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Tabel 244. Forbrugets fordeling i kroner pr. husstand<br />

Consumption expenditure of households in DKK<br />

1976<br />

1981<br />

1<br />

2<br />

1987<br />

3<br />

Kroner pr. husstand<br />

11. Fodevarer Fødevarer<br />

12. Drikkevarer uden alkohol 13. Drikkevarer med alkohol 14. Tobak<br />

21. Beklaedning Beklædning<br />

22. Fodtoj Fodtøj<br />

31. Bolig, vand<br />

32. Brndsel, Brændsel, el el my. mv.<br />

41. Mobler, Møbler, gulvtæpper gulvtaepper 0.1. o.l.<br />

42. Gardiner, sengelinned, andet boligudstyr 43. Husholdningsmaskiner 44. Service, kokkenudstyr køkkenudstyr<br />

45. Andet til husholdning, også ogsa tjenester<br />

46. Hushjælp, Hushjaelp, kommunal dagpleje mv. my.<br />

51. Medicin og andre farmaceutiske produkter mu. mv.<br />

52. Briller, varmetæpper, varmetaepper, solarier mu. mv.<br />

53. Læge, Laege, tandlæge tandlaege mu. mv.<br />

54. Hospital, rekreation<br />

55. Syge-, ulykkesforsikring mv. mu.<br />

61. Køretøj Koretoj<br />

62. DriH Drift at of køretøj koretoj<br />

63. Køb Kob at of transportydelser<br />

64. Porto, telefon 71. Fritidsudstyr, underholdning<br />

72. Andre fritidsudgifter fritidsadgifter<br />

73. Bøger, Boger, aviser, blade<br />

74. Undervisning, daginstitutioner 81. Personlig pleje<br />

82. Artikler til personlig brug 83. Fortæring Fortaering ude, hotel mv. my.<br />

84. Pakkede ture Fisansielle Finansielle tjenester Fagforening, A-kasse, andre tjenesteydelser Forbrug i alt<br />

Antal personer pr. husstand 11473 422<br />

19661 18771 3320 320 658<br />

12 523 3362 362<br />

2221221 544 903<br />

534 1222 539 336<br />

155 415 9 207<br />

37753 5158 959<br />

949 30673 1755 1130130 323 812 472 1335 575 73<br />

1810 64880 2,5 16712 496 22864 22862 44194 419<br />

1 009 25946 80768 20022 766 1 030 648 11899 541 543 267 569 6 344 27772 8338 2 062<br />

1 385 37573 2649 11517 722 1 289 604<br />

11634 829 430<br />

41764 103172 172 2,2 21 343 710<br />

39793 37873 60956 1 573<br />

36022 922<br />

10267 27802 1 030 1 352 1 256<br />

26172 805 862 536<br />

11031 103 0<br />

635 77397 739<br />

11635 2 250 2 132<br />

51045 41494 23392 1 337 2 139 1 008<br />

36403 1 492 1 337<br />

63296 150284 2,2 DKK per household<br />

11. Food<br />

12. Non-alcoholic beverages<br />

13. Alcoholic beverages<br />

14. Tobacco<br />

21. Clothing<br />

22. Footwear<br />

31. Rent (housingl (housing) water charges<br />

32. Fuel, power etc.<br />

41. Furniture, carpets, etc.<br />

42. Household textiles, etc.<br />

43. Household appliances<br />

44. Glassware, tableware<br />

45. Household operation<br />

46. Domestic services, child care, etc.<br />

51. Medical and other pharmaceutical products, etc.<br />

52. Spectacles, solariums, blankets etc.<br />

53. Services of physicians, dentists, etc.<br />

54. Hospital care, etc.<br />

55. Accident and health inxurasce insurance<br />

61. Personal transport equipment<br />

62. Operation of of personal transport equipment eqaipmeet<br />

63. Purchase transport<br />

64. Postage, telephone<br />

71. Recreation, entertainment<br />

72. Other recreational services<br />

73. Books, newspapers and magazinex magazines<br />

74. Education and child care institutions<br />

81. Personal care<br />

82. Goods for personal ave use<br />

83. Restaurants, etc. and hotels<br />

84. Packaged tours<br />

85 Financial services<br />

86. Trade union subscription and other services<br />

Consumption expenditure, total<br />

Persons per household<br />

Kilde: Fvrbrugsundersøgelsen.<br />

Forbrugsundersogelsen.<br />

TRANSLATION. -- (Table 240-2421 240-242) -- Columns, 1-7: type of hvusehold. household. 1: single<br />

persons under the age of 45 years without children. 2: single persons over the age<br />

of 45 years without children. 3: households under the age of 45 years without<br />

children. 4: households over the age of 45 years without children. 5: single persons<br />

with children. 6: households with children. 7: total. - Rows, total consumption<br />

expenditure per household, of which:<br />

Food, beverages and tobacco. Food. Fund. Non-alcoholic beverages. Alcoholic beverages.<br />

Tobacco. Clothing and footwear. Clothing. Footwear. Rent Rert (housing), lhvusingl, fuel, power.<br />

Rent and water charges. Fuel and power. Furniture, household equipment, etc.<br />

Furniture, carpets, etc. Hvusehvlds Households textiles, etc. household appliances. Glassware,<br />

tableware, utensils. Household Hvuvehoid operation. vyerativn. Domestic services, day-care, etc. Medical<br />

care and health expenses. Medical and pharmaceutical products. Therapeutic<br />

appliances, etc. Services of physicians, nurses, etc. Hospital care, etc. accident and<br />

health insurance, transport and communication. cvmmunicativn. Personal transport equipment.<br />

operation of personal tnanspvrt transport equipment. Purchase transport. Communication.<br />

Recreation, entertainment, educativn education and culturel cultarel services. Equipment and<br />

accessories. Equipment and services. Books, Bvvks, newspaper and magazines. Education<br />

and child care institutions. Miscellaneous gvods goods and services. Personal care and<br />

effects. Goods for personal use. Restaurants, cateés cafees and hotels. Packaged tours.<br />

Financial services, nes. n.e.s. trade union subcriptionn, subcriptions, other services. Consumption<br />

expenditure per person. Total number of households, thousands. Share of owneroccupied<br />

dwelling, pct. Dwellings by floorxpace. floorspace. Average age of head of vt household.<br />

Share of households househvlds where the head of of the household hvusehvld is is a a woman, pct. Number of vf<br />

persons per households, of which adults.<br />

238 Forbrug og priser Statistisk årbog arbog 1996

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