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<strong>10.</strong> <strong>NORDISKE</strong><br />

<strong>PIANISTKONKURRENCE</strong><br />


23. - 29. juni 2013<br />

<strong>Nyborg</strong> Slot - Danmark<br />


2<br />

Protektor<br />

for den Nordiske Pianistkonkurrence<br />

Hans Kongelige Højhed Prins Henrik<br />

Organisationskomiteen takker nedenstående<br />

hjerteligt for deres støtte til <strong>10.</strong> Nordiske Pianistkonkurrence:<br />

<strong>Nyborg</strong> Kommune<br />

Carl Nielsen og Anne Marie Carl-Nielsens Legat<br />

Velkommen til<br />

Nordisk Pianistkonkurrence<br />

Pianister i hele Norden indbydes til at deltage<br />

i den <strong>10.</strong> Nordiske Pianistkonkurrence, der<br />

afholdes fra søndag den 23. til lørdag den 29.<br />

juni 2013 i Riddersalen på <strong>Nyborg</strong> Slot. Konkurrencen<br />

afholdes hvert 3. år. Som noget nyt<br />

skal finaledeltagerne ikke kun spille solo, men<br />

også kammermusik sammen med Nightingale<br />

String Quartet. Der er gratis publikumsadgang<br />

under hele konkurrencen. Dog er der entre til<br />

finalen lørdag den 29. juni.<br />

På åbningsdagen den 23. juni 2013 mødes<br />

deltagere, dommere og arrangører til en<br />

åbningskoncert i Riddersalen. Her vil præsentationen<br />

af deltagerne og juryen foregå.<br />

Desuden foretages lodtrækningen om start-<br />

rækkefølgen i konkurrencen, der afvikles over<br />

de næste 6 dage mellem kl. 16.30 og ca.<br />

22.00. Der vil blive stillet øvefaciliteter til rådighed<br />

for deltagerne forskellige steder i <strong>Nyborg</strong>.<br />

På de følgende sider kan du læse om:<br />

• Konkurrencebetingelser<br />

• Konkurrenceprogram<br />

• Tilmeldingsbetingelser<br />

• Vinderpriser<br />

• Juryen<br />

• Indkvarteringsmuligheder i <strong>Nyborg</strong><br />

Programmet og tilmeldingsblanketter kan<br />

hentes på www.nyborgslotskoncerter.dk

Konkurrencebetingelser<br />

Den <strong>10.</strong> Nordiske Pianistkonkurrence finder<br />

sted i <strong>Nyborg</strong>, Danmark, den 23.-29. juni 2013.<br />

Konkurrencen er åben for alle nordiske pianister<br />

og klaverstuderende, der ikke er fyldt<br />

29 år ved konkurrencens start. Ikke-nordiske<br />

pianister og klaverstuderende skal have studeret<br />

i et nordisk land i mindst to år for at<br />

kunne få adgang til konkurrencen.<br />

Konkurrencen har tre runder:<br />

1. Indledende runde<br />

2. Runde<br />

3. Runde - Finale<br />

under medvirken af<br />

Nightingale String Quartet<br />

Alle tre runder er åbne for publikum.<br />

Åbningskoncerten finder sted den 23. juni<br />

2013 kl. 19.30.<br />

Konkurrenceprogram<br />

1. runde (24.-25.-26. juni)<br />

Maksimal varighed: 30 minutter<br />

1. Et eller flere værker af Carl Nielsen<br />

2. Et værk af en wienerklassisk komponist<br />

(Schubert inkluderet). Der må spilles<br />

enkeltstående satser af en sonate, i tilfælde<br />

af at programmet ellers ville overskride<br />

