Dokumentation og international benchmarking af bygge - Danmarks ...

Dokumentation og international benchmarking af bygge - Danmarks ...

Dokumentation og international benchmarking af bygge - Danmarks ...

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the supply. The shares of the main regions for calculating the indices isdetermined on the base of completed construction projects in differentregions throughout one certain year. Data might be available at Buildingand Housing Statistics.Selection of therespondentsThe criteria for the selection of the respondents are: Company size, numberof regions the respective company covers and the share of the turnoverthe respective company have in the total turnover of the constructionbranch. The willingness and readiness for the ongoing cooperation on avoluntary basis must also be taken in account by selection of respondents.In Austria respondents are mainly selected from the enterprises classifiedunder NACE 45 construction in the Business Register (BR) of StatisticsAustria that concerns mainly construction enterprises and specialists (forexample joiners, plumbers, tiling and flooring, electricians…). Economicsignificance and voluntary cooperation determines the selection of respondents.Concerning civil engineering works the Directorate general forconstruction (Landesbaudirektionen), responsible for the contracting ofroad or bridge construction as well as of projects in the area of water supplyand sewerage (other civil engineering), report the prices quarterly toStatistic Austria on compulsory basis. In a few federal provinces, pricesare reported by consulting and engineering offices in charge of the tenderselection.In Germany, respondents are also selected from the enterprises classifiedunder NACE 45 construction in the Business Register (BR) of StatisticsGermany that concerns mainly construction enterprises. Only the enterpriseswith headquarters in the country are selected.In Switzerland the respondents are selected from the operating- andcompanies register. The aim is to cover the half of the sample per industryand region with the largest companies. For medium-sized and smallercompanies where the number of companies per region and sector washigh enough, a random sample selection of addresses from the operatingandcompanies register was extracted. Remaining gaps were then filledwith targeted recruitment.Number of respondentsand number of reportedpricesIn Austria the questionnaires referring to the buildings are sent to 1100companies and the number of individual prices on average per surveyperiod is about 5500. Approximately 3000 prices for civil engineeringtypes are obtained from Directorate general for construction. Prices forcivil engineering works are communicated to Statistics Austria via pricereports by municipalities (Landesbaudirektionen, Sondergesellsch<strong>af</strong>ten) ofall federal provinces. It should be mentioned that reporting of the pricesfor civil engineering types is compulsory, while reporting of the prices forbuilding construction is voluntary in Austria.In Germany the questionnaires are sent to 5000 construction companies,which are asked to report prices for 186 selected construction compo-75

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