Dokumentation og international benchmarking af bygge - Danmarks ...

Dokumentation og international benchmarking af bygge - Danmarks ...

Dokumentation og international benchmarking af bygge - Danmarks ...

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• VAT and other sales taxes should not be included within major components.If specific non-deductible tax rates (other than VAT) are appliedto certain components the tax has to be added to the price of thatcomponent directly.The frame of the contentSelection of the basket ofconstruction componentsDue to the practical reasons, it is usually only possible to price a part of thecomponents of the construction types. All components which do not includethe actual construction, such as the ground are excluded. In addition,certain non-representative or difficult to standardize components(for example, the site facilities) are also excluded. In the deselecting of thespecific components the importance of the single component and difficultiesin price collection are determining factors. Hence the constructioncomponents which are difficult to price are left out.The basket of construction components and its weighting structure usuallyreflect trends during the last 5 years and take into account new constructionmethods, possible changes in material, environmental standardsand new standardized construction service descriptions.In the framework of the output price index for construction Germany,Austria and Switzerland also calculate indices for renovation of dwellings.It includes different kinds of renovation of the dwelling: replacement ofdamaged windows, replacement of damaged floors, and repair of defectsin roof, sealing or replacement of damaged sanitary etc. ‘Esthetic’ reparationas painting and decorator work is not included in the renovation indices.The index for ‘esthetic’ reparation does not show the same price developmentas the index for renovation and is not considered to be a shorttermindicator, since it shows lesser responsiveness to business cyclemovements and can often develop quite differently from the generaltrend.In Austria in the course of the selection of the basket of construction components,tenders of building construction and civil engineering projects inall federal provinces of Austria are analyzed by Statistics Austria in orderto create a representative average of construction components for thewhole country. The tender documents contain per construction project alist of all conducted works.Germany and Switzerland select their basket of construction componentsbased on the selected construction calculations obtained from privateand public construction companies. The selection of the basket ofconstruction companies is performed in cooperation with constructionexperts. In Switzerland Die Schweizerische Zentralstelle für Baurationalisierung(Central office for rationalization in construction) is actively involvedin the preparation of the basket of construction components.Surveyed constructiontypes – appliedclassificationOutput price indices are calculated for different construction- and civilengineering types. The criterion for selection of construction types is theirshares in the total number of construction types as well as the representativelyof the selected types in all regions. Furthermore, it is important that72

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