Protocol for RiboShredder™ RNase Blend

Protocol for RiboShredder™ RNase Blend Protocol for RiboShredder™ RNase Blend


EPICENTRERiboShredder <strong>RNase</strong> <strong>Blend</strong>RiboShredder <strong>Protocol</strong>(removal of RNA from DNA Preparations)1. Extract the DNA from a 1-2 ml overnight bacterial culture using the nucleic acid purification methodof your choice.2. After ethanol precipitation, resuspend the final nucleic acid pellet in T 10 E 1 Buffer (10 mM Tris-HCl[pH 7.5, 25 o C], 1 mM EDTA) at a concentration appropriate <strong>for</strong> subsequent applications.3. Add 1 ml of RiboShredder <strong>RNase</strong> <strong>Blend</strong> per 130 µg total nucleic acids to each reaction.4. Incubate the reaction at 37 o C <strong>for</strong> 10 minutes.5. Remove RiboShredder <strong>RNase</strong> <strong>Blend</strong> by phenol/chloro<strong>for</strong>m extraction. Precipitate the DNA usingan ethanol precipitation.NOTE: Reactions may be scaled up as needed. Use 1 U of RiboShredder <strong>RNase</strong> <strong>Blend</strong>/130 mg totalnucleic acids in the 2 10/05

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