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Øland: A state ethnography of progressivism 79<br />

thread is intrinsically tied to the previous thread and the psychologists’ interest in<br />

young children and development.<br />

It is clear that the pedagogy of schooling during the period under study was<br />

influenced by the pedagogy of kindergartens, infants and young children, and the<br />

understanding of the child that is associated with the insights derived from develop-<br />

mental psychology. ‘The child’ that emerged drew on psychological understandings<br />

of young children. The circle of people that gathered around and took part in activi-<br />

ties at ‘The school for kindergarten teachers’ (Kursus for småbørnspædagoger), called<br />

Kursus, thus became part of the overall construction of the field of significant school<br />

pedagogues. In the 1920s, Thora Constantin-Hansen and Sofie Rifbjerg – on requests<br />

from several female kindergarten teachers – began to lecture about kindergarten pe-<br />

dagogy and psychology in a three-month long course. In 1928, an educational<br />

course, having a duration of two years, was initiated (Rifbjerg 1966: 223). The pur-<br />

pose of the course was to develop these young women: to make them independent<br />

and liberal pedagogues, respecting the child’s spontaneous growth, discovering the<br />

powers of the child to let these powers grow. 20 Furthermore, the young women were<br />

to learn to contain their urge to reprimand as well as their urge to think of specific<br />

behaviour as societal damage. They were to respect every act from the child, because<br />

the acts were considered the only way to acquaint oneself with the inner characte-<br />

ristics of the child: the mental life of the child. To observe the acts and moves of the<br />

child was a prerequisite for arranging activities in order to make sure that further de-<br />

velopment, academically and as a human being in general, was put on the ‘right<br />

track’.<br />

Examining the activities at Kursus, it appears that Kursus paid considerable atten-<br />

tion to the dawning conception of the human nature that was about to find its way<br />

into the school. Creative work and human activity were important elements of the<br />

thinking at Kursus, and the lecturers at Kursus reflected this. Thus, the psychologists<br />

Sofie Rifbjerg, Anne Marie Nørvig, C. C. Kragh-Müller, P. W. Perch, Inger Kristine<br />

Mortensen and Inger Bernth, the philosopher and psychoanalyst Sigurd Næsgaard,<br />

the composer and music pedagogue Bernard Christensen, the piano player and jazz<br />

pedagogue (and later professor of literature) Sven Møller Kristensen, the ‘teacher of<br />

rhythms’ Astrid Gøssel, the teacher Torben Gregersen, the philosopher Knud Grue-<br />

Sørensen and the philologist and historian Elin Appel – and more – all joined Kur-<br />

sus. 21 Several of them were at the same time part of the circle involved in ‘The cultu-<br />

ral battle’, the teachers’ division of ‘A liberated Denmark’ or another of the already<br />

20 Cf. the pamphlet ‘Montessorikursus. Toaarigt uddannelseskursus for smaabørnslærerinder ved Sofie<br />

Rifbjerg, mag.art., og Sigurd Næsgaard, Dr. Phil.’, dated January 10, 1930, the depository ‘Ordinary<br />

Schools’ (‘Almindelige skoler’), The Royal Library: The Collection of Pamphlets and Corporate Publications<br />

(Det Kongelige Biblioteks Småtrykssamling). Kursus was called Montessorikursus 1928-1933.<br />

21 The archives of ‘The school for kindergarten teachers’, Provincial Archives of Zealand (Arkivet for<br />

Seminariet for småbørnspædagoger, Landsarkivet for Sjælland m.v.). From these archives, e.g., a guest<br />

book and different historical material, newspaper clippings etc., have been read through. Furthermore,<br />

annual accounting reports 1944-1959 have been read through, retrieving information on the teachers<br />


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