Endelige opsætning:Layout 1 - Socialstyrelsen

Endelige opsætning:Layout 1 - Socialstyrelsen Endelige opsætning:Layout 1 - Socialstyrelsen


Noter til kapitel 14 275. I Danmark udredes kun få unge med misbrugsproblemer ved hjælp af egentlige diagnosesystemer. De fleste udredes på baggrund af ADAD, der er et standardiseret system til anvisning af behandling. I andre tilfælde sker udredningen på basis af systemer, der ikke er standardiserede. 276. Vejledning nr. 99 af 5. december 2006, Vejledning om særlig støtte til børn og unge og deres familier, pkt. 282-284. 277. Vind, Leif og Katrine Finke (2006), Ambulante behandlingstilbud til unge under 18 år med misbrugsproblemer s. 94. 278. Hansen og Zobbe (2006), Fokus på anvendelsen af de sikrede afdelinger. 279. Kilpatrick, Dean G., et al. (2003), Violence and Risk of PTSD, Major Depression, Substance Abuse/Dependence, and Comorbidity: Results From the National Survey of Adolescents. 280. RachBeisel, Jill, Jack Scott, and Lisa Dixon (1999), Co- Occurring Servere Mental Illness and Substance Use Disorders: A Review of Recent Research. 281. Räsänen, Pirkko, et al. (1998), Schizophrenia, alcohol abuse, and violent behavior: a 26 year follow up study of an unselected birth cohort. 282. Farabee, David, et al. (2001), The Effect of Drug treatment on Criminal behavior Among Adolescents in DATOS-A. 283. Grella, Christine (2006), The Drug Abuse Treatment Outcomes Studies: outcomes with adolescent substance abusers, in Adolescent Substance Abuse - Research and Clinical Advances. 284. Waldron, Holly Barret and Yifrah Kaminer (2004), On the learning curve: the emerging evidence supporting cognitivebehavioral therapies for adolescent substance abuse. 285. Muck, Randolph, et al. (2001), An Overview of the Effectiveness of Adolescent Substance Abuse Treatment Models. 286. Grella, Christine (2006) op. cit. 287. Waldron, Holly Barret and Yifrah Kaminer (2004), op.cit. 288. Catalano, Richard F., et al. (1990-91), Evaluation of the effectiveness of adolescent drug abuse treatment, assessment of risks for relapse, and promising approaches for relapse prevention. 289. (1) Liddle, Howard A. and Gayle A. Dakof (1995), Familybased treatment for adolescent drug use: State of the science, in Adolescent Drug Abuse: Clinical Assessment and Therapeutic Interventions. (2) Stanton, M. Duncan and William R. Shadish (1997), Outcome, attrition, and familycouples treatment for drug abuse: a meta-analysis and review of the controlled, comparative studies. (3) Waldron, Holly Barret (1997), Adolescent substance abuse and family therapy outcome: a review of randomised trials, in Advances in Clinical Child Psychology. (4) Weinberg, Naimah Z., et al. (1998), Adolescent Substance Abuse: A Review of the Past 10 Years. 290. Ozechowski, Timothy J. and Howard A. Liddle (2000), Family-based therapy for adolescent drug abuse: knowns and unknowns. 291. Kaminer, Yifrah and Natasha Slesnick (2005), Evidencebased cognitive-behavioral and family therapies for adolescent alcohol and other substance use disorders. 292. Ibid. 293. Brook, Judith, David W. Brook, and Kerstin Pahl (2006), The developmental context for adolescent substance abuse intervention, in Adolescent Substance Abuse - Research and Clinical Advances. 294. (1) Kaminer, Yifrah and Natasha Slesnick (2005), op. cit. (2) Titus, Janet C. and Michael L. Dennis (2006), Cannabis Youth Treatment intervention: preliminary findings and implications, in Adolescent Substance Abuse - Research and Clinical Advances. 295. Anderson, Harlene (1991), Opening the Door for Change Through Continuing Conversations, in Family Therapy Approaches With Adolescent Substance Abusers. 296. Liddle, Howard A., et al. (2004), Early intervention for adolescent substance abuse: pre-treatment to posttreatment outcomes of a randomized clinical trial comparing multidimensional family therapy and peer group treatment. 297. Austin, Ashley M., Mark J. Macgowan, and Eric F. Wagner (2005), Effective family-based interventions for adolescents with substance use problems: A systemic review. 298. Kaminer, Yifrah and Natasha Slesnick (2005), op. cit. 299. Waldron, Holly Barret and Yifrah Kaminer (2004), op. cit. 300. Ibid. 301. Ibid. 302. Tevyaw, Tracy O. and Peter M. Monti (2004), Motivational enhancement and other brief interventions for adolescent substance abuse: foundations, applications and evaluations. 303. (1) Miller, William R. and Stephen Rollnick (1991), Motivational Interviewing - Preparing People to Change Addictive Behavior, s. 348. (2) Nielsen, Anette S. (1998), Få din patient til at ændre livsstil - Om motivationsskabende samtaleteknikker. 304. Schneider, Robert J. and Judi Casey (2000), Motivational versus confrontational interviewing: a comparison of substance abuse assessment practices at employee assistance programs. 305. Titus, Janet C. and Michael L. Dennis (206), op. cit. 306. Tevyaw, Tracy O. and Peter M. Monti (2004), op. vot. 307. Ibid. 308. (1) Vind, Leif and Katrine Finke (2006), op. cit. (2) Vind, Leif (2006), En organisationssociologisk tilgang til indføring af evidensbaseret praksis i misbrugsbehandling. 309. Brannigan, Rosalind, et al. (2004), The Quality of Highly Regarded Adolescent Substance Abuse Treatment Programs - Results of an In-depth National Survey. 310. Ibid. 311. Miller, William R. and Stephen Rollnick (2004), Motivationssamtalen, s. 267. 312. Pedersen, Mads Uffe (2005), Udvikling af misbrug og afhængighed af rusmidler, s. 297. 313. Ibid. 220 K A P I T E L 1 4


