Operativsystem: .............................................................

Operativsystem: .............................................................

Operativsystem: .............................................................


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Her følger selve listen. En del af disse flag vil blive forklaret efterhånden:<br />

Microsoft (R) Visual C# .NET Compiler version 7.00.9466<br />

for Microsoft (R) .NET Framework version 1.0.3705<br />

Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 2001. All rights reserved.<br />

Visual C# .NET Compiler Options<br />

- OUTPUT FILES -<br />

/out: Output file name (default: base name of file with main class or first file)<br />

/target:exe Build a console executable (default) (Short form: /t:exe)<br />

/target:winexe Build a Windows executable (Short form: /t:winexe)<br />

/target:library Build a library (Short form: /t:library)<br />

/target:module Build a module that can be added to another assembly (Short form: /t:module)<br />

/define: Define conditional compilation symbol(s) (Short form: /d)<br />

/doc: XML Documentation file to generate<br />

- INPUT FILES -<br />

/recurse: Include all files in the current directory and subdirectories according to the<br />

wildcard specifications<br />

/reference: Reference metadata from the specified assembly files (Short form: /r)<br />

/addmodule: Link the specified modules into this assembly<br />

- RESOURCES -<br />

/win32res: Specifies Win32 resource file (.res)<br />

/win32icon: Use this icon for the output<br />

/resource: Embeds the specified resource (Short form: /res)<br />

/linkresource: Links the specified resource to this assembly (Short form: /linkres)<br />


/debug[+|-] Emit debugging information<br />

/debug:{full|pdbonly} Specify debugging type ('full' is default, and enables attaching a debugger to<br />

a running program)<br />

/optimize[+|-] Enable optimizations (Short form: /o)<br />

/incremental[+|-] Enable incremental compilation (Short form: /incr)<br />


/warnaserror[+|-] Treat warnings as errors<br />

/warn: Set warning level (0-4) (Short form: /w)<br />

/nowarn: Disable specific warning messages<br />

- LANGUAGE -<br />

/checked[+|-] Generate overflow checks<br />

/unsafe[+|-] Allow 'unsafe' code<br />


@ Read response file for more options<br />

/help Display this usage message (Short form: /?)

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