Här är toppresultaten vid de tre senaste högskoleproven. - Expressen

Här är toppresultaten vid de tre senaste högskoleproven. - Expressen

Här är toppresultaten vid de tre senaste högskoleproven. - Expressen


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objective is to find a stabilizing controller which minimizesthe H ∞ -norm of the closed-loop transfer function from w toz that is given by the linear fractional transformationz = T zw w = G 11 + G 12 K(I − G 22 K) −1 G 21 w (8)Thus the H ∞ control problem is formalized as synthesizing acontroller K such that‖T zw ‖ ∞ < γ zw (9)for some value γ zw > 0.V. CONTROL DESIGNThe plant G from the general control problem in Figure 3is selected as the EDFA state space mo<strong>de</strong>l in (7). It followsthat the average inversion level is taken as the internal state,x ⇒ N 2 (t), the disturbance signal is selected as the inputchannel powers w ⇒ p IN , the measurement signal v ⇒ y Gand the control signal u ⇒ p p . However the original plantG is modified so that the performance variable is taken asthe average inversion z ⇒ N 2 (t), as opposed to the outputchannel powers.Given a pilot tone disturbance with the following properties:• Disturbance signals resi<strong>de</strong> in a specified bandwidth[f min ,f max ] where f max < T ransmissionBitRate(typically on the or<strong>de</strong>r of Gb/s and Tb/s)• Disturbance signals have a maximum modulation in<strong>de</strong>xm maxwe now pro<strong>vid</strong>e a methodology for <strong>de</strong>signing a suitable H ∞controller.Fig. 4.w pu pW wĜK ∞W yG pz py GpWeighted augmented EDFA for H ∞ controller synthesisBased on this format we propose that the following parametersbe selected accordingly:• Choose w L and w H to <strong>de</strong>scribe the frequency bandwidth(rad/s) where the input signal resi<strong>de</strong>s. ie. w L =2π · f minand w H =2π · f max• Choose α w to <strong>de</strong>scribe the maximum amplitu<strong>de</strong> or modulation<strong>de</strong>pth of the input disturbances. ie. α w =1+m max• Choose k w < 1 to <strong>de</strong>scribe the amount of cross gainmodulation within the disturbances.C. Integral ControlIt is a <strong>de</strong>sired performance objective to minimize the steadystate error of output signals. This can be accomplished byensuring that the average total gain y G is maintained. Inor<strong>de</strong>r to achieve this, integral control should be imposed onthe resulting H ∞ controller. But, in or<strong>de</strong>r to meet the H ∞assumptions, the selected weighting function W y must beproper, in the form:A. Plant AugmentationIn or<strong>de</strong>r to meet the H ∞ assumptions in [15], the originalEDFA mo<strong>de</strong>l must augmented. Specifically the EDFA mo<strong>de</strong>lin (7) must be augmented to ensure that D 12 has full columnrank. In or<strong>de</strong>r to meet this assumption, ẑ is introduced:[ ] [ ]C1 x + Dẑ = =11 w + D 12 u(10)z˜zαuwhere α is a <strong>de</strong>sign parameter to be selected. This gives theaugmented plant G ⇒ Ĝ with modified state space matrices[ ] [ ]DˆD1111 = , DˆD120 12 =(11)αThe selection of α represents a control penalty, limiting thecontrol signal the <strong>de</strong>signer is able to pro<strong>vid</strong>e to the EDFA.Therefore, the selection of α should reflect the EDFA’s pumpcharacteristics, most notably the pump response time andmaximum <strong>de</strong>liverable pump power.B. Disturbance WeightingThe selection of the disturbance weighting is strictly basedon characteristics of the input disturbances of the system.Specifically, using the known transfer function for a secondor<strong>de</strong>r bandpass filter the disturbance weighting W w is used to<strong>de</strong>scribe the frequency content of pilot tone disturbances:W w =k w · w H · s(s + w L )(s + w H ) + α w (12)15W y = β ys + k y(13)s + α yBased on the above form, we select the following parameters:• Choose k y =1as the controller gain• We select the bandwidth in which integral control shouldbe imposed. That is, we choose β y

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