Referenceprogram for behandling af knæartrose - Sundhedsstyrelsen

Referenceprogram for behandling af knæartrose - Sundhedsstyrelsen Referenceprogram for behandling af knæartrose - Sundhedsstyrelsen


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227) Rijk, P. C. 2004, "Meniscal allograft transplantation--part I: background, results, graft selection and preservation, and surgical considerations", Arthroscopy : The Journal of Arthroscopic & Related Surgery : Official Publication of the Arthroscopy Association of North America and the International Arthroscopy Association, vol. 20, no. 7, pp. 728-743. opt=Citation&list_uids=15346115 228) Ritter, M. A., Albohm, M. J., Keating, E. M., Faris, P. M., & Meding, J. B. 1995, "Comparative outcomes of total joint arthroplasty", The Journal of arthroplasty, vol. 10, no. 6, pp. 737-741. opt=Citation&list_uids=8749754 229) Robertsson, O., Dunbar, M., Pehrsson, T., Knutson, K., & Lidgren, L. 2000, "Patient satisfaction after knee arthroplasty: a report on 27,372 knees operated on between 1981 and 1995 in Sweden", Acta Orthop Scand., vol. 71, no. 3, pp. 262-267. opt=Citation&list_uids=10919297 230) Roddy, E., Zhang, W., & Doherty, M. 2005, "Aerobic walking or strengthening exercise for osteoarthritis of the knee? A systematic review", Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, vol. 64, no. 4, pp. 544-548. opt=Citation&list_uids=15769914 231) Roddy, E., Zhang, W., Doherty, M., Arden, N. K., Barlow, J., Birrell, F., Carr, A., Chakravarty, K., Dickson, J., Hay, E., Hosie, G., Hurley, M., Jordan, K. M., McCarthy, C., McMurdo, M., Mockett, S., O'Reilly, S., Peat, G., Pendleton, A., & Richards, S. 2005, "Evidence-based recommendations for the role of exercise in the management of osteoarthritis of the hip or knee--the MOVE consensus", Rheumatology (Oxford, England), vol. 44, no. 1, pp. 67- 73. opt=Citation&list_uids=15353613 232) Rodeo, S. A. 2001, "Meniscal allografts--where do we stand?", The American Journal of Sports Medicine, vol. 29, no. 2, pp. 246-261. opt=Citation&list_uids=11292055 233) Rogind, H., Bibow-Nielsen, B., Jensen, B., Moller, H. C., Frimodt-Moller, H., & Bliddal, H. 1998, "The effects of a physical training program on patients with osteoarthritis of the knees", Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, vol. 79, no. 11, pp. 1421-1427. opt=Citation&list_uids=9821904 234) Rostom, A., Dube, C., Wells, G., Tugwell, P., Welch, V., Jolicoeur, E., & McGowan, J. 2002, "Prevention of NSAID-induced gastroduodenal ulcers", Cochrane.Database.Syst.Rev. no. 4, p. CD002296. Referenceprogram for behandling af knæartrose – september 2007 101

227) Rijk, P. C. 2004, "Meniscal allogr<strong>af</strong>t transplantation--part I: background, results,<br />

gr<strong>af</strong>t selection and preservation, and surgical considerations", Arthroscopy<br />

: The Journal of Arthroscopic & Related Surgery : Official Publication<br />

of the Arthroscopy Association of North America and the International Arthroscopy<br />

Association, vol. 20, no. 7, pp. 728-743.<br /><br />

opt=Citation&list_uids=15346115<br />

228) Ritter, M. A., Albohm, M. J., Keating, E. M., Faris, P. M., & Meding, J. B.<br />

1995, "Comparative outcomes of total joint arthroplasty", The Journal of arthroplasty,<br />

vol. 10, no. 6, pp. 737-741.<br /><br />

opt=Citation&list_uids=8749754<br />

229) Robertsson, O., Dunbar, M., Pehrsson, T., Knutson, K., & Lidgren, L. 2000,<br />

"Patient satisfaction <strong>af</strong>ter knee arthroplasty: a report on 27,372 knees operated<br />

on between 1981 and 1995 in Sweden", Acta Orthop Scand., vol. 71, no. 3, pp.<br />

262-267.<br /><br />

opt=Citation&list_uids=10919297<br />

230) Roddy, E., Zhang, W., & Doherty, M. 2005, "Aerobic walking or strengthening<br />

exercise <strong>for</strong> osteoarthritis of the knee? A systematic review", Annals of the<br />

Rheumatic Diseases, vol. 64, no. 4, pp. 544-548.<br /><br />

opt=Citation&list_uids=15769914<br />

231) Roddy, E., Zhang, W., Doherty, M., Arden, N. K., Barlow, J., Birrell, F.,<br />

Carr, A., Chakravarty, K., Dickson, J., Hay, E., Hosie, G., Hurley, M., Jordan,<br />

K. M., McCarthy, C., McMurdo, M., Mockett, S., O'Reilly, S., Peat, G., Pendleton,<br />

A., & Richards, S. 2005, "Evidence-based recommendations <strong>for</strong> the<br />

role of exercise in the management of osteoarthritis of the hip or knee--the<br />

MOVE consensus", Rheumatology (Ox<strong>for</strong>d, England), vol. 44, no. 1, pp. 67-<br />

73.<br /><br />

opt=Citation&list_uids=15353613<br />

232) Rodeo, S. A. 2001, "Meniscal allogr<strong>af</strong>ts--where do we stand?", The American<br />

Journal of Sports Medicine, vol. 29, no. 2, pp. 246-261.<br /><br />

opt=Citation&list_uids=11292055<br />

233) Rogind, H., Bibow-Nielsen, B., Jensen, B., Moller, H. C., Frimodt-Moller,<br />

H., & Bliddal, H. 1998, "The effects of a physical training program on patients<br />

with osteoarthritis of the knees", Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation,<br />

vol. 79, no. 11, pp. 1421-1427.<br /><br />

opt=Citation&list_uids=9821904<br />

234) Rostom, A., Dube, C., Wells, G., Tugwell, P., Welch, V., Jolicoeur, E., &<br />

McGowan, J. 2002, "Prevention of NSAID-induced gastroduodenal ulcers",<br />

Cochrane.Database.Syst.Rev. no. 4, p. CD002296.<br />

<strong>Referenceprogram</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>behandling</strong> <strong>af</strong> knæartrose – september 2007 101

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