de 30 minutter.<br />

2. runde (27.-28. juni)<br />

Maksimal varighed: 35 minutter<br />

1. Et eller flere værker af J.S.Bach.<br />

Enkeltstående satser fra en suite eller<br />

en partita må spilles.<br />

2. Et eller flere værker skrevet efter 1950.<br />

Rækkefølgen, hvori deltagerne spiller, afgøres<br />

ved lodtrækning ved åbningskoncerten.<br />

Juryen afgør, hvor mange deltagere der går<br />

videre til 2. runde. Dog max. <strong>10.</strong><br />

3 deltagere vil få adgang til finalen.<br />

Juryen har ret til:<br />

a) at undlade at uddele én eller flere priser.<br />

b) at dele en pris mellem to kandidater. Juryens<br />

beslutning er definitiv og kan ikke<br />

appelleres.<br />

Alle prøver såvel som koncerter kan blive:<br />

• Optaget til radio og TV.<br />

• Optaget på video, cd el. lign.<br />

• Fotograferet til pressen.<br />

Alt kun med tilladelse fra organisationskomiteen.<br />

Deltagerne frasiger sig alle rettigheder<br />

og honorarer.<br />

Deltagerne betaler selv rejseomkostninger og<br />

ophold i <strong>Nyborg</strong>.<br />

3. En etude eller et lignende værk (præludium<br />

eller toccata) af virtuos karakter.<br />

4. Et eller flere værker af Chopin med en<br />

total varighed på 10-15 minutter.<br />

3. runde (29. juni) FINALE<br />

Maksimal varighed: 45 minutter<br />

1. Et større værk på mindst 15 minutter<br />

repræsenterende den romantiske stil<br />

(Schubert inkluderet).<br />

2. Første sats af en af følgende klaverkvintetter:<br />

Robert Schumann, Es-Dur op. 44,<br />

Antonín Dvorák, ˇ<br />

A-Dur op. 81,<br />

Johannes Brahms, f-mol op. 34.<br />


4<br />

Tilmeldingsbetingelser<br />

Tilmeldingsblanketten sendes til:<br />

Mail: nyborgslotskoncerter@mail.dk<br />

eller<br />

Nordisk Pianistkonkurrence<br />

Slotsgade 34<br />

DK-5800 <strong>Nyborg</strong><br />

Danmark.<br />

Sidste tilmeldingsfrist: 1. maj 2013.<br />

Følgende bedes vedlagt tilmeldingsblanketten:<br />

a) Kort biografi (curriculum vitae)<br />

b) Et vellignende portræt af ansøgeren -<br />

digitalt som jpg på min. 300 dpi.<br />

c) Et tilmeldingsgebyr på DKK 750,-<br />

Gebyret dækker deltagelse i konkurrencen.<br />

Indsættes på bankkonto:<br />

Reg.nr.: 5875 - konto 8345703602<br />

IBAN: DK3020000 8345703602<br />

SWIFT-kode: NDEADKKK<br />

Vinderpriser<br />

1. pris 75.000 DKK<br />

2. pris 50.000 DKK<br />

3. pris 25.000 DKK<br />

Ansøgerne vil senest den 15. maj 2013 få<br />

oplyst, om de er anerkendt som deltagere<br />

i konkurrencen. I tilfælde af afslag vil tilmeldingsgebyret<br />

blive refunderet. I tilfælde af<br />

afbud vil tilmeldingsgebyret ikke blive refunderet.<br />

Deltagerne skal møde på <strong>Nyborg</strong> Slot den<br />

23. juni 2013 kl. 18.00.<br />

I ekstraordinære tilfælde (force majeure)<br />

kan organisationskomiteen tillade for sent<br />

ankomne at deltage i konkurrencen, hvis de<br />

henvender sig personligt, senest én dag efter<br />

at konkurrencens første runde er begyndt.

