MAT 15 - Matilde - Dansk Matematisk Forening

MAT 15 - Matilde - Dansk Matematisk Forening

MAT 15 - Matilde - Dansk Matematisk Forening


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Centralization and regionalization: In the pre-computer<br />

days it used to be said that a mathematician didn’t<br />

require much by way of equipment; just a few reams of<br />

paper, a blackboard and some penetrating ideas. Today,<br />

although much research is still done in that mode, we find<br />

increasingly that mathematicians require the aid of supercomputer<br />

installations. This is still far less costly than,<br />

say, the billions of dollars of laboratory equipment required<br />

by high-energy physicists or astrophysicists.<br />

Centralization of mathematics occurs as the result of a<br />

number of factors: (1) The willingness and ability of a<br />

society to support mathematical activity (2) The desire<br />

and the utility of having mathematicians work in groups,<br />

centers, etc. The notion of the critical inter-communicating<br />

mass of creative individuals is at work here. New<br />

systems of rapid intercommunication and transport of<br />

graphical and printed material may in the future affect<br />

the clumping of centers for research and development.<br />

Politicization: While the contents of mathematics is<br />

abstract, mathematics is created by people and is often<br />

applied by people to people. It is to be expected, then,<br />

that the creation and the application of mathematics<br />

should be subject to support, pressures, monitoring and<br />

suppression by governmental, political or even religious<br />

institutions. The interaction between mathematics and<br />

human institutions has a long and documented history.<br />

Q11. Give me ten points that worry a concerned<br />

mathematician.<br />

A11. A concerned mathematician will worry about the<br />

abuse, misuse, or misinterpretation of mathematics or of<br />

its applications. But remember that even people who have<br />

been satirized as technocrats, computocrats or mathocrats<br />

may all be concerned people.<br />

Rettelser til <strong>Matilde</strong> 19<br />

Korrekturen på <strong>Matilde</strong> 19 foregik under stort tidspres, så en del trykfejl blev overset. Redaktørerne beklager.<br />

Det var flest problemer i Claus Jensens artikel om Perspektivkasser.<br />

En ny version af denne artikel med nogle rettelser kan ses i <strong>Matilde</strong>s arkiv<br />

http://www.matilde.mathematics.dk/arkiv/M19/claus_jensen.pdf<br />

Eksperimentel matematikundervisning<br />

forts. fra side 13<br />

til produkter, der kunne omsættes i<br />

ny indsigt.<br />

Litteratur<br />

[1] J. Borwein, D. Bailey. Mathematics<br />

by Experiment: Plausible Rea-<br />

20 20/04<br />

Insofar as we are living in a thoroughly mathematized<br />

civilization, the number of concerns is necessarily vast<br />

and it is natural that most concern is focussed on “life<br />

and death” issues. If, for example, a mathematical criterion<br />

were developed via encephalography for determining<br />

whether a person is “brain dead”, then this would engender<br />

a great deal of concern.<br />

Niels Richard Hansen, forfatteren til “Bioinformatik - en statistisk disciplin” er tilknyttet<br />

Afdeling for Anvendt Matematik og Statistik, KU<br />

email: richard@math.ku.dk<br />

soning in the 21st Century,AKPeters,<br />

2003.<br />

[2] N.P. Fogg, Substitutions in dynamics,<br />

arithmetics and combinatorics,<br />

Lecture Notes in Mathematics,<br />

vol. 1794, Springer-Verlag,<br />

Heidelberg, 2002.<br />

Q12. I read a statement attributed to the famous<br />

physicist Max Born that the destructive potential of<br />

mathematics is an immanent trend. If that is so, why<br />

then should I, an average person, know a whole lot<br />

more about mathematics?<br />

A12. You should know more about it for precisely that<br />

reason.<br />

All creative acts have destructive potential. Though<br />

we try to reduce the risk, an electrical outlet in the average<br />

home is not totally risk-free. The destructive or revolutionary<br />

potential of graphical arts, of literature is well<br />

documented. Even as mathematics solves many problems,<br />

it creates new problems, both internal to it and external.<br />

To live is to be at risk, and no number of insurance<br />

policies can reduce the psychological risk to zero. Moreover,<br />

to live at the very edge of risk is thought by some<br />

people to be “truly alive.”<br />

The more the average person knows, the better off<br />

that person is to make judgements. Some of those judgements<br />

will be how to balance risk with prudence. In a<br />

world in which scientific, technological and social changes<br />

occur rapidly, a democratic society cannot long endure<br />

in the presence of ignorance.<br />

[3] D. Lind and B. Marcus, An introduction<br />

to symbolic dynamics<br />

and coding, Cambridge University<br />

Press, Cambridge, 1995. MR<br />


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