Sangbog for 2003 - Dikutal

Sangbog for 2003 - Dikutal Sangbog for 2003 - Dikutal


There is a house in New Orleans they call The Rising Sun, It has been the ruin of many a poor girl, and me, oh God, was one. If I had listened to what mama said I'd be at home today, but being so young and foolish a poor girl let a gambler lead me astray. My mother is a tailor, she sews those new blue jeans. My sweetheart is a drunkard, Lord, down in New Orleans. The only thing a drunkard needs is a suitcase and a trunk, And the only time he's satisfied is when he's on a drunk. He'll fill his glasses to the brim, he passes them around, and the only pleasure he gets out of life is bumming from town to town. Go tell my baby sister, never do like I have done to shun that house in New Orleans they call The Rising Sun 35. House of the Rising Sun It's one foot on the platform, and the other one on the train. I'm going back to New Orleans, to wear that ball and chain. I'm going back to New Orleans my race is almost run. I'm going back to spend my life beneath that Rising Sun. Endnu en lejrbål-sang? Gå til 18

Hvad er dog det der ligger der og ligner jordbær noget? Tys, tys mit barn, det er din far, han blev kørt over af toget. Han kunne ikke se sig for, og heller ikke høre, så derfor blev det (h)jul for ham, og han blev jordbærpløre. En mand faldt ned fra husets tag, det dulmer dog på sorgen, at han blev til hachis idag, og biksemad imorgen. Min bror faldt ned fra Rundetårn og slog sin skalded' isse, hans kone råbte efter ham, kom op og få lidt ... kaffe. Jeg ønsker mig en himmelseng, en himmelseng med spejl i, så jeg kan ligge og spejle mig, for ihh, hvor er jeg dejlig. Men det at få en himmelseng, det er vist ret besværligt, og jeg er heller ej så køn, hvis jeg skal være ærlig. 36. Hvad Er Det Dog Der Ligger Der Mel: Menuet fra Elverhøj Jeg had' en onkel Theodor, jeg har ham ikke mere, for han tog fejl af H2O, og H2SO4. Min onkels far var trommeslar', en dag han tabte stikken, men manden han var ikke sen, han brugte bare ... hånden. En murer stod på et stillads og pilled' ved en trisse, så lød det højt der oppe fra: "Gå væk, for jeg skal tisse". Og mens han stod på sit stillads, han stod og saved' klodser, og hver gang saven kom for nær, så skar han sine ... fingre. Her er vel nok en masse vand, herude på Atlanten, og hvis man stak til bunden ned, jeg tror slet ik' man fandt den. At skipperen kan finde vej, det er til ros for manden, thi bølger sådan hver for sig, de ligner jo hinanden. Lille øl på bordet der, Nu skal du vejen vandre Du ved besked, du skal derned Og blandes med de andre GT, Påske- og Julebryg de hænger alle sammen

There is a house in New Orleans<br />

they call The Rising Sun,<br />

It has been the ruin of many a poor girl,<br />

and me, oh God, was one.<br />

If I had listened to what mama said<br />

I'd be at home today,<br />

but being so young and foolish a poor girl<br />

let a gambler lead me astray.<br />

My mother is a tailor,<br />

she sews those new blue jeans.<br />

My sweetheart is a drunkard, Lord,<br />

down in New Orleans.<br />

The only thing a drunkard needs<br />

is a suitcase and a trunk,<br />

And the only time he's satisfied<br />

is when he's on a drunk.<br />

He'll fill his glasses to the brim,<br />

he passes them around,<br />

and the only pleasure he gets out of life<br />

is bumming from town to town.<br />

Go tell my baby sister,<br />

never do like I have done<br />

to shun that house in New Orleans<br />

they call The Rising Sun<br />

35. House of the Rising Sun<br />

It's one foot on the plat<strong>for</strong>m,<br />

and the other one on the train.<br />

I'm going back to New Orleans,<br />

to wear that ball and chain.<br />

I'm going back to New Orleans<br />

my race is almost run.<br />

I'm going back to spend my life<br />

beneath that Rising Sun.<br />

Endnu en lejrbål-sang? Gå til 18

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