Konkurrenceretlig analyse af tying og bundling på ... - Juridisk Institut

Konkurrenceretlig analyse af tying og bundling på ... - Juridisk Institut

Konkurrenceretlig analyse af tying og bundling på ... - Juridisk Institut


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D. S. Evans <strong>og</strong> M. Sallinger: “Why Do Firms Bundle and Tie Evidence from Competitive Markets<br />

and Implications for Tying Law” i YJoR, vol. 22:37, 2005.<br />

(“Evans <strong>og</strong> Sallinger”)<br />

Caroline Heide-Jørgensen, Peter Stig Jakobsen m.fl.: “Konkurrenceretten i EU” (3. udg., 2009)<br />

(”Heide-Jørgensen m.fl.”)<br />

Neelie Kroes, Member of the European Commission in charge of Competition Policy: ”Preliminary<br />

Thoughts on Policy Review of Article 82”, Speech at the Fordham Corporate Law <strong>Institut</strong>e, New<br />

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J. T. Lang: “Reprisals and overreaction by dominant companies as an anti-Competitive Abuse<br />

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J. T. Lang <strong>og</strong> A. Renda: “Treatment of Exclusionary Abuses under Article 82 of the EC Treaty:<br />

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(”Lang <strong>og</strong> Renda”)<br />

J. Langer: ”The Court of First Instance’s Microsoft Decision: Just an Orthodox Ruling in an On-<br />

Orthodox Case” i KLI, Legal Issues of Economic Integration 35(2), 2008.<br />

B. Nablebuff: ”Bundling” i Yale ICF Working Paper no. 99-14 (1999).<br />

B. Nablebuff: ”Bundling as an Entry Barrier” i QJoE, feb. 2004.<br />

B. Nablebuff: ”Bundling, Tying and Portfolio Effects” - DTI Economics Paper No. 1, part 1, 2003.<br />

(“Nablebuff (2003)”)<br />

B. Nablebuff <strong>og</strong> D. Majerus: ”Bundling, Tying and Portfolio Effects” - DTI Economics Paper No. 1,<br />

part 2, 2003.<br />

R. O’don<strong>og</strong>hue <strong>og</strong> A. J. Padilla: “The Law and Economics of art. 82 EF” (2006) (“O’don<strong>og</strong>hue <strong>og</strong><br />

Padilla”)<br />

Office of Fair Trading: “Assesment of conduct - Dr<strong>af</strong>t competition law guideline for consultation”<br />

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Cyril Ritter: “Does the Law of Predatory Pricing and Cross-Subsidisation Need a Radical Rethink”<br />

i World Competition, 2004.<br />

J-C. Rochet <strong>og</strong> J. Tirole: “Platform Competition in Two-Sided Markets” i JEEA, 2003.<br />

M. Sallinger: “A Graphical Analysis of Bundling” i JoB, Vol. 68, No. 1, 1995.<br />

J. Tirole: “The Analysis of Tying Cases: A Primer” i CPI, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2004.<br />

M. D. Whinston: “Tying, Forecolsure and Exclusion” (1990) i AER, sept. 1990.<br />

(“Whinston (1990)”)<br />

XIV Beretning om konkurrencepolitikken (1984)<br />

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