Noter til kapitel 14<br />

275. I Danmark udredes kun få unge med misbrugsproblemer<br />

ved hjælp af egentlige diagnosesystemer. De fleste udredes på<br />

baggrund af ADAD, der er et standardiseret system til anvisning<br />

af behandling. I andre tilfælde sker udredningen på basis<br />

af systemer, der ikke er standardiserede.<br />

276. Vejledning nr. 99 af 5. december 2006, Vejledning om særlig<br />

støtte til børn og unge og deres familier, pkt. 282-284.<br />

277. Vind, Leif og Katrine Finke (2006), Ambulante behandlingstilbud<br />

til unge under 18 år med misbrugsproblemer s. 94.<br />

278. Hansen og Zobbe (2006), Fokus på anvendelsen af de sikrede<br />

afdelinger.<br />

279. Kilpatrick, Dean G., et al. (2003), Violence and Risk of<br />

PTSD, Major Depression, Substance Abuse/Dependence, and<br />

Comorbidity: Results From the National Survey of Adolescents.<br />

280. RachBeisel, Jill, Jack Scott, and Lisa Dixon (1999), Co-<br />

Occurring Servere Mental Illness and Substance Use Disorders:<br />

A Review of Recent Research.<br />

281. Räsänen, Pirkko, et al. (1998), Schizophrenia, alcohol<br />

abuse, and violent behavior: a 26 year follow up study of an<br />

unselected birth cohort.<br />

282. Farabee, David, et al. (2001), The Effect of Drug treatment<br />

on Criminal behavior Among Adolescents in DATOS-A.<br />

283. Grella, Christine (2006), The Drug Abuse Treatment<br />

Outcomes Studies: outcomes with adolescent substance abusers,<br />

in Adolescent Substance Abuse - Research and Clinical<br />

Advances.<br />

284. Waldron, Holly Barret and Yifrah Kaminer (2004), On the<br />

learning curve: the emerging evidence supporting cognitivebehavioral<br />

therapies for adolescent substance abuse.<br />

285. Muck, Randolph, et al. (2001), An Overview of the<br />

Effectiveness of Adolescent Substance Abuse Treatment<br />

Models.<br />

286. Grella, Christine (2006) op. cit.<br />

287. Waldron, Holly Barret and Yifrah Kaminer (2004), op.cit.<br />

288. Catalano, Richard F., et al. (1990-91), Evaluation of the<br />

effectiveness of adolescent drug abuse treatment, assessment<br />

of risks for relapse, and promising approaches for relapse prevention.<br />

289. (1) Liddle, Howard A. and Gayle A. Dakof (1995), Familybased<br />

treatment for adolescent drug use: State of the science,<br />

in Adolescent Drug Abuse: Clinical Assessment and<br />

Therapeutic Interventions. (2) Stanton, M. Duncan and<br />

William R. Shadish (1997), Outcome, attrition, and familycouples<br />

treatment for drug abuse: a meta-analysis and review<br />

of the controlled, comparative studies. (3) Waldron, Holly<br />

Barret (1997), Adolescent substance abuse and family therapy<br />

outcome: a review of randomised trials, in Advances in Clinical<br />

Child Psychology. (4) Weinberg, Naimah Z., et al. (1998),<br />

Adolescent Substance Abuse: A Review of the Past 10 Years.<br />

290. Ozechowski, Timothy J. and Howard A. Liddle (2000),<br />

Family-based therapy for adolescent drug abuse: knowns and<br />

