Referenceprogram for behandling af knæartrose - Sundhedsstyrelsen

Referenceprogram for behandling af knæartrose - Sundhedsstyrelsen Referenceprogram for behandling af knæartrose - Sundhedsstyrelsen


293) WHO 1992, International statistical classification of diseases and related health problems, tenth revision, 10 edn, World Health Organization, Geneva. 294) Wigler, I., Elkayam, O., Paran, D., & Yaron, M. 1995, "Spa therapy for gonarthrosis: a prospective study", Rheumatology international, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 65-68. opt=Citation&list_uids=7481482 295) Williams, H. J., Ward, J. R., Egger, M. J., Neuner, R., Brooks, R. H., Clegg, D. O., Field, E. H., Skosey, J. L., Alarcon, G. S., Willkens, R. F., & . 1993, "Comparison of naproxen and acetaminophen in a two-year study of treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee", Arthritis and Rheumatism, vol. 36, no. 9, pp. 1196-1206. opt=Citation&list_uids=8216413 295b Witt C., Brinkhaus B., Jena S., Linde K., Streng A., Wagenpfeil S., Hummelsberger J., Walther H. U., Melchart D., & Willich S. N. 2004, "Acupuncture in patients with osteoarthritis of the knee: a randomised trial", Lancet; vol. 366, no. 9480, pp. 136-143. d&dopt=Citation&list_uids=16005336 295c Witt C. M., Jena S., Brinkhaus B., Liecker B., Wegscheider K., & Willich S. N. 2006, "Acupuncture in patients with osteoarthritis of the knee or hip: a randomized, controlled trial with an additional nonrandomized arm", Arthritis and Rheumatism, vol. 54, no. 11, pp. 3485-3493. d&dopt=Citation&list_uids=17075849 296) Witvrouw, E., Victor, J., Bellemans, J., Rock, B., Van, L. R., Van Der, S. R., & Verdonk, R. 2002, "A correlation study of objective functionality and WOMAC in total knee arthroplasty", Knee.Surg.Sports Traumatol Arthrosc., vol. 10, no. 6, pp. 347-351. opt=Citation&list_uids=12444512 297) Wolfe, M. M., Lichtenstein, D. R., & Singh, G. 1999, "Gastrointestinal toxicity of nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs", The New England journal of medicine, vol. 340, no. 24, pp. 1888-1899. opt=Citation&list_uids=10369853 298) Wright, R. J., Sledge, C. B., Poss, R., Ewald, F. C., Walsh, M. E., & Lingard, E. A. 2004, "Patient-reported outcome and survivorship after Kinemax total knee arthroplasty", Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery.American volume, vol. 86-A, no. 11, pp. 2464-2470. opt=Citation&list_uids=15523019 Referenceprogram for behandling af knæartrose – september 2007 110

299) Wyatt, F. B., Milam, S., Manske, R. C., & Deere, R. 2001, "The effects of aquatic and traditional exercise programs on persons with knee osteoarthritis", J Strength.Cond.Res, vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 337-340. opt=Citation&list_uids=11710661 300) Yang, K. G. A., Saris, D. B. F., Dhert, W. J. A., & Verbout, A. J. 2004, "Osteoarthritis of the knee: Current treatment options and future directions", Current Orthopaedics, vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 311-320. 301) Yoshimura, N., Nishioka, S., Kinoshita, H., Hori, N., Nishioka, T., Ryujin, M., Mantani, Y., Miyake, M., Coggon, D., & Cooper, C. 2004, "Risk factors for knee osteoarthritis in Japanese women: heavy weight, previous joint injuries, and occupational activities", J Rheumatol, vol. 31, no. 1, pp. 157-162. ds=14705235&dopt=AbstractPlus 302) Yurtkuran, M. & Kocagil, T. 1999, "TENS, electroacupuncture and ice massage: comparison of treatment for osteoarthritis of the knee", Am.J.Acupunct., vol. 27, no. 3-4, pp. 133-140. opt=Citation&list_uids=10729968 303) Zabinski R. A., Burke T. A., Johnson J., Lavoie F., Fitzsimon C., Tretiak R., & Chancellor J. V. 2001, " An economic model for determining the costs and consequences of using various treatment alternatives for the management of arthritis in Canada", Pharmacoeconomics, vol. 19, Suppl 1, pp. 49-58. opt=Citation&list_uids=11280105 304) Zicat, B., Rorabeck, C. H., Bourne, R. B., Devane, P. A., & Nott, L. 1993, "Total knee arthroplasty in the octogenarian", J Arthroplasty, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 395-400. opt=Citation&list_uids=8409991 Referenceprogram for behandling af knæartrose – september 2007 111

