Vinder af Konsulentprisen 2009 - DI

Vinder af Konsulentprisen 2009 - DI

Vinder af Konsulentprisen 2009 - DI


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Direktøren for forskning og udvikling, Henrik Jacobi, samt<br />

ledergruppen i R&D, besluttede derfor i 2005 at iværksætte<br />

et intensivt organisations- og lederudviklingsforløb.<br />

Summit Consulting A/S blev valgt som ekstern samarbejdspartner.<br />

Et projektteam blev etableret med Henrik<br />

Jacobi, 2 mellemledere samt 5 Summit konsulenter.<br />

Det var magtpåliggende for ALK- Abelló og for ledergruppen,<br />

at projektet ikke måtte blive for abstrakt eller konsulentagtigt,<br />

men konstant <strong>af</strong>klare og dokumentere sin legitimitet<br />

gennem arbejdet med organisationens konkrete<br />

strategiske og udviklingsmæssige behov.<br />

Projektets hovedelementer – Figur A<br />

Fase I: Analyse og Indsatsområder<br />

Der blev gennemført interviews med 18 nøgle-interessenter<br />

(herunder Marketing, Produktion, datterselskaber:<br />

GB, Norden, Holland, Tyskland, Østrig). De vigtigste temaer<br />

i interviewene blev sammenfattet i et temakatalog,<br />

som blev præsenteret for R&D’s ledergruppe. Interessenterne<br />

efterspurgte en mere forretningsorienteret prioritering<br />

<strong>af</strong> forskningsindsatsen, mere forretningsforståelse,<br />

kundefokus samt en større imødekommenhed.<br />

Ledergruppen identificerede på baggrund <strong>af</strong> analysen de 3<br />

vigtigste indsatsområder: Communication, Leadership, og<br />

Business Awareness.<br />

kompetence med funktionsspecifikke adfærd – Figur B<br />

Competence Clinical Product Development Regulatory Affairs Research<br />

Understand customer<br />

needs and market<br />

dynamics<br />

Has a continuous dialouge<br />

with internal customers<br />

which include regulatory<br />

Affairs, Sales & Marketing,<br />

subsidaries, Research, Project<br />

Management ect.<br />

Understand customers<br />

needs – e.g. through<br />

meetings, telephone calls,<br />

e-mails.<br />

It updated on regional and<br />

local legislation relevant for<br />

obtaining and marketing<br />

authorsations and other<br />

product authorisations – e.g.<br />

APSI authorisations<br />

Has a commercial mindset<br />

rather than an acadamic<br />

mindset<br />

Has a continuous dialouge<br />

with external stakeholders<br />

including clinical investigators.<br />

Ivolves customers from the<br />

beginning of the projects<br />

Improves knowlegde on<br />

relevant parts of the regional<br />

and local legislation on<br />

clinical trials<br />

Builds close relationsships<br />

and networks with acadamic<br />

opinion leaders<br />

Aligns expectations with<br />

the other R&D departments<br />

focuses on ”need<br />

to have” rather than ”nice<br />

to have”<br />

Aligns expectations<br />

with customers – therby<br />

differentiating between<br />

”need to have” and ”nice<br />

to have”<br />

Improves both the quantity<br />

and the quality of network<br />

relations to regulatory<br />

authorities<br />

Has close communication<br />

with the Strategic marketing<br />

Aligns expectations with<br />

Sales & Marketing and<br />

subsidiaries – and focuses<br />

on ”need to have” rather<br />

than ”nice to have”<br />

In service-minded and<br />

attentive to satisfyring our<br />

customers<br />

Influences future legislation<br />

and guidelines<br />

Interacts on an operative<br />

level with the sales force in<br />

subsidaries<br />

Promotes the understanding<br />

of business<br />

awareness – e.g. through<br />

training<br />

Is willing to re-prioritize<br />

tasks in aligment with important<br />

customer needs.<br />

Facillitates collaboration –<br />

e.g. with S&M – in order to<br />

improve knowlegde of the<br />

end users needs and how to<br />

meet those needs<br />

Understands the complexity<br />

the sales force experiences<br />

in the market<br />

Understands the market in<br />

which we operate – e.g.<br />

the competitive situation,<br />

product positioning, local<br />

market conditions ect.<br />

Understands stakeholders<br />

(other functional areas – inside<br />

and outside R&D – and<br />

<strong>af</strong>filiatates) needs and the<br />

background for the needs<br />

expressed<br />

Benchmarks with competitors<br />

products<br />

Understands local market<br />

dynamics (speed, competitors,<br />

challenges and<br />

opportunities ect.) and the<br />

background for these – e.g.<br />

through meetings with<br />

subsidaries and International<br />

Marketing.<br />

Is the preferred partner for<br />

commercial research collaborations<br />


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