unknowns.<br />

291. Kaminer, Yifrah and Natasha Slesnick (2005), Evidencebased<br />

cognitive-behavioral and family therapies for adolescent<br />

alcohol and other substance use disorders.<br />

292. Ibid.<br />

293. Brook, Judith, David W. Brook, and Kerstin Pahl (2006),<br />

The developmental context for adolescent substance abuse<br />

intervention, in Adolescent Substance Abuse - Research and<br />

Clinical Advances.<br />

294. (1) Kaminer, Yifrah and Natasha Slesnick (2005), op. cit.<br />

(2) Titus, Janet C. and Michael L. Dennis (2006), Cannabis Youth<br />

Treatment intervention: preliminary findings and implications,<br />

in Adolescent Substance Abuse - Research and Clinical<br />

Advances.<br />

295. Anderson, Harlene (1991), Opening the Door for Change<br />

Through Continuing Conversations, in Family Therapy<br />

Approaches With Adolescent Substance Abusers.<br />

296. Liddle, Howard A., et al. (2004), Early intervention for adolescent<br />

substance abuse: pre-treatment to posttreatment outcomes<br />

of a randomized clinical trial comparing multidimensional<br />

family therapy and peer group treatment.<br />

297. Austin, Ashley M., Mark J. Macgowan, and Eric F. Wagner<br />

(2005), Effective family-based interventions for adolescents<br />

with substance use problems: A systemic review.<br />

298. Kaminer, Yifrah and Natasha Slesnick (2005), op. cit.<br />

299. Waldron, Holly Barret and Yifrah Kaminer (2004), op. cit.<br />

300. Ibid.<br />

301. Ibid.<br />

302. Tevyaw, Tracy O. and Peter M. Monti (2004), Motivational<br />

enhancement and other brief interventions for adolescent substance<br />

abuse: foundations, applications and evaluations.<br />

303. (1) Miller, William R. and Stephen Rollnick (1991),<br />

Motivational Interviewing - Preparing People to Change<br />

Addictive Behavior, s. 348.<br />

(2) Nielsen, Anette S. (1998), Få din patient til at ændre livsstil -<br />

Om motivationsskabende samtaleteknikker.<br />

304. Schneider, Robert J. and Judi Casey (2000), Motivational<br />

versus confrontational interviewing: a comparison of substance<br />

abuse assessment practices at employee assistance programs.<br />

305. Titus, Janet C. and Michael L. Dennis (206), op. cit.<br />

306. Tevyaw, Tracy O. and Peter M. Monti (2004), op. vot.<br />

307. Ibid.<br />

308. (1) Vind, Leif and Katrine Finke (2006), op. cit.<br />

(2) Vind, Leif (2006), En organisationssociologisk tilgang til indføring<br />

af evidensbaseret praksis i misbrugsbehandling.<br />

309. Brannigan, Rosalind, et al. (2004), The Quality of Highly<br />

Regarded Adolescent Substance Abuse Treatment Programs -<br />

Results of an In-depth National Survey.<br />

310. Ibid.<br />

311. Miller, William R. and Stephen Rollnick (2004),<br />

Motivationssamtalen, s. 267.<br />

312. Pedersen, Mads Uffe (2005), Udvikling af misbrug og<br />

afhængighed af rusmidler, s. 297.<br />

313. Ibid.<br />

220 K A P I T E L 1 4

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