293) WHO 1992, International statistical classification of diseases and related<br />

health problems, tenth revision, 10 edn, World Health Organization, Geneva.<br /><br />

294) Wigler, I., Elkayam, O., Paran, D., & Yaron, M. 1995, "Spa therapy <strong>for</strong><br />

gonarthrosis: a prospective study", Rheumatology international, vol. 15, no. 2,<br />

pp. 65-68.<br /><br />

opt=Citation&list_uids=7481482<br />

295) Williams, H. J., Ward, J. R., Egger, M. J., Neuner, R., Brooks, R. H., Clegg,<br />

D. O., Field, E. H., Skosey, J. L., Alarcon, G. S., Willkens, R. F., & . 1993,<br />

"Comparison of naproxen and acetaminophen in a two-year study of treatment<br />

of osteoarthritis of the knee", Arthritis and Rheumatism, vol. 36, no. 9, pp.<br />

1196-1206.<br /><br />

opt=Citation&list_uids=8216413<br />

295b Witt C., Brinkhaus B., Jena S., Linde K., Streng A., Wagenpfeil S.,<br />

Hummelsberger J., Walther H. U., Melchart D., & Willich S. N. 2004,<br />

"Acupuncture in patients with osteoarthritis of the knee: a randomised<br />

trial", Lancet; vol. 366, no. 9480, pp. 136-143.<br /><br />

d&dopt=Citation&list_uids=16005336<br />

295c Witt C. M., Jena S., Brinkhaus B., Liecker B., Wegscheider K., &<br />

Willich S. N. 2006, "Acupuncture in patients with osteoarthritis of the knee<br />

or hip: a randomized, controlled trial with an additional nonrandomized<br />

arm", Arthritis and Rheumatism, vol. 54, no. 11, pp. 3485-3493.<br /><br />

d&dopt=Citation&list_uids=17075849<br />

296) Witvrouw, E., Victor, J., Bellemans, J., Rock, B., Van, L. R., Van Der, S. R.,<br />

& Verdonk, R. 2002, "A correlation study of objective functionality and<br />

WOMAC in total knee arthroplasty", Knee.Surg.Sports Traumatol Arthrosc.,<br />

vol. 10, no. 6, pp. 347-351.<br /><br />

opt=Citation&list_uids=12444512<br />

297) Wolfe, M. M., Lichtenstein, D. R., & Singh, G. 1999, "Gastrointestinal toxicity<br />

of nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs", The New England journal of<br />

medicine, vol. 340, no. 24, pp. 1888-1899.<br /><br />

opt=Citation&list_uids=10369853<br />

298) Wright, R. J., Sledge, C. B., Poss, R., Ewald, F. C., Walsh, M. E., & Lingard,<br />

E. A. 2004, "Patient-reported outcome and survivorship <strong>af</strong>ter Kinemax total<br />

knee arthroplasty", Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery.American volume, vol.<br />

86-A, no. 11, pp. 2464-2470.<br /><br />

opt=Citation&list_uids=15523019<br />

<strong>Referenceprogram</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>behandling</strong> <strong>af</strong> knæartrose – september 2007 110

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