[pdf] CO-OP - Ergoterapeutforeningen

[pdf] CO-OP - Ergoterapeutforeningen

[pdf] CO-OP - Ergoterapeutforeningen


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Litteraturliste<br />

1. Missiuna C, et al. Why every office needs a tennis ball: a new approach to assessing the<br />

clumsy child. Canadian Medical Association Journal 2006;175(5):471-473.<br />

2. Miller LT, et al. A pilot trial of a cognitive treatment for children with developmental<br />

coordination disorder. Human Movement Science 2001;20:183-210.<br />

3. Pedersen AV. Barn med dårlig motorikk – klossete barn: Kan vi hjelpe dem?. Norske<br />

Fysioterapeuten 2002;9:10-14.<br />

4. Rasmussen NH. Børn med motorisk udviklingsforstyrrelse. Ugeskr. læger<br />

2004;166(23):2227-2230.<br />

5. Poulsen AA, Ziviani JM. Can I play too? Physical activity engagement of children with<br />

developmental coordination disorders. Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy<br />

2004;71(2):100-107.<br />

6. Losse A, et al. Clumsiness in children – do they grow out of it? A 10 year follow-up study.<br />

Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology 1991;33:55-68.<br />

7. Bernie C, Rodger S. Cognitive Strategy Use in School-Aged Children with Developmental<br />

Coordination Disorder. Physical & Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics 2004;24(4):23-44.<br />

8. Weinstock-Zlotnick G, Hinojosa J. Bottom-Up or Top-Down Evaluation: Is One Better Than<br />

the Other? Am J Occup Ther 2004;58(5):594-599.<br />

9. Barnhart RC, et al. Developmental Coordination Disorder. Physical Therapy 2003;83(8):722-<br />

731.<br />

10. Bendixen HJ. et. al. Referencerammer i ergoterapeutisk intervention. I: Borg T, et al.<br />

Basisbog i ergoterapi – aktivitet og deltagelse i hverdagslivet. Munksgaard Danmark;<br />

København.; 2003: 272-300.<br />

11. Bonke R, Hass I. Sanseintegration. I: Andersen MM. et al. Ergoterapi og børn – udvikling<br />

gennem aktivitet. FADL’s Forlag; 2003:39-110.<br />

12. Bundy AC, Murray EA. Sensory Integration: A. Jean Ayres’ Theory Revisited. I: Bundy AC.<br />

et al. Sensory Integration – theory and practice. F. A. Davis Company; Philadelphia, USA:<br />

Second edition; 2002: 3-33.<br />


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