Dokumentation og international benchmarking af bygge - Danmarks ...

Dokumentation og international benchmarking af bygge - Danmarks ...

Dokumentation og international benchmarking af bygge - Danmarks ...

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the usual definition of an output price index. Further, the price is connectedto the quarter in which the municipalities register the constructionwork as completed.In Sweden, the price used is the price the investor has to pay for a multidwellingbuilding or a collectively built one-or-two-dwelling building.Information is given on ground costs, building costs and total productioncosts (including VAT). Note that the price includes costs such as connectionto road, water and sewer services, duties and administration fees.Data sourceThe data for computing the price index is obtained from two differentsources in Norway: Ground Parcel, Addresses and Building Register(GAB) and a quarterly survey. The GAB provides information on dwellingscompleted during the reference period: Location, utility floor space andwho the owner is. The survey on the other hand helps Statistics Norway tocollect information about prices and quality characteristics that may influencethe price.In Sweden, the data are obtained partly from a database containing applicationsfor governmental subsidies as well as building permits and partlyfrom a survey. The database provides information on building projectsthat are of current interest, while the investors via a questionnaire provideinformation about prices and quality.Collection of dataIn Norway, a questionnaire is distributed quarterly to all investors of newdetached houses. The surveys are sent 15-20 days <strong>af</strong>ter the end of everyquarter and the respondents have about three weeks to fill in the informationand send it back to Statistics Norway. The respondents are obligatedto answer the questionnaire and it is followed up by a reminder. However,because the respondents are private persons, and not companies, StatisticsNorway does not threaten with fines.Once it has been decided that a project should be included in the surveypopulation in Sweden, data are collected on the construction project fromthe building contractors/investors that are named as a contact person onthe building permit application. Data for the project are collected in connectionwith the beginning of actual building work (when the foundationshave been laid). According to Statistics Sweden, by this time there shouldbe enough information about the project to answer the questionnaire. Ifthey had chosen to collect prices at completion of the project, the statisticswould be less current. The obligation to respond is in compliance with theLaw of the Official Statistics, since the statistics is considered to have greateconomic importance. Two questionnaires are being sent: “New ConstructionCosts” and “Information on buildings”.Quarterly indicesIn Norway, the price index for new detached houses is published quarterlyand only at national level. Statistics Norway also publishes a seasonallyadjusted index. Based on the same data sources, prices per squaremetre for detached houses including site value are published yearly. Oneof the purposes is to show the price differences between used and new94

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