Referenceprogram for behandling af knæartrose - Sundhedsstyrelsen

Referenceprogram for behandling af knæartrose - Sundhedsstyrelsen Referenceprogram for behandling af knæartrose - Sundhedsstyrelsen


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154) Langman, M. J., Weil, J., Wainwright, P., Lawson, D. H., Rawlins, M. D., Logan, R. F., Murphy, M., Vessey, M. P., & Colin-Jones, D. G. 1994, "Risks of bleeding peptic ulcer associated with individual non-steroidal antiinflammatory drugs", Lancet, vol. 343, no. 8905, pp. 1075-1078. opt=Citation&list_uids=7909103 155) Laskin, R. S. & van, S. M. 1999, "Total knee replacement for patients with patellofemoral arthritis", Clin Orthop Relat Res no. 367, pp. 89-95. opt=Citation&list_uids=10546602 156) Lau, E. C., Cooper, C., Lam, D., Chan, V. N., Tsang, K. K., & Sham, A. 2000, "Factors associated with osteoarthritis of the hip and knee in Hong Kong Chinese: obesity, joint injury, and occupational activities", Am J Epidemiol., vol. 152, no. 9, pp. 855-862. opt=Citation&list_uids=11085397 157) Laufer, Y., Zilberman, R., Porat, R., & Nahir, A. M. 2005, "Effect of pulsed short-wave diathermy on pain and function of subjects with osteoarthritis of the knee: a placebo-controlled double-blind clinical trial", Clinical rehabilitation, vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 255-263. opt=Citation&list_uids=15859526 157b Lavernia, C. J., Guzman, J. F., &. Gachupin-Garcia, A. 1997, "Cost effectiveness and quality of life in knee arthroplasty", Clin Orthop Relat Res, no. 345, pp.:134-139. d&dopt=Citation&list_uids=9418630 158) Lee, C., Straus, W. L., Balshaw, R., Barlas, S., Vogel, S., & Schnitzer, T. J. 2004, "A comparison of the efficacy and safety of nonsteroidal antiinflammatory agents versus acetaminophen in the treatment of osteoarthritis: a metaanalysis", Arthritis and Rheumatism, vol. 51, no. 5, pp. 746-754. opt=Citation&list_uids=15478167 159) Lequesne, M. G. & Maheu, E. 2003, "Clinical and radiological evaluation of hip, knee and hand osteoarthritis", Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, vol. 15, no. 5, pp. 380-390. 159b Liang, M. H., Cullen, K. E., Larson, M. G., Thompson, M. S., Schwartz, J. A., Fossel, A. H., Roberts, W. N., & Sledge, C. B. 1986, "Cost-effectiveness of total joint arthroplasty in osteoarthritis", Arthritis Rheum, vol. 29, no. 8, pp. 937-943. d&dopt=Citation&list_uids=15478167 159c Liaropoulos L., Spinthouri M., Ignatiades T., Ifandi G., Katostaras F., & Diamantopoulos E. 1998, " Economic evaluation of nimesulide versus diclofenac in the treatment of osteoarthritis in Greece", Pharma- Referenceprogram for behandling af knæartrose – september 2007 91

154) Langman, M. J., Weil, J., Wainwright, P., Lawson, D. H., Rawlins, M. D.,<br />

Logan, R. F., Murphy, M., Vessey, M. P., & Colin-Jones, D. G. 1994, "Risks<br />

of bleeding peptic ulcer associated with individual non-steroidal antiinflammatory<br />

drugs", Lancet, vol. 343, no. 8905, pp. 1075-1078.<br /><br />

opt=Citation&list_uids=7909103<br />

155) Laskin, R. S. & van, S. M. 1999, "Total knee replacement <strong>for</strong> patients with<br />

patellofemoral arthritis", Clin Orthop Relat Res no. 367, pp. 89-95.<br /><br />

opt=Citation&list_uids=10546602<br />

156) Lau, E. C., Cooper, C., Lam, D., Chan, V. N., Tsang, K. K., & Sham, A.<br />

2000, "Factors associated with osteoarthritis of the hip and knee in Hong Kong<br />

Chinese: obesity, joint injury, and occupational activities", Am J Epidemiol.,<br />

vol. 152, no. 9, pp. 855-862.<br /><br />

opt=Citation&list_uids=11085397<br />

157) Laufer, Y., Zilberman, R., Porat, R., & Nahir, A. M. 2005, "Effect of pulsed<br />

short-wave diathermy on pain and function of subjects with osteoarthritis of the<br />

knee: a placebo-controlled double-blind clinical trial", Clinical rehabilitation,<br />

vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 255-263.<br /><br />

opt=Citation&list_uids=15859526<br />

157b Lavernia, C. J., Guzman, J. F., &. Gachupin-Garcia, A. 1997, "Cost<br />

effectiveness and quality of life in knee arthroplasty", Clin Orthop Relat<br />

Res, no. 345, pp.:134-139.<br /><br />

d&dopt=Citation&list_uids=9418630<br />

158) Lee, C., Straus, W. L., Balshaw, R., Barlas, S., Vogel, S., & Schnitzer, T. J.<br />

2004, "A comparison of the efficacy and s<strong>af</strong>ety of nonsteroidal antiinflammatory<br />

agents versus acetaminophen in the treatment of osteoarthritis: a metaanalysis",<br />

Arthritis and Rheumatism, vol. 51, no. 5, pp. 746-754.<br /><br />

opt=Citation&list_uids=15478167<br />

159) Lequesne, M. G. & Maheu, E. 2003, "Clinical and radiological evaluation of<br />

hip, knee and hand osteoarthritis", Aging Clinical and Experimental Research,<br />

vol. 15, no. 5, pp. 380-390.<br />

159b Liang, M. H., Cullen, K. E., Larson, M. G., Thompson, M. S.,<br />

Schwartz, J. A., Fossel, A. H., Roberts, W. N., & Sledge, C. B. 1986,<br />

"Cost-effectiveness of total joint arthroplasty in osteoarthritis", Arthritis<br />

Rheum, vol. 29, no. 8, pp. 937-943.<br /><br />

d&dopt=Citation&list_uids=15478167<br />

159c Liaropoulos L., Spinthouri M., Ignatiades T., Ifandi G., Katostaras<br />

F., & Diamantopoulos E. 1998, " Economic evaluation of nimesulide versus<br />

diclofenac in the treatment of osteoarthritis in Greece", Pharma-<br />

<strong>Referenceprogram</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>behandling</strong> <strong>af</strong> knæartrose – september 2007 91

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