Volume 1,2 (1953) - Dansk Dendrologisk Forening

Volume 1,2 (1953) - Dansk Dendrologisk Forening

Volume 1,2 (1953) - Dansk Dendrologisk Forening


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Summary.JENS ØSTERGAARD: Gleditsia triacanthos L. Honey-Locust. Contributionto the Knowledge of its Growth in Danish Gardens.First some historical dates concerning Gleditsia in Denmark; it wasintroduced 1752-7Q 6 ). Next a conspectus of the recorded specimens(pag. 118) and a short description of these specimens, including onebelonging to another species, G. ferox (No. 18). 47 of G. triacanthosspecimens from 35 gardens are dealt with. The tree seems to be ratherresistant to frost and to thrive well, if the soil is rich and warm. Youngtrees do not seem to be damaged by wind, but on old trees storms maybreak off large branches. Its mild shade is mentioned in connectionwith its claim for light to develop a large crown all round. Flowersare known to have been produced by 12 of the investigated trees: 3were males, 7 hermaphroditic (4 of these also with legumes), of 2 thesex was not recorded. It is recommended to further plantation.Litteratur og manuskripter.1. REHDER, A.: ... Trees and shrubs . . . New York. 1947.2. JENSEN, N.: ... Træer og Buske i Langensøe Have . . . Have-Tid. 7. 1841.3. WEILBACH, A.: Aalholm. Tidsskr. f. Havev. 1. Aarg. 1867.4. LANGE, JOH.: . . . Landbohøiskolens Have . . . Forsthaven . . . Træer og Buske. 1871.5. GENTZ, C.: ... Sirtræer og Sirbuske ... i Vallø-Stiftshave. Tidsskr. f. Havev. 13.1879.6. OEDER, G. G.: Katalog over Planterne i den botaniske Have ved Amalienborg.1752-1770. Manuskr.7. HIRSCHFELD, G. C. L.: Theorie der Gartenkunst, 3. Bd. 1780.8. VIBORG, E.: Catalogus Horti botanici Hauniensis 1783. Manuskr.9. HORNEMANN, J. W.: Hortus regius botanicus hafniensis . . . 1813-19.10. SCHMIDT, C. F.: ... Vilde Træers Opelskning. 1793.11. SCHÆFFER, M. G.: ... Træarter i det Frie . . . 1799.12. RIGSARKIVET: Skov- og Jagtvæsen, G5-21. Manuskr.13. VOTHMANN, [NIC.]: . . . Træefrøe ... Nyt Bibi. Physik, 6. 1803.14. LANGE, JOH.: Vejviser . . . botaniske Have. 1875.15. LINDHOLM, P. W.: Skolehaven ved Kløvermarks vej en. »Vore Børn«. 1922.16. LANGE, JOH.: . . . Frilandstræers Naturhistorie. Tidsskr. f. Skovbrug. 8. Bd. 1886.17. THOLLE, JOHS.: Lungholm Have. 1949. Loll.-Falst. Aarb. 1949.18. HOFMAN (BANG), N. E.: ... Hofmansgaves Have. Tidsskr. f. Havev. 9. Aarg. 1875.19. NIELSEN, HENRY E.: Smukke Træer. Gart. Tid. 57. Aarg. 1941.20. LARSEN, C. SYRACH: Arboretet og Forstbotanisk Have. 1938.— ... Forstbotanisk Have . . . Lustgården 1947-48.21. LANGE, JOH.: ... Frilandstræers Naturhistorie II. Bot. Tidsskr. 18. Bd. 1892-93.22. THOLLE, JOHS.: Aalholm Slotshave. Loll.-Falst. Aarbog, 19. Bd. 1931.22a. QWIST, EIGIL: Vallø Stifts Have 1944.23. JENSEN, VALD. M. FL.: Buske og Træer. 1948.

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