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gata pissaanera erseqqissaqqippaa.<br />

Inuup nunatallu imminnut<br />

taartigiiaarnerat, inooriaatsip<br />

nunasiallu akornanni, taamaallaaterseqissarneqarsinnaanngilaq<br />

nunap timitaqanngitsumik<br />

pilikki atorlugu pappialamut<br />

titartaanikkut, kisiannili isummamigutallangoriataallaqqissumik<br />

aattaqartumillu sippoqarpoq<br />

kaffinik, taratsunik, sukkunik,<br />

qaqorteqqasunik il.il.; nioqqutissanik<br />

pigisanillu paarlagaanneq,<br />

nunasiap ulluinnarni atugaraa<br />

atortarsimallugulu, minnerunngitsumillu<br />

nunarsuarmi politikkip<br />

aningaasarsiornerullu atuutinnerinut<br />

tulluuppoq. Legende-mi<br />

Arkep iluatsippaa naalaarluarluni<br />

misiginneqatiginnillunilu nunap<br />

assingata timitaqanngitsup paasisallu<br />

titartarnerat qaangerpaa<br />

ulluinnarni inuunerup ilungersunartup<br />

ilanngunneratigut. Soorlulusooq<br />

nunataq inunnit tassani<br />

suli inuusunit nassuiarneqarsinnaallunilu<br />

allamik nassuiaaseqqinneqarsinnaasoq.<br />

Tassuunarpiarlumi Legende-p<br />

eqquissumik ataqatigiissilerpai inuup<br />

ataatsip kinaassutsiminik inuunerminilu<br />

ilikkakkamigut qamani<br />

pigisai nunarsuarmilu politikki,<br />

nunap assiliaq, nunatamik killiliisoq,<br />

ataatsikkut ilivitsunngortillugit,<br />

sunniisinnaanngorlugit inuillu<br />

inuuneri nutaamik paasineqarsinnaasunngorlugit.<br />

Jan-Erik Lundström<br />

Pia Arke. Legend I-V. 1999<br />

The title of this series of<br />

works, Legend (in Latin<br />

“legenda” = things to read,<br />

in English “legend” = story,<br />

caption, inscription, explanation<br />

of symbols on a<br />

map), reminds us of the<br />

fact that a map is always<br />

something more than and<br />

different from a simple<br />

and immediate and given<br />

picture of a territory. Rather<br />

than imitating or reproducing<br />

the territory, the map<br />

commands and defines the<br />

territory it depicts. Perhaps<br />

one could even say that the<br />

map creates the territory.<br />

Before the map’s intervention<br />

there were no borders,<br />

no outside and no inside, no<br />

my and no your territory.<br />

After the map’s intervention<br />

the contours of the territory<br />

have been carved in stone,<br />

places have received new<br />

identities, landscapes have<br />

been coloured and living<br />

spaces fenced in.<br />

In the five collages of maps,<br />

photographs and other<br />

material that constitute<br />

the series Legend Pia Arke<br />

contrasts the colonial map<br />

– the map that was drawn<br />

by the coloniser’s cartographers<br />

– with the presence of<br />

individuals. Here, in the territory,<br />

there are, there live<br />

individuals. A human being<br />

seen through a photographic<br />

portrait placed in the middle<br />

of the map, visualises the<br />

map’s ambitions: to identify<br />

and fence in people’s everyday<br />

lives, to colour and<br />

define their goals.<br />

But Legend rearticulates<br />

the power of the map in<br />

more than one way. The<br />

exchange between man and<br />

territory, between life-world<br />

and colony, was not only<br />

characterised by an abstract<br />

cartography but also derives<br />

its strength from a material<br />

economy. That is why<br />

the maps in Legend are not<br />

just geometries of ink on<br />

paper, but temperament-<br />

and blood-filled remains<br />

of coffee, salt, sugar, rice,<br />

etc.; the exchange of goods<br />

and things that constitutes<br />

and constituted the daily<br />

life of the colony and, not<br />

least, its geopolitical and<br />

economic raison d’être. In<br />

Legend Arke has succeeded<br />

with sensitive empathy<br />

in overlaying the abstract<br />

geometry and empiricism of<br />

the map with the lived toil<br />

of daily life. And with hope.<br />

As if it were still possible for<br />

the territory to defined and<br />

redefined by the people who<br />

live there.<br />

It is exactly in this way that<br />

Legend so precisely unites<br />

life experiences rooted in<br />

personal biography with<br />

geopolitics; how the small<br />

strokes of the pen – which<br />

change a map, a map picture,<br />

and which draw in a<br />

territory – can completely,<br />

at one and the same time,<br />

affect and redefine people’s<br />

lives.<br />

Jan-Erik Lundström<br />


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