Patron<br />

of the Nordic Piano Competition<br />

His Royal Highness Prince Henrik.<br />

With thanks to the following sponsors:<br />

<strong>Nyborg</strong><br />

Carl Nielsen og Anne Marie Carl-Nielsens Legat<br />

Welcome to<br />

The Nordic Piano Competition<br />

Pianists from the Nordic Countries are invited<br />

to participate in the 10th Nordic Pianist Competition,<br />

which runs from from Sunday, 23rd<br />

to Saturday, 29th June 2013 in the Banqueting<br />

Hall at the Castle “<strong>Nyborg</strong> Slot”. The<br />

competition is held every third year. This year<br />

the finalists will not only play piano solo, but<br />

also chamber music together with Nightingale<br />

String Quartet. Entrance is free for the duration<br />

of the competition except for the final on<br />

Saturday, 29th June 2013 where an entrance<br />

fee will be charged.<br />

On 23rd June 2013, the participants, the jury<br />

and organizers will meet for the opening concert<br />

in the Banqueting Hall. The participants<br />

and jury will be introduced, and a draw to<br />

determine the order in which the participants<br />

will play over the following 6 days will also take<br />

place. These concerts will take place every<br />

evening between 4.30 p.m. and 10 p.m.<br />

Facilities will be made available for the participants<br />

to practice in various locations around<br />

the town of <strong>Nyborg</strong>.<br />

On the following pages you can read about:<br />

• Terms & conditions of the competition<br />

• The program of the competition<br />

• Conditions of entry<br />

• The prizes which can be won<br />

• The jury<br />

• The accommodation in <strong>Nyborg</strong><br />

The program and application form can be<br />

downloaded at: www.nyborgslotskoncerter.dk<br />


6<br />

Terms & Conditions of the competition<br />

The 10th Nordic Piano Competition is held<br />

in <strong>Nyborg</strong>, Denmark from 23rd to 29th June<br />

2013.<br />

The competition is open to all pianists and<br />

students from the Nordic countries under the<br />

age of 29 years at the start of the competition.<br />

Non-Nordic pianists and students must<br />

have studied for a minimum of two years in a<br />

Nordic country to be eligible for entry.<br />

The competition has three stages:<br />

1. Preliminary round<br />

2. Semi Final<br />

3. Final, with assistance of<br />

Nightingale String Quartet<br />

All three stages as well as the opening concert<br />

are open to the public.<br />

The opening concert takes place on 23rd<br />

June 2013 at 7.30 p.m.<br />

The order in which the participants will play<br />

will be determined by a draw at the opening<br />

concert.<br />

Competition program<br />


(24th - 25th - 26th June)<br />

Maximum duration 30 minutes.<br />

1. One or more works by Carl Nielsen<br />

2. A work by a Viennese classical composer<br />

(including Schubert). Individual movements<br />

of a sonata may be played in cases where<br />

the programme would otherwise last over 30<br />

minutes.<br />

SEMI FINAL (27th - 28th June)<br />

Maximum duration 35 minutes.<br />

1. One or more works by J.S. Bach. Individual<br />

movements of a suite or partita may be played.<br />

2. One or more works written after 1950.<br />

3. An etude or a comparable work (prelude or<br />

toccata) of virtuoso character.<br />

4. One or more works by Chopin with a total<br />

duration of 10 - 15 minutes.<br />

The jury will decide how many participants<br />

proceed to the Semi Final. However a maximum<br />

of 10 will proceed.<br />

3 participants will qualify for the Final.<br />

The jury has the right to:<br />

a) abstain from awarding one or more prizes.<br />

b) divide one prize between two candidates.<br />

The decision of the jury is final and cannot be<br />

appealed.<br />

All rehearsals and concerts may be:<br />

• Recorded for radio or TV.<br />

• Recorded for video, cd.<br />

• Photographed for the press.<br />

Any recordings or photos should be authorised<br />

by the organisers. The participants will<br />

renounce all claims and royalties.<br />

The participants will be responsible for their<br />

own travel expenses, and also board and<br />

lodging during the competition.<br />

FINAL (29th June)<br />

Maximum duration 45 minutes.<br />

1. A large-scale work of at least 15 minutes<br />

representing the romantic style (including<br />

Schubert’s works).<br />

2. First movement of one of the following<br />

string quintets:<br />

Robert Schumann, E Flat major, Op. 44.<br />

Antonín Dvorák, ˇ<br />

A Major, Op. 81.<br />

Johannes Brahms, F Minor, Op. 34.

