SRI-Teknisk rapport-sen.v13 - DPU

SRI-Teknisk rapport-sen.v13 - DPU

SRI-Teknisk rapport-sen.v13 - DPU


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L.7 Do the authors describe any ways they have<br />

addressed the repeatability or reliability of data<br />

analysis?<br />

L.8 Do the authors describe any ways that they<br />

have addressed the validity or trustworthiness of<br />

data analysis?<br />

L.9 If the study uses qualitative methods, how well<br />

has diversity of perspective and content been<br />

explored?<br />

L.10 If the study uses qualitative methods, how<br />

well has the detail, depth and complexity (i.e. the<br />

richness) of the data been conveyed?<br />

L.11 If the study uses qualitative methods, has<br />

analysis been conducted such that context is preserved?<br />

Section M: Quality of study - reporting<br />

M.1 Is the context of the study adequately described?<br />

116<br />

Details<br />

Nonsignificant chi-square statistics for models<br />

reflecting the preceding structure were found. In<br />

addition, these models significantly improved the<br />

model–data fit afforded by lower order models<br />

(i.e., 1-factor models). Finally, measures of internal<br />

consistency (coefficient ) for the separate<br />

indicators of the dimensions ranged from .68 to .94<br />

across the content areas.<br />

Details<br />

Sets of items on the teacher questionnaire were<br />

combined and validated by using confirmatory<br />

factor analytic (CFA) methods and measures of<br />

internal consistency to reflect the dimensions.<br />

Details<br />

not a qualitative study<br />

Details<br />

not a qualitative study<br />

Details<br />

not a qualitative study<br />

Yes (please specify)<br />

Yes. There is no special reason for conducting the<br />

study at the time it was done, except data were<br />

available and the questions are important. The<br />

study is tightly connected to relevant research,<br />

data provided by the Maryland State Department of<br />

Education, study funded by a grant from US Dept.<br />

of Ed., and the study carried out during 1996-<br />

(probably 1998 or 1999).<br />

M.2 Are the aims of the study clearly reported? Yes (please specify)<br />

Yes. The broad aims are to give more comprehensive<br />

and direct evidence for the consequences of<br />

statewide assessments programmes than previously<br />

research.<br />

The study will especially explore the relationships<br />

between changes in the scores from the MSPAP<br />

from 1993 to 1998 and teacher, student, and school<br />

variables.<br />

No specific hypothesis is expressed.

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