slutrapport 2001 - Info - Aarhus Universitet

slutrapport 2001 - Info - Aarhus Universitet

slutrapport 2001 - Info - Aarhus Universitet


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SLUTRAPPORT <strong>2001</strong>KonferencepapirerCarla Smink & Arne Remmen: How voluntary should an environmental managementsystem be? - The case of Danish auto-recycling companies. Business Strategyand Environment Conference, 2000,Arne Remmen & Jette E. Holgaard: Cleaner Technology in the Electronic Industry.Eco-management and auditing conference, Manchester 2000, pp. 9.Arne Remmen: Integrated Product Policies and Life Cycle Management – TheBalance between Technical and Social Approaches. In Life Cycle Management– A bridge to sustainable products. LCM – conference, Copenhagen, <strong>2001</strong>Arne Remmen & Jette E. Holgaard: Transportation in the environmental communicationof industry. – A blind spot in the environmental activities of companies.Paper to the 7 th . European Roundtable on Cleaner Production, Lund, Sweden<strong>2001</strong>.AndetArne Remmen: Renere produkter – nye værktøjer, aktører og relationer. Evaluering afprojekter gennemført under Miljøstyrelsens renere teknologi handlingsplan 1993-97.Orientering nr.12, Miljøstyrelsen, Miljø- og Energiministeriet, 2000.14Center for Samfundsvidenskabelig Miljøforskning - CeSaM

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