Conditions of entry<br />

The application must be sent to:<br />

nyborgslotskoncerter@mail.dk<br />

or by mail to:<br />

Nordisk Pianistkonkurrence<br />

Slotsgade 34<br />

DK-5800 <strong>Nyborg</strong>, Denmark<br />

Final entry date: 1st May 2013.<br />

Please enclose the following:<br />

a) A short biography (curriculum vitae)<br />

b) A digital photo as jpg - min. 300 dpi.<br />

c) An entry fee of DKK 750,-. The fee<br />

covers participation in the competition.<br />

Reg.nr.: 5875 - account 8345703602<br />

IBAN: DK3020000 8345703602<br />

SWIFT-kode: NDEADKKK<br />

Winner Prizes<br />

1st prize 75,000 DKK<br />

2nd prize 50,000 DKK<br />

3rd prize 25,000 DKK<br />

Applicants will be informed no later than<br />

15th May 2013, if they have been successful<br />

in their application to participate in the<br />

competition.<br />

If unsuccessful the application fee will be<br />

refunded. Should the applicant refuse the<br />

place, the fee will not be refunded.<br />

The participants must register at the<br />

Castle “<strong>Nyborg</strong> Slot” on 23rd June 2013<br />

by 6.00 p.m.<br />

In exceptional cases (force majeure) the<br />

organisers can allow a late arrival, if the<br />

applicant personally makes contact no later<br />

than one day after the qualifying round of<br />

the competition has commenced.<br />


8<br />

Arrangement:<br />

<strong>Nyborg</strong> Kommune<br />

<strong>Nyborg</strong> <strong>Slotskoncerter</strong><br />

<strong>Nyborg</strong> Turistforening<br />

Organisationskomité /Organizing Committee:<br />

Poul Ove Juul<br />

Jørn Nielsen<br />

Anne Hansen<br />

Hans Jørn Knudsen<br />

Knud Erik Jørgensen<br />

Thomas Mikaelsen<br />

Anette Blauenfeldt<br />

Sekretariat / Secretariat:<br />

Nordisk Pianistkonkurrence<br />

Slotsgade 34<br />

DK-5800 <strong>Nyborg</strong><br />

Danmark<br />

www.nyborgslotskoncerter.dk<br />

E-mail: nyborgslotskoncerter@mail.dk<br />

Konkurrencen afholdes i Riddersalen<br />

på <strong>Nyborg</strong> Slot, der havde sin<br />

storhedstid i middelalderen, hvor<br />

<strong>Nyborg</strong> var Danmarks hovedstad.<br />

Slottet er den ældste kongeborg i<br />

Norden. Opførelsen påbegyndtes i<br />

ca. 1175. Riddersalen har plads til<br />

200 tilhørere, og den har en meget<br />

fin akustik.<br />

The competition is held in the Banqueting<br />

Hall of the Castle ”<strong>Nyborg</strong><br />

Slot”, which had it’s heyday in the<br />

Middle Ages, when the town of<br />

<strong>Nyborg</strong> was the capital of Denmark.<br />

The castle is one of the<br />

oldest royal residences in Scandinavia.<br />

The construction of the<br />

castle was commenced in approx.<br />

1175, the Banqueting Hall seats an<br />

audience of 200 and enjoys splendid<br />


Jury<br />

Anne Øland (Danmark).<br />

Professor ved Det<br />

Jyske Musikkonservatorium,<br />

Århus. (Præsident).<br />

Peter Máté (Island).<br />

Pianist og lærer ved Den<br />

Islandske Kunsthøjskole,<br />

Reykjavik.<br />

Stefan Bojsten (Sverige).<br />

Professor ved Kungliga<br />

Musikhögskolan, Stockholm<br />

Jens Harald Bratlie (Norge).<br />

Professor ved Norges<br />

Musikkhøgskole, Oslo.<br />

Jussi Siirala (Finland).<br />

Professor ved Sibelius<br />

Akademiet, Helsinki.<br />


10<br />

Vindere / The Winners<br />

1986 1. Nordiske Pianistkonkurrence:<br />

1st Nordic Piano Competition<br />

Sebastian Soyka, Denmark<br />

1989 2. Nordiske Pianistkonkurrence: (Delt 2. pris)<br />

2nd Nordic Piano Competition: (Split 2nd prize)<br />

Raija Kerppo, Finland<br />

Jens Elvekjær, Denmark<br />

1992 3. Nordiske Pianistkonkurrence:<br />

3rd Nordic Piano Competition<br />

Janne Mertanen, Finland<br />

1995 4. Nordiske Pianistkonkurrence:<br />

4th Nordic Piano Competition<br />

Per Tengstrand, Sweden<br />

1998 5. Nordiske Pianistkonkurrence:<br />

5th Nordic Piano Competition<br />

Ivetta Irkha, Sweden<br />

2001 6. Nordiske Pianistkonkurrence:<br />

6th Nordic Piano Competition<br />

Marie Rørbech, Denmark<br />

2004 7. Nordiske Pianistkonkurrence:<br />

7th Nordic Piano Competition<br />

2007 8. Nordiske Pianistkonkurrence:<br />

8th Nordic Piano Competition<br />

2010 9. Nordiske Pianistkonkurrence:<br />

9th Nordic Piano Competition<br />

Juho<br />

Pohjonen<br />

Finland<br />

Marko<br />

Mustonen<br />

Finland<br />

Emil<br />

Gryesten Jensen<br />


Udspil<br />

specielt for pianister…<br />

Den <strong>10.</strong> Nordiske Pianistkonkurrence,<br />

23.-30. juni 2013<br />

Nyd hele klaviaturet af harmoni, ro og positive oplevelser, medens du<br />

lader op til dine præstationer. På <strong>Nyborg</strong> Strand byder vi alle deltagere i<br />

den <strong>10.</strong> Nordiske Pianistkonkurrence velkommen med en særpris på<br />

overnatning:<br />

Enkeltværelse med bad/toilet og TV, inkl. morgenmad, pr. nat ..... kr. 595,-<br />

