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Tabel 435.<br />

Bruttolnvesteringer<br />

Gross capital formation<br />

Årets priser<br />

1990-priser<br />

1994'<br />

1<br />

1995<br />

2<br />

1996<br />

3<br />

1991<br />

4<br />

1994'<br />

5<br />

1995<br />

6<br />

1996'<br />

7<br />

1991<br />

8<br />

mio, kr.<br />

1. Boligbyggeri 31 291 34974 37 532 40 142 28408 30644 32094<br />

2. Byggeri, ekskl, boligbyggeri 23225 24 881 30667 33442 20731 21 345 25543<br />

3. Anlæg 18344 18454 22484 23759 17143 16742 19660<br />

4. Transportmidler 15620 19627 21290 24361 12583 16461 16860<br />

5. Maskiner og inventar 63859 70959 74 535 83 129 67206 77859 82256<br />

6. Stambesætninger -137 53 -16 -1 -154 55 -2<br />

7. Software mm. 15959 17538 17472 18719 16 160 17642 17301<br />

8. Memopost: Investeringer i offentlig<br />

forvaltning og service 17606 18186 20717 19629 15807 15589 17266<br />

9. Fastebruttoinvesteringerialt(1-7) 168161 186485 203964 223552 162077 180747 193713<br />

10. Lagerforugelser 754 12487 2377 4929 1 450 7211 4697<br />

11. Bruttoinvesteringerialt(9+10) 168915 198972 206341 228481 163526 187959 198410<br />

12. Forbrug at fast realkapital 149 300 151 658 152 336 151 665 132 945 134 989 136 332<br />

13. Nettoinvesteringerialt(11+12) 19615 47314 54005 76816 30582 52970 62078<br />

33469<br />

27 181<br />

20244<br />

18490<br />

89879<br />

3<br />

18313<br />

15975<br />

207579<br />

3208<br />

210788<br />

140 721<br />

70067<br />

Mere information: Statistiske Efterretninger, Nat:onalregnskab, Offentlige finasser, TRANSLATION - Columns, 14: current prices. 58: 1990-prices. - Rows, 1:<br />

Betalingsbalance, residential buildings. 2: non-residential buildings. 3: civil engineering works. 4:<br />

transport equipment 5: machinery and equipment. 6: agricultural breeding stock,<br />

etc. 7: Software, etc. 8: Memo:General government. 9: gross fixed capital<br />

formation, total. 10: stocks. 11- gross capital formation, total. 12: consumption of<br />

fixed capital. 13: net capital formation.<br />

Tabel 436.<br />

PrIvat konsum<br />

Private consumption expenditure<br />

Årets priser<br />

1990-priser<br />

1994'<br />

1<br />

1995<br />

2<br />

1996'<br />

3<br />

1991<br />

4<br />

1994'<br />

5<br />

1995'<br />

6<br />

1996'<br />

7<br />

1997'<br />

8<br />

Privat konsum i alt<br />

1. Husholdningernes konsum på dansk område<br />

Fødevarer<br />

Drikkevarer og tobak<br />

Beklædning og fodtøj<br />

Boligbenyttelse<br />

Brændsel, el, gas, varme<br />

Boligudstyr, husholdningsenester mv,<br />

Medicin, lægeudgifter mv.<br />

Transport og kommunikation<br />

i, Fritidsudstyr og underholdning<br />

j. Andre varer og tjenester<br />

2. Turisthalance<br />

Turistindtægter mv.<br />

Turistudgifter mv.<br />

3. Foreninger, organisationermv.<br />

mio. kr.<br />

492 174 512458 537 108 568 456 459 382 469 553<br />

489 273 507 537 530 185 558 632 457 662 466 237<br />

60343 63361 64311 67302 58813 60427<br />

33366 33766 35009 38524 32 552 31 733<br />

26 178 26790 28 312 30642 24464 25007<br />

103679 107587 111005 113715 89652 89993<br />

27 506 28 122 30456 28949 26 387 26920<br />

27 098 27 159 29241 31 663 25 804 25 250<br />

11 873 12 177 12881 13852 11068 11075<br />

80633 83 175 86458 93970 75 340 75 393<br />

48992 52 259 56409 61 453 49249 54 323<br />

69604 73 142 76 104 78562 64334 66 114<br />

-5390 -3897 -2 506 .56 -5851 .4480<br />

-22 605 -22 037 -20 223 -22 497 -21 103 -20 094<br />

17215 18 140 17717 22440 15253 15614<br />

8291 8818 9429 9880 7571 7797<br />

482 937<br />

478 343<br />

502 602<br />

496 098<br />

60061 61294<br />

32081 34 146<br />

26385 28382<br />

90619 90898<br />

27645 25093<br />

26 773 28 709<br />

11 681 12452<br />

76 376 82062<br />

59623 65 579<br />

67098 67482<br />

-3441 -1 833<br />

-17 931 -19 658<br />

14490 17825<br />

8036 8337<br />

Mere information: Statistiske Efterretninger, Nationalregnskab, Offentlige finasser, TRANSLATION - Columns, 1-4: current prices. 5-8: 1990 prices. - Rows, private<br />

Betalingsbalance, consumption expenditure, total. 1: consumption in the domestic market, a: food, b:<br />

beserages and tobacco. C: clothing and footwear. d: gross rent, e: fuel and power. f:<br />

household equipment and operation, g: medical care and health expenses. h:<br />

transport and communication. i: recreation, entertainment, etc. j: miscellaneous<br />

goods and services. 2: surplus on tourist account a: purchases in the domestic<br />

market by non-resident households, b: purchases abroad by resident households.3:<br />

consumption by private non-profit institutions.<br />

Statjstisk årbog 1998 Nationalregnskab 435

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