Cox regression IV. Competing risks.

Cox regression IV. Competing risks.

Cox regression IV. Competing risks.


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u n i v e r s i t y o f c o p e n h a g e nd e p a r t m e n t o f b i o s t a t i s t i c s<strong>Competing</strong> <strong>risks</strong> i R<strong>Competing</strong> <strong>risks</strong> data analyseres i R vha. pakken cmprsk.Knoglemarvsdata kan hentes fra kursushjemmesiden (dag 5).Pakken installeres, loades og data indlæses:install.packages("cmprsk")library(cmprsk)bmtdata head(bmtdata)dis ftime status1 0 13 22 0 1 13 0 72 04 0 7 25 0 8 26 1 67 0> table(dis,status)statusdis 0 1 20 2 3 121 9 6 3>38 / 47

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