Dokumentation og international benchmarking af bygge - Danmarks ...

Dokumentation og international benchmarking af bygge - Danmarks ...

Dokumentation og international benchmarking af bygge - Danmarks ...

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Germany:• The German National Bank and The European Central Bank• The European Commission• Ministries and politicians on different levels• National research institutes• National accounts in Statistics Germany as a deflatorSwitzerland:• Construction enterprises• Ministries and politicians on different levels• National research institutes• National accounts in Statistics Switzerland as a deflatorRegulationStatistics Austria has calculated index series for the construction of residentialbuildings since 1971. In later years, indicators for the constructionbranches other building construction, road construction, bridge constructionand other civil engineering were calculated as well. The overall index“Construction output price index” has been available since 1984. Since2003 there is a national regulation concerning price indices.Statistics Germany has calculated index series since 1991. Since 1993there is a national regulation concerning price indices.Statistics Switzerland has calculated index series for construction since1995. Since 1993 there is a national regulation concerning price indices.Relationship output priceindex / construction costindexAn output price index measures the development of prices that a constructioncompany in the market effectively receives for its services. It thus reflectsthe periodical movements of supply and demand and productivitygains and losses.In contrary, the construction cost index measures the development of constructioncosts and does not include gains or losses. It thus reflects theactual movements of the cost of construction companies, as illustratedbelow.Materiel+ St<strong>af</strong>+ Inventory+ External servicesProductivity± Profit or loss/profit marginspurchaser priceCost indexOutput priceindex68

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