Dobbeltværelse med bad/toilet og TV, inkl. morgenmad, pr. nat .. kr. 895,-<br />

Ved ugeophold er den 7. nat gratis.<br />

Velkommen på <strong>Nyborg</strong> Strand – Til gensidig fornøjelse.<br />

Direkte booking via link på www.nyborgslotskoncerter.dk<br />

Andre overnatningsmuligheder /<br />

For other accommodation:<br />

SINATUR Hotel Storebælt<br />

Østerøvej 121<br />

5800 <strong>Nyborg</strong><br />

Tel. +45 65 31 40 02<br />

Hele Danmarks Mødested<br />

overtUne<br />

especially for pianists…<br />

The 10th Nordic Pianist Competition<br />

23th - 30th June 2013<br />

Enjoy the harmony, tranquillity and positive experiences, while you recharge<br />

for your performances. At <strong>Nyborg</strong> Strand we welcome all the participants of<br />

the 10th Nordic Pianist competition with a special rate on accommodation:<br />

Single room with bath/toilet and TV, inclusive of breakfast, per night ..kr. 595,-<br />

Double room with bath/toilet and TV, inclusive of breakfast, per night .kr. 895,-<br />

For weekly stays – 7th night is free.<br />

Welcome to <strong>Nyborg</strong> Strand – a mutually enjoyable experience.<br />

Direct bookings via the link on www.nyborgslotskoncerter.dk<br />

Østerøvej 2 · 5800 <strong>Nyborg</strong> · Tlf. +45 65 31 31 31 · Fax +45 65 31 37 01<br />

www.nyborgstrand.dk · nyborgstrand@nyborgstrand.dk<br />

Hotel Villa Gulle<br />

Østervoldgade 44<br />

5800 <strong>Nyborg</strong><br />

Tel. +45 65 30 11 88<br />

Privat indkvartering /<br />

Private accommodation:<br />

Visit <strong>Nyborg</strong><br />

Adelgade 3<br />

5800 <strong>Nyborg</strong><br />

Tel. +45 63 75 94 60<br />

E-mail: mail@visitnyborg.dk<br />

www.visitnyborg.dk<br />


Fotograf: Thorvald Andresen, 1930.<br />

Copyright: Odense Bys Museer/Carl Nielsen Museet<br />

Carl Nielsen<br />

in memoriam<br />

Carl August Nielsen (1865-1931) er uden<br />

sammenligning den danske komponist, der<br />

er blevet mest kendt både set i et nationalt<br />

og et internationalt perspektiv. Såvel i<br />

sin samtid som i eftertiden har han øvet<br />

stor indflydelse på det danske musikliv,<br />

dels via sine værker, og dels via sit virke<br />

som dirigent, skribent og pædagog. Han<br />

har skrevet musik inden for stort set alle<br />

tænkelige genrer, bl.a. seks symfonier, tre<br />

solokoncerter (for hhv. violin, klarinet og<br />

fløjte) og kammermusik. Desuden har Carl<br />

Nielsen sat musik til omkring 300 sange,<br />

hvoraf en stor del er blevet en del af den<br />

danske folkesjæl.<br />

Carl August Nielsen (1865-1931) is without<br />

question the most renowned Danish composer<br />

both nationally and internationally.<br />

Carl Nielsen’s compositions exerted a considerable<br />

influence on Danish music during<br />

his lifetime and continue to do so to this<br />

day. His influence was felt through his work<br />

as both a conductor, writer and teacher. He<br />

composed music in every genre including<br />

6 symphonies, three solo concertos (for the<br />

violin, the clarinet and the flute) as well as<br />

chamber music. Furthermore Carl Nielsen<br />

has written the music for around 300 songs<br />

and melodies of which the majority have<br />

become a part of Danish culture.

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