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JAARTOg<br />

luni. Taakku pipput Nationalmuseumimi,<br />

Kalaallit Illuutaanni Københavnimilu Arktisk<br />

Intitutimi, ingerlanneqartarlutillu SfDEF-imit<br />

aallarniuteqarnikkut, filmip ataatsip arlallilluunniit<br />

takutinnerisigut kingornatigullu<br />

najuuttunik oqallitsitsinikkut.<br />

Filmit tamanik samminnittuupput ilagalugulu<br />

nipeqanngitsumik filmiliaq Den store<br />

Grønlandsfilm 1921-meersoq, ilitsersuisoralugit<br />

Eduard Schnedler-Sørensen & H.F.<br />

Rimmen, filmiliarineqarlunilu “Thulemiit<br />

ilisimasassarsiornerit 5”-ata, issittumi ilisimasassarsiortartumit<br />

tusaamasaasumit Knud<br />

Rasmussenimit siulersorneqartup, aallartinissarnerata<br />

nalaani. Aammattaarli filmiliat<br />

nutaanerusut ilaapput soorlu Martin Appelt &<br />

Ole Mallingip pisimasulersaarutaat Tunit – det<br />

forsvundne folk 1998-imeersoq (DR 2-mi 1999imi<br />

takutinneqartoq ilaavoq).<br />

Filmit takutinneqartut qulequtserneqarnerannut<br />

tunngaviupput aallaaserisat naatsut<br />

taama qulequtallit, Erik Gantip atuagassiami<br />

Tidsskriftet Grønland-imi 1996-imi saqqummersittagai.<br />

Taama qulequtsiinermigut uparuarniarpaa<br />

Nunat Killiit “eskimuumik” eqqunngitsumik<br />

ilisarititsisarnerat qaqortumik amilimmit allaanerulluni<br />

“eqqumiikajaartuunerarlugu”, uparuarniarluguttaaq<br />

nammineq “eqqumiikajaatut”<br />

inissisimanini ullumikkut “kalaaliusutut”,<br />

eqqunngitsumik ilisarititsinernit taakkunannga<br />

nikilluni isiginnaartutut, taamalu nikinnikkut<br />

uppernarsisariaqarlugu, tunuannulluunniit<br />

pisinnaagaluaruni, qangatut “eskimuujussusermut”<br />

utersinnaanani. Kalaaleq eqqumiikajaaq<br />

tassanngaanniit isigalugu tassaavoq nungukkiartuutigaluni<br />

assersuutissanngoriartortoq<br />

pitsaasoq – “taama sakkussalersorneqarnitsivut<br />

malugisinnaalluarparput namminiussuseq aammattaaq<br />

tassaasoq tamatigut allaanissaq”, soorlu<br />

Gantip allatani naggaseraa.<br />

Filmertitsiviup immikkoortortaani<br />

anguniarneqarpoq “eskimuujussutsimik”<br />

ilisarititsinerit ilaasa, Arkep allallu nunasiaataanerup<br />

kingornagut assilialiortartut uparuartorniagaasa,<br />

erseqqissarnissaat: Eskimuut<br />

nagguiat, ilakkuminarnerat, pissuseqqaanut<br />

qaninnerat, meerarpalunnerat, ataatsimoorussisarnerat,<br />

imminut naapertuuttumik<br />

tunngavilersorluni eqqarsartaasiat, piuaatsuunerat<br />

inuunermillu nuannaarutiginninnermik<br />

ingerlaannaq takutitsisarnerat.<br />

Film-it takutitassat marluupput, ataani<br />

qulequttat atuakkit. Paarla kaallutik ulloq<br />

allortarlugu takutinneqartassapput katersugaasiviup<br />

ammasarfiani:<br />

Eduard Schnedler-Sørensen & H.F. Rimmen.<br />

Den store Grønlandsfilm. 1921.<br />

Leo Hansen. Med Hundeslæde gennem<br />

Alaska. 1926.<br />

Aammattaaq jannuaarip 23-anni aamma<br />

martsi 10-anni 2010 tamanut ammasumik<br />

oqallitsitsineqassaartaaq, SfDEF-ip anersaava<br />

malillugu filmi kingulliullugu taasaq takutinneqassalluni<br />

oqallissutigineqarlunilu.<br />


This section diverges a little from the<br />

others. It contains only one work by Pia<br />

Arke, namely a series of eight colour<br />

photographs from the 1990s that soberly<br />

register deposits and imprints that in<br />

all their ochre beauty bear witness<br />

to the onetime presence of European<br />

patrols and outposts. The place is East<br />

Greenland, and the deposits come from<br />

objects – trashed oil drums, sheet metal,<br />

lamps, etc. – which rusted away in the<br />

course of time and have become one with<br />

that very same stony ground that their<br />

original owners so diligently studied and<br />

processed.<br />

The references in the series to polar<br />

expeditions at distant outposts are<br />

reflected in the section’s tent that<br />

forms the setting for a film programme<br />

curated by the Society for Ethnographic<br />

Film Blunders (SfEFB), presenting two<br />

classical ethnographic films during the<br />

exhibition. The society with the unusual<br />

name was founded by Arke, her brother<br />

Erik Gant and Anders Jørgensen at the<br />

beginning of the year 2000. While Gant<br />

and Jørgensen had both investigated<br />

cinematic representations of Greenlanders<br />

and Inuit in university theses – Gant<br />

