Cox regression IV. Competing risks.

Cox regression IV. Competing risks.

Cox regression IV. Competing risks.


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u n i v e r s i t y o f c o p e n h a g e nd e p a r t m e n t o f b i o s t a t i s t i c s<strong>Cox</strong>-Aalen ModelTest for Aalen termsTest for nonparametric termsTest for non-significant effectsSupremum-test of significance p-value H_0: B(t)=0(Intercept) 0.421 0.846Test for time invariant effectsKolmogorov-Smirnov test p-value H_0:constant effect(Intercept) 0.00113 0.718Proportional <strong>Cox</strong> terms :Coef. SE Robust SE D2log(L)^-1 z P-valprop(age) 0.0393 0.00692 0.00926 0.00766 4.24 2.22e-05prop(edema01) 0.4860 0.18800 0.21900 0.19200 2.21 2.68e-02prop(l2bili) 0.6090 0.05210 0.06140 0.05700 9.91 0.00e+00prop(l2pro) 1.7500 0.41100 0.65000 0.51700 2.70 6.99e-03prop(albumin) -0.8050 0.21900 0.20800 0.20700 -3.87 1.09e-04Test for Proportionalitysup| hat U(t) | p-value H_0prop(age) 99.40 0.440prop(edema01) 9.18 0.012prop(l2bili) 18.10 0.156prop(l2pro) 3.49 0.002prop(albumin) 4.69 0.308Call:cox.aalen(Surv(time, status == 2) ~ prop(age) + prop(edema01) +prop(l2bili) + prop(l2pro) + prop(albumin), weighted.test = 0)12 / 47

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