<br />

-, Greenland 13<br />

-, horticulture 236, 239<br />

-, Islands 15<br />

-, municipalities 50<br />

Area, use, abroad 483<br />

Artists associations 127<br />

Assisting spouses<br />

-, sex and region 176<br />

-, sex, age 175<br />

-, sex, changes 177<br />

-, sex, industry 174<br />

Assisting spouses, income 202-203<br />

B<br />

Bag 35<br />

Balance of payments 378-379<br />

-, Faroe Islands 455<br />

Balance of payments, abroad 517<br />

Balance of trade 378<br />

Ballet 125<br />

Bankrupt estates 164<br />

Bankruptcies 375<br />

Banks<br />

-, accounts 362<br />

-, accounts, Faroe Islands 454<br />

-, accounts, Greenland 474<br />

-, balances 360, 362<br />

-, deposits 360, 362<br />

-, employment 360<br />

-, exchange rates 374<br />

-, Greenland 473<br />

-, lending 360, 362<br />

-, number 360<br />

Banks, deposits, sector and industry 363<br />

Banks, lending, sector and industry 363<br />

Beach water quality 25<br />

Beverages<br />

-, consumption 222<br />

Beverages, consumption<br />

expenditure 216-217<br />

Births-, see Population<br />

Bonds<br />

-, central government 394<br />

-, issuing institutions 365-366<br />

-, quoted 372<br />

-, yield on government, intnl 522<br />

-, yields on 374<br />

Books 117, 124<br />

-, foreign countries 501<br />

Bottles<br />

-, recycled 27<br />

Broadcasting 120-121<br />

Buildings<br />

-, completed 278-279<br />

-, permitted 278<br />

-, started 278<br />

-, stock 277<br />

Business units<br />

-, branches 327<br />

-, VAT-registered, branches 328-329<br />

-, VAT-registered, number 326, 329<br />

-, VAT-registered, ownership 327<br />

-, VAT-registered, sales 326, 328-329<br />

C<br />

Camping sites 309<br />

Caravans<br />

-, registrations 297<br />

-, stock 296<br />

Cars<br />

-, possession of 222-223<br />

Cars, use of, county 223<br />

Cars, use of, families 223<br />

Cash benefit 138<br />

Causes of death 58, 63<br />

-, Greenland 462<br />

Central government<br />

-, enployment 180<br />

Central government finance-,<br />

see Government finance<br />

Chemical waste 29<br />

Child allowance 138<br />

Child maintenance payments 139<br />

Children<br />

-, day-care institutions 123, 140<br />

-, receiving assistance 139<br />

-, recreation centres 140<br />

Church<br />

-, national, accounts 395<br />

-, national, administrative division 115<br />

-, national, church rate 115<br />

-, national, membership 115<br />

-, national, religious ceremonies 115<br />

-, religious bodies 116<br />

Church councils, elections-, see Elections<br />

Church tax 400<br />

Cinemas 122<br />

-, foreign countries 501<br />

Cities<br />

-, population 45, 50<br />

Cities, population, abroad 489<br />

Civil aircraft 304<br />

Civil engineering 334-335<br />

Civil justice-, see Law enforcement<br />

Civil servants earned pension 138<br />

Cleaning<br />

-, share of sales 336<br />

Cleaning, general cleaning activities 336<br />

Cleaning, other activities 336<br />

Cleaning, specialized cleaning activities 336<br />

Index 537

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