in his Ph.D. thesis Eskimotid [Eskimo<br />

Time] (2004-05) and Jørgensen in his<br />

graduate thesis Det primitive moderne.<br />

Knud Rasmussens etnografiske ekspeditionsfilm<br />

1917-1927 [The Primitive Modern:<br />

Knud Rasmussen’s Ethnographic<br />

Expedition Films 1917-1927] (2000)<br />

– Arke had occupied herself broadly<br />

with the importance of pictorial media<br />

in the mapping and colonisation of East<br />

Greenland in particular.<br />

The three shared not only an interest<br />

in investigating how indigenous peoples<br />

– therefore also “Eskimos” – have been<br />

represented in Western ethnography<br />

and films over the last nine decades.<br />

They also wished to discuss with the<br />

general public what they saw and, if<br />

possible, to reverse the ethnographic<br />

and filmic gaze so that it could see itself.<br />

In other words, they took the same<br />

viewing angle that the ethnographic<br />

film has imposed on indigenous peoples<br />

in order to apply it to ethnographic film<br />

itself. It goes without saying that in this<br />

process the focus fell on the ethnographers,<br />

archaeologists, filmmakers and<br />

TV people, who made the films, and in<br />

a further sense on the cinemagoers and<br />

TV viewers, who had seen them and<br />

taken the films for gospel.<br />

Thus, with analysis and satire as<br />

their weapons SfEFB sallied forth and<br />

arranged a number of public séances,<br />

as they called them. They took place at,<br />

for instance, the National Museum of<br />

Denmark, the Greenland House and the<br />

Danish Polar Center in Copenhagen and<br />

were built up around an introductory<br />

presentation from SfEFB, the showing<br />

of one or more films and a subsequent<br />

discussion with the audience.<br />

The film material covered a lot of<br />

ground and included an early silent film<br />

like Den store Grønlandsfilm [The Great<br />

Greenland Film] from 1921, directed<br />

by Eduard Schnedler-Sørensen & H.F.<br />

Rimmen, and filmed during the first half<br />

of the so-called “5th Thule Expedition”<br />

under the leadership of the renowned polar<br />

explorer Knud Rasmussen. But also<br />

more recent material, like Martin Appelt<br />

& Ole Malling’s documentary Tunit – det<br />

forsvundne folk [Tunit – The People that<br />

Disappeared] from 1998 (screened on<br />

Danish television in 1999), formed part<br />

of the material shown.<br />

The film programme takes its title<br />

from an essay of the same name that<br />

Erik Gant published in Tidsskriftet<br />

Grønland in 1996. His title refers both<br />

to the West’s misrepresentations of<br />

“the Eskimo” as “eccentric” in her/his<br />

difference from white people and to his<br />

own “eccentric” position as a modern<br />

“Greenlander”, who regards these<br />

misrepresentations displaced from<br />

them, and who in this displacement is<br />

forced to recognise that even if he could<br />

go behind them, there is no way back to<br />

the original “Eskimoicity”. In this optic<br />

the eccentric Greenlander is at one and<br />

the same time in the process of going<br />

under and on the way to becoming a<br />

good example – “equipped as we are<br />

with a sure sense that being oneself is<br />

also always to be something else”, as<br />

Gant concludes his text.<br />

With the film programme this section<br />

wishes to spell out some of the “Eskimoic”<br />

representation models that Arke<br />

and other postcolonial artists have<br />

tried to confront: Eskimoic originality,<br />

naturalness, primitiveness, childishness,<br />

collectivism, pre-logic, peaceableness and<br />

spontaneous joie-de-vivre.<br />

The film programme consists of<br />

the two films listed below, which are<br />

screened alternately every day during<br />

museum opening hours:<br />

Eduard Schnedler-Sørensen & H.F.<br />

Rimmen. Den store Grønlandsfilm [The<br />

Great Greenland Film]. 1921.<br />

Leo Hansen. Med Hundeslæde<br />

gennem Alaska [With a Dog Sledge<br />

Through Alaska]. 1926.<br />

On January 23 and March 10, 2010<br />

two public discussion séances will be<br />

held, at which in SfEFB’s spirit we will<br />

show and discuss the last-mentioned<br />

film. For more info, see “Events during<br />

the exhibition” on p. 76.<br />


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