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Risse, Thomas (2002). „Transnational Actors, Networks, and Global Governance“,<br />

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Sahlin-Andersson, Kerstin (2001). „National, International and Transnational<br />

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Scharpf, Fritz (1996). „Negative and Positive Integration in the Political Economy<br />

of European Welfare States“, pp. 15-39 i Gary Marks, Fritz Scharpf,<br />

Phillipe Schmitter & Wolfgang Streeck. Governance in the European Union.<br />

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Schimmelfennig, Frank (2000). „International Socialization in the New Europe:<br />

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Schmidt, Susanne K. (1996). „Sterile Debates and Dubious Generalizations:<br />

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Scholte, Jan Aart (1997). „The Globalization of World Politics“, pp. 13-30 i<br />

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Shanks, Cheryl, Harold K. Jacobson & Jeffrey H. Kaplan (1996). „Inertia and<br />

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