ELSE BREMS - Naxos Music Library

ELSE BREMS - Naxos Music Library

ELSE BREMS - Naxos Music Library


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G.F. Hiindel: SAUL<br />

Charles Jennens<br />

[10] O Lord, Whose Mercies<br />

DAVID<br />

O Lord, whose Mercies numberless<br />

O'er all thy Works prevail,<br />

Tho'daily Man thy Law trmsgress<br />

Thy Patience cannot fail.<br />

If yet his Sin be not too great,<br />

The busy Fiend control,<br />

Yet longer for Repentance wait,<br />

And heal his wounded Soul.<br />

[11] Impious Wretch<br />

DAVID<br />

Impious Wretch, of Race accurst!<br />

And of all that Race the worst!<br />

How hast thou dar'd to lift thy Sword<br />

against th'Anointed of the Lord,<br />

Fall on him - smite him - let him dle;<br />

On thy own Head thy Blood will lie;<br />

Since thy own Mouth has testify'd,<br />

By thee the Lord's Anointed dy'd.<br />

[12] Brave Jonathan<br />

DAVID<br />

Brave Jonathan his Bow ne'er drew,<br />

But wing'd with Death his Anow flew,<br />

And drmk the Blood of slaughter'd Foes.<br />

Nor drew great Saul his Sword in r ain:<br />

It reek'd, where'er he dealt his Blows,<br />

wirh Entrails of the mighty Slain.<br />

G.F. Hiindel:SAUL<br />

Translation: Hanne Briiel<br />

Oh Herre! Din uendelige nAde<br />

DAVID<br />

Oh Hene! Din uendelige nide<br />

lyser over alt dit vark,<br />

skgnt dagligt vi forsynder os<br />

dit telmod svigter ej.<br />

Om end vor synd er ej for stor,<br />

hold Satan fra vor dor,<br />

Bi endnu pe Yor anger stor,<br />

og lag vort sjelesir.<br />

Ugudelige usling<br />

DAVID<br />

Ugudelige usling, af de ford6mtes slagt!<br />

Og af hin slegt den vrrste!<br />

Hvor voved du at ldfte sverd<br />

mod den af Henen salvede?<br />

Til kamp mod ham - sl6 ham - lad ham d6!<br />

Skylden hviler pi dit eget hoved,<br />

af din mund udgik det ord<br />

der drebte Henens salvede.<br />

[12] Tapre Jonatan<br />

DAVID<br />

Ner tapre Jonatan spandte sin bue<br />

flgj den vingede dpd fra hms pil<br />

og drak af den slagne {endes blod<br />

Nir den store Saul trak sit sverd<br />

dampede det hvor slaget ramte<br />

af den magtige slagnes indvolde.

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