Tålegrænser for lufforurening - DCE - Nationalt Center for Miljø og ...

Tålegrænser for lufforurening - DCE - Nationalt Center for Miljø og ... Tålegrænser for lufforurening - DCE - Nationalt Center for Miljø og ...


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Fuhrer, J. (1996). The critical level <strong>for</strong> effects of ozone on crops and the<br />

transfer to mapping. In Kärenlampi and Skärby, op. cit.<br />

Fuhrer, J., Achermann, B (eds.) (1994). Critical levels <strong>for</strong> ozone: a<br />

UNECE workshop report. FAC report no. 16 Swiss Federal Research<br />

Station <strong>for</strong> Agricultural Chemistry and Environmental Hygiene, Liebefeld-Bern.<br />

Geernaert G. L., A. Bastrup-Birk. 1997. Developmental Research on<br />

the Impacts of Transboundary Pollution on Forest Resources. In:<br />

"Pollution and Tropical Forests: Transboundary Pollution and<br />

Sustainability of Tropical Forests.<br />

Gough, C.A., Bailey, P.D., Biewald, B., Kuylenstierna, Chadwick, M.J.<br />

(1994). Environmetally targeted objectives <strong>for</strong> reducing acidification in<br />

Europe. Energy policy 22: 1055-66.<br />

Gough, C.A. (1995). The use of critical loads in integrated assessment modelling.<br />

In: Batterbee, R.W.(ed.): Acid rain and its impact: The critical<br />

load debate. Ensis Publ., London., pp. 174-178.<br />

Grennfelt, P., Thörnelöf., E. (eds.) (1992). Critical Loads <strong>for</strong> Nitr<strong>og</strong>en -<br />

report from a workshop held at Lökeberg, Sweden 6-10 april 1992. Nord<br />

1992:41<br />

Gundersen, P. (1991). Nitr<strong>og</strong>en deposition and the <strong>for</strong>est nitr<strong>og</strong>en cycle:<br />

role of denitrification. For. Ecol. Man. 44: 15-28.<br />

Gundersen, P., Callesen, I., de Vries, W. (1998a). Nitrate leaching in<br />

<strong>for</strong>est ecosystems is controlled by <strong>for</strong>est floor C/N-ratio. Env. Poll. (in<br />

press). 102, S1: 403-407.<br />

Gundersen, P., Emmet, B.A., Kjønaas, O.J., Koopmans, C.J., Tietema,<br />

A. (1998b). Impact of nitr<strong>og</strong>en deposition on nitr<strong>og</strong>en cycling in <strong>for</strong>ests: a<br />

synthesis of NITREX data. For. Ecol. Man. 101:37-55.<br />

Hertel, O., Christensen, J., Runge, E.H., Asman, W.A.H., Berkowicz, R.,<br />

Hovmand, M.F., Hov, Ø. (1995). Development and Testing of a new Variable<br />

Scale Air Pollution Model - ACDEP. Atmospheric Environment, 29,<br />

11, pp. 1267-1290.<br />

Hertel, O., Hovmand, M.F. (1991). Rural Ozone in Denmark, 1985-1989.<br />

NERI Technical Report no. 35. National Environmental Research Institute,<br />

Denmark.<br />

Hettelingh, J.P., Janssen, P. (1993). Preliminary uncertainty and sensitivity<br />

analysis of computed critical deposition of acidity in Europe. Pp 51-55<br />

in Downing, R.J, Hettelingh, J.-P. & de Smet, P. (eds.): Calculation<br />

and mapping of critical loads in Europe. Status report 1993.<br />

CCE/RIVM, Bilthoven.<br />

Holten-Andersen, J., Christensen, N., Kristiansen, L.W., Kristensen,<br />

P., Emborg, L. (1998). Natur <strong>og</strong> <strong>Miljø</strong> 1997. Påvirkninger <strong>og</strong> tilstand.<br />

Danmarks <strong>Miljø</strong>undersøgelser. Faglig rapport nr. 224, 288 pp.<br />

Hordijk, L. (1995). Integrated assessment models as a basis <strong>for</strong> air pollution<br />

negotiations. Water, Air and Soil Pollution 85: 240-260.<br />


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