ELSE BREMS - Naxos Music Library

ELSE BREMS - Naxos Music Library

ELSE BREMS - Naxos Music Library


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The Concert Singen<br />

From the beginning Else Brems was among the tavourites<br />

of Radio Denmmk. Her voice was exceptionally well<br />

suited to this medium, whateverthe genre.At the populil<br />

concerts in the "New Theatre". for many years the<br />

domicile ofthe radio orchestra, to-day part ofThe Royal<br />

Theatre, she often sang in operettas, and at the impoftant<br />

classical concerts. especially the "Thursday night''<br />

concerts, she was a regulil guest perfomer In 1942 EIse<br />

Brems sang Ravel's S hd hdrazade with Emest Ansemet<br />

on the podium. Later. she herself told how uneasy<br />

Ansermet had felt that a Danish singer had been chosen<br />

for these songs which are so closely interlocked with<br />

the French language. Ansermet, who was a heavy<br />

smoker, was mollified by a couple of packets of<br />

cigarettes, difficult to come by in a period of war and<br />

rationing. With her usual modesty, Else Brems did not<br />

reveal what he said when he had heard her: but the<br />

performance was a huge success. "How exquisitely her<br />

dark, soulful voice matched these songs; how sugge<br />

stive of mellow, tropical colours with a hint of temperament<br />

underlying the slow rhythm. It was marvellous",<br />

wrote the music critic Kai Flor. She sang the<br />

Shdhdrazade songs again in 1945 with the Radio<br />

Symphony Orchestra and ErikTuxen, and in 1947 with<br />

the Russim-Norwegian conductorlssay Dobrowen.The<br />

two songs recorded here from a private recording are<br />

probably from this pefomance (I,14&15). In 1953 she<br />

was awarded the distinguished Ingenio et Arti medal,<br />

and the very next day she was the soloist at a radio<br />

concert conducted by Paul Klecki in Brahms's A/to<br />

Rhapsody. She sang "with a moving expressiveness,<br />

illuminating every detail ofthe work" (I.I6).<br />

Else Brems was a frequent guest soloist in the other<br />

Scandinavian countries, as well as in Danish provincial<br />

towns, and in the Tivoli Gardens in Copenhagen.<br />

The Liedsinger.<br />

Throughout her career Else Brems adhered to the pattem<br />

set at her d6but in 1928: classical Italim and French<br />

arias, German lieder, mainly Schubert and Brahms,<br />

French songs, especially by Debussy, Faur6, and Ravel,<br />

and Danish romances by Peter Heise and PE.Lange-<br />

Miiller.<br />

Singers normally use the l8th-century Italian<br />

canzonetta for their warm-up only, but to Else Brems<br />

these meant much more. Indeed. she often used them<br />

as the principal items in her progrmme at orchestral<br />

concerts. As a representative of this genre, we have<br />

included here an old French aria, "L'Amour de moi",<br />

as a perfect example of her beautiful and carefully<br />

worked out phrasing (II,8). Anders Brems loved the<br />

German Lied, Schubert and Brahms in particular, and<br />

this love he transmitted to his daughter. Lied,lovers<br />

will krow how difficult the interpretation ofSchubert's<br />

songs is. They demand a sympathetic naturalness in<br />

voica and expression difficult to master by myone but<br />

an artist of EIse Brems's calibre. In 1955 she did her<br />

first and only LP-record with exclusively Brahms and<br />

Schubert songs. From this award-winning record is<br />

included here the "Liebesbotschaft" (II, t). "Der<br />

Lindenbaum" and 'Die Forelle" are both from a private<br />

recording of a radio transmission from about l950<br />

(II,2&3), as are also two songs by Brahms (II,4&5),<br />

and two by Grieg (II.6&7).<br />

One of the results of her sojoums in Paris was her<br />

mastery of the French language and singing style. She<br />

contrnued her studies with the internationally<br />

recognized, Danish-born Povla Frijsh who was<br />

renowned for her interpretations ofFrench vocal music.<br />

Else Brems often included French songs in her lied<br />

programmes, also when she toured the Danish<br />

provincial towns, and in her radio perfomances. Sadly.<br />

in spite ofthis, we only possess recordings of the three

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