slutrapport 2001 - Info - Aarhus Universitet

slutrapport 2001 - Info - Aarhus Universitet

slutrapport 2001 - Info - Aarhus Universitet


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SLUTRAPPORT <strong>2001</strong>KonferencepapirerThøgersen, John (2000), "Direct Experience and the Strength of the PersonalNorm-Behaviour Relationship," in Iarep/Sabe 2000 Conference. Fairness and Cooperation,Erich Kirchler, Christa Rodler, Katja Meier, and Erik Hölzl (Eds.), Baden,Vienna/Austria,12-16 July 2000: University of Vienna, 446-452.--- (2000), "Knowledge Barriers to Sustainable Consumption," in Marketing andPublic Policy Conference Proceedings 2000, Vol. 10, Paula Fitzgerald Bone,Karen Russo France, and Josh Wiener (Eds.), Chicago: American Marketing Association,29-39.--- (2000), "Promoting Green Consumer Behavior with Eco-Labels," Paper presentedat the National Academy of Sciences/National Research Council, Committeeon the Human Dimensions of Global Change, Workshop on Education, <strong>Info</strong>rmation,and Voluntary Measures in Environmental Protection, November 29-30, Washington DC.--- (2000), "Values and Experience in the Development of a Sustainable ConsumptionPattern," Paper presented at the Asia Pacific ACR 2000 Conference,March 16-18, 2000, Surfer’s Paradise, Gold Coast, Australia.--- (<strong>2001</strong>), "Consumer Values, Behavior and Sustainable Development - SpecialSession Summary," in Asia Pacific Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 4, Vol. 4,Provo: UT: Association for Consumer Research.--- (<strong>2001</strong>), "Structural and Psychological Determinants of the Use of Public Transportationin Denmark," Paper presented at the TRIP seminar, 14-15 November,Hørsholm.Thøgersen, John and Anita Gärling (<strong>2001</strong>), "Segmenting the Market for an Environment-FriendlyAutomotive Innovation," Paper presented at the The Ninth InternationalGreening of Industry Network Conference: Sustainability at the Millenium:Globalization, Competitiveness, & the Public Trust, Bangkok, January 21-24.Thøgersen, John and Folke Ölander (<strong>2001</strong>), "Spillover of Environment-FriendlyConsumer Behavior," Paper presented at the 5th Nordic Environmental ResearchConference, <strong>Aarhus</strong> 14-16 June. (Submitted for review.)--- (<strong>2001</strong>), "Transfer of Environment-Friendly Conduct between Behavioural Categories,"Paper presented at the Environment and wellbeing. 26th colloquium onresearch in economic psychology, Bath, 6-10 September.Ölander, Folke and John Thøgersen (2000), "Perceived Similarities and Dissimilaritiesamong Activities with Environmental Consequences," in Iarep/Sabe 2000Conference. Fairness and Cooperation, Erich Kirchler, Christa Rodler, KatjaMeier, and Erik Hölzl (Eds.), Baden, Vienna/Austria,12-16 July 2000: University ofVienna, 319-323.Working papersThøgersen, John (<strong>2001</strong>), "Hvorfor har økonomiske incitamenter til forbrugerne såringe effekt?" (Working Paper 01-1), Handelshøjskolen i Århus og CeSaM, Århus.Thøgersen, John and Anita Gärling (2000), "Consumers' Readiness to Adopt anEnvironment-Friendly Automotive Innovation," <strong>Aarhus</strong> School of Business andChalmers Technical University, <strong>Aarhus</strong> and Gothenburg. (Submitted for review.)Center for Samfundsvidenskabelig Miljøforskning - CeSaM35

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