2 / 2009 - Marinehistorisk Selskab og Orlogsmuseets Venner

2 / 2009 - Marinehistorisk Selskab og Orlogsmuseets Venner

2 / 2009 - Marinehistorisk Selskab og Orlogsmuseets Venner

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Cochrane med Speedy på 14 småkanoner <strong>og</strong> en besætning på 54 mandhavde erobret en spansk fregat på 32kanoner <strong>og</strong> 319 mands besætning.De britiske tab indskrænkede sig til 3dræbte søfolk, 1 såret officer (briggensnæstkommanderende LieutenantParker) <strong>og</strong> 17 sårede søfolk, medensGamo havde 15 dræbte, herunderchefen, <strong>og</strong> 41 sårede 32 .Efter erobringen af Gamo stodCochrane overfor problemet om,hvad man skulle gøre med de 263usårede spanske fanger, idet Speedy´stilbageværende besætning kunudgjorde 42 mand. Problemet løstesved, at de 2 karronader, der indgiki Gamo´s bevæbning blev anbragt,således at de kunne skyde ned i denslast. Herefter blev fangerne jaget nedi lasten. Cochrane fandt det hereftertilstrækkeligt at overføre 30 mand afSpeedy´s besætning til Gamo underkommando af hans broder, ArchibaldCochrane, der gjorde tjeneste i Speedysom Midshipman, hvorefter Speedy<strong>og</strong> dens prise satte kursen mod PortMahon, uden at de spanske kanonbådesøgte at forhindre det 33 .I Cochranes rapport til den ældsteofficer i Port Mahon, Captain Dixon,hedder det:”Sir, - I have the pleasure to informyou, that the sloop I have the honourto command, after a mutual chaseand warm action, has captured aSpanish xebec frigate of 32 guns,22 long 12-pounders, 8 nines, and2 heavy carronades, viz. The Gamo,commanded by Don Francisco deTorres, manned by 319 officers,seamen, and marines.The great disparity of force renderedit necessary to adopt some measurethat might prove decisive. I resolved toboard, and with Lieut. Parker, the Hon.A. Cochrane, the boatswain and crew,did so, when by the impetuosity of theattack, we forced them to strike. I haveto lament, in boarding, the loss of oneman only; the severe wounds receivedby Lieut. Parker, both from musketryand the sword, one wound received bythe boatswain, and one seaman.I must be permitted to say, that therecould not be greater regularity, normore cool determined conduct shownby men, than by the crew of the Speedy.Lieut. Parker, whom I beg leave torecommend to their lordships´ notice,as well as the Hon. Mr. Cochrane,deserve all the approbation that canbe bestowed. The exertions and goodconduct of the boatswain, carpenter,and petty officers, I acknowledgewith pleasure, as well as the skill andattention of Mr. Guthrie, the surgeon.”Den øverstkommanderende